From acfada1add5d597692959ae1daf4479ddc1a5c30 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: prachtom <>
Date: Sun, 31 Jan 2021 23:42:15 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] final startexts

 Assets/Scenes/hospoda.unity          | 320 +++++++++++++
 Assets/Scenes/les_novy.unity         |   4 +-
 Assets/Scenes/namnesti_novy.unity    | 667 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 Assets/Scenes/podzemi.unity          | 446 +++++++++++++++++-
 Assets/Scripts/Endgame.cs            |  24 +-
 Assets/Scripts/EndgameInn.cs         |  27 ++
 Assets/Scripts/EndgameInn.cs.meta    |  11 +
 Assets/Scripts/EndgameSquare.cs      |  51 ++
 Assets/Scripts/EndgameSquare.cs.meta |  11 +
 9 files changed, 1546 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 Assets/Scripts/EndgameInn.cs
 create mode 100644 Assets/Scripts/EndgameInn.cs.meta
 create mode 100644 Assets/Scripts/EndgameSquare.cs
 create mode 100644 Assets/Scripts/EndgameSquare.cs.meta

diff --git a/Assets/Scenes/hospoda.unity b/Assets/Scenes/hospoda.unity
index ecf7bb1..6d958d8 100644
--- a/Assets/Scenes/hospoda.unity
+++ b/Assets/Scenes/hospoda.unity
@@ -2624,6 +2624,151 @@ Transform:
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+--- !u!1001 &440074033
+  m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
+  serializedVersion: 2
+  m_Modification:
+    m_TransformParent: {fileID: 0}
+    m_Modifications:
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861680827678655, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath: m_IsActive
+      value: 0
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544198, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath: m_LocalPosition.x
+      value: 0
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544198, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath: m_LocalPosition.y
+      value: 0
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544198, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath: m_LocalPosition.z
+      value: 0
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544198, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath: m_LocalRotation.x
+      value: 0
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544198, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath: m_LocalRotation.y
+      value: 0
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544198, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath: m_LocalRotation.z
+      value: 0
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544198, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath: m_LocalRotation.w
+      value: 1
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544198, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath: m_RootOrder
+      value: 10
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544198, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath: m_LocalEulerAnglesHint.x
+      value: 0
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544198, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath: m_LocalEulerAnglesHint.y
+      value: 0
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544198, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath: m_LocalEulerAnglesHint.z
+      value: 0
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544199, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath: Text.Array.size
+      value: 5
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544199, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath: GameOver
+      value: 1
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544199, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath:[0]
+      value: 'I don''t know what was actualy on my mind when I drew the blade.
+        Did
+        I think that I could get away with it?
+        Or that taking one life
+        would change anything?
+        Perhaps I noticed that the innkeeper was
+        the mastermind behind it all...
+        ...or maybe that was just my mind
+        playing tricks on me.'
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544199, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath:[1]
+      value: 'I wonder about it every second since they closed the doors of this
+        cell.
+        Every second as the night is nearing it''s end.
+        Truth
+        be told, when I was steping into the my new home, I actualy thought I might
+        one day leave.
+        Like one life is something insignificant for them
+        to just fogive me some day.'
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544199, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath:[2]
+      value: 'But that won''t happen.
+        Few moments ago I started
+        to feel it. How the dark magic is stealing my life, just like it did to the
+        forest.
+        And tomorow morning all that I will leave behind will be
+        a lifeless corpes lying in a dead city.'
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544199, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath:[3]
+      value: I failed
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544199, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath:[4]
+      value: 'THE END
+        Thank you for playing.
+        The
+        game will now restart.'
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544201, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath: m_Name
+      value: StarWarsText_Innkeeper
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    m_RemovedComponents: []
+  m_SourcePrefab: {fileID: 100100000, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+--- !u!114 &440074034 stripped
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+  m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0}
+  m_GameObject: {fileID: 0}
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@@ -4806,6 +4951,7 @@ GameObject:
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+  - component: {fileID: 991757215}
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@@ -4831,6 +4977,20 @@ Transform:
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   m_RootOrder: 6
   m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
+--- !u!114 &991757215
+  m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
+  m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0}
+  m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0}
+  m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0}
+  m_GameObject: {fileID: 991757213}
+  m_Enabled: 1
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+  m_Name: 
+  m_EditorClassIdentifier: 
+  StarWarsText_Innkeeper_Murderer: {fileID: 1028290739}
+  StarWarsText_Innkeeper: {fileID: 440074034}
 --- !u!1 &1018509652
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@@ -4861,6 +5021,154 @@ Transform:
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   m_RootOrder: 0
   m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 46.13, z: 0}
+--- !u!1001 &1028290738
+  m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
+  serializedVersion: 2
+  m_Modification:
+    m_TransformParent: {fileID: 0}
+    m_Modifications:
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+      propertyPath: m_IsActive
+      value: 0
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544198, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath: m_LocalPosition.x
+      value: 0
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544198, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath: m_LocalPosition.y
+      value: 0
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544198, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath: m_LocalPosition.z
+      value: 0
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544198, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath: m_LocalRotation.x
+      value: 0
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544198, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath: m_LocalRotation.y
+      value: 0
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544198, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath: m_LocalRotation.z
+      value: 0
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544198, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath: m_LocalRotation.w
+      value: 1
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544198, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath: m_RootOrder
+      value: 11
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544198, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath: m_LocalEulerAnglesHint.x
+      value: 0
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544198, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath: m_LocalEulerAnglesHint.y
+      value: 0
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544198, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath: m_LocalEulerAnglesHint.z
+      value: 0
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544199, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath: Text.Array.size
+      value: 6
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544199, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath: GameOver
+      value: 1
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544199, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath:[5]
+      value: 'THE END
+        Thank you for playing.
+        The
+        game will now restart.'
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544199, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath:[4]
+      value: Forgive me.
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544199, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath:[3]
+      value: ...because in few moments, I won't be here.
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544199, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath:[2]
+      value: 'Because as I was sitting in an empty room, held in place with chains,
+        I felt it. How the life was slowly taken from my body.
+        It
+        seems that in the end I still failed. The same thing that happened in the
+        forrest is now happening in the town and there''s noone who can stop it.
+        After
+        few moments there won''t be a point for me to think about it, because...'
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544199, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath:[1]
+      value: 'It didn''t take long for the guards to corner me.
+        I even
+        took one of them down before they restrained me.
+        I still don''t
+        know why they didn''t just kill me.
+        In my opinion, destiny
+        wanted to laugh at me
+        one... more... time.'
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544199, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath:[0]
+      value: 'I came to this town to deal with a problem and I did it the only way
+        I knew.
+        I left a small pile of
+        bodies after me and the innkeeper was just the last of them.'
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544201, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath: m_Name
+      value: StarWarsText_Innkeeper_Murderer
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    m_RemovedComponents: []
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+--- !u!114 &1028290739 stripped
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@@ -6101,6 +6409,18 @@ MonoBehaviour:
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+        m_TargetAssemblyTypeName: Nudle.Scripts.EndgameInn, Assembly-CSharp
+        m_MethodName: Show
+        m_Mode: 1
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+          m_ObjectArgument: {fileID: 0}
+          m_ObjectArgumentAssemblyTypeName: UnityEngine.Object, UnityEngine
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+          m_StringArgument: 
+          m_BoolArgument: 0
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 --- !u!1001 &1359297625
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diff --git a/Assets/Scenes/les_novy.unity b/Assets/Scenes/les_novy.unity
index cb917f0..d423001 100644
--- a/Assets/Scenes/les_novy.unity
+++ b/Assets/Scenes/les_novy.unity
@@ -1426,8 +1426,8 @@ PrefabInstance:
       value: "It\u2019s been one of those evenings. Grey, cold enough to make you
         wear a coat, but not cold enough to justify earmuffs. Shame. As I\u2019ve
-        fed the campfire with more wood, I pondered my latest assignment. Some magics
-        gone haywire in a small, secluded town."
+        fed the campfire with more wood, I pondered my latest assignment. This sunday
+        some magics gone haywire in a small, secluded town."
       objectReference: {fileID: 0}
     - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544199, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
diff --git a/Assets/Scenes/namnesti_novy.unity b/Assets/Scenes/namnesti_novy.unity
index 455bc91..b9b9a37 100644
--- a/Assets/Scenes/namnesti_novy.unity
+++ b/Assets/Scenes/namnesti_novy.unity
@@ -1207,6 +1207,7 @@ GameObject:
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+  - component: {fileID: 65396995}
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@@ -1249,6 +1250,23 @@ MonoBehaviour:
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   PotionBuyer: {fileID: 102566095}
   Dungeon_Examin: {fileID: 1143187099}
+--- !u!114 &65396995
+  m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
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+  StarWarsText_Priest_Murderer: {fileID: 936468297}
+  StarWarsText_Priest_Pyrrha: {fileID: 2078968647}
 --- !u!1 &72123956
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@@ -2503,7 +2521,7 @@ PrefabInstance:
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-      value: 4
+      value: 8
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@@ -2655,7 +2673,7 @@ PrefabInstance:
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-      value: 2
+      value: 6
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       propertyPath: m_LocalEulerAnglesHint.x
@@ -10067,7 +10085,19 @@ MonoBehaviour:
       m_Calls: []
-      m_Calls: []
+      m_Calls:
+      - m_Target: {fileID: 65396995}
+        m_TargetAssemblyTypeName: Nudle.Scripts.EndgameSquare, Assembly-CSharp
+        m_MethodName: ShowCaptain
+        m_Mode: 1
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+          m_ObjectArgument: {fileID: 0}
+          m_ObjectArgumentAssemblyTypeName: UnityEngine.Object, UnityEngine
+          m_IntArgument: 0
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+          m_StringArgument: 
+          m_BoolArgument: 0
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 --- !u!135 &798924108
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@@ -10555,7 +10585,7 @@ Transform:
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-  m_RootOrder: 3
+  m_RootOrder: 7
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 --- !u!114 &821848964
@@ -12411,6 +12441,140 @@ Transform:
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+--- !u!1001 &867335243
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+      value: 0
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
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+      value: 0
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544198, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
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+      value: 1
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+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544199, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath:[0]
+      value: "I don't know what was actualy on my mind when I drew the blade.\n\nDid
+        I think that I could get away with it?\nOr that taking one life would change
+        anything?\nPerhaps I noticed that the priest was the mastermind behind it
+        all... \n\n...or maybe that was just my mind playing tricks on me."
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544199, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath:[1]
+      value: 'I wonder about it every second since they closed the doors of this
+        cell. Every second as the night is nearing it''s end.
+        Truth be
+        told, when I was steping into the my new home, I actualy thought I might
+        one day leave.
+        Like one life is something insignificant for them
+        to just fogive me some day.'
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544199, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath:[2]
+      value: 'But that won''t happen.
+        Few moments ago I started to feel
+        it. How the dark magic is stealing my life, just like it did to the forest.
+        And
+        tomorow morning all that I will leave behind will be a lifeless corpes lying
+        in a dead city.'
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544199, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath:[3]
+      value: I failed
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544199, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath:[4]
+      value: 'THE END
+        Thank you for playing.
+        The game will now
+        restart.'
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544201, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath: m_Name
+      value: StarWarsText_Priest
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
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@@ -12869,6 +13033,153 @@ Transform:
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+      value: 0
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+      propertyPath: m_LocalRotation.x
+      value: 0
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
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+      propertyPath: m_LocalRotation.y
+      value: 0
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
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+      propertyPath: m_LocalRotation.z
+      value: 0
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
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+      propertyPath: m_LocalRotation.w
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+      value: 2
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+      value: 0
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544198, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath: m_LocalEulerAnglesHint.y
+      value: 0
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544198, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath: m_LocalEulerAnglesHint.z
+      value: 0
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+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544199, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath: Text.Array.size
+      value: 6
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
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+      propertyPath: GameOver
+      value: 1
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544199, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath:[0]
+      value: 'I came to this town to deal with a problem and I did it the only way
+        I knew.
+        I left a small pile of bodies after me and the priest
+        was just the last of them.'
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544199, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath:[1]
+      value: 'It didn''t take long for the guards to corner me.
+        I even took
+        one of them down before they restrained me.
+        I still don''t know
+        why they didn''t just kill me.
+        In my opinion, destiny wanted to
+        laugh at me
+        one... more... time.'
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544199, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath:[2]
+      value: 'Because as I was sitting in an empty room, held in place with chains,
+        I felt it. How the life was slowly taken from my body.
+        It seems
+        that in the end I still failed. The same thing that happened in the forrest
+        is now happening in the town and there''s noone who can stop it.
+        After
+        few moments there won''t be a point for me to think about it, because...
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544199, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath:[3]
+      value: ...because in few moments, I won't be here.
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544199, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath:[4]
+      value: Forgive me.
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544199, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath:[5]
+      value: 'THE END
+        Thank you for playing.
+        The game will now
+        restart.'
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544201, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath: m_Name
+      value: StarWarsText_Priest_Murderer
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
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@@ -18316,7 +18627,7 @@ PrefabInstance:
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-      value: 1
+      value: 5
       objectReference: {fileID: 0}
     - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544199, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
       propertyPath: GameOver
@@ -18324,11 +18635,56 @@ PrefabInstance:
       objectReference: {fileID: 0}
     - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544199, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
-      value: BUSTED
+      value: "I don't know what was actualy on my mind when I drew the blade.\n\nDid
+        I think that I could get away with it?\nOr that taking one life would change
+        anything?\nPerhaps I noticed that the captain was the mastermind behind it
+        all... \n\n...or maybe that was just my mind playing tricks on me."
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544199, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath:[1]
+      value: 'I wonder about it every second since they closed the doors of this
+        cell. Every second as the night is nearing it''s end.
+        Truth be
+        told, when I was steping into the my new home, I actualy thought I might
+        one day leave.
+        Like one life is something insignificant for them
+        to just fogive me some day.'
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544199, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath:[2]
+      value: 'But that won''t happen.
+        Few moments ago I started to feel
+        it. How the dark magic is stealing my life, just like it did to the forest.
+        And
+        tomorow morning all that I will leave behind will be a lifeless corpes lying
+        in a dead city.'
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544199, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath:[3]
+      value: I failed
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544199, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath:[4]
+      value: 'THE END
+        Thank you for playing.
+        The game will now
+        restart.'
       objectReference: {fileID: 0}
     - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544201, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
       propertyPath: m_Name
-      value: StarWarsText
+      value: StarWarsText_Captain
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@@ -18337,6 +18693,17 @@ Transform:
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+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
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+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
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+      value: 0
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544198, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
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+      value: 0
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544198, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
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+      value: 0
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
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+      value: 1
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544199, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath:[0]
+      value: 'I came to this town to deal with a problem and I did it the only way
+        I knew.
+        I left a small pile of bodies after me and the captain
+        was just the last of them.'
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544199, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath:[1]
+      value: 'It didn''t take long for the guards to corner me.
+        I even took
+        one of them down before they restrained me.
+        I still don''t know
+        why they didn''t just kill me.
+        In my opinion, destiny wanted to
+        laugh at me
+        one... more... time.'
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544199, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath:[2]
+      value: 'Because as I was sitting in an empty room, held in place with chains,
+        I felt it. How the life was slowly taken from my body.
+        It seems
+        that in the end I still failed. The same thing that happened in the forrest
+        is now happening in the town and there''s noone who can stop it.
+        After
+        few moments there won''t be a point for me to think about it, because...
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544199, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath:[3]
+      value: ...because in few moments, I won't be here.
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544199, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath:[4]
+      value: Forgive me.
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544199, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath:[5]
+      value: 'THE END
+        Thank you for playing.
+        The game will now
+        restart.'
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544201, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath: m_Name
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+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
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+      value: 'With the priest dead that was the last of the cultists.
+        She
+        guards swarmed the town square right after that.
+        I was no mach to
+        them. I was outnumbered and had to surrender, but it does not matter.
+        I
+        might go to prison, but I took care of the problem and if the council ever
+        needs me, the''ll get me out.'
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
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+      propertyPath:[1]
+      value: 'What''s important is that magic will stay secret... and maybe that
+        some lives were saved.
+        Was this the end of my story?
+        Who
+        knows, I guess only time will tell.'
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
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+      propertyPath:[2]
+      value: 'THE END
+        Thank you for playing.
+        The game will now
+        restart.'
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544201, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
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+      value: I didn't have to wait too long for the cultists to come. It was probably
+        eavning when I hear their footsteps as they went down the stairs.
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544199, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath:[1]
+      value: 'But to my surprise they weren''t alone. They draged with them tied
+        up woman.
+        When they stepped into the light of a torch I recognized
+        her. It was the town witch. With her hands tied up and a gag in her mouth.
+        I
+        speculated for a while why they dragged her there, but in the end it was
+        pointless.'
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544199, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath:[2]
+      value: 'I tried to stop them there.
+        How?
+        I guess it doesn''t
+        matter.
+        No matter what I did could change the outcome now.'
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544199, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath:[3]
+      value: The last thing I saw was them succeding in the ritual and the Skeleton
+        King rising from the dead.
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544199, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath:[4]
+      value: 'Maybe I could have prevented it, maybe if I prepared better, or acted
+        faster.
+        But it doesn''t matter. The world as I know it has come
+        to an end...'
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544199, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath:[5]
+      value: ...and so have I.
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544199, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath:[6]
+      value: 'THE END
+        Thank you for playing.
+        The
+        game will now restart.'
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544201, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
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+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544199, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath:[0]
+      value: 'Today was a long day.
+        One cultist dead in his own office.
+        Another scared enough to never have anything to do with occult ever again.
+        Only
+        the last one remains.'
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544199, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath:[1]
+      value: 'I waited for him with a my trap, to deal with this once and for all.
+        His
+        lonely footsteps resonated thru out the catacombs. Slowly walking down the
+        stairs and with each step getting closer to it''s unsuspecting demise.
+        As
+        he passed by the lights you could still see there was the dignified presence
+        of the priest. But behind it was man willing to do anything for his own cause.'
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544199, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath:[2]
+      value: 'Once he reached the ritual chamber he slowly finished his preparation
+        for the ritual.
+        Once workload for three was now done systematicaly
+        by one. His motion while he done so were strangely calm. Like the absence
+        of his companions was nothing important.
+        There was nothing else
+        for me there to witness. And so the plan finaly came together.'
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544199, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath:[3]
+      value: 'Just moments later, I was stepping out of the crypt into the graveyard
+        leaving priest''s dead body hidden behind his own secret doors.
+        The
+        job was done and I was on my way back to the council, ready for my next work.'
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544199, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath:[4]
+      value: 'THE END
+        Thank you for playing.
+        The
+        game will now restart.'
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
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+      propertyPath:[0]
+      value: 'The trap was set and I just had to wait for them co step into it.
+        There
+        was no way for them to know about it. It was the perfect plan to deal with
+        the cultists.
+        They will simply try to perform their ritual and
+        instead of it doing what they want, it will backfire and kill them.
+        Nothing
+        could go wrong now...'
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544199, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath:[1]
+      value: ...or so I thought.
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
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+      propertyPath:[2]
+      value: 'When they came they were not alone. They also brought another person
+        with them.
+        It was the witch. Tied up as their prisoner. Probably
+        ment to be used as some kind of sacrifice from the looks of it.'
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544199, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath:[3]
+      value: 'As always, life enjoys a bit of irony now and then. The architect of
+        the trap was about to experience it herself.
+        It wasn''t right.
+        I could have done something about it...'
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544199, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath:[4]
+      value: ...and maybe I did.
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544199, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath:[5]
+      value: THE END?
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544199, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath:[6]
+      value: 'Message from Nudle (Devs)
+        "This is sadly everything there
+        is so far regarding this part of finale. When we finish it eventualy, there
+        will be some choice in how the story will end here. But for now, this is
+        all to this end there is."'
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544199, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath:[7]
+      value: 'THE END
+        Thank you for playing.
+        The
+        game will now restart.'
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    - target: {fileID: 3462861681459544201, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+      propertyPath: m_Name
+      value: StarWarsText_Sabotage
+      objectReference: {fileID: 0}
+    m_RemovedComponents: []
+  m_SourcePrefab: {fileID: 100100000, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+--- !u!4 &1624584196 stripped
+  m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 3462861681459544198, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+  m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 1624584195}
+  m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0}
+--- !u!114 &1624584197 stripped
+  m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 3462861681459544199, guid: 6cf5d1977d167114dbbd6506539e3556, type: 3}
+  m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 1624584195}
+  m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0}
+  m_GameObject: {fileID: 0}
+  m_Enabled: 1
+  m_EditorHideFlags: 0
+  m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: 3927d7ada9f902946a4902aac27dfd71, type: 3}
+  m_Name: 
+  m_EditorClassIdentifier: 
 --- !u!4 &1625092051 stripped
   m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: -8679921383154817045, guid: 892375108e29fb04f8c7bf326a043b20, type: 3}
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/Endgame.cs b/Assets/Scripts/Endgame.cs
index 08f2b43..db97807 100644
--- a/Assets/Scripts/Endgame.cs
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/Endgame.cs
@@ -4,11 +4,27 @@ namespace Nudle.Scripts
     public class Endgame : MonoBehaviour
+		public StarWarsText StarWarsText_Sabotage;
+		public StarWarsText StarWarsText_Combine;
+		public StarWarsText StarWarsText_Fail;
         public void Show()
-            if (!Dialogue.DialogueUtil.IsFlagSet("End_Game"))
-                return;
-            FindObjectOfType<StarWarsText>().Show();
-        }
+            if (Dialogue.DialogueUtil.IsFlagSet("End_Game"))
+			{
+				if (Dialogue.DialogueUtil.IsFlagSet("Mayor_Dead") && Dialogue.DialogueUtil.IsFlagSet("Innkeeper_Convinced") && !Dialogue.DialogueUtil.IsFlagSet("Priest_Dead"))
+				{
+					StarWarsText_Combine.Show();
+				}
+				else if (Dialogue.DialogueUtil.IsFlagSet("Sabotage_Done"))
+				{
+					StarWarsText_Sabotage.Show();
+				}
+				else 
+				{
+					StarWarsText_Fail.Show();
+				}
+			}
+		}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/EndgameInn.cs b/Assets/Scripts/EndgameInn.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9809c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/EndgameInn.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+using UnityEngine;
+namespace Nudle.Scripts
+    public class EndgameInn : MonoBehaviour
+    {
+		public StarWarsText StarWarsText_Innkeeper_Murderer;
+		public StarWarsText StarWarsText_Innkeeper;
+        public void Show()
+        {
+			if (Dialogue.DialogueUtil.IsFlagSet("Innkeeper_Dead"))
+			{
+				if (Dialogue.DialogueUtil.IsFlagSet("Mayor_Dead")
+					|| Dialogue.DialogueUtil.IsFlagSet("Scribe_Dead")
+				  	|| Dialogue.DialogueUtil.IsFlagSet("Witch_Dead"))
+				{
+            		StarWarsText_Innkeeper_Murderer.Show();
+				}
+				else
+				{
+            		StarWarsText_Innkeeper.Show();
+				}
+			}
+        }
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/EndgameInn.cs.meta b/Assets/Scripts/EndgameInn.cs.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..976f055
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/EndgameInn.cs.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 3c806688da10693458563d7561c53be5
+  externalObjects: {}
+  serializedVersion: 2
+  defaultReferences: []
+  executionOrder: 0
+  icon: {instanceID: 0}
+  userData: 
+  assetBundleName: 
+  assetBundleVariant: 
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/EndgameSquare.cs b/Assets/Scripts/EndgameSquare.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..60dc4a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/EndgameSquare.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+using UnityEngine;
+namespace Nudle.Scripts
+    public class EndgameSquare : MonoBehaviour
+    {
+		public StarWarsText StarWarsText_Captain;
+		public StarWarsText StarWarsText_Captain_Murderer;
+		public StarWarsText StarWarsText_Priest;
+		public StarWarsText StarWarsText_Priest_Murderer;
+		public StarWarsText StarWarsText_Priest_Pyrrha;
+        public void ShowPriest()
+        {
+            if (Dialogue.DialogueUtil.IsFlagSet("Priest_Dead"))
+			{
+				if(Dialogue.DialogueUtil.IsFlagSet("Mayor_Dead") && Dialogue.DialogueUtil.IsFlagSet("Innkeeper_Convinced"))
+				{
+            		StarWarsText_Priest_Pyrrha.Show();
+				}
+				else if (Dialogue.DialogueUtil.IsFlagSet("Mayor_Dead")
+					|| Dialogue.DialogueUtil.IsFlagSet("Scribe_Dead")
+				  	|| Dialogue.DialogueUtil.IsFlagSet("Witch_Dead"))
+				{
+            		StarWarsText_Priest_Murderer.Show();
+				}
+				else
+				{
+            		StarWarsText_Priest.Show();
+				}
+			}
+        }
+        public void ShowCaptain()
+        {
+            if (Dialogue.DialogueUtil.IsFlagSet("Captain_Dead"))
+			{
+				if (Dialogue.DialogueUtil.IsFlagSet("Mayor_Dead")
+					|| Dialogue.DialogueUtil.IsFlagSet("Scribe_Dead")
+				  	|| Dialogue.DialogueUtil.IsFlagSet("Witch_Dead"))
+				{
+            		StarWarsText_Captain_Murderer.Show();
+				}
+				else
+				{
+            		StarWarsText_Captain.Show();
+				}
+			}
+        }
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Assets/Scripts/EndgameSquare.cs.meta b/Assets/Scripts/EndgameSquare.cs.meta
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..269ba50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assets/Scripts/EndgameSquare.cs.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+fileFormatVersion: 2
+guid: 59b1293f758d9ad48b332b8d4c700f23
+  externalObjects: {}
+  serializedVersion: 2
+  defaultReferences: []
+  executionOrder: 0
+  icon: {instanceID: 0}
+  userData: 
+  assetBundleName: 
+  assetBundleVariant: 