diff --git a/aaccess2/makefile b/aaccess2/makefile
index 4064fd013121e849e47c80f3733b1e5231d5ad38..bd9fb6f7bcf2fc7fa9d20ce5fc983aa693391c1b 100644
--- a/aaccess2/makefile
+++ b/aaccess2/makefile
@@ -1,174 +1,3 @@
--include ../build.conf
 -include makefile.conf
-ifeq ($(USE_LTO),1)
-LTO_PARAM:= -flto
-define NEW_LINE
-export NEW_LINE
-CXX_FLAGS := -Wall -pedantic -Wextra -Werror -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-qual -Wdelete-non-virtual-dtor -Wredundant-decls
-LDFLAGS_DEBUG:=-Wl,--no-as-needed $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-debug, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) -Wl,-rpath,.
-LDFLAGS_RELEASE:=-Wl,--no-as-needed $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-release, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) $(LTO_PARAM) -Wl,-rpath,.
-OBJECTS_DEBUG:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-debug/%.o, $(shell find src/ -name *cpp))
-OBJECTS_RELEASE:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-release/%.o, $(shell find src/ -name *cpp))
-.PHONY: all build-debug clean-debug doc
-	@echo "What to do master?"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# make subdir makefile
-%/makefile: makefile makefile.conf
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-	echo "\
-	SHELL:=/bin/bash$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	define NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	endef$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	export NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	CXXFLAGS:= -pipe -std=c++11 \$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS) -c $(CXX_FLAGS) -fPIC \$$(addprefix -I, \$$(realpath $(INCLUDE_PATHS)))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	SOURCES:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -type f -name \"*.cpp\")$${NEW_LINE}\
-	DEPENDENCIES:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d, \$$(SOURCES))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS:= \$$(patsubst %.d, %.o, \$$(DEPENDENCIES))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	SOURCES_DIRS:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS_DIRS:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%, %/, \$$(SOURCES_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS_DIRS_MAKEFILES:= \$$(patsubst %, %makefile, \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	.PHONY: all$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	all: \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS) \$$(OBJECTS)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%.d: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		@echo \"\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\") = \\$$\$$(shell (\\$$\$$(CXX) -M \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) 2>/dev/null || echo \\\"\$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) FORCE\\\") | sed \\\"s/.*://g;s/\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\//g\\\")\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@): \\$$\$$(\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\")) makefile\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-			\\$$\$$(CXX) \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \\$$\$$< -o \$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@)\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\" > \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%/makefile: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		mkdir -p \$$(dir \$$@)$${NEW_LINE}\
-		cp makefile \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%/: FORCE | %/makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		@accesstime=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(MAKE) -C \$$@ SRCDIR=\$$(SRCDIR)\$$(notdir \$$(patsubst %/, %, \$$@))/ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=\$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS=\"\$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS)\" && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		accesstime2=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		if [ "\$$\$$accesstime" -ne "\$$\$$accesstime2" ]; then \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-			touch .; \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		fi$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	-include \$$(DEPENDENCIES)" > $@
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# final lib/bin construction
-bin-debug/$(EXECUTABLE): obj-debug/ $(OBJECTS_DEBUG)
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-bin-release/$(EXECUTABLE): obj-release/ $(OBJECTS_RELEASE)
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# subdir make calls
-obj-debug/: FORCE | obj-debug/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-debug) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-g -Og -DDEBUG"
-obj-release/: FORCE | obj-release/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-release) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-O3 -DNDEBUG -DRELEASE $(LTO_PARAM)"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# objects dependencies
-$(OBJECTS_DEBUG): obj-debug/
-$(OBJECTS_RELEASE): obj-release/
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# standalone main targets
-build-code-debug: bin-debug/$(EXECUTABLE)
-build-code-release: bin-release/$(EXECUTABLE)
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# do all main targets
-	$(MAKE) build-code-debug
-	$(MAKE) build-code-release
-clean: clean-debug clean-release
-	$(RM) -r doc
-	if [ -L obj-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-debug`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L bin-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink bin-debug`;\
-	fi
-	$(RM) -r *.o *.d bin-debug obj-debug
-	if [ -L obj-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-release`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L lib-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink lib-release`;\
-	fi
-	$(RM) -r *.o *.d bin-release obj-release
-	doxygen
+-include ../build.conf
+-include ../makefile-binary
diff --git a/aarbology2/makefile b/aarbology2/makefile
index 4064fd013121e849e47c80f3733b1e5231d5ad38..bd9fb6f7bcf2fc7fa9d20ce5fc983aa693391c1b 100644
--- a/aarbology2/makefile
+++ b/aarbology2/makefile
@@ -1,174 +1,3 @@
--include ../build.conf
 -include makefile.conf
-ifeq ($(USE_LTO),1)
-LTO_PARAM:= -flto
-define NEW_LINE
-export NEW_LINE
-CXX_FLAGS := -Wall -pedantic -Wextra -Werror -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-qual -Wdelete-non-virtual-dtor -Wredundant-decls
-LDFLAGS_DEBUG:=-Wl,--no-as-needed $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-debug, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) -Wl,-rpath,.
-LDFLAGS_RELEASE:=-Wl,--no-as-needed $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-release, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) $(LTO_PARAM) -Wl,-rpath,.
-OBJECTS_DEBUG:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-debug/%.o, $(shell find src/ -name *cpp))
-OBJECTS_RELEASE:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-release/%.o, $(shell find src/ -name *cpp))
-.PHONY: all build-debug clean-debug doc
-	@echo "What to do master?"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# make subdir makefile
-%/makefile: makefile makefile.conf
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-	echo "\
-	SHELL:=/bin/bash$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	define NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	endef$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	export NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	CXXFLAGS:= -pipe -std=c++11 \$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS) -c $(CXX_FLAGS) -fPIC \$$(addprefix -I, \$$(realpath $(INCLUDE_PATHS)))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	SOURCES:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -type f -name \"*.cpp\")$${NEW_LINE}\
-	DEPENDENCIES:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d, \$$(SOURCES))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS:= \$$(patsubst %.d, %.o, \$$(DEPENDENCIES))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	SOURCES_DIRS:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS_DIRS:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%, %/, \$$(SOURCES_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS_DIRS_MAKEFILES:= \$$(patsubst %, %makefile, \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	.PHONY: all$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	all: \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS) \$$(OBJECTS)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%.d: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		@echo \"\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\") = \\$$\$$(shell (\\$$\$$(CXX) -M \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) 2>/dev/null || echo \\\"\$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) FORCE\\\") | sed \\\"s/.*://g;s/\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\//g\\\")\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@): \\$$\$$(\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\")) makefile\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-			\\$$\$$(CXX) \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \\$$\$$< -o \$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@)\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\" > \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%/makefile: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		mkdir -p \$$(dir \$$@)$${NEW_LINE}\
-		cp makefile \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%/: FORCE | %/makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		@accesstime=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(MAKE) -C \$$@ SRCDIR=\$$(SRCDIR)\$$(notdir \$$(patsubst %/, %, \$$@))/ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=\$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS=\"\$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS)\" && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		accesstime2=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		if [ "\$$\$$accesstime" -ne "\$$\$$accesstime2" ]; then \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-			touch .; \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		fi$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	-include \$$(DEPENDENCIES)" > $@
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# final lib/bin construction
-bin-debug/$(EXECUTABLE): obj-debug/ $(OBJECTS_DEBUG)
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-bin-release/$(EXECUTABLE): obj-release/ $(OBJECTS_RELEASE)
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# subdir make calls
-obj-debug/: FORCE | obj-debug/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-debug) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-g -Og -DDEBUG"
-obj-release/: FORCE | obj-release/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-release) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-O3 -DNDEBUG -DRELEASE $(LTO_PARAM)"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# objects dependencies
-$(OBJECTS_DEBUG): obj-debug/
-$(OBJECTS_RELEASE): obj-release/
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# standalone main targets
-build-code-debug: bin-debug/$(EXECUTABLE)
-build-code-release: bin-release/$(EXECUTABLE)
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# do all main targets
-	$(MAKE) build-code-debug
-	$(MAKE) build-code-release
-clean: clean-debug clean-release
-	$(RM) -r doc
-	if [ -L obj-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-debug`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L bin-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink bin-debug`;\
-	fi
-	$(RM) -r *.o *.d bin-debug obj-debug
-	if [ -L obj-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-release`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L lib-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink lib-release`;\
-	fi
-	$(RM) -r *.o *.d bin-release obj-release
-	doxygen
+-include ../build.conf
+-include ../makefile-binary
diff --git a/acast2/makefile b/acast2/makefile
index 4064fd013121e849e47c80f3733b1e5231d5ad38..bd9fb6f7bcf2fc7fa9d20ce5fc983aa693391c1b 100644
--- a/acast2/makefile
+++ b/acast2/makefile
@@ -1,174 +1,3 @@
--include ../build.conf
 -include makefile.conf
-ifeq ($(USE_LTO),1)
-LTO_PARAM:= -flto
-define NEW_LINE
-export NEW_LINE
-CXX_FLAGS := -Wall -pedantic -Wextra -Werror -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-qual -Wdelete-non-virtual-dtor -Wredundant-decls
-LDFLAGS_DEBUG:=-Wl,--no-as-needed $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-debug, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) -Wl,-rpath,.
-LDFLAGS_RELEASE:=-Wl,--no-as-needed $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-release, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) $(LTO_PARAM) -Wl,-rpath,.
-OBJECTS_DEBUG:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-debug/%.o, $(shell find src/ -name *cpp))
-OBJECTS_RELEASE:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-release/%.o, $(shell find src/ -name *cpp))
-.PHONY: all build-debug clean-debug doc
-	@echo "What to do master?"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# make subdir makefile
-%/makefile: makefile makefile.conf
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-	echo "\
-	SHELL:=/bin/bash$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	define NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	endef$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	export NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	CXXFLAGS:= -pipe -std=c++11 \$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS) -c $(CXX_FLAGS) -fPIC \$$(addprefix -I, \$$(realpath $(INCLUDE_PATHS)))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	SOURCES:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -type f -name \"*.cpp\")$${NEW_LINE}\
-	DEPENDENCIES:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d, \$$(SOURCES))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS:= \$$(patsubst %.d, %.o, \$$(DEPENDENCIES))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	SOURCES_DIRS:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS_DIRS:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%, %/, \$$(SOURCES_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS_DIRS_MAKEFILES:= \$$(patsubst %, %makefile, \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	.PHONY: all$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	all: \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS) \$$(OBJECTS)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%.d: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		@echo \"\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\") = \\$$\$$(shell (\\$$\$$(CXX) -M \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) 2>/dev/null || echo \\\"\$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) FORCE\\\") | sed \\\"s/.*://g;s/\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\//g\\\")\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@): \\$$\$$(\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\")) makefile\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-			\\$$\$$(CXX) \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \\$$\$$< -o \$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@)\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\" > \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%/makefile: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		mkdir -p \$$(dir \$$@)$${NEW_LINE}\
-		cp makefile \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%/: FORCE | %/makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		@accesstime=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(MAKE) -C \$$@ SRCDIR=\$$(SRCDIR)\$$(notdir \$$(patsubst %/, %, \$$@))/ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=\$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS=\"\$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS)\" && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		accesstime2=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		if [ "\$$\$$accesstime" -ne "\$$\$$accesstime2" ]; then \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-			touch .; \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		fi$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	-include \$$(DEPENDENCIES)" > $@
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# final lib/bin construction
-bin-debug/$(EXECUTABLE): obj-debug/ $(OBJECTS_DEBUG)
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-bin-release/$(EXECUTABLE): obj-release/ $(OBJECTS_RELEASE)
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# subdir make calls
-obj-debug/: FORCE | obj-debug/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-debug) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-g -Og -DDEBUG"
-obj-release/: FORCE | obj-release/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-release) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-O3 -DNDEBUG -DRELEASE $(LTO_PARAM)"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# objects dependencies
-$(OBJECTS_DEBUG): obj-debug/
-$(OBJECTS_RELEASE): obj-release/
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# standalone main targets
-build-code-debug: bin-debug/$(EXECUTABLE)
-build-code-release: bin-release/$(EXECUTABLE)
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# do all main targets
-	$(MAKE) build-code-debug
-	$(MAKE) build-code-release
-clean: clean-debug clean-release
-	$(RM) -r doc
-	if [ -L obj-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-debug`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L bin-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink bin-debug`;\
-	fi
-	$(RM) -r *.o *.d bin-debug obj-debug
-	if [ -L obj-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-release`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L lib-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink lib-release`;\
-	fi
-	$(RM) -r *.o *.d bin-release obj-release
-	doxygen
+-include ../build.conf
+-include ../makefile-binary
diff --git a/acompaction2/makefile b/acompaction2/makefile
index 4064fd013121e849e47c80f3733b1e5231d5ad38..bd9fb6f7bcf2fc7fa9d20ce5fc983aa693391c1b 100644
--- a/acompaction2/makefile
+++ b/acompaction2/makefile
@@ -1,174 +1,3 @@
--include ../build.conf
 -include makefile.conf
-ifeq ($(USE_LTO),1)
-LTO_PARAM:= -flto
-define NEW_LINE
-export NEW_LINE
-CXX_FLAGS := -Wall -pedantic -Wextra -Werror -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-qual -Wdelete-non-virtual-dtor -Wredundant-decls
-LDFLAGS_DEBUG:=-Wl,--no-as-needed $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-debug, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) -Wl,-rpath,.
-LDFLAGS_RELEASE:=-Wl,--no-as-needed $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-release, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) $(LTO_PARAM) -Wl,-rpath,.
-OBJECTS_DEBUG:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-debug/%.o, $(shell find src/ -name *cpp))
-OBJECTS_RELEASE:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-release/%.o, $(shell find src/ -name *cpp))
-.PHONY: all build-debug clean-debug doc
-	@echo "What to do master?"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# make subdir makefile
-%/makefile: makefile makefile.conf
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-	echo "\
-	SHELL:=/bin/bash$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	define NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	endef$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	export NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	CXXFLAGS:= -pipe -std=c++11 \$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS) -c $(CXX_FLAGS) -fPIC \$$(addprefix -I, \$$(realpath $(INCLUDE_PATHS)))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	SOURCES:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -type f -name \"*.cpp\")$${NEW_LINE}\
-	DEPENDENCIES:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d, \$$(SOURCES))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS:= \$$(patsubst %.d, %.o, \$$(DEPENDENCIES))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	SOURCES_DIRS:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS_DIRS:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%, %/, \$$(SOURCES_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS_DIRS_MAKEFILES:= \$$(patsubst %, %makefile, \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	.PHONY: all$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	all: \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS) \$$(OBJECTS)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%.d: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		@echo \"\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\") = \\$$\$$(shell (\\$$\$$(CXX) -M \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) 2>/dev/null || echo \\\"\$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) FORCE\\\") | sed \\\"s/.*://g;s/\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\//g\\\")\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@): \\$$\$$(\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\")) makefile\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-			\\$$\$$(CXX) \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \\$$\$$< -o \$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@)\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\" > \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%/makefile: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		mkdir -p \$$(dir \$$@)$${NEW_LINE}\
-		cp makefile \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%/: FORCE | %/makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		@accesstime=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(MAKE) -C \$$@ SRCDIR=\$$(SRCDIR)\$$(notdir \$$(patsubst %/, %, \$$@))/ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=\$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS=\"\$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS)\" && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		accesstime2=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		if [ "\$$\$$accesstime" -ne "\$$\$$accesstime2" ]; then \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-			touch .; \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		fi$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	-include \$$(DEPENDENCIES)" > $@
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# final lib/bin construction
-bin-debug/$(EXECUTABLE): obj-debug/ $(OBJECTS_DEBUG)
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-bin-release/$(EXECUTABLE): obj-release/ $(OBJECTS_RELEASE)
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# subdir make calls
-obj-debug/: FORCE | obj-debug/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-debug) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-g -Og -DDEBUG"
-obj-release/: FORCE | obj-release/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-release) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-O3 -DNDEBUG -DRELEASE $(LTO_PARAM)"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# objects dependencies
-$(OBJECTS_DEBUG): obj-debug/
-$(OBJECTS_RELEASE): obj-release/
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# standalone main targets
-build-code-debug: bin-debug/$(EXECUTABLE)
-build-code-release: bin-release/$(EXECUTABLE)
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# do all main targets
-	$(MAKE) build-code-debug
-	$(MAKE) build-code-release
-clean: clean-debug clean-release
-	$(RM) -r doc
-	if [ -L obj-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-debug`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L bin-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink bin-debug`;\
-	fi
-	$(RM) -r *.o *.d bin-debug obj-debug
-	if [ -L obj-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-release`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L lib-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink lib-release`;\
-	fi
-	$(RM) -r *.o *.d bin-release obj-release
-	doxygen
+-include ../build.conf
+-include ../makefile-binary
diff --git a/acompare2/makefile b/acompare2/makefile
index 4064fd013121e849e47c80f3733b1e5231d5ad38..bd9fb6f7bcf2fc7fa9d20ce5fc983aa693391c1b 100644
--- a/acompare2/makefile
+++ b/acompare2/makefile
@@ -1,174 +1,3 @@
--include ../build.conf
 -include makefile.conf
-ifeq ($(USE_LTO),1)
-LTO_PARAM:= -flto
-define NEW_LINE
-export NEW_LINE
-CXX_FLAGS := -Wall -pedantic -Wextra -Werror -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-qual -Wdelete-non-virtual-dtor -Wredundant-decls
-LDFLAGS_DEBUG:=-Wl,--no-as-needed $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-debug, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) -Wl,-rpath,.
-LDFLAGS_RELEASE:=-Wl,--no-as-needed $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-release, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) $(LTO_PARAM) -Wl,-rpath,.
-OBJECTS_DEBUG:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-debug/%.o, $(shell find src/ -name *cpp))
-OBJECTS_RELEASE:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-release/%.o, $(shell find src/ -name *cpp))
-.PHONY: all build-debug clean-debug doc
-	@echo "What to do master?"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# make subdir makefile
-%/makefile: makefile makefile.conf
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-	echo "\
-	SHELL:=/bin/bash$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	define NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	endef$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	export NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	CXXFLAGS:= -pipe -std=c++11 \$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS) -c $(CXX_FLAGS) -fPIC \$$(addprefix -I, \$$(realpath $(INCLUDE_PATHS)))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	SOURCES:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -type f -name \"*.cpp\")$${NEW_LINE}\
-	DEPENDENCIES:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d, \$$(SOURCES))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS:= \$$(patsubst %.d, %.o, \$$(DEPENDENCIES))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	SOURCES_DIRS:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS_DIRS:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%, %/, \$$(SOURCES_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS_DIRS_MAKEFILES:= \$$(patsubst %, %makefile, \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	.PHONY: all$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	all: \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS) \$$(OBJECTS)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%.d: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		@echo \"\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\") = \\$$\$$(shell (\\$$\$$(CXX) -M \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) 2>/dev/null || echo \\\"\$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) FORCE\\\") | sed \\\"s/.*://g;s/\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\//g\\\")\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@): \\$$\$$(\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\")) makefile\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-			\\$$\$$(CXX) \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \\$$\$$< -o \$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@)\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\" > \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%/makefile: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		mkdir -p \$$(dir \$$@)$${NEW_LINE}\
-		cp makefile \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%/: FORCE | %/makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		@accesstime=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(MAKE) -C \$$@ SRCDIR=\$$(SRCDIR)\$$(notdir \$$(patsubst %/, %, \$$@))/ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=\$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS=\"\$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS)\" && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		accesstime2=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		if [ "\$$\$$accesstime" -ne "\$$\$$accesstime2" ]; then \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-			touch .; \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		fi$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	-include \$$(DEPENDENCIES)" > $@
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# final lib/bin construction
-bin-debug/$(EXECUTABLE): obj-debug/ $(OBJECTS_DEBUG)
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-bin-release/$(EXECUTABLE): obj-release/ $(OBJECTS_RELEASE)
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# subdir make calls
-obj-debug/: FORCE | obj-debug/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-debug) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-g -Og -DDEBUG"
-obj-release/: FORCE | obj-release/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-release) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-O3 -DNDEBUG -DRELEASE $(LTO_PARAM)"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# objects dependencies
-$(OBJECTS_DEBUG): obj-debug/
-$(OBJECTS_RELEASE): obj-release/
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# standalone main targets
-build-code-debug: bin-debug/$(EXECUTABLE)
-build-code-release: bin-release/$(EXECUTABLE)
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# do all main targets
-	$(MAKE) build-code-debug
-	$(MAKE) build-code-release
-clean: clean-debug clean-release
-	$(RM) -r doc
-	if [ -L obj-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-debug`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L bin-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink bin-debug`;\
-	fi
-	$(RM) -r *.o *.d bin-debug obj-debug
-	if [ -L obj-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-release`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L lib-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink lib-release`;\
-	fi
-	$(RM) -r *.o *.d bin-release obj-release
-	doxygen
+-include ../build.conf
+-include ../makefile-binary
diff --git a/aconversions2/makefile b/aconversions2/makefile
index 4064fd013121e849e47c80f3733b1e5231d5ad38..bd9fb6f7bcf2fc7fa9d20ce5fc983aa693391c1b 100644
--- a/aconversions2/makefile
+++ b/aconversions2/makefile
@@ -1,174 +1,3 @@
--include ../build.conf
 -include makefile.conf
-ifeq ($(USE_LTO),1)
-LTO_PARAM:= -flto
-define NEW_LINE
-export NEW_LINE
-CXX_FLAGS := -Wall -pedantic -Wextra -Werror -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-qual -Wdelete-non-virtual-dtor -Wredundant-decls
-LDFLAGS_DEBUG:=-Wl,--no-as-needed $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-debug, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) -Wl,-rpath,.
-LDFLAGS_RELEASE:=-Wl,--no-as-needed $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-release, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) $(LTO_PARAM) -Wl,-rpath,.
-OBJECTS_DEBUG:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-debug/%.o, $(shell find src/ -name *cpp))
-OBJECTS_RELEASE:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-release/%.o, $(shell find src/ -name *cpp))
-.PHONY: all build-debug clean-debug doc
-	@echo "What to do master?"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# make subdir makefile
-%/makefile: makefile makefile.conf
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-	echo "\
-	SHELL:=/bin/bash$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	define NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	endef$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	export NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	CXXFLAGS:= -pipe -std=c++11 \$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS) -c $(CXX_FLAGS) -fPIC \$$(addprefix -I, \$$(realpath $(INCLUDE_PATHS)))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	SOURCES:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -type f -name \"*.cpp\")$${NEW_LINE}\
-	DEPENDENCIES:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d, \$$(SOURCES))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS:= \$$(patsubst %.d, %.o, \$$(DEPENDENCIES))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	SOURCES_DIRS:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS_DIRS:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%, %/, \$$(SOURCES_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS_DIRS_MAKEFILES:= \$$(patsubst %, %makefile, \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	.PHONY: all$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	all: \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS) \$$(OBJECTS)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%.d: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		@echo \"\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\") = \\$$\$$(shell (\\$$\$$(CXX) -M \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) 2>/dev/null || echo \\\"\$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) FORCE\\\") | sed \\\"s/.*://g;s/\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\//g\\\")\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@): \\$$\$$(\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\")) makefile\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-			\\$$\$$(CXX) \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \\$$\$$< -o \$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@)\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\" > \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%/makefile: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		mkdir -p \$$(dir \$$@)$${NEW_LINE}\
-		cp makefile \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%/: FORCE | %/makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		@accesstime=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(MAKE) -C \$$@ SRCDIR=\$$(SRCDIR)\$$(notdir \$$(patsubst %/, %, \$$@))/ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=\$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS=\"\$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS)\" && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		accesstime2=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		if [ "\$$\$$accesstime" -ne "\$$\$$accesstime2" ]; then \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-			touch .; \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		fi$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	-include \$$(DEPENDENCIES)" > $@
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# final lib/bin construction
-bin-debug/$(EXECUTABLE): obj-debug/ $(OBJECTS_DEBUG)
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-bin-release/$(EXECUTABLE): obj-release/ $(OBJECTS_RELEASE)
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# subdir make calls
-obj-debug/: FORCE | obj-debug/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-debug) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-g -Og -DDEBUG"
-obj-release/: FORCE | obj-release/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-release) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-O3 -DNDEBUG -DRELEASE $(LTO_PARAM)"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# objects dependencies
-$(OBJECTS_DEBUG): obj-debug/
-$(OBJECTS_RELEASE): obj-release/
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# standalone main targets
-build-code-debug: bin-debug/$(EXECUTABLE)
-build-code-release: bin-release/$(EXECUTABLE)
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# do all main targets
-	$(MAKE) build-code-debug
-	$(MAKE) build-code-release
-clean: clean-debug clean-release
-	$(RM) -r doc
-	if [ -L obj-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-debug`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L bin-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink bin-debug`;\
-	fi
-	$(RM) -r *.o *.d bin-debug obj-debug
-	if [ -L obj-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-release`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L lib-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink lib-release`;\
-	fi
-	$(RM) -r *.o *.d bin-release obj-release
-	doxygen
+-include ../build.conf
+-include ../makefile-binary
diff --git a/aconvert2/makefile b/aconvert2/makefile
index 4064fd013121e849e47c80f3733b1e5231d5ad38..bd9fb6f7bcf2fc7fa9d20ce5fc983aa693391c1b 100644
--- a/aconvert2/makefile
+++ b/aconvert2/makefile
@@ -1,174 +1,3 @@
--include ../build.conf
 -include makefile.conf
-ifeq ($(USE_LTO),1)
-LTO_PARAM:= -flto
-define NEW_LINE
-export NEW_LINE
-CXX_FLAGS := -Wall -pedantic -Wextra -Werror -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-qual -Wdelete-non-virtual-dtor -Wredundant-decls
-LDFLAGS_DEBUG:=-Wl,--no-as-needed $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-debug, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) -Wl,-rpath,.
-LDFLAGS_RELEASE:=-Wl,--no-as-needed $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-release, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) $(LTO_PARAM) -Wl,-rpath,.
-OBJECTS_DEBUG:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-debug/%.o, $(shell find src/ -name *cpp))
-OBJECTS_RELEASE:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-release/%.o, $(shell find src/ -name *cpp))
-.PHONY: all build-debug clean-debug doc
-	@echo "What to do master?"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# make subdir makefile
-%/makefile: makefile makefile.conf
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-	echo "\
-	SHELL:=/bin/bash$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	define NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	endef$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	export NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	CXXFLAGS:= -pipe -std=c++11 \$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS) -c $(CXX_FLAGS) -fPIC \$$(addprefix -I, \$$(realpath $(INCLUDE_PATHS)))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	SOURCES:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -type f -name \"*.cpp\")$${NEW_LINE}\
-	DEPENDENCIES:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d, \$$(SOURCES))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS:= \$$(patsubst %.d, %.o, \$$(DEPENDENCIES))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	SOURCES_DIRS:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS_DIRS:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%, %/, \$$(SOURCES_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS_DIRS_MAKEFILES:= \$$(patsubst %, %makefile, \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	.PHONY: all$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	all: \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS) \$$(OBJECTS)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%.d: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		@echo \"\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\") = \\$$\$$(shell (\\$$\$$(CXX) -M \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) 2>/dev/null || echo \\\"\$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) FORCE\\\") | sed \\\"s/.*://g;s/\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\//g\\\")\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@): \\$$\$$(\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\")) makefile\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-			\\$$\$$(CXX) \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \\$$\$$< -o \$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@)\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\" > \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%/makefile: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		mkdir -p \$$(dir \$$@)$${NEW_LINE}\
-		cp makefile \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%/: FORCE | %/makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		@accesstime=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(MAKE) -C \$$@ SRCDIR=\$$(SRCDIR)\$$(notdir \$$(patsubst %/, %, \$$@))/ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=\$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS=\"\$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS)\" && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		accesstime2=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		if [ "\$$\$$accesstime" -ne "\$$\$$accesstime2" ]; then \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-			touch .; \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		fi$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	-include \$$(DEPENDENCIES)" > $@
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# final lib/bin construction
-bin-debug/$(EXECUTABLE): obj-debug/ $(OBJECTS_DEBUG)
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-bin-release/$(EXECUTABLE): obj-release/ $(OBJECTS_RELEASE)
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# subdir make calls
-obj-debug/: FORCE | obj-debug/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-debug) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-g -Og -DDEBUG"
-obj-release/: FORCE | obj-release/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-release) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-O3 -DNDEBUG -DRELEASE $(LTO_PARAM)"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# objects dependencies
-$(OBJECTS_DEBUG): obj-debug/
-$(OBJECTS_RELEASE): obj-release/
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# standalone main targets
-build-code-debug: bin-debug/$(EXECUTABLE)
-build-code-release: bin-release/$(EXECUTABLE)
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# do all main targets
-	$(MAKE) build-code-debug
-	$(MAKE) build-code-release
-clean: clean-debug clean-release
-	$(RM) -r doc
-	if [ -L obj-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-debug`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L bin-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink bin-debug`;\
-	fi
-	$(RM) -r *.o *.d bin-debug obj-debug
-	if [ -L obj-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-release`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L lib-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink lib-release`;\
-	fi
-	$(RM) -r *.o *.d bin-release obj-release
-	doxygen
+-include ../build.conf
+-include ../makefile-binary
diff --git a/aderivation2/makefile b/aderivation2/makefile
index 4064fd013121e849e47c80f3733b1e5231d5ad38..bd9fb6f7bcf2fc7fa9d20ce5fc983aa693391c1b 100644
--- a/aderivation2/makefile
+++ b/aderivation2/makefile
@@ -1,174 +1,3 @@
--include ../build.conf
 -include makefile.conf
-ifeq ($(USE_LTO),1)
-LTO_PARAM:= -flto
-define NEW_LINE
-export NEW_LINE
-CXX_FLAGS := -Wall -pedantic -Wextra -Werror -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-qual -Wdelete-non-virtual-dtor -Wredundant-decls
-LDFLAGS_DEBUG:=-Wl,--no-as-needed $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-debug, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) -Wl,-rpath,.
-LDFLAGS_RELEASE:=-Wl,--no-as-needed $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-release, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) $(LTO_PARAM) -Wl,-rpath,.
-OBJECTS_DEBUG:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-debug/%.o, $(shell find src/ -name *cpp))
-OBJECTS_RELEASE:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-release/%.o, $(shell find src/ -name *cpp))
-.PHONY: all build-debug clean-debug doc
-	@echo "What to do master?"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# make subdir makefile
-%/makefile: makefile makefile.conf
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-	echo "\
-	SHELL:=/bin/bash$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	define NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	endef$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	export NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	CXXFLAGS:= -pipe -std=c++11 \$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS) -c $(CXX_FLAGS) -fPIC \$$(addprefix -I, \$$(realpath $(INCLUDE_PATHS)))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	SOURCES:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -type f -name \"*.cpp\")$${NEW_LINE}\
-	DEPENDENCIES:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d, \$$(SOURCES))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS:= \$$(patsubst %.d, %.o, \$$(DEPENDENCIES))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	SOURCES_DIRS:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS_DIRS:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%, %/, \$$(SOURCES_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS_DIRS_MAKEFILES:= \$$(patsubst %, %makefile, \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	.PHONY: all$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	all: \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS) \$$(OBJECTS)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%.d: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		@echo \"\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\") = \\$$\$$(shell (\\$$\$$(CXX) -M \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) 2>/dev/null || echo \\\"\$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) FORCE\\\") | sed \\\"s/.*://g;s/\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\//g\\\")\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@): \\$$\$$(\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\")) makefile\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-			\\$$\$$(CXX) \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \\$$\$$< -o \$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@)\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\" > \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%/makefile: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		mkdir -p \$$(dir \$$@)$${NEW_LINE}\
-		cp makefile \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%/: FORCE | %/makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		@accesstime=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(MAKE) -C \$$@ SRCDIR=\$$(SRCDIR)\$$(notdir \$$(patsubst %/, %, \$$@))/ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=\$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS=\"\$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS)\" && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		accesstime2=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		if [ "\$$\$$accesstime" -ne "\$$\$$accesstime2" ]; then \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-			touch .; \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		fi$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	-include \$$(DEPENDENCIES)" > $@
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# final lib/bin construction
-bin-debug/$(EXECUTABLE): obj-debug/ $(OBJECTS_DEBUG)
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-bin-release/$(EXECUTABLE): obj-release/ $(OBJECTS_RELEASE)
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# subdir make calls
-obj-debug/: FORCE | obj-debug/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-debug) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-g -Og -DDEBUG"
-obj-release/: FORCE | obj-release/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-release) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-O3 -DNDEBUG -DRELEASE $(LTO_PARAM)"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# objects dependencies
-$(OBJECTS_DEBUG): obj-debug/
-$(OBJECTS_RELEASE): obj-release/
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# standalone main targets
-build-code-debug: bin-debug/$(EXECUTABLE)
-build-code-release: bin-release/$(EXECUTABLE)
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# do all main targets
-	$(MAKE) build-code-debug
-	$(MAKE) build-code-release
-clean: clean-debug clean-release
-	$(RM) -r doc
-	if [ -L obj-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-debug`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L bin-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink bin-debug`;\
-	fi
-	$(RM) -r *.o *.d bin-debug obj-debug
-	if [ -L obj-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-release`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L lib-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink lib-release`;\
-	fi
-	$(RM) -r *.o *.d bin-release obj-release
-	doxygen
+-include ../build.conf
+-include ../makefile-binary
diff --git a/adeterminize2/makefile b/adeterminize2/makefile
index 4064fd013121e849e47c80f3733b1e5231d5ad38..bd9fb6f7bcf2fc7fa9d20ce5fc983aa693391c1b 100644
--- a/adeterminize2/makefile
+++ b/adeterminize2/makefile
@@ -1,174 +1,3 @@
--include ../build.conf
 -include makefile.conf
-ifeq ($(USE_LTO),1)
-LTO_PARAM:= -flto
-define NEW_LINE
-export NEW_LINE
-CXX_FLAGS := -Wall -pedantic -Wextra -Werror -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-qual -Wdelete-non-virtual-dtor -Wredundant-decls
-LDFLAGS_DEBUG:=-Wl,--no-as-needed $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-debug, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) -Wl,-rpath,.
-LDFLAGS_RELEASE:=-Wl,--no-as-needed $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-release, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) $(LTO_PARAM) -Wl,-rpath,.
-OBJECTS_DEBUG:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-debug/%.o, $(shell find src/ -name *cpp))
-OBJECTS_RELEASE:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-release/%.o, $(shell find src/ -name *cpp))
-.PHONY: all build-debug clean-debug doc
-	@echo "What to do master?"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# make subdir makefile
-%/makefile: makefile makefile.conf
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-	echo "\
-	SHELL:=/bin/bash$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	define NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	endef$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	export NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	CXXFLAGS:= -pipe -std=c++11 \$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS) -c $(CXX_FLAGS) -fPIC \$$(addprefix -I, \$$(realpath $(INCLUDE_PATHS)))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	SOURCES:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -type f -name \"*.cpp\")$${NEW_LINE}\
-	DEPENDENCIES:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d, \$$(SOURCES))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS:= \$$(patsubst %.d, %.o, \$$(DEPENDENCIES))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	SOURCES_DIRS:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS_DIRS:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%, %/, \$$(SOURCES_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS_DIRS_MAKEFILES:= \$$(patsubst %, %makefile, \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	.PHONY: all$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	all: \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS) \$$(OBJECTS)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%.d: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		@echo \"\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\") = \\$$\$$(shell (\\$$\$$(CXX) -M \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) 2>/dev/null || echo \\\"\$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) FORCE\\\") | sed \\\"s/.*://g;s/\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\//g\\\")\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@): \\$$\$$(\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\")) makefile\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-			\\$$\$$(CXX) \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \\$$\$$< -o \$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@)\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\" > \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%/makefile: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		mkdir -p \$$(dir \$$@)$${NEW_LINE}\
-		cp makefile \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%/: FORCE | %/makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		@accesstime=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(MAKE) -C \$$@ SRCDIR=\$$(SRCDIR)\$$(notdir \$$(patsubst %/, %, \$$@))/ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=\$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS=\"\$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS)\" && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		accesstime2=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		if [ "\$$\$$accesstime" -ne "\$$\$$accesstime2" ]; then \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-			touch .; \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		fi$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	-include \$$(DEPENDENCIES)" > $@
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# final lib/bin construction
-bin-debug/$(EXECUTABLE): obj-debug/ $(OBJECTS_DEBUG)
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-bin-release/$(EXECUTABLE): obj-release/ $(OBJECTS_RELEASE)
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# subdir make calls
-obj-debug/: FORCE | obj-debug/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-debug) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-g -Og -DDEBUG"
-obj-release/: FORCE | obj-release/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-release) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-O3 -DNDEBUG -DRELEASE $(LTO_PARAM)"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# objects dependencies
-$(OBJECTS_DEBUG): obj-debug/
-$(OBJECTS_RELEASE): obj-release/
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# standalone main targets
-build-code-debug: bin-debug/$(EXECUTABLE)
-build-code-release: bin-release/$(EXECUTABLE)
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# do all main targets
-	$(MAKE) build-code-debug
-	$(MAKE) build-code-release
-clean: clean-debug clean-release
-	$(RM) -r doc
-	if [ -L obj-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-debug`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L bin-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink bin-debug`;\
-	fi
-	$(RM) -r *.o *.d bin-debug obj-debug
-	if [ -L obj-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-release`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L lib-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink lib-release`;\
-	fi
-	$(RM) -r *.o *.d bin-release obj-release
-	doxygen
+-include ../build.conf
+-include ../makefile-binary
diff --git a/aecho2/makefile b/aecho2/makefile
index 4064fd013121e849e47c80f3733b1e5231d5ad38..bd9fb6f7bcf2fc7fa9d20ce5fc983aa693391c1b 100644
--- a/aecho2/makefile
+++ b/aecho2/makefile
@@ -1,174 +1,3 @@
--include ../build.conf
 -include makefile.conf
-ifeq ($(USE_LTO),1)
-LTO_PARAM:= -flto
-define NEW_LINE
-export NEW_LINE
-CXX_FLAGS := -Wall -pedantic -Wextra -Werror -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-qual -Wdelete-non-virtual-dtor -Wredundant-decls
-LDFLAGS_DEBUG:=-Wl,--no-as-needed $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-debug, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) -Wl,-rpath,.
-LDFLAGS_RELEASE:=-Wl,--no-as-needed $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-release, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) $(LTO_PARAM) -Wl,-rpath,.
-OBJECTS_DEBUG:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-debug/%.o, $(shell find src/ -name *cpp))
-OBJECTS_RELEASE:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-release/%.o, $(shell find src/ -name *cpp))
-.PHONY: all build-debug clean-debug doc
-	@echo "What to do master?"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# make subdir makefile
-%/makefile: makefile makefile.conf
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-	echo "\
-	SHELL:=/bin/bash$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	define NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	endef$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	export NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	CXXFLAGS:= -pipe -std=c++11 \$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS) -c $(CXX_FLAGS) -fPIC \$$(addprefix -I, \$$(realpath $(INCLUDE_PATHS)))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	SOURCES:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -type f -name \"*.cpp\")$${NEW_LINE}\
-	DEPENDENCIES:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d, \$$(SOURCES))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS:= \$$(patsubst %.d, %.o, \$$(DEPENDENCIES))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	SOURCES_DIRS:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS_DIRS:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%, %/, \$$(SOURCES_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS_DIRS_MAKEFILES:= \$$(patsubst %, %makefile, \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	.PHONY: all$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	all: \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS) \$$(OBJECTS)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%.d: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		@echo \"\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\") = \\$$\$$(shell (\\$$\$$(CXX) -M \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) 2>/dev/null || echo \\\"\$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) FORCE\\\") | sed \\\"s/.*://g;s/\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\//g\\\")\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@): \\$$\$$(\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\")) makefile\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-			\\$$\$$(CXX) \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \\$$\$$< -o \$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@)\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\" > \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%/makefile: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		mkdir -p \$$(dir \$$@)$${NEW_LINE}\
-		cp makefile \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%/: FORCE | %/makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		@accesstime=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(MAKE) -C \$$@ SRCDIR=\$$(SRCDIR)\$$(notdir \$$(patsubst %/, %, \$$@))/ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=\$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS=\"\$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS)\" && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		accesstime2=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		if [ "\$$\$$accesstime" -ne "\$$\$$accesstime2" ]; then \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-			touch .; \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		fi$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	-include \$$(DEPENDENCIES)" > $@
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# final lib/bin construction
-bin-debug/$(EXECUTABLE): obj-debug/ $(OBJECTS_DEBUG)
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-bin-release/$(EXECUTABLE): obj-release/ $(OBJECTS_RELEASE)
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# subdir make calls
-obj-debug/: FORCE | obj-debug/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-debug) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-g -Og -DDEBUG"
-obj-release/: FORCE | obj-release/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-release) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-O3 -DNDEBUG -DRELEASE $(LTO_PARAM)"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# objects dependencies
-$(OBJECTS_DEBUG): obj-debug/
-$(OBJECTS_RELEASE): obj-release/
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# standalone main targets
-build-code-debug: bin-debug/$(EXECUTABLE)
-build-code-release: bin-release/$(EXECUTABLE)
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# do all main targets
-	$(MAKE) build-code-debug
-	$(MAKE) build-code-release
-clean: clean-debug clean-release
-	$(RM) -r doc
-	if [ -L obj-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-debug`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L bin-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink bin-debug`;\
-	fi
-	$(RM) -r *.o *.d bin-debug obj-debug
-	if [ -L obj-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-release`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L lib-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink lib-release`;\
-	fi
-	$(RM) -r *.o *.d bin-release obj-release
-	doxygen
+-include ../build.conf
+-include ../makefile-binary
diff --git a/aepsilon2/makefile b/aepsilon2/makefile
index 4064fd013121e849e47c80f3733b1e5231d5ad38..bd9fb6f7bcf2fc7fa9d20ce5fc983aa693391c1b 100644
--- a/aepsilon2/makefile
+++ b/aepsilon2/makefile
@@ -1,174 +1,3 @@
--include ../build.conf
 -include makefile.conf
-ifeq ($(USE_LTO),1)
-LTO_PARAM:= -flto
-define NEW_LINE
-export NEW_LINE
-CXX_FLAGS := -Wall -pedantic -Wextra -Werror -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-qual -Wdelete-non-virtual-dtor -Wredundant-decls
-LDFLAGS_DEBUG:=-Wl,--no-as-needed $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-debug, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) -Wl,-rpath,.
-LDFLAGS_RELEASE:=-Wl,--no-as-needed $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-release, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) $(LTO_PARAM) -Wl,-rpath,.
-OBJECTS_DEBUG:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-debug/%.o, $(shell find src/ -name *cpp))
-OBJECTS_RELEASE:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-release/%.o, $(shell find src/ -name *cpp))
-.PHONY: all build-debug clean-debug doc
-	@echo "What to do master?"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# make subdir makefile
-%/makefile: makefile makefile.conf
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-	echo "\
-	SHELL:=/bin/bash$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	define NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	endef$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	export NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	CXXFLAGS:= -pipe -std=c++11 \$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS) -c $(CXX_FLAGS) -fPIC \$$(addprefix -I, \$$(realpath $(INCLUDE_PATHS)))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	SOURCES:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -type f -name \"*.cpp\")$${NEW_LINE}\
-	DEPENDENCIES:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d, \$$(SOURCES))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS:= \$$(patsubst %.d, %.o, \$$(DEPENDENCIES))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	SOURCES_DIRS:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS_DIRS:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%, %/, \$$(SOURCES_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS_DIRS_MAKEFILES:= \$$(patsubst %, %makefile, \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	.PHONY: all$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	all: \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS) \$$(OBJECTS)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%.d: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		@echo \"\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\") = \\$$\$$(shell (\\$$\$$(CXX) -M \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) 2>/dev/null || echo \\\"\$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) FORCE\\\") | sed \\\"s/.*://g;s/\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\//g\\\")\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@): \\$$\$$(\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\")) makefile\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-			\\$$\$$(CXX) \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \\$$\$$< -o \$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@)\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\" > \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%/makefile: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		mkdir -p \$$(dir \$$@)$${NEW_LINE}\
-		cp makefile \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%/: FORCE | %/makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		@accesstime=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(MAKE) -C \$$@ SRCDIR=\$$(SRCDIR)\$$(notdir \$$(patsubst %/, %, \$$@))/ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=\$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS=\"\$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS)\" && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		accesstime2=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		if [ "\$$\$$accesstime" -ne "\$$\$$accesstime2" ]; then \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-			touch .; \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		fi$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	-include \$$(DEPENDENCIES)" > $@
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# final lib/bin construction
-bin-debug/$(EXECUTABLE): obj-debug/ $(OBJECTS_DEBUG)
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-bin-release/$(EXECUTABLE): obj-release/ $(OBJECTS_RELEASE)
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# subdir make calls
-obj-debug/: FORCE | obj-debug/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-debug) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-g -Og -DDEBUG"
-obj-release/: FORCE | obj-release/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-release) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-O3 -DNDEBUG -DRELEASE $(LTO_PARAM)"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# objects dependencies
-$(OBJECTS_DEBUG): obj-debug/
-$(OBJECTS_RELEASE): obj-release/
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# standalone main targets
-build-code-debug: bin-debug/$(EXECUTABLE)
-build-code-release: bin-release/$(EXECUTABLE)
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# do all main targets
-	$(MAKE) build-code-debug
-	$(MAKE) build-code-release
-clean: clean-debug clean-release
-	$(RM) -r doc
-	if [ -L obj-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-debug`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L bin-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink bin-debug`;\
-	fi
-	$(RM) -r *.o *.d bin-debug obj-debug
-	if [ -L obj-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-release`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L lib-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink lib-release`;\
-	fi
-	$(RM) -r *.o *.d bin-release obj-release
-	doxygen
+-include ../build.conf
+-include ../makefile-binary
diff --git a/agenerate2/makefile b/agenerate2/makefile
index 4064fd013121e849e47c80f3733b1e5231d5ad38..bd9fb6f7bcf2fc7fa9d20ce5fc983aa693391c1b 100644
--- a/agenerate2/makefile
+++ b/agenerate2/makefile
@@ -1,174 +1,3 @@
--include ../build.conf
 -include makefile.conf
-ifeq ($(USE_LTO),1)
-LTO_PARAM:= -flto
-define NEW_LINE
-export NEW_LINE
-CXX_FLAGS := -Wall -pedantic -Wextra -Werror -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-qual -Wdelete-non-virtual-dtor -Wredundant-decls
-LDFLAGS_DEBUG:=-Wl,--no-as-needed $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-debug, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) -Wl,-rpath,.
-LDFLAGS_RELEASE:=-Wl,--no-as-needed $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-release, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) $(LTO_PARAM) -Wl,-rpath,.
-OBJECTS_DEBUG:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-debug/%.o, $(shell find src/ -name *cpp))
-OBJECTS_RELEASE:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-release/%.o, $(shell find src/ -name *cpp))
-.PHONY: all build-debug clean-debug doc
-	@echo "What to do master?"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# make subdir makefile
-%/makefile: makefile makefile.conf
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-	echo "\
-	SHELL:=/bin/bash$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	define NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	endef$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	export NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	CXXFLAGS:= -pipe -std=c++11 \$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS) -c $(CXX_FLAGS) -fPIC \$$(addprefix -I, \$$(realpath $(INCLUDE_PATHS)))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	SOURCES:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -type f -name \"*.cpp\")$${NEW_LINE}\
-	DEPENDENCIES:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d, \$$(SOURCES))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS:= \$$(patsubst %.d, %.o, \$$(DEPENDENCIES))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	SOURCES_DIRS:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS_DIRS:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%, %/, \$$(SOURCES_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS_DIRS_MAKEFILES:= \$$(patsubst %, %makefile, \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	.PHONY: all$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	all: \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS) \$$(OBJECTS)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%.d: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		@echo \"\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\") = \\$$\$$(shell (\\$$\$$(CXX) -M \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) 2>/dev/null || echo \\\"\$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) FORCE\\\") | sed \\\"s/.*://g;s/\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\//g\\\")\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@): \\$$\$$(\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\")) makefile\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-			\\$$\$$(CXX) \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \\$$\$$< -o \$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@)\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\" > \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%/makefile: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		mkdir -p \$$(dir \$$@)$${NEW_LINE}\
-		cp makefile \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%/: FORCE | %/makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		@accesstime=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(MAKE) -C \$$@ SRCDIR=\$$(SRCDIR)\$$(notdir \$$(patsubst %/, %, \$$@))/ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=\$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS=\"\$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS)\" && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		accesstime2=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		if [ "\$$\$$accesstime" -ne "\$$\$$accesstime2" ]; then \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-			touch .; \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		fi$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	-include \$$(DEPENDENCIES)" > $@
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# final lib/bin construction
-bin-debug/$(EXECUTABLE): obj-debug/ $(OBJECTS_DEBUG)
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-bin-release/$(EXECUTABLE): obj-release/ $(OBJECTS_RELEASE)
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# subdir make calls
-obj-debug/: FORCE | obj-debug/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-debug) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-g -Og -DDEBUG"
-obj-release/: FORCE | obj-release/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-release) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-O3 -DNDEBUG -DRELEASE $(LTO_PARAM)"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# objects dependencies
-$(OBJECTS_DEBUG): obj-debug/
-$(OBJECTS_RELEASE): obj-release/
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# standalone main targets
-build-code-debug: bin-debug/$(EXECUTABLE)
-build-code-release: bin-release/$(EXECUTABLE)
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# do all main targets
-	$(MAKE) build-code-debug
-	$(MAKE) build-code-release
-clean: clean-debug clean-release
-	$(RM) -r doc
-	if [ -L obj-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-debug`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L bin-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink bin-debug`;\
-	fi
-	$(RM) -r *.o *.d bin-debug obj-debug
-	if [ -L obj-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-release`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L lib-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink lib-release`;\
-	fi
-	$(RM) -r *.o *.d bin-release obj-release
-	doxygen
+-include ../build.conf
+-include ../makefile-binary
diff --git a/aintegral2/makefile b/aintegral2/makefile
index 4064fd013121e849e47c80f3733b1e5231d5ad38..bd9fb6f7bcf2fc7fa9d20ce5fc983aa693391c1b 100644
--- a/aintegral2/makefile
+++ b/aintegral2/makefile
@@ -1,174 +1,3 @@
--include ../build.conf
 -include makefile.conf
-ifeq ($(USE_LTO),1)
-LTO_PARAM:= -flto
-define NEW_LINE
-export NEW_LINE
-CXX_FLAGS := -Wall -pedantic -Wextra -Werror -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-qual -Wdelete-non-virtual-dtor -Wredundant-decls
-LDFLAGS_DEBUG:=-Wl,--no-as-needed $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-debug, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) -Wl,-rpath,.
-LDFLAGS_RELEASE:=-Wl,--no-as-needed $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-release, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) $(LTO_PARAM) -Wl,-rpath,.
-OBJECTS_DEBUG:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-debug/%.o, $(shell find src/ -name *cpp))
-OBJECTS_RELEASE:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-release/%.o, $(shell find src/ -name *cpp))
-.PHONY: all build-debug clean-debug doc
-	@echo "What to do master?"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# make subdir makefile
-%/makefile: makefile makefile.conf
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-	echo "\
-	SHELL:=/bin/bash$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	define NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	endef$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	export NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	CXXFLAGS:= -pipe -std=c++11 \$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS) -c $(CXX_FLAGS) -fPIC \$$(addprefix -I, \$$(realpath $(INCLUDE_PATHS)))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	SOURCES:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -type f -name \"*.cpp\")$${NEW_LINE}\
-	DEPENDENCIES:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d, \$$(SOURCES))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS:= \$$(patsubst %.d, %.o, \$$(DEPENDENCIES))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	SOURCES_DIRS:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS_DIRS:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%, %/, \$$(SOURCES_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS_DIRS_MAKEFILES:= \$$(patsubst %, %makefile, \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	.PHONY: all$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	all: \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS) \$$(OBJECTS)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%.d: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		@echo \"\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\") = \\$$\$$(shell (\\$$\$$(CXX) -M \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) 2>/dev/null || echo \\\"\$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) FORCE\\\") | sed \\\"s/.*://g;s/\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\//g\\\")\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@): \\$$\$$(\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\")) makefile\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-			\\$$\$$(CXX) \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \\$$\$$< -o \$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@)\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\" > \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%/makefile: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		mkdir -p \$$(dir \$$@)$${NEW_LINE}\
-		cp makefile \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%/: FORCE | %/makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		@accesstime=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(MAKE) -C \$$@ SRCDIR=\$$(SRCDIR)\$$(notdir \$$(patsubst %/, %, \$$@))/ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=\$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS=\"\$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS)\" && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		accesstime2=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		if [ "\$$\$$accesstime" -ne "\$$\$$accesstime2" ]; then \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-			touch .; \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		fi$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	-include \$$(DEPENDENCIES)" > $@
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# final lib/bin construction
-bin-debug/$(EXECUTABLE): obj-debug/ $(OBJECTS_DEBUG)
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-bin-release/$(EXECUTABLE): obj-release/ $(OBJECTS_RELEASE)
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# subdir make calls
-obj-debug/: FORCE | obj-debug/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-debug) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-g -Og -DDEBUG"
-obj-release/: FORCE | obj-release/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-release) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-O3 -DNDEBUG -DRELEASE $(LTO_PARAM)"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# objects dependencies
-$(OBJECTS_DEBUG): obj-debug/
-$(OBJECTS_RELEASE): obj-release/
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# standalone main targets
-build-code-debug: bin-debug/$(EXECUTABLE)
-build-code-release: bin-release/$(EXECUTABLE)
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# do all main targets
-	$(MAKE) build-code-debug
-	$(MAKE) build-code-release
-clean: clean-debug clean-release
-	$(RM) -r doc
-	if [ -L obj-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-debug`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L bin-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink bin-debug`;\
-	fi
-	$(RM) -r *.o *.d bin-debug obj-debug
-	if [ -L obj-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-release`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L lib-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink lib-release`;\
-	fi
-	$(RM) -r *.o *.d bin-release obj-release
-	doxygen
+-include ../build.conf
+-include ../makefile-binary
diff --git a/aintrospection2/makefile b/aintrospection2/makefile
index 4064fd013121e849e47c80f3733b1e5231d5ad38..bd9fb6f7bcf2fc7fa9d20ce5fc983aa693391c1b 100644
--- a/aintrospection2/makefile
+++ b/aintrospection2/makefile
@@ -1,174 +1,3 @@
--include ../build.conf
 -include makefile.conf
-ifeq ($(USE_LTO),1)
-LTO_PARAM:= -flto
-define NEW_LINE
-export NEW_LINE
-CXX_FLAGS := -Wall -pedantic -Wextra -Werror -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-qual -Wdelete-non-virtual-dtor -Wredundant-decls
-LDFLAGS_DEBUG:=-Wl,--no-as-needed $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-debug, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) -Wl,-rpath,.
-LDFLAGS_RELEASE:=-Wl,--no-as-needed $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-release, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) $(LTO_PARAM) -Wl,-rpath,.
-OBJECTS_DEBUG:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-debug/%.o, $(shell find src/ -name *cpp))
-OBJECTS_RELEASE:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-release/%.o, $(shell find src/ -name *cpp))
-.PHONY: all build-debug clean-debug doc
-	@echo "What to do master?"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# make subdir makefile
-%/makefile: makefile makefile.conf
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-	echo "\
-	SHELL:=/bin/bash$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	define NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	endef$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	export NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	CXXFLAGS:= -pipe -std=c++11 \$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS) -c $(CXX_FLAGS) -fPIC \$$(addprefix -I, \$$(realpath $(INCLUDE_PATHS)))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	SOURCES:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -type f -name \"*.cpp\")$${NEW_LINE}\
-	DEPENDENCIES:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d, \$$(SOURCES))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS:= \$$(patsubst %.d, %.o, \$$(DEPENDENCIES))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	SOURCES_DIRS:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS_DIRS:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%, %/, \$$(SOURCES_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS_DIRS_MAKEFILES:= \$$(patsubst %, %makefile, \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	.PHONY: all$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	all: \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS) \$$(OBJECTS)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%.d: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		@echo \"\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\") = \\$$\$$(shell (\\$$\$$(CXX) -M \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) 2>/dev/null || echo \\\"\$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) FORCE\\\") | sed \\\"s/.*://g;s/\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\//g\\\")\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@): \\$$\$$(\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\")) makefile\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-			\\$$\$$(CXX) \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \\$$\$$< -o \$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@)\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\" > \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%/makefile: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		mkdir -p \$$(dir \$$@)$${NEW_LINE}\
-		cp makefile \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%/: FORCE | %/makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		@accesstime=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(MAKE) -C \$$@ SRCDIR=\$$(SRCDIR)\$$(notdir \$$(patsubst %/, %, \$$@))/ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=\$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS=\"\$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS)\" && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		accesstime2=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		if [ "\$$\$$accesstime" -ne "\$$\$$accesstime2" ]; then \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-			touch .; \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		fi$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	-include \$$(DEPENDENCIES)" > $@
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# final lib/bin construction
-bin-debug/$(EXECUTABLE): obj-debug/ $(OBJECTS_DEBUG)
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-bin-release/$(EXECUTABLE): obj-release/ $(OBJECTS_RELEASE)
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# subdir make calls
-obj-debug/: FORCE | obj-debug/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-debug) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-g -Og -DDEBUG"
-obj-release/: FORCE | obj-release/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-release) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-O3 -DNDEBUG -DRELEASE $(LTO_PARAM)"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# objects dependencies
-$(OBJECTS_DEBUG): obj-debug/
-$(OBJECTS_RELEASE): obj-release/
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# standalone main targets
-build-code-debug: bin-debug/$(EXECUTABLE)
-build-code-release: bin-release/$(EXECUTABLE)
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# do all main targets
-	$(MAKE) build-code-debug
-	$(MAKE) build-code-release
-clean: clean-debug clean-release
-	$(RM) -r doc
-	if [ -L obj-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-debug`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L bin-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink bin-debug`;\
-	fi
-	$(RM) -r *.o *.d bin-debug obj-debug
-	if [ -L obj-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-release`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L lib-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink lib-release`;\
-	fi
-	$(RM) -r *.o *.d bin-release obj-release
-	doxygen
+-include ../build.conf
+-include ../makefile-binary
diff --git a/alangop2/makefile b/alangop2/makefile
index 4064fd013121e849e47c80f3733b1e5231d5ad38..bd9fb6f7bcf2fc7fa9d20ce5fc983aa693391c1b 100644
--- a/alangop2/makefile
+++ b/alangop2/makefile
@@ -1,174 +1,3 @@
--include ../build.conf
 -include makefile.conf
-ifeq ($(USE_LTO),1)
-LTO_PARAM:= -flto
-define NEW_LINE
-export NEW_LINE
-CXX_FLAGS := -Wall -pedantic -Wextra -Werror -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-qual -Wdelete-non-virtual-dtor -Wredundant-decls
-LDFLAGS_DEBUG:=-Wl,--no-as-needed $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-debug, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) -Wl,-rpath,.
-LDFLAGS_RELEASE:=-Wl,--no-as-needed $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-release, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) $(LTO_PARAM) -Wl,-rpath,.
-OBJECTS_DEBUG:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-debug/%.o, $(shell find src/ -name *cpp))
-OBJECTS_RELEASE:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-release/%.o, $(shell find src/ -name *cpp))
-.PHONY: all build-debug clean-debug doc
-	@echo "What to do master?"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# make subdir makefile
-%/makefile: makefile makefile.conf
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-	echo "\
-	SHELL:=/bin/bash$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	define NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	endef$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	export NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	CXXFLAGS:= -pipe -std=c++11 \$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS) -c $(CXX_FLAGS) -fPIC \$$(addprefix -I, \$$(realpath $(INCLUDE_PATHS)))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	SOURCES:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -type f -name \"*.cpp\")$${NEW_LINE}\
-	DEPENDENCIES:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d, \$$(SOURCES))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS:= \$$(patsubst %.d, %.o, \$$(DEPENDENCIES))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	SOURCES_DIRS:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS_DIRS:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%, %/, \$$(SOURCES_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS_DIRS_MAKEFILES:= \$$(patsubst %, %makefile, \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	.PHONY: all$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	all: \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS) \$$(OBJECTS)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%.d: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		@echo \"\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\") = \\$$\$$(shell (\\$$\$$(CXX) -M \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) 2>/dev/null || echo \\\"\$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) FORCE\\\") | sed \\\"s/.*://g;s/\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\//g\\\")\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@): \\$$\$$(\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\")) makefile\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-			\\$$\$$(CXX) \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \\$$\$$< -o \$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@)\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\" > \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%/makefile: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		mkdir -p \$$(dir \$$@)$${NEW_LINE}\
-		cp makefile \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%/: FORCE | %/makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		@accesstime=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(MAKE) -C \$$@ SRCDIR=\$$(SRCDIR)\$$(notdir \$$(patsubst %/, %, \$$@))/ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=\$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS=\"\$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS)\" && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		accesstime2=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		if [ "\$$\$$accesstime" -ne "\$$\$$accesstime2" ]; then \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-			touch .; \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		fi$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	-include \$$(DEPENDENCIES)" > $@
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# final lib/bin construction
-bin-debug/$(EXECUTABLE): obj-debug/ $(OBJECTS_DEBUG)
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-bin-release/$(EXECUTABLE): obj-release/ $(OBJECTS_RELEASE)
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# subdir make calls
-obj-debug/: FORCE | obj-debug/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-debug) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-g -Og -DDEBUG"
-obj-release/: FORCE | obj-release/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-release) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-O3 -DNDEBUG -DRELEASE $(LTO_PARAM)"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# objects dependencies
-$(OBJECTS_DEBUG): obj-debug/
-$(OBJECTS_RELEASE): obj-release/
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# standalone main targets
-build-code-debug: bin-debug/$(EXECUTABLE)
-build-code-release: bin-release/$(EXECUTABLE)
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# do all main targets
-	$(MAKE) build-code-debug
-	$(MAKE) build-code-release
-clean: clean-debug clean-release
-	$(RM) -r doc
-	if [ -L obj-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-debug`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L bin-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink bin-debug`;\
-	fi
-	$(RM) -r *.o *.d bin-debug obj-debug
-	if [ -L obj-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-release`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L lib-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink lib-release`;\
-	fi
-	$(RM) -r *.o *.d bin-release obj-release
-	doxygen
+-include ../build.conf
+-include ../makefile-binary
diff --git a/alib2algo/makefile b/alib2algo/makefile
index c11946de9ea995a4ec6457f73187b9543b66ecbc..0b886940386c0839f59d2d1b395d4292060b6d4e 100644
--- a/alib2algo/makefile
+++ b/alib2algo/makefile
@@ -1,239 +1,3 @@
--include ../build.conf
 -include makefile.conf
-ifeq ($(USE_LTO),1)
-LTO_PARAM:= -flto
-define NEW_LINE
-export NEW_LINE
-CXX_FLAGS := -Wall -pedantic -Wextra -Werror -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-qual -Wdelete-non-virtual-dtor -Wredundant-decls
-space := $(eval) $(eval)
-LDFLAGS_DEBUG:=-rdynamic -shared
-TEST_LDFLAGS_DEBUG:=-Wl,--no-as-needed -Llib-debug $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-debug, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic -l$(LIBRARY) $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) -lcppunit -Wl,-rpath,.
-LDFLAGS_RELEASE:=-rdynamic -shared $(LTO_PARAM)
-TEST_LDFLAGS_RELEASE:=-Wl,--no-as-needed -Llib-release $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-release, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic -l$(LIBRARY) $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) -lcppunit $(LTO_PARAM) -Wl,-rpath,.
-OBJECTS_DEBUG:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-debug/%.o, $(shell find src/ -name *cpp))
-TEST_OBJECTS_DEBUG:=$(patsubst test-src/%.cpp,test-obj-debug/%.o, $(shell find test-src/ -name *cpp))
-OBJECTS_RELEASE:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-release/%.o, $(filter-out $(wildcard src/debug/*), $(shell find src/ -name *cpp)))
-TEST_OBJECTS_RELEASE:=$(patsubst test-src/%.cpp,test-obj-release/%.o, $(shell find test-src/ -name *cpp))
-.PHONY: all debug release clean build-debug build-release clean-debug clean-release doc
-	@echo "What to do master?"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# make subdir makefile
-%/makefile: makefile makefile.conf
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-	echo "\
-	SHELL:=/bin/bash$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	define NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	endef$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	export NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	CXXFLAGS:= -pipe -std=c++11 \$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS) -c $(CXX_FLAGS) -fPIC \$$(addprefix -I, \$$(realpath $(INCLUDE_PATHS))) -I\$$(realpath \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/../src/)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	SOURCES:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -type f -name \"*.cpp\")$${NEW_LINE}\
-	DEPENDENCIES:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d, \$$(SOURCES))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS:= \$$(patsubst %.d, %.o, \$$(DEPENDENCIES))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	SOURCES_DIRS:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS_DIRS:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%, %/, \$$(SOURCES_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS_DIRS_MAKEFILES:= \$$(patsubst %, %makefile, \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	.PHONY: all$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	all: \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS) \$$(OBJECTS)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%.d: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		@echo \"\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\") = \\$$\$$(shell (\\$$\$$(CXX) -M \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) 2>/dev/null || echo \\\"\$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) FORCE\\\") | sed \\\"s/.*://g;s/\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\//g\\\")\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@): \\$$\$$(\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\")) makefile\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-			\\$$\$$(CXX) \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \\$$\$$< -o \$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@)\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\" > \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%/makefile: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		mkdir -p \$$(dir \$$@)$${NEW_LINE}\
-		cp makefile \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%/: FORCE | %/makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		@accesstime=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(MAKE) -C \$$@ SRCDIR=\$$(SRCDIR)\$$(notdir \$$(patsubst %/, %, \$$@))/ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=\$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS=\"\$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS)\" && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		accesstime2=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		if [ "\$$\$$accesstime" -ne "\$$\$$accesstime2" ]; then \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-			touch .; \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		fi$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	-include \$$(DEPENDENCIES)" > $@
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# final lib/bin construction
-lib-debug/$(FULL_LIBRARY): $(OBJECTS_DEBUG) obj-debug/
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-lib-release/$(FULL_LIBRARY): $(OBJECTS_RELEASE) obj-release/
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-test-bin-debug/$(TESTBIN): $(TEST_OBJECTS_DEBUG) test-obj-debug/
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-test-bin-release/$(TESTBIN): $(TEST_OBJECTS_RELEASE) test-obj-release/
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# subdir make calls
-obj-debug/: FORCE obj-debug/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-debug) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-g -Og -DDEBUG"
-obj-release/: FORCE obj-release/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-release) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-O3 -DNDEBUG -DRELEASE $(LTO_PARAM)"
-test-obj-debug/: FORCE test-obj-debug/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath test-obj-debug) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath test-src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-g -Og -DDEBUG"
-test-obj-release/: FORCE test-obj-release/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath test-obj-release) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath test-src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-O3 -DNDEBUG -DRELEASE $(LTO_PARAM)"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# objects dependencies
-$(OBJECTS_DEBUG): obj-debug/
-$(OBJECTS_RELEASE): obj-release/
-$(TEST_OBJECTS_DEBUG): test-obj-debug/
-$(TEST_OBJECTS_RELEASE): test-obj-release/
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# standalone main targets
-	LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$(subst $(space),,$(addsuffix lib-debug:,$(LINK_PATHS)))lib-debug" test-bin-debug/$(TESTBIN)
-	LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$(subst $(space),,$(addsuffix lib-release:,$(LINK_PATHS)))lib-release" test-bin-release/$(TESTBIN)
-build-test-debug: test-bin-debug/$(TESTBIN)
-build-test-release: test-bin-release/$(TESTBIN)
-build-code-debug: lib-debug/$(FULL_LIBRARY)
-build-code-release: lib-release/$(FULL_LIBRARY)
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# do all main targets
-	$(MAKE) build-code-debug
-	$(MAKE) build-test-debug
-	$(MAKE) test-unit-debug
-	$(MAKE) build-code-release
-	$(MAKE) build-test-release
-	$(MAKE) test-unit-release
-clean: clean-debug clean-release
-	$(RM) -r doc
-	if [ -L obj-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-debug`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L lib-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink lib-debug`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L test-obj-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink test-obj-debug`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L test-bin-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink test-bin-debug`;\
-	fi
-	$(RM) -r *.o *.d lib-debug obj-debug test-bin-debug test-obj-debug CppUnitTestResults.xml
-	if [ -L obj-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-release`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L lib-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink lib-release`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L test-obj-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink test-obj-release`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L test-bin-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink test-bin-release`;\
-	fi
-	$(RM) -r *.o *.d lib-release obj-release test-bin-release test-obj-release CppUnitTestResults.xml
-	doxygen
+-include ../build.conf
+-include ../makefile-library
diff --git a/alib2algo_experimental/makefile b/alib2algo_experimental/makefile
index c11946de9ea995a4ec6457f73187b9543b66ecbc..0b886940386c0839f59d2d1b395d4292060b6d4e 100644
--- a/alib2algo_experimental/makefile
+++ b/alib2algo_experimental/makefile
@@ -1,239 +1,3 @@
--include ../build.conf
 -include makefile.conf
-ifeq ($(USE_LTO),1)
-LTO_PARAM:= -flto
-define NEW_LINE
-export NEW_LINE
-CXX_FLAGS := -Wall -pedantic -Wextra -Werror -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-qual -Wdelete-non-virtual-dtor -Wredundant-decls
-space := $(eval) $(eval)
-LDFLAGS_DEBUG:=-rdynamic -shared
-TEST_LDFLAGS_DEBUG:=-Wl,--no-as-needed -Llib-debug $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-debug, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic -l$(LIBRARY) $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) -lcppunit -Wl,-rpath,.
-LDFLAGS_RELEASE:=-rdynamic -shared $(LTO_PARAM)
-TEST_LDFLAGS_RELEASE:=-Wl,--no-as-needed -Llib-release $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-release, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic -l$(LIBRARY) $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) -lcppunit $(LTO_PARAM) -Wl,-rpath,.
-OBJECTS_DEBUG:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-debug/%.o, $(shell find src/ -name *cpp))
-TEST_OBJECTS_DEBUG:=$(patsubst test-src/%.cpp,test-obj-debug/%.o, $(shell find test-src/ -name *cpp))
-OBJECTS_RELEASE:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-release/%.o, $(filter-out $(wildcard src/debug/*), $(shell find src/ -name *cpp)))
-TEST_OBJECTS_RELEASE:=$(patsubst test-src/%.cpp,test-obj-release/%.o, $(shell find test-src/ -name *cpp))
-.PHONY: all debug release clean build-debug build-release clean-debug clean-release doc
-	@echo "What to do master?"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# make subdir makefile
-%/makefile: makefile makefile.conf
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-	echo "\
-	SHELL:=/bin/bash$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	define NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	endef$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	export NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	CXXFLAGS:= -pipe -std=c++11 \$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS) -c $(CXX_FLAGS) -fPIC \$$(addprefix -I, \$$(realpath $(INCLUDE_PATHS))) -I\$$(realpath \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/../src/)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	SOURCES:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -type f -name \"*.cpp\")$${NEW_LINE}\
-	DEPENDENCIES:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d, \$$(SOURCES))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS:= \$$(patsubst %.d, %.o, \$$(DEPENDENCIES))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	SOURCES_DIRS:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS_DIRS:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%, %/, \$$(SOURCES_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS_DIRS_MAKEFILES:= \$$(patsubst %, %makefile, \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	.PHONY: all$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	all: \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS) \$$(OBJECTS)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%.d: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		@echo \"\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\") = \\$$\$$(shell (\\$$\$$(CXX) -M \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) 2>/dev/null || echo \\\"\$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) FORCE\\\") | sed \\\"s/.*://g;s/\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\//g\\\")\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@): \\$$\$$(\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\")) makefile\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-			\\$$\$$(CXX) \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \\$$\$$< -o \$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@)\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\" > \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%/makefile: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		mkdir -p \$$(dir \$$@)$${NEW_LINE}\
-		cp makefile \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%/: FORCE | %/makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		@accesstime=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(MAKE) -C \$$@ SRCDIR=\$$(SRCDIR)\$$(notdir \$$(patsubst %/, %, \$$@))/ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=\$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS=\"\$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS)\" && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		accesstime2=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		if [ "\$$\$$accesstime" -ne "\$$\$$accesstime2" ]; then \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-			touch .; \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		fi$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	-include \$$(DEPENDENCIES)" > $@
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# final lib/bin construction
-lib-debug/$(FULL_LIBRARY): $(OBJECTS_DEBUG) obj-debug/
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-lib-release/$(FULL_LIBRARY): $(OBJECTS_RELEASE) obj-release/
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-test-bin-debug/$(TESTBIN): $(TEST_OBJECTS_DEBUG) test-obj-debug/
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-test-bin-release/$(TESTBIN): $(TEST_OBJECTS_RELEASE) test-obj-release/
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# subdir make calls
-obj-debug/: FORCE obj-debug/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-debug) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-g -Og -DDEBUG"
-obj-release/: FORCE obj-release/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-release) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-O3 -DNDEBUG -DRELEASE $(LTO_PARAM)"
-test-obj-debug/: FORCE test-obj-debug/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath test-obj-debug) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath test-src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-g -Og -DDEBUG"
-test-obj-release/: FORCE test-obj-release/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath test-obj-release) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath test-src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-O3 -DNDEBUG -DRELEASE $(LTO_PARAM)"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# objects dependencies
-$(OBJECTS_DEBUG): obj-debug/
-$(OBJECTS_RELEASE): obj-release/
-$(TEST_OBJECTS_DEBUG): test-obj-debug/
-$(TEST_OBJECTS_RELEASE): test-obj-release/
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# standalone main targets
-	LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$(subst $(space),,$(addsuffix lib-debug:,$(LINK_PATHS)))lib-debug" test-bin-debug/$(TESTBIN)
-	LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$(subst $(space),,$(addsuffix lib-release:,$(LINK_PATHS)))lib-release" test-bin-release/$(TESTBIN)
-build-test-debug: test-bin-debug/$(TESTBIN)
-build-test-release: test-bin-release/$(TESTBIN)
-build-code-debug: lib-debug/$(FULL_LIBRARY)
-build-code-release: lib-release/$(FULL_LIBRARY)
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# do all main targets
-	$(MAKE) build-code-debug
-	$(MAKE) build-test-debug
-	$(MAKE) test-unit-debug
-	$(MAKE) build-code-release
-	$(MAKE) build-test-release
-	$(MAKE) test-unit-release
-clean: clean-debug clean-release
-	$(RM) -r doc
-	if [ -L obj-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-debug`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L lib-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink lib-debug`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L test-obj-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink test-obj-debug`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L test-bin-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink test-bin-debug`;\
-	fi
-	$(RM) -r *.o *.d lib-debug obj-debug test-bin-debug test-obj-debug CppUnitTestResults.xml
-	if [ -L obj-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-release`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L lib-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink lib-release`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L test-obj-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink test-obj-release`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L test-bin-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink test-bin-release`;\
-	fi
-	$(RM) -r *.o *.d lib-release obj-release test-bin-release test-obj-release CppUnitTestResults.xml
-	doxygen
+-include ../build.conf
+-include ../makefile-library
diff --git a/alib2common/makefile b/alib2common/makefile
index c11946de9ea995a4ec6457f73187b9543b66ecbc..0b886940386c0839f59d2d1b395d4292060b6d4e 100644
--- a/alib2common/makefile
+++ b/alib2common/makefile
@@ -1,239 +1,3 @@
--include ../build.conf
 -include makefile.conf
-ifeq ($(USE_LTO),1)
-LTO_PARAM:= -flto
-define NEW_LINE
-export NEW_LINE
-CXX_FLAGS := -Wall -pedantic -Wextra -Werror -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-qual -Wdelete-non-virtual-dtor -Wredundant-decls
-space := $(eval) $(eval)
-LDFLAGS_DEBUG:=-rdynamic -shared
-TEST_LDFLAGS_DEBUG:=-Wl,--no-as-needed -Llib-debug $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-debug, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic -l$(LIBRARY) $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) -lcppunit -Wl,-rpath,.
-LDFLAGS_RELEASE:=-rdynamic -shared $(LTO_PARAM)
-TEST_LDFLAGS_RELEASE:=-Wl,--no-as-needed -Llib-release $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-release, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic -l$(LIBRARY) $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) -lcppunit $(LTO_PARAM) -Wl,-rpath,.
-OBJECTS_DEBUG:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-debug/%.o, $(shell find src/ -name *cpp))
-TEST_OBJECTS_DEBUG:=$(patsubst test-src/%.cpp,test-obj-debug/%.o, $(shell find test-src/ -name *cpp))
-OBJECTS_RELEASE:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-release/%.o, $(filter-out $(wildcard src/debug/*), $(shell find src/ -name *cpp)))
-TEST_OBJECTS_RELEASE:=$(patsubst test-src/%.cpp,test-obj-release/%.o, $(shell find test-src/ -name *cpp))
-.PHONY: all debug release clean build-debug build-release clean-debug clean-release doc
-	@echo "What to do master?"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# make subdir makefile
-%/makefile: makefile makefile.conf
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-	echo "\
-	SHELL:=/bin/bash$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	define NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	endef$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	export NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	CXXFLAGS:= -pipe -std=c++11 \$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS) -c $(CXX_FLAGS) -fPIC \$$(addprefix -I, \$$(realpath $(INCLUDE_PATHS))) -I\$$(realpath \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/../src/)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	SOURCES:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -type f -name \"*.cpp\")$${NEW_LINE}\
-	DEPENDENCIES:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d, \$$(SOURCES))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS:= \$$(patsubst %.d, %.o, \$$(DEPENDENCIES))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	SOURCES_DIRS:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS_DIRS:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%, %/, \$$(SOURCES_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS_DIRS_MAKEFILES:= \$$(patsubst %, %makefile, \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	.PHONY: all$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	all: \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS) \$$(OBJECTS)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%.d: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		@echo \"\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\") = \\$$\$$(shell (\\$$\$$(CXX) -M \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) 2>/dev/null || echo \\\"\$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) FORCE\\\") | sed \\\"s/.*://g;s/\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\//g\\\")\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@): \\$$\$$(\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\")) makefile\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-			\\$$\$$(CXX) \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \\$$\$$< -o \$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@)\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\" > \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%/makefile: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		mkdir -p \$$(dir \$$@)$${NEW_LINE}\
-		cp makefile \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%/: FORCE | %/makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		@accesstime=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(MAKE) -C \$$@ SRCDIR=\$$(SRCDIR)\$$(notdir \$$(patsubst %/, %, \$$@))/ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=\$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS=\"\$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS)\" && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		accesstime2=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		if [ "\$$\$$accesstime" -ne "\$$\$$accesstime2" ]; then \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-			touch .; \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		fi$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	-include \$$(DEPENDENCIES)" > $@
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# final lib/bin construction
-lib-debug/$(FULL_LIBRARY): $(OBJECTS_DEBUG) obj-debug/
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-lib-release/$(FULL_LIBRARY): $(OBJECTS_RELEASE) obj-release/
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-test-bin-debug/$(TESTBIN): $(TEST_OBJECTS_DEBUG) test-obj-debug/
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-test-bin-release/$(TESTBIN): $(TEST_OBJECTS_RELEASE) test-obj-release/
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# subdir make calls
-obj-debug/: FORCE obj-debug/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-debug) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-g -Og -DDEBUG"
-obj-release/: FORCE obj-release/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-release) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-O3 -DNDEBUG -DRELEASE $(LTO_PARAM)"
-test-obj-debug/: FORCE test-obj-debug/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath test-obj-debug) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath test-src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-g -Og -DDEBUG"
-test-obj-release/: FORCE test-obj-release/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath test-obj-release) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath test-src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-O3 -DNDEBUG -DRELEASE $(LTO_PARAM)"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# objects dependencies
-$(OBJECTS_DEBUG): obj-debug/
-$(OBJECTS_RELEASE): obj-release/
-$(TEST_OBJECTS_DEBUG): test-obj-debug/
-$(TEST_OBJECTS_RELEASE): test-obj-release/
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# standalone main targets
-	LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$(subst $(space),,$(addsuffix lib-debug:,$(LINK_PATHS)))lib-debug" test-bin-debug/$(TESTBIN)
-	LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$(subst $(space),,$(addsuffix lib-release:,$(LINK_PATHS)))lib-release" test-bin-release/$(TESTBIN)
-build-test-debug: test-bin-debug/$(TESTBIN)
-build-test-release: test-bin-release/$(TESTBIN)
-build-code-debug: lib-debug/$(FULL_LIBRARY)
-build-code-release: lib-release/$(FULL_LIBRARY)
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# do all main targets
-	$(MAKE) build-code-debug
-	$(MAKE) build-test-debug
-	$(MAKE) test-unit-debug
-	$(MAKE) build-code-release
-	$(MAKE) build-test-release
-	$(MAKE) test-unit-release
-clean: clean-debug clean-release
-	$(RM) -r doc
-	if [ -L obj-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-debug`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L lib-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink lib-debug`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L test-obj-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink test-obj-debug`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L test-bin-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink test-bin-debug`;\
-	fi
-	$(RM) -r *.o *.d lib-debug obj-debug test-bin-debug test-obj-debug CppUnitTestResults.xml
-	if [ -L obj-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-release`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L lib-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink lib-release`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L test-obj-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink test-obj-release`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L test-bin-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink test-bin-release`;\
-	fi
-	$(RM) -r *.o *.d lib-release obj-release test-bin-release test-obj-release CppUnitTestResults.xml
-	doxygen
+-include ../build.conf
+-include ../makefile-library
diff --git a/alib2common/test-src/measurements/MeasurementsTest.cpp b/alib2common/test-src/measurements/MeasurementsTest.cpp
index 71d33b95684b4dc7912482733b27a4d360eb940b..8eb74f3d7d905fb0d3fee7035fc686d33524458c 100644
--- a/alib2common/test-src/measurements/MeasurementsTest.cpp
+++ b/alib2common/test-src/measurements/MeasurementsTest.cpp
@@ -80,7 +80,13 @@ void MeasurementsTest::testTimeMeasurements ( ) {
 	std::cout << measurements::MeasurementFormat::XML << measurements::results ( ) << std::endl;
-void MeasurementsTest::testMemoryMeasurements ( ) {
+#ifdef __clang__
+#define __NO_OPTIMIZE_ATTRIBUTE__ __attribute__((optnone))
+#define __NO_OPTIMIZE_ATTRIBUTE__ __attribute__((optimize("O0")))
+void __NO_OPTIMIZE_ATTRIBUTE__ MeasurementsTest::testMemoryMeasurements ( ) {
 	measurements::start ( "chunk1", measurements::Type::MAIN );
 	int * baz = new int[500];
diff --git a/alib2data/makefile b/alib2data/makefile
index c11946de9ea995a4ec6457f73187b9543b66ecbc..0b886940386c0839f59d2d1b395d4292060b6d4e 100644
--- a/alib2data/makefile
+++ b/alib2data/makefile
@@ -1,239 +1,3 @@
--include ../build.conf
 -include makefile.conf
-ifeq ($(USE_LTO),1)
-LTO_PARAM:= -flto
-define NEW_LINE
-export NEW_LINE
-CXX_FLAGS := -Wall -pedantic -Wextra -Werror -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-qual -Wdelete-non-virtual-dtor -Wredundant-decls
-space := $(eval) $(eval)
-LDFLAGS_DEBUG:=-rdynamic -shared
-TEST_LDFLAGS_DEBUG:=-Wl,--no-as-needed -Llib-debug $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-debug, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic -l$(LIBRARY) $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) -lcppunit -Wl,-rpath,.
-LDFLAGS_RELEASE:=-rdynamic -shared $(LTO_PARAM)
-TEST_LDFLAGS_RELEASE:=-Wl,--no-as-needed -Llib-release $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-release, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic -l$(LIBRARY) $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) -lcppunit $(LTO_PARAM) -Wl,-rpath,.
-OBJECTS_DEBUG:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-debug/%.o, $(shell find src/ -name *cpp))
-TEST_OBJECTS_DEBUG:=$(patsubst test-src/%.cpp,test-obj-debug/%.o, $(shell find test-src/ -name *cpp))
-OBJECTS_RELEASE:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-release/%.o, $(filter-out $(wildcard src/debug/*), $(shell find src/ -name *cpp)))
-TEST_OBJECTS_RELEASE:=$(patsubst test-src/%.cpp,test-obj-release/%.o, $(shell find test-src/ -name *cpp))
-.PHONY: all debug release clean build-debug build-release clean-debug clean-release doc
-	@echo "What to do master?"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# make subdir makefile
-%/makefile: makefile makefile.conf
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-	echo "\
-	SHELL:=/bin/bash$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	define NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	endef$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	export NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	CXXFLAGS:= -pipe -std=c++11 \$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS) -c $(CXX_FLAGS) -fPIC \$$(addprefix -I, \$$(realpath $(INCLUDE_PATHS))) -I\$$(realpath \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/../src/)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	SOURCES:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -type f -name \"*.cpp\")$${NEW_LINE}\
-	DEPENDENCIES:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d, \$$(SOURCES))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS:= \$$(patsubst %.d, %.o, \$$(DEPENDENCIES))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	SOURCES_DIRS:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS_DIRS:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%, %/, \$$(SOURCES_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS_DIRS_MAKEFILES:= \$$(patsubst %, %makefile, \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	.PHONY: all$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	all: \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS) \$$(OBJECTS)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%.d: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		@echo \"\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\") = \\$$\$$(shell (\\$$\$$(CXX) -M \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) 2>/dev/null || echo \\\"\$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) FORCE\\\") | sed \\\"s/.*://g;s/\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\//g\\\")\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@): \\$$\$$(\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\")) makefile\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-			\\$$\$$(CXX) \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \\$$\$$< -o \$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@)\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\" > \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%/makefile: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		mkdir -p \$$(dir \$$@)$${NEW_LINE}\
-		cp makefile \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%/: FORCE | %/makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		@accesstime=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(MAKE) -C \$$@ SRCDIR=\$$(SRCDIR)\$$(notdir \$$(patsubst %/, %, \$$@))/ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=\$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS=\"\$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS)\" && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		accesstime2=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		if [ "\$$\$$accesstime" -ne "\$$\$$accesstime2" ]; then \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-			touch .; \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		fi$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	-include \$$(DEPENDENCIES)" > $@
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# final lib/bin construction
-lib-debug/$(FULL_LIBRARY): $(OBJECTS_DEBUG) obj-debug/
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-lib-release/$(FULL_LIBRARY): $(OBJECTS_RELEASE) obj-release/
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-test-bin-debug/$(TESTBIN): $(TEST_OBJECTS_DEBUG) test-obj-debug/
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-test-bin-release/$(TESTBIN): $(TEST_OBJECTS_RELEASE) test-obj-release/
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# subdir make calls
-obj-debug/: FORCE obj-debug/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-debug) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-g -Og -DDEBUG"
-obj-release/: FORCE obj-release/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-release) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-O3 -DNDEBUG -DRELEASE $(LTO_PARAM)"
-test-obj-debug/: FORCE test-obj-debug/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath test-obj-debug) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath test-src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-g -Og -DDEBUG"
-test-obj-release/: FORCE test-obj-release/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath test-obj-release) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath test-src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-O3 -DNDEBUG -DRELEASE $(LTO_PARAM)"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# objects dependencies
-$(OBJECTS_DEBUG): obj-debug/
-$(OBJECTS_RELEASE): obj-release/
-$(TEST_OBJECTS_DEBUG): test-obj-debug/
-$(TEST_OBJECTS_RELEASE): test-obj-release/
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# standalone main targets
-	LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$(subst $(space),,$(addsuffix lib-debug:,$(LINK_PATHS)))lib-debug" test-bin-debug/$(TESTBIN)
-	LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$(subst $(space),,$(addsuffix lib-release:,$(LINK_PATHS)))lib-release" test-bin-release/$(TESTBIN)
-build-test-debug: test-bin-debug/$(TESTBIN)
-build-test-release: test-bin-release/$(TESTBIN)
-build-code-debug: lib-debug/$(FULL_LIBRARY)
-build-code-release: lib-release/$(FULL_LIBRARY)
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# do all main targets
-	$(MAKE) build-code-debug
-	$(MAKE) build-test-debug
-	$(MAKE) test-unit-debug
-	$(MAKE) build-code-release
-	$(MAKE) build-test-release
-	$(MAKE) test-unit-release
-clean: clean-debug clean-release
-	$(RM) -r doc
-	if [ -L obj-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-debug`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L lib-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink lib-debug`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L test-obj-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink test-obj-debug`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L test-bin-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink test-bin-debug`;\
-	fi
-	$(RM) -r *.o *.d lib-debug obj-debug test-bin-debug test-obj-debug CppUnitTestResults.xml
-	if [ -L obj-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-release`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L lib-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink lib-release`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L test-obj-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink test-obj-release`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L test-bin-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink test-bin-release`;\
-	fi
-	$(RM) -r *.o *.d lib-release obj-release test-bin-release test-obj-release CppUnitTestResults.xml
-	doxygen
+-include ../build.conf
+-include ../makefile-library
diff --git a/alib2data_experimental/makefile b/alib2data_experimental/makefile
index c11946de9ea995a4ec6457f73187b9543b66ecbc..0b886940386c0839f59d2d1b395d4292060b6d4e 100644
--- a/alib2data_experimental/makefile
+++ b/alib2data_experimental/makefile
@@ -1,239 +1,3 @@
--include ../build.conf
 -include makefile.conf
-ifeq ($(USE_LTO),1)
-LTO_PARAM:= -flto
-define NEW_LINE
-export NEW_LINE
-CXX_FLAGS := -Wall -pedantic -Wextra -Werror -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-qual -Wdelete-non-virtual-dtor -Wredundant-decls
-space := $(eval) $(eval)
-LDFLAGS_DEBUG:=-rdynamic -shared
-TEST_LDFLAGS_DEBUG:=-Wl,--no-as-needed -Llib-debug $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-debug, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic -l$(LIBRARY) $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) -lcppunit -Wl,-rpath,.
-LDFLAGS_RELEASE:=-rdynamic -shared $(LTO_PARAM)
-TEST_LDFLAGS_RELEASE:=-Wl,--no-as-needed -Llib-release $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-release, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic -l$(LIBRARY) $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) -lcppunit $(LTO_PARAM) -Wl,-rpath,.
-OBJECTS_DEBUG:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-debug/%.o, $(shell find src/ -name *cpp))
-TEST_OBJECTS_DEBUG:=$(patsubst test-src/%.cpp,test-obj-debug/%.o, $(shell find test-src/ -name *cpp))
-OBJECTS_RELEASE:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-release/%.o, $(filter-out $(wildcard src/debug/*), $(shell find src/ -name *cpp)))
-TEST_OBJECTS_RELEASE:=$(patsubst test-src/%.cpp,test-obj-release/%.o, $(shell find test-src/ -name *cpp))
-.PHONY: all debug release clean build-debug build-release clean-debug clean-release doc
-	@echo "What to do master?"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# make subdir makefile
-%/makefile: makefile makefile.conf
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-	echo "\
-	SHELL:=/bin/bash$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	define NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	endef$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	export NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	CXXFLAGS:= -pipe -std=c++11 \$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS) -c $(CXX_FLAGS) -fPIC \$$(addprefix -I, \$$(realpath $(INCLUDE_PATHS))) -I\$$(realpath \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/../src/)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	SOURCES:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -type f -name \"*.cpp\")$${NEW_LINE}\
-	DEPENDENCIES:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d, \$$(SOURCES))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS:= \$$(patsubst %.d, %.o, \$$(DEPENDENCIES))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	SOURCES_DIRS:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS_DIRS:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%, %/, \$$(SOURCES_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS_DIRS_MAKEFILES:= \$$(patsubst %, %makefile, \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	.PHONY: all$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	all: \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS) \$$(OBJECTS)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%.d: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		@echo \"\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\") = \\$$\$$(shell (\\$$\$$(CXX) -M \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) 2>/dev/null || echo \\\"\$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) FORCE\\\") | sed \\\"s/.*://g;s/\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\//g\\\")\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@): \\$$\$$(\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\")) makefile\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-			\\$$\$$(CXX) \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \\$$\$$< -o \$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@)\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\" > \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%/makefile: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		mkdir -p \$$(dir \$$@)$${NEW_LINE}\
-		cp makefile \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%/: FORCE | %/makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		@accesstime=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(MAKE) -C \$$@ SRCDIR=\$$(SRCDIR)\$$(notdir \$$(patsubst %/, %, \$$@))/ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=\$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS=\"\$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS)\" && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		accesstime2=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		if [ "\$$\$$accesstime" -ne "\$$\$$accesstime2" ]; then \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-			touch .; \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		fi$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	-include \$$(DEPENDENCIES)" > $@
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# final lib/bin construction
-lib-debug/$(FULL_LIBRARY): $(OBJECTS_DEBUG) obj-debug/
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-lib-release/$(FULL_LIBRARY): $(OBJECTS_RELEASE) obj-release/
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-test-bin-debug/$(TESTBIN): $(TEST_OBJECTS_DEBUG) test-obj-debug/
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-test-bin-release/$(TESTBIN): $(TEST_OBJECTS_RELEASE) test-obj-release/
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# subdir make calls
-obj-debug/: FORCE obj-debug/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-debug) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-g -Og -DDEBUG"
-obj-release/: FORCE obj-release/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-release) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-O3 -DNDEBUG -DRELEASE $(LTO_PARAM)"
-test-obj-debug/: FORCE test-obj-debug/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath test-obj-debug) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath test-src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-g -Og -DDEBUG"
-test-obj-release/: FORCE test-obj-release/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath test-obj-release) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath test-src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-O3 -DNDEBUG -DRELEASE $(LTO_PARAM)"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# objects dependencies
-$(OBJECTS_DEBUG): obj-debug/
-$(OBJECTS_RELEASE): obj-release/
-$(TEST_OBJECTS_DEBUG): test-obj-debug/
-$(TEST_OBJECTS_RELEASE): test-obj-release/
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# standalone main targets
-	LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$(subst $(space),,$(addsuffix lib-debug:,$(LINK_PATHS)))lib-debug" test-bin-debug/$(TESTBIN)
-	LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$(subst $(space),,$(addsuffix lib-release:,$(LINK_PATHS)))lib-release" test-bin-release/$(TESTBIN)
-build-test-debug: test-bin-debug/$(TESTBIN)
-build-test-release: test-bin-release/$(TESTBIN)
-build-code-debug: lib-debug/$(FULL_LIBRARY)
-build-code-release: lib-release/$(FULL_LIBRARY)
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# do all main targets
-	$(MAKE) build-code-debug
-	$(MAKE) build-test-debug
-	$(MAKE) test-unit-debug
-	$(MAKE) build-code-release
-	$(MAKE) build-test-release
-	$(MAKE) test-unit-release
-clean: clean-debug clean-release
-	$(RM) -r doc
-	if [ -L obj-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-debug`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L lib-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink lib-debug`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L test-obj-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink test-obj-debug`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L test-bin-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink test-bin-debug`;\
-	fi
-	$(RM) -r *.o *.d lib-debug obj-debug test-bin-debug test-obj-debug CppUnitTestResults.xml
-	if [ -L obj-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-release`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L lib-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink lib-release`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L test-obj-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink test-obj-release`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L test-bin-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink test-bin-release`;\
-	fi
-	$(RM) -r *.o *.d lib-release obj-release test-bin-release test-obj-release CppUnitTestResults.xml
-	doxygen
+-include ../build.conf
+-include ../makefile-library
diff --git a/alib2elgo/makefile b/alib2elgo/makefile
index c11946de9ea995a4ec6457f73187b9543b66ecbc..0b886940386c0839f59d2d1b395d4292060b6d4e 100644
--- a/alib2elgo/makefile
+++ b/alib2elgo/makefile
@@ -1,239 +1,3 @@
--include ../build.conf
 -include makefile.conf
-ifeq ($(USE_LTO),1)
-LTO_PARAM:= -flto
-define NEW_LINE
-export NEW_LINE
-CXX_FLAGS := -Wall -pedantic -Wextra -Werror -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-qual -Wdelete-non-virtual-dtor -Wredundant-decls
-space := $(eval) $(eval)
-LDFLAGS_DEBUG:=-rdynamic -shared
-TEST_LDFLAGS_DEBUG:=-Wl,--no-as-needed -Llib-debug $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-debug, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic -l$(LIBRARY) $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) -lcppunit -Wl,-rpath,.
-LDFLAGS_RELEASE:=-rdynamic -shared $(LTO_PARAM)
-TEST_LDFLAGS_RELEASE:=-Wl,--no-as-needed -Llib-release $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-release, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic -l$(LIBRARY) $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) -lcppunit $(LTO_PARAM) -Wl,-rpath,.
-OBJECTS_DEBUG:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-debug/%.o, $(shell find src/ -name *cpp))
-TEST_OBJECTS_DEBUG:=$(patsubst test-src/%.cpp,test-obj-debug/%.o, $(shell find test-src/ -name *cpp))
-OBJECTS_RELEASE:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-release/%.o, $(filter-out $(wildcard src/debug/*), $(shell find src/ -name *cpp)))
-TEST_OBJECTS_RELEASE:=$(patsubst test-src/%.cpp,test-obj-release/%.o, $(shell find test-src/ -name *cpp))
-.PHONY: all debug release clean build-debug build-release clean-debug clean-release doc
-	@echo "What to do master?"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# make subdir makefile
-%/makefile: makefile makefile.conf
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-	echo "\
-	SHELL:=/bin/bash$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	define NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	endef$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	export NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	CXXFLAGS:= -pipe -std=c++11 \$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS) -c $(CXX_FLAGS) -fPIC \$$(addprefix -I, \$$(realpath $(INCLUDE_PATHS))) -I\$$(realpath \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/../src/)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	SOURCES:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -type f -name \"*.cpp\")$${NEW_LINE}\
-	DEPENDENCIES:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d, \$$(SOURCES))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS:= \$$(patsubst %.d, %.o, \$$(DEPENDENCIES))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	SOURCES_DIRS:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS_DIRS:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%, %/, \$$(SOURCES_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS_DIRS_MAKEFILES:= \$$(patsubst %, %makefile, \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	.PHONY: all$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	all: \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS) \$$(OBJECTS)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%.d: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		@echo \"\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\") = \\$$\$$(shell (\\$$\$$(CXX) -M \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) 2>/dev/null || echo \\\"\$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) FORCE\\\") | sed \\\"s/.*://g;s/\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\//g\\\")\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@): \\$$\$$(\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\")) makefile\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-			\\$$\$$(CXX) \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \\$$\$$< -o \$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@)\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\" > \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%/makefile: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		mkdir -p \$$(dir \$$@)$${NEW_LINE}\
-		cp makefile \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%/: FORCE | %/makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		@accesstime=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(MAKE) -C \$$@ SRCDIR=\$$(SRCDIR)\$$(notdir \$$(patsubst %/, %, \$$@))/ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=\$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS=\"\$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS)\" && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		accesstime2=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		if [ "\$$\$$accesstime" -ne "\$$\$$accesstime2" ]; then \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-			touch .; \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		fi$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	-include \$$(DEPENDENCIES)" > $@
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# final lib/bin construction
-lib-debug/$(FULL_LIBRARY): $(OBJECTS_DEBUG) obj-debug/
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-lib-release/$(FULL_LIBRARY): $(OBJECTS_RELEASE) obj-release/
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-test-bin-debug/$(TESTBIN): $(TEST_OBJECTS_DEBUG) test-obj-debug/
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-test-bin-release/$(TESTBIN): $(TEST_OBJECTS_RELEASE) test-obj-release/
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# subdir make calls
-obj-debug/: FORCE obj-debug/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-debug) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-g -Og -DDEBUG"
-obj-release/: FORCE obj-release/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-release) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-O3 -DNDEBUG -DRELEASE $(LTO_PARAM)"
-test-obj-debug/: FORCE test-obj-debug/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath test-obj-debug) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath test-src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-g -Og -DDEBUG"
-test-obj-release/: FORCE test-obj-release/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath test-obj-release) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath test-src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-O3 -DNDEBUG -DRELEASE $(LTO_PARAM)"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# objects dependencies
-$(OBJECTS_DEBUG): obj-debug/
-$(OBJECTS_RELEASE): obj-release/
-$(TEST_OBJECTS_DEBUG): test-obj-debug/
-$(TEST_OBJECTS_RELEASE): test-obj-release/
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# standalone main targets
-	LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$(subst $(space),,$(addsuffix lib-debug:,$(LINK_PATHS)))lib-debug" test-bin-debug/$(TESTBIN)
-	LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$(subst $(space),,$(addsuffix lib-release:,$(LINK_PATHS)))lib-release" test-bin-release/$(TESTBIN)
-build-test-debug: test-bin-debug/$(TESTBIN)
-build-test-release: test-bin-release/$(TESTBIN)
-build-code-debug: lib-debug/$(FULL_LIBRARY)
-build-code-release: lib-release/$(FULL_LIBRARY)
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# do all main targets
-	$(MAKE) build-code-debug
-	$(MAKE) build-test-debug
-	$(MAKE) test-unit-debug
-	$(MAKE) build-code-release
-	$(MAKE) build-test-release
-	$(MAKE) test-unit-release
-clean: clean-debug clean-release
-	$(RM) -r doc
-	if [ -L obj-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-debug`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L lib-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink lib-debug`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L test-obj-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink test-obj-debug`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L test-bin-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink test-bin-debug`;\
-	fi
-	$(RM) -r *.o *.d lib-debug obj-debug test-bin-debug test-obj-debug CppUnitTestResults.xml
-	if [ -L obj-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-release`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L lib-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink lib-release`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L test-obj-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink test-obj-release`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L test-bin-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink test-bin-release`;\
-	fi
-	$(RM) -r *.o *.d lib-release obj-release test-bin-release test-obj-release CppUnitTestResults.xml
-	doxygen
+-include ../build.conf
+-include ../makefile-library
diff --git a/alib2measurepp/makefile b/alib2measurepp/makefile
index c11946de9ea995a4ec6457f73187b9543b66ecbc..0b886940386c0839f59d2d1b395d4292060b6d4e 100644
--- a/alib2measurepp/makefile
+++ b/alib2measurepp/makefile
@@ -1,239 +1,3 @@
--include ../build.conf
 -include makefile.conf
-ifeq ($(USE_LTO),1)
-LTO_PARAM:= -flto
-define NEW_LINE
-export NEW_LINE
-CXX_FLAGS := -Wall -pedantic -Wextra -Werror -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-qual -Wdelete-non-virtual-dtor -Wredundant-decls
-space := $(eval) $(eval)
-LDFLAGS_DEBUG:=-rdynamic -shared
-TEST_LDFLAGS_DEBUG:=-Wl,--no-as-needed -Llib-debug $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-debug, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic -l$(LIBRARY) $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) -lcppunit -Wl,-rpath,.
-LDFLAGS_RELEASE:=-rdynamic -shared $(LTO_PARAM)
-TEST_LDFLAGS_RELEASE:=-Wl,--no-as-needed -Llib-release $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-release, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic -l$(LIBRARY) $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) -lcppunit $(LTO_PARAM) -Wl,-rpath,.
-OBJECTS_DEBUG:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-debug/%.o, $(shell find src/ -name *cpp))
-TEST_OBJECTS_DEBUG:=$(patsubst test-src/%.cpp,test-obj-debug/%.o, $(shell find test-src/ -name *cpp))
-OBJECTS_RELEASE:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-release/%.o, $(filter-out $(wildcard src/debug/*), $(shell find src/ -name *cpp)))
-TEST_OBJECTS_RELEASE:=$(patsubst test-src/%.cpp,test-obj-release/%.o, $(shell find test-src/ -name *cpp))
-.PHONY: all debug release clean build-debug build-release clean-debug clean-release doc
-	@echo "What to do master?"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# make subdir makefile
-%/makefile: makefile makefile.conf
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-	echo "\
-	SHELL:=/bin/bash$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	define NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	endef$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	export NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	CXXFLAGS:= -pipe -std=c++11 \$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS) -c $(CXX_FLAGS) -fPIC \$$(addprefix -I, \$$(realpath $(INCLUDE_PATHS))) -I\$$(realpath \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/../src/)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	SOURCES:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -type f -name \"*.cpp\")$${NEW_LINE}\
-	DEPENDENCIES:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d, \$$(SOURCES))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS:= \$$(patsubst %.d, %.o, \$$(DEPENDENCIES))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	SOURCES_DIRS:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS_DIRS:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%, %/, \$$(SOURCES_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS_DIRS_MAKEFILES:= \$$(patsubst %, %makefile, \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	.PHONY: all$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	all: \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS) \$$(OBJECTS)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%.d: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		@echo \"\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\") = \\$$\$$(shell (\\$$\$$(CXX) -M \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) 2>/dev/null || echo \\\"\$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) FORCE\\\") | sed \\\"s/.*://g;s/\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\//g\\\")\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@): \\$$\$$(\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\")) makefile\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-			\\$$\$$(CXX) \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \\$$\$$< -o \$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@)\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\" > \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%/makefile: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		mkdir -p \$$(dir \$$@)$${NEW_LINE}\
-		cp makefile \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%/: FORCE | %/makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		@accesstime=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(MAKE) -C \$$@ SRCDIR=\$$(SRCDIR)\$$(notdir \$$(patsubst %/, %, \$$@))/ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=\$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS=\"\$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS)\" && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		accesstime2=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		if [ "\$$\$$accesstime" -ne "\$$\$$accesstime2" ]; then \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-			touch .; \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		fi$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	-include \$$(DEPENDENCIES)" > $@
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# final lib/bin construction
-lib-debug/$(FULL_LIBRARY): $(OBJECTS_DEBUG) obj-debug/
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-lib-release/$(FULL_LIBRARY): $(OBJECTS_RELEASE) obj-release/
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-test-bin-debug/$(TESTBIN): $(TEST_OBJECTS_DEBUG) test-obj-debug/
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-test-bin-release/$(TESTBIN): $(TEST_OBJECTS_RELEASE) test-obj-release/
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# subdir make calls
-obj-debug/: FORCE obj-debug/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-debug) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-g -Og -DDEBUG"
-obj-release/: FORCE obj-release/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-release) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-O3 -DNDEBUG -DRELEASE $(LTO_PARAM)"
-test-obj-debug/: FORCE test-obj-debug/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath test-obj-debug) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath test-src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-g -Og -DDEBUG"
-test-obj-release/: FORCE test-obj-release/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath test-obj-release) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath test-src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-O3 -DNDEBUG -DRELEASE $(LTO_PARAM)"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# objects dependencies
-$(OBJECTS_DEBUG): obj-debug/
-$(OBJECTS_RELEASE): obj-release/
-$(TEST_OBJECTS_DEBUG): test-obj-debug/
-$(TEST_OBJECTS_RELEASE): test-obj-release/
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# standalone main targets
-	LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$(subst $(space),,$(addsuffix lib-debug:,$(LINK_PATHS)))lib-debug" test-bin-debug/$(TESTBIN)
-	LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$(subst $(space),,$(addsuffix lib-release:,$(LINK_PATHS)))lib-release" test-bin-release/$(TESTBIN)
-build-test-debug: test-bin-debug/$(TESTBIN)
-build-test-release: test-bin-release/$(TESTBIN)
-build-code-debug: lib-debug/$(FULL_LIBRARY)
-build-code-release: lib-release/$(FULL_LIBRARY)
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# do all main targets
-	$(MAKE) build-code-debug
-	$(MAKE) build-test-debug
-	$(MAKE) test-unit-debug
-	$(MAKE) build-code-release
-	$(MAKE) build-test-release
-	$(MAKE) test-unit-release
-clean: clean-debug clean-release
-	$(RM) -r doc
-	if [ -L obj-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-debug`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L lib-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink lib-debug`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L test-obj-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink test-obj-debug`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L test-bin-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink test-bin-debug`;\
-	fi
-	$(RM) -r *.o *.d lib-debug obj-debug test-bin-debug test-obj-debug CppUnitTestResults.xml
-	if [ -L obj-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-release`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L lib-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink lib-release`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L test-obj-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink test-obj-release`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L test-bin-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink test-bin-release`;\
-	fi
-	$(RM) -r *.o *.d lib-release obj-release test-bin-release test-obj-release CppUnitTestResults.xml
-	doxygen
+-include ../build.conf
+-include ../makefile-library
diff --git a/alib2raw/makefile b/alib2raw/makefile
index c11946de9ea995a4ec6457f73187b9543b66ecbc..0b886940386c0839f59d2d1b395d4292060b6d4e 100644
--- a/alib2raw/makefile
+++ b/alib2raw/makefile
@@ -1,239 +1,3 @@
--include ../build.conf
 -include makefile.conf
-ifeq ($(USE_LTO),1)
-LTO_PARAM:= -flto
-define NEW_LINE
-export NEW_LINE
-CXX_FLAGS := -Wall -pedantic -Wextra -Werror -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-qual -Wdelete-non-virtual-dtor -Wredundant-decls
-space := $(eval) $(eval)
-LDFLAGS_DEBUG:=-rdynamic -shared
-TEST_LDFLAGS_DEBUG:=-Wl,--no-as-needed -Llib-debug $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-debug, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic -l$(LIBRARY) $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) -lcppunit -Wl,-rpath,.
-LDFLAGS_RELEASE:=-rdynamic -shared $(LTO_PARAM)
-TEST_LDFLAGS_RELEASE:=-Wl,--no-as-needed -Llib-release $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-release, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic -l$(LIBRARY) $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) -lcppunit $(LTO_PARAM) -Wl,-rpath,.
-OBJECTS_DEBUG:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-debug/%.o, $(shell find src/ -name *cpp))
-TEST_OBJECTS_DEBUG:=$(patsubst test-src/%.cpp,test-obj-debug/%.o, $(shell find test-src/ -name *cpp))
-OBJECTS_RELEASE:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-release/%.o, $(filter-out $(wildcard src/debug/*), $(shell find src/ -name *cpp)))
-TEST_OBJECTS_RELEASE:=$(patsubst test-src/%.cpp,test-obj-release/%.o, $(shell find test-src/ -name *cpp))
-.PHONY: all debug release clean build-debug build-release clean-debug clean-release doc
-	@echo "What to do master?"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# make subdir makefile
-%/makefile: makefile makefile.conf
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-	echo "\
-	SHELL:=/bin/bash$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	define NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	endef$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	export NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	CXXFLAGS:= -pipe -std=c++11 \$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS) -c $(CXX_FLAGS) -fPIC \$$(addprefix -I, \$$(realpath $(INCLUDE_PATHS))) -I\$$(realpath \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/../src/)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	SOURCES:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -type f -name \"*.cpp\")$${NEW_LINE}\
-	DEPENDENCIES:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d, \$$(SOURCES))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS:= \$$(patsubst %.d, %.o, \$$(DEPENDENCIES))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	SOURCES_DIRS:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS_DIRS:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%, %/, \$$(SOURCES_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS_DIRS_MAKEFILES:= \$$(patsubst %, %makefile, \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	.PHONY: all$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	all: \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS) \$$(OBJECTS)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%.d: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		@echo \"\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\") = \\$$\$$(shell (\\$$\$$(CXX) -M \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) 2>/dev/null || echo \\\"\$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) FORCE\\\") | sed \\\"s/.*://g;s/\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\//g\\\")\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@): \\$$\$$(\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\")) makefile\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-			\\$$\$$(CXX) \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \\$$\$$< -o \$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@)\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\" > \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%/makefile: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		mkdir -p \$$(dir \$$@)$${NEW_LINE}\
-		cp makefile \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%/: FORCE | %/makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		@accesstime=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(MAKE) -C \$$@ SRCDIR=\$$(SRCDIR)\$$(notdir \$$(patsubst %/, %, \$$@))/ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=\$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS=\"\$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS)\" && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		accesstime2=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		if [ "\$$\$$accesstime" -ne "\$$\$$accesstime2" ]; then \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-			touch .; \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		fi$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	-include \$$(DEPENDENCIES)" > $@
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# final lib/bin construction
-lib-debug/$(FULL_LIBRARY): $(OBJECTS_DEBUG) obj-debug/
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-lib-release/$(FULL_LIBRARY): $(OBJECTS_RELEASE) obj-release/
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-test-bin-debug/$(TESTBIN): $(TEST_OBJECTS_DEBUG) test-obj-debug/
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-test-bin-release/$(TESTBIN): $(TEST_OBJECTS_RELEASE) test-obj-release/
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# subdir make calls
-obj-debug/: FORCE obj-debug/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-debug) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-g -Og -DDEBUG"
-obj-release/: FORCE obj-release/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-release) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-O3 -DNDEBUG -DRELEASE $(LTO_PARAM)"
-test-obj-debug/: FORCE test-obj-debug/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath test-obj-debug) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath test-src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-g -Og -DDEBUG"
-test-obj-release/: FORCE test-obj-release/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath test-obj-release) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath test-src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-O3 -DNDEBUG -DRELEASE $(LTO_PARAM)"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# objects dependencies
-$(OBJECTS_DEBUG): obj-debug/
-$(OBJECTS_RELEASE): obj-release/
-$(TEST_OBJECTS_DEBUG): test-obj-debug/
-$(TEST_OBJECTS_RELEASE): test-obj-release/
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# standalone main targets
-	LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$(subst $(space),,$(addsuffix lib-debug:,$(LINK_PATHS)))lib-debug" test-bin-debug/$(TESTBIN)
-	LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$(subst $(space),,$(addsuffix lib-release:,$(LINK_PATHS)))lib-release" test-bin-release/$(TESTBIN)
-build-test-debug: test-bin-debug/$(TESTBIN)
-build-test-release: test-bin-release/$(TESTBIN)
-build-code-debug: lib-debug/$(FULL_LIBRARY)
-build-code-release: lib-release/$(FULL_LIBRARY)
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# do all main targets
-	$(MAKE) build-code-debug
-	$(MAKE) build-test-debug
-	$(MAKE) test-unit-debug
-	$(MAKE) build-code-release
-	$(MAKE) build-test-release
-	$(MAKE) test-unit-release
-clean: clean-debug clean-release
-	$(RM) -r doc
-	if [ -L obj-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-debug`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L lib-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink lib-debug`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L test-obj-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink test-obj-debug`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L test-bin-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink test-bin-debug`;\
-	fi
-	$(RM) -r *.o *.d lib-debug obj-debug test-bin-debug test-obj-debug CppUnitTestResults.xml
-	if [ -L obj-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-release`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L lib-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink lib-release`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L test-obj-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink test-obj-release`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L test-bin-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink test-bin-release`;\
-	fi
-	$(RM) -r *.o *.d lib-release obj-release test-bin-release test-obj-release CppUnitTestResults.xml
-	doxygen
+-include ../build.conf
+-include ../makefile-library
diff --git a/alib2std/makefile b/alib2std/makefile
index c11946de9ea995a4ec6457f73187b9543b66ecbc..0b886940386c0839f59d2d1b395d4292060b6d4e 100644
--- a/alib2std/makefile
+++ b/alib2std/makefile
@@ -1,239 +1,3 @@
--include ../build.conf
 -include makefile.conf
-ifeq ($(USE_LTO),1)
-LTO_PARAM:= -flto
-define NEW_LINE
-export NEW_LINE
-CXX_FLAGS := -Wall -pedantic -Wextra -Werror -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-qual -Wdelete-non-virtual-dtor -Wredundant-decls
-space := $(eval) $(eval)
-LDFLAGS_DEBUG:=-rdynamic -shared
-TEST_LDFLAGS_DEBUG:=-Wl,--no-as-needed -Llib-debug $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-debug, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic -l$(LIBRARY) $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) -lcppunit -Wl,-rpath,.
-LDFLAGS_RELEASE:=-rdynamic -shared $(LTO_PARAM)
-TEST_LDFLAGS_RELEASE:=-Wl,--no-as-needed -Llib-release $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-release, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic -l$(LIBRARY) $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) -lcppunit $(LTO_PARAM) -Wl,-rpath,.
-OBJECTS_DEBUG:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-debug/%.o, $(shell find src/ -name *cpp))
-TEST_OBJECTS_DEBUG:=$(patsubst test-src/%.cpp,test-obj-debug/%.o, $(shell find test-src/ -name *cpp))
-OBJECTS_RELEASE:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-release/%.o, $(filter-out $(wildcard src/debug/*), $(shell find src/ -name *cpp)))
-TEST_OBJECTS_RELEASE:=$(patsubst test-src/%.cpp,test-obj-release/%.o, $(shell find test-src/ -name *cpp))
-.PHONY: all debug release clean build-debug build-release clean-debug clean-release doc
-	@echo "What to do master?"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# make subdir makefile
-%/makefile: makefile makefile.conf
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-	echo "\
-	SHELL:=/bin/bash$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	define NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	endef$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	export NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	CXXFLAGS:= -pipe -std=c++11 \$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS) -c $(CXX_FLAGS) -fPIC \$$(addprefix -I, \$$(realpath $(INCLUDE_PATHS))) -I\$$(realpath \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/../src/)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	SOURCES:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -type f -name \"*.cpp\")$${NEW_LINE}\
-	DEPENDENCIES:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d, \$$(SOURCES))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS:= \$$(patsubst %.d, %.o, \$$(DEPENDENCIES))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	SOURCES_DIRS:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS_DIRS:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%, %/, \$$(SOURCES_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS_DIRS_MAKEFILES:= \$$(patsubst %, %makefile, \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	.PHONY: all$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	all: \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS) \$$(OBJECTS)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%.d: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		@echo \"\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\") = \\$$\$$(shell (\\$$\$$(CXX) -M \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) 2>/dev/null || echo \\\"\$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) FORCE\\\") | sed \\\"s/.*://g;s/\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\//g\\\")\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@): \\$$\$$(\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\")) makefile\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-			\\$$\$$(CXX) \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \\$$\$$< -o \$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@)\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\" > \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%/makefile: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		mkdir -p \$$(dir \$$@)$${NEW_LINE}\
-		cp makefile \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%/: FORCE | %/makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		@accesstime=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(MAKE) -C \$$@ SRCDIR=\$$(SRCDIR)\$$(notdir \$$(patsubst %/, %, \$$@))/ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=\$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS=\"\$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS)\" && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		accesstime2=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		if [ "\$$\$$accesstime" -ne "\$$\$$accesstime2" ]; then \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-			touch .; \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		fi$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	-include \$$(DEPENDENCIES)" > $@
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# final lib/bin construction
-lib-debug/$(FULL_LIBRARY): $(OBJECTS_DEBUG) obj-debug/
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-lib-release/$(FULL_LIBRARY): $(OBJECTS_RELEASE) obj-release/
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-test-bin-debug/$(TESTBIN): $(TEST_OBJECTS_DEBUG) test-obj-debug/
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-test-bin-release/$(TESTBIN): $(TEST_OBJECTS_RELEASE) test-obj-release/
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# subdir make calls
-obj-debug/: FORCE obj-debug/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-debug) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-g -Og -DDEBUG"
-obj-release/: FORCE obj-release/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-release) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-O3 -DNDEBUG -DRELEASE $(LTO_PARAM)"
-test-obj-debug/: FORCE test-obj-debug/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath test-obj-debug) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath test-src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-g -Og -DDEBUG"
-test-obj-release/: FORCE test-obj-release/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath test-obj-release) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath test-src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-O3 -DNDEBUG -DRELEASE $(LTO_PARAM)"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# objects dependencies
-$(OBJECTS_DEBUG): obj-debug/
-$(OBJECTS_RELEASE): obj-release/
-$(TEST_OBJECTS_DEBUG): test-obj-debug/
-$(TEST_OBJECTS_RELEASE): test-obj-release/
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# standalone main targets
-	LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$(subst $(space),,$(addsuffix lib-debug:,$(LINK_PATHS)))lib-debug" test-bin-debug/$(TESTBIN)
-	LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$(subst $(space),,$(addsuffix lib-release:,$(LINK_PATHS)))lib-release" test-bin-release/$(TESTBIN)
-build-test-debug: test-bin-debug/$(TESTBIN)
-build-test-release: test-bin-release/$(TESTBIN)
-build-code-debug: lib-debug/$(FULL_LIBRARY)
-build-code-release: lib-release/$(FULL_LIBRARY)
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# do all main targets
-	$(MAKE) build-code-debug
-	$(MAKE) build-test-debug
-	$(MAKE) test-unit-debug
-	$(MAKE) build-code-release
-	$(MAKE) build-test-release
-	$(MAKE) test-unit-release
-clean: clean-debug clean-release
-	$(RM) -r doc
-	if [ -L obj-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-debug`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L lib-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink lib-debug`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L test-obj-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink test-obj-debug`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L test-bin-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink test-bin-debug`;\
-	fi
-	$(RM) -r *.o *.d lib-debug obj-debug test-bin-debug test-obj-debug CppUnitTestResults.xml
-	if [ -L obj-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-release`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L lib-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink lib-release`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L test-obj-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink test-obj-release`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L test-bin-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink test-bin-release`;\
-	fi
-	$(RM) -r *.o *.d lib-release obj-release test-bin-release test-obj-release CppUnitTestResults.xml
-	doxygen
+-include ../build.conf
+-include ../makefile-library
diff --git a/alib2str/makefile b/alib2str/makefile
index c11946de9ea995a4ec6457f73187b9543b66ecbc..0b886940386c0839f59d2d1b395d4292060b6d4e 100644
--- a/alib2str/makefile
+++ b/alib2str/makefile
@@ -1,239 +1,3 @@
--include ../build.conf
 -include makefile.conf
-ifeq ($(USE_LTO),1)
-LTO_PARAM:= -flto
-define NEW_LINE
-export NEW_LINE
-CXX_FLAGS := -Wall -pedantic -Wextra -Werror -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-qual -Wdelete-non-virtual-dtor -Wredundant-decls
-space := $(eval) $(eval)
-LDFLAGS_DEBUG:=-rdynamic -shared
-TEST_LDFLAGS_DEBUG:=-Wl,--no-as-needed -Llib-debug $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-debug, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic -l$(LIBRARY) $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) -lcppunit -Wl,-rpath,.
-LDFLAGS_RELEASE:=-rdynamic -shared $(LTO_PARAM)
-TEST_LDFLAGS_RELEASE:=-Wl,--no-as-needed -Llib-release $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-release, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic -l$(LIBRARY) $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) -lcppunit $(LTO_PARAM) -Wl,-rpath,.
-OBJECTS_DEBUG:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-debug/%.o, $(shell find src/ -name *cpp))
-TEST_OBJECTS_DEBUG:=$(patsubst test-src/%.cpp,test-obj-debug/%.o, $(shell find test-src/ -name *cpp))
-OBJECTS_RELEASE:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-release/%.o, $(filter-out $(wildcard src/debug/*), $(shell find src/ -name *cpp)))
-TEST_OBJECTS_RELEASE:=$(patsubst test-src/%.cpp,test-obj-release/%.o, $(shell find test-src/ -name *cpp))
-.PHONY: all debug release clean build-debug build-release clean-debug clean-release doc
-	@echo "What to do master?"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# make subdir makefile
-%/makefile: makefile makefile.conf
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-	echo "\
-	SHELL:=/bin/bash$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	define NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	endef$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	export NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	CXXFLAGS:= -pipe -std=c++11 \$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS) -c $(CXX_FLAGS) -fPIC \$$(addprefix -I, \$$(realpath $(INCLUDE_PATHS))) -I\$$(realpath \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/../src/)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	SOURCES:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -type f -name \"*.cpp\")$${NEW_LINE}\
-	DEPENDENCIES:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d, \$$(SOURCES))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS:= \$$(patsubst %.d, %.o, \$$(DEPENDENCIES))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	SOURCES_DIRS:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS_DIRS:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%, %/, \$$(SOURCES_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS_DIRS_MAKEFILES:= \$$(patsubst %, %makefile, \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	.PHONY: all$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	all: \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS) \$$(OBJECTS)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%.d: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		@echo \"\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\") = \\$$\$$(shell (\\$$\$$(CXX) -M \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) 2>/dev/null || echo \\\"\$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) FORCE\\\") | sed \\\"s/.*://g;s/\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\//g\\\")\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@): \\$$\$$(\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\")) makefile\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-			\\$$\$$(CXX) \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \\$$\$$< -o \$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@)\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\" > \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%/makefile: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		mkdir -p \$$(dir \$$@)$${NEW_LINE}\
-		cp makefile \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%/: FORCE | %/makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		@accesstime=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(MAKE) -C \$$@ SRCDIR=\$$(SRCDIR)\$$(notdir \$$(patsubst %/, %, \$$@))/ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=\$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS=\"\$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS)\" && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		accesstime2=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		if [ "\$$\$$accesstime" -ne "\$$\$$accesstime2" ]; then \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-			touch .; \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		fi$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	-include \$$(DEPENDENCIES)" > $@
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# final lib/bin construction
-lib-debug/$(FULL_LIBRARY): $(OBJECTS_DEBUG) obj-debug/
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-lib-release/$(FULL_LIBRARY): $(OBJECTS_RELEASE) obj-release/
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-test-bin-debug/$(TESTBIN): $(TEST_OBJECTS_DEBUG) test-obj-debug/
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-test-bin-release/$(TESTBIN): $(TEST_OBJECTS_RELEASE) test-obj-release/
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# subdir make calls
-obj-debug/: FORCE obj-debug/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-debug) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-g -Og -DDEBUG"
-obj-release/: FORCE obj-release/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-release) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-O3 -DNDEBUG -DRELEASE $(LTO_PARAM)"
-test-obj-debug/: FORCE test-obj-debug/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath test-obj-debug) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath test-src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-g -Og -DDEBUG"
-test-obj-release/: FORCE test-obj-release/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath test-obj-release) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath test-src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-O3 -DNDEBUG -DRELEASE $(LTO_PARAM)"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# objects dependencies
-$(OBJECTS_DEBUG): obj-debug/
-$(OBJECTS_RELEASE): obj-release/
-$(TEST_OBJECTS_DEBUG): test-obj-debug/
-$(TEST_OBJECTS_RELEASE): test-obj-release/
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# standalone main targets
-	LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$(subst $(space),,$(addsuffix lib-debug:,$(LINK_PATHS)))lib-debug" test-bin-debug/$(TESTBIN)
-	LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$(subst $(space),,$(addsuffix lib-release:,$(LINK_PATHS)))lib-release" test-bin-release/$(TESTBIN)
-build-test-debug: test-bin-debug/$(TESTBIN)
-build-test-release: test-bin-release/$(TESTBIN)
-build-code-debug: lib-debug/$(FULL_LIBRARY)
-build-code-release: lib-release/$(FULL_LIBRARY)
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# do all main targets
-	$(MAKE) build-code-debug
-	$(MAKE) build-test-debug
-	$(MAKE) test-unit-debug
-	$(MAKE) build-code-release
-	$(MAKE) build-test-release
-	$(MAKE) test-unit-release
-clean: clean-debug clean-release
-	$(RM) -r doc
-	if [ -L obj-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-debug`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L lib-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink lib-debug`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L test-obj-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink test-obj-debug`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L test-bin-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink test-bin-debug`;\
-	fi
-	$(RM) -r *.o *.d lib-debug obj-debug test-bin-debug test-obj-debug CppUnitTestResults.xml
-	if [ -L obj-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-release`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L lib-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink lib-release`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L test-obj-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink test-obj-release`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L test-bin-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink test-bin-release`;\
-	fi
-	$(RM) -r *.o *.d lib-release obj-release test-bin-release test-obj-release CppUnitTestResults.xml
-	doxygen
+-include ../build.conf
+-include ../makefile-library
diff --git a/alib2str_experimental/makefile b/alib2str_experimental/makefile
index c11946de9ea995a4ec6457f73187b9543b66ecbc..0b886940386c0839f59d2d1b395d4292060b6d4e 100644
--- a/alib2str_experimental/makefile
+++ b/alib2str_experimental/makefile
@@ -1,239 +1,3 @@
--include ../build.conf
 -include makefile.conf
-ifeq ($(USE_LTO),1)
-LTO_PARAM:= -flto
-define NEW_LINE
-export NEW_LINE
-CXX_FLAGS := -Wall -pedantic -Wextra -Werror -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-qual -Wdelete-non-virtual-dtor -Wredundant-decls
-space := $(eval) $(eval)
-LDFLAGS_DEBUG:=-rdynamic -shared
-TEST_LDFLAGS_DEBUG:=-Wl,--no-as-needed -Llib-debug $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-debug, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic -l$(LIBRARY) $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) -lcppunit -Wl,-rpath,.
-LDFLAGS_RELEASE:=-rdynamic -shared $(LTO_PARAM)
-TEST_LDFLAGS_RELEASE:=-Wl,--no-as-needed -Llib-release $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-release, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic -l$(LIBRARY) $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) -lcppunit $(LTO_PARAM) -Wl,-rpath,.
-OBJECTS_DEBUG:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-debug/%.o, $(shell find src/ -name *cpp))
-TEST_OBJECTS_DEBUG:=$(patsubst test-src/%.cpp,test-obj-debug/%.o, $(shell find test-src/ -name *cpp))
-OBJECTS_RELEASE:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-release/%.o, $(filter-out $(wildcard src/debug/*), $(shell find src/ -name *cpp)))
-TEST_OBJECTS_RELEASE:=$(patsubst test-src/%.cpp,test-obj-release/%.o, $(shell find test-src/ -name *cpp))
-.PHONY: all debug release clean build-debug build-release clean-debug clean-release doc
-	@echo "What to do master?"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# make subdir makefile
-%/makefile: makefile makefile.conf
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-	echo "\
-	SHELL:=/bin/bash$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	define NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	endef$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	export NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	CXXFLAGS:= -pipe -std=c++11 \$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS) -c $(CXX_FLAGS) -fPIC \$$(addprefix -I, \$$(realpath $(INCLUDE_PATHS))) -I\$$(realpath \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/../src/)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	SOURCES:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -type f -name \"*.cpp\")$${NEW_LINE}\
-	DEPENDENCIES:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d, \$$(SOURCES))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS:= \$$(patsubst %.d, %.o, \$$(DEPENDENCIES))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	SOURCES_DIRS:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS_DIRS:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%, %/, \$$(SOURCES_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS_DIRS_MAKEFILES:= \$$(patsubst %, %makefile, \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	.PHONY: all$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	all: \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS) \$$(OBJECTS)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%.d: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		@echo \"\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\") = \\$$\$$(shell (\\$$\$$(CXX) -M \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) 2>/dev/null || echo \\\"\$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) FORCE\\\") | sed \\\"s/.*://g;s/\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\//g\\\")\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@): \\$$\$$(\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\")) makefile\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-			\\$$\$$(CXX) \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \\$$\$$< -o \$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@)\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\" > \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%/makefile: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		mkdir -p \$$(dir \$$@)$${NEW_LINE}\
-		cp makefile \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%/: FORCE | %/makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		@accesstime=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(MAKE) -C \$$@ SRCDIR=\$$(SRCDIR)\$$(notdir \$$(patsubst %/, %, \$$@))/ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=\$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS=\"\$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS)\" && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		accesstime2=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		if [ "\$$\$$accesstime" -ne "\$$\$$accesstime2" ]; then \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-			touch .; \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		fi$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	-include \$$(DEPENDENCIES)" > $@
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# final lib/bin construction
-lib-debug/$(FULL_LIBRARY): $(OBJECTS_DEBUG) obj-debug/
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-lib-release/$(FULL_LIBRARY): $(OBJECTS_RELEASE) obj-release/
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-test-bin-debug/$(TESTBIN): $(TEST_OBJECTS_DEBUG) test-obj-debug/
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-test-bin-release/$(TESTBIN): $(TEST_OBJECTS_RELEASE) test-obj-release/
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# subdir make calls
-obj-debug/: FORCE obj-debug/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-debug) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-g -Og -DDEBUG"
-obj-release/: FORCE obj-release/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-release) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-O3 -DNDEBUG -DRELEASE $(LTO_PARAM)"
-test-obj-debug/: FORCE test-obj-debug/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath test-obj-debug) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath test-src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-g -Og -DDEBUG"
-test-obj-release/: FORCE test-obj-release/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath test-obj-release) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath test-src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-O3 -DNDEBUG -DRELEASE $(LTO_PARAM)"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# objects dependencies
-$(OBJECTS_DEBUG): obj-debug/
-$(OBJECTS_RELEASE): obj-release/
-$(TEST_OBJECTS_DEBUG): test-obj-debug/
-$(TEST_OBJECTS_RELEASE): test-obj-release/
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# standalone main targets
-	LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$(subst $(space),,$(addsuffix lib-debug:,$(LINK_PATHS)))lib-debug" test-bin-debug/$(TESTBIN)
-	LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$(subst $(space),,$(addsuffix lib-release:,$(LINK_PATHS)))lib-release" test-bin-release/$(TESTBIN)
-build-test-debug: test-bin-debug/$(TESTBIN)
-build-test-release: test-bin-release/$(TESTBIN)
-build-code-debug: lib-debug/$(FULL_LIBRARY)
-build-code-release: lib-release/$(FULL_LIBRARY)
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# do all main targets
-	$(MAKE) build-code-debug
-	$(MAKE) build-test-debug
-	$(MAKE) test-unit-debug
-	$(MAKE) build-code-release
-	$(MAKE) build-test-release
-	$(MAKE) test-unit-release
-clean: clean-debug clean-release
-	$(RM) -r doc
-	if [ -L obj-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-debug`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L lib-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink lib-debug`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L test-obj-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink test-obj-debug`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L test-bin-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink test-bin-debug`;\
-	fi
-	$(RM) -r *.o *.d lib-debug obj-debug test-bin-debug test-obj-debug CppUnitTestResults.xml
-	if [ -L obj-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-release`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L lib-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink lib-release`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L test-obj-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink test-obj-release`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L test-bin-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink test-bin-release`;\
-	fi
-	$(RM) -r *.o *.d lib-release obj-release test-bin-release test-obj-release CppUnitTestResults.xml
-	doxygen
+-include ../build.conf
+-include ../makefile-library
diff --git a/ameasure2/makefile b/ameasure2/makefile
index 4064fd013121e849e47c80f3733b1e5231d5ad38..bd9fb6f7bcf2fc7fa9d20ce5fc983aa693391c1b 100644
--- a/ameasure2/makefile
+++ b/ameasure2/makefile
@@ -1,174 +1,3 @@
--include ../build.conf
 -include makefile.conf
-ifeq ($(USE_LTO),1)
-LTO_PARAM:= -flto
-define NEW_LINE
-export NEW_LINE
-CXX_FLAGS := -Wall -pedantic -Wextra -Werror -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-qual -Wdelete-non-virtual-dtor -Wredundant-decls
-LDFLAGS_DEBUG:=-Wl,--no-as-needed $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-debug, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) -Wl,-rpath,.
-LDFLAGS_RELEASE:=-Wl,--no-as-needed $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-release, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) $(LTO_PARAM) -Wl,-rpath,.
-OBJECTS_DEBUG:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-debug/%.o, $(shell find src/ -name *cpp))
-OBJECTS_RELEASE:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-release/%.o, $(shell find src/ -name *cpp))
-.PHONY: all build-debug clean-debug doc
-	@echo "What to do master?"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# make subdir makefile
-%/makefile: makefile makefile.conf
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-	echo "\
-	SHELL:=/bin/bash$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	define NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	endef$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	export NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	CXXFLAGS:= -pipe -std=c++11 \$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS) -c $(CXX_FLAGS) -fPIC \$$(addprefix -I, \$$(realpath $(INCLUDE_PATHS)))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	SOURCES:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -type f -name \"*.cpp\")$${NEW_LINE}\
-	DEPENDENCIES:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d, \$$(SOURCES))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS:= \$$(patsubst %.d, %.o, \$$(DEPENDENCIES))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	SOURCES_DIRS:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS_DIRS:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%, %/, \$$(SOURCES_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS_DIRS_MAKEFILES:= \$$(patsubst %, %makefile, \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	.PHONY: all$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	all: \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS) \$$(OBJECTS)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%.d: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		@echo \"\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\") = \\$$\$$(shell (\\$$\$$(CXX) -M \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) 2>/dev/null || echo \\\"\$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) FORCE\\\") | sed \\\"s/.*://g;s/\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\//g\\\")\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@): \\$$\$$(\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\")) makefile\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-			\\$$\$$(CXX) \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \\$$\$$< -o \$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@)\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\" > \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%/makefile: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		mkdir -p \$$(dir \$$@)$${NEW_LINE}\
-		cp makefile \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%/: FORCE | %/makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		@accesstime=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(MAKE) -C \$$@ SRCDIR=\$$(SRCDIR)\$$(notdir \$$(patsubst %/, %, \$$@))/ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=\$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS=\"\$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS)\" && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		accesstime2=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		if [ "\$$\$$accesstime" -ne "\$$\$$accesstime2" ]; then \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-			touch .; \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		fi$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	-include \$$(DEPENDENCIES)" > $@
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# final lib/bin construction
-bin-debug/$(EXECUTABLE): obj-debug/ $(OBJECTS_DEBUG)
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-bin-release/$(EXECUTABLE): obj-release/ $(OBJECTS_RELEASE)
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# subdir make calls
-obj-debug/: FORCE | obj-debug/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-debug) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-g -Og -DDEBUG"
-obj-release/: FORCE | obj-release/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-release) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-O3 -DNDEBUG -DRELEASE $(LTO_PARAM)"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# objects dependencies
-$(OBJECTS_DEBUG): obj-debug/
-$(OBJECTS_RELEASE): obj-release/
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# standalone main targets
-build-code-debug: bin-debug/$(EXECUTABLE)
-build-code-release: bin-release/$(EXECUTABLE)
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# do all main targets
-	$(MAKE) build-code-debug
-	$(MAKE) build-code-release
-clean: clean-debug clean-release
-	$(RM) -r doc
-	if [ -L obj-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-debug`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L bin-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink bin-debug`;\
-	fi
-	$(RM) -r *.o *.d bin-debug obj-debug
-	if [ -L obj-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-release`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L lib-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink lib-release`;\
-	fi
-	$(RM) -r *.o *.d bin-release obj-release
-	doxygen
+-include ../build.conf
+-include ../makefile-binary
diff --git a/ameasurep2/makefile b/ameasurep2/makefile
index 4064fd013121e849e47c80f3733b1e5231d5ad38..bd9fb6f7bcf2fc7fa9d20ce5fc983aa693391c1b 100644
--- a/ameasurep2/makefile
+++ b/ameasurep2/makefile
@@ -1,174 +1,3 @@
--include ../build.conf
 -include makefile.conf
-ifeq ($(USE_LTO),1)
-LTO_PARAM:= -flto
-define NEW_LINE
-export NEW_LINE
-CXX_FLAGS := -Wall -pedantic -Wextra -Werror -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-qual -Wdelete-non-virtual-dtor -Wredundant-decls
-LDFLAGS_DEBUG:=-Wl,--no-as-needed $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-debug, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) -Wl,-rpath,.
-LDFLAGS_RELEASE:=-Wl,--no-as-needed $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-release, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) $(LTO_PARAM) -Wl,-rpath,.
-OBJECTS_DEBUG:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-debug/%.o, $(shell find src/ -name *cpp))
-OBJECTS_RELEASE:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-release/%.o, $(shell find src/ -name *cpp))
-.PHONY: all build-debug clean-debug doc
-	@echo "What to do master?"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# make subdir makefile
-%/makefile: makefile makefile.conf
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-	echo "\
-	SHELL:=/bin/bash$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	define NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	endef$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	export NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	CXXFLAGS:= -pipe -std=c++11 \$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS) -c $(CXX_FLAGS) -fPIC \$$(addprefix -I, \$$(realpath $(INCLUDE_PATHS)))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	SOURCES:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -type f -name \"*.cpp\")$${NEW_LINE}\
-	DEPENDENCIES:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d, \$$(SOURCES))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS:= \$$(patsubst %.d, %.o, \$$(DEPENDENCIES))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	SOURCES_DIRS:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS_DIRS:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%, %/, \$$(SOURCES_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS_DIRS_MAKEFILES:= \$$(patsubst %, %makefile, \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	.PHONY: all$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	all: \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS) \$$(OBJECTS)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%.d: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		@echo \"\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\") = \\$$\$$(shell (\\$$\$$(CXX) -M \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) 2>/dev/null || echo \\\"\$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) FORCE\\\") | sed \\\"s/.*://g;s/\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\//g\\\")\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@): \\$$\$$(\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\")) makefile\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-			\\$$\$$(CXX) \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \\$$\$$< -o \$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@)\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\" > \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%/makefile: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		mkdir -p \$$(dir \$$@)$${NEW_LINE}\
-		cp makefile \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%/: FORCE | %/makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		@accesstime=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(MAKE) -C \$$@ SRCDIR=\$$(SRCDIR)\$$(notdir \$$(patsubst %/, %, \$$@))/ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=\$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS=\"\$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS)\" && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		accesstime2=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		if [ "\$$\$$accesstime" -ne "\$$\$$accesstime2" ]; then \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-			touch .; \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		fi$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	-include \$$(DEPENDENCIES)" > $@
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# final lib/bin construction
-bin-debug/$(EXECUTABLE): obj-debug/ $(OBJECTS_DEBUG)
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-bin-release/$(EXECUTABLE): obj-release/ $(OBJECTS_RELEASE)
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# subdir make calls
-obj-debug/: FORCE | obj-debug/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-debug) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-g -Og -DDEBUG"
-obj-release/: FORCE | obj-release/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-release) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-O3 -DNDEBUG -DRELEASE $(LTO_PARAM)"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# objects dependencies
-$(OBJECTS_DEBUG): obj-debug/
-$(OBJECTS_RELEASE): obj-release/
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# standalone main targets
-build-code-debug: bin-debug/$(EXECUTABLE)
-build-code-release: bin-release/$(EXECUTABLE)
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# do all main targets
-	$(MAKE) build-code-debug
-	$(MAKE) build-code-release
-clean: clean-debug clean-release
-	$(RM) -r doc
-	if [ -L obj-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-debug`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L bin-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink bin-debug`;\
-	fi
-	$(RM) -r *.o *.d bin-debug obj-debug
-	if [ -L obj-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-release`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L lib-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink lib-release`;\
-	fi
-	$(RM) -r *.o *.d bin-release obj-release
-	doxygen
+-include ../build.conf
+-include ../makefile-binary
diff --git a/aminimize2/makefile b/aminimize2/makefile
index 4064fd013121e849e47c80f3733b1e5231d5ad38..bd9fb6f7bcf2fc7fa9d20ce5fc983aa693391c1b 100644
--- a/aminimize2/makefile
+++ b/aminimize2/makefile
@@ -1,174 +1,3 @@
--include ../build.conf
 -include makefile.conf
-ifeq ($(USE_LTO),1)
-LTO_PARAM:= -flto
-define NEW_LINE
-export NEW_LINE
-CXX_FLAGS := -Wall -pedantic -Wextra -Werror -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-qual -Wdelete-non-virtual-dtor -Wredundant-decls
-LDFLAGS_DEBUG:=-Wl,--no-as-needed $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-debug, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) -Wl,-rpath,.
-LDFLAGS_RELEASE:=-Wl,--no-as-needed $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-release, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) $(LTO_PARAM) -Wl,-rpath,.
-OBJECTS_DEBUG:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-debug/%.o, $(shell find src/ -name *cpp))
-OBJECTS_RELEASE:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-release/%.o, $(shell find src/ -name *cpp))
-.PHONY: all build-debug clean-debug doc
-	@echo "What to do master?"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# make subdir makefile
-%/makefile: makefile makefile.conf
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-	echo "\
-	SHELL:=/bin/bash$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	define NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	endef$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	export NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	CXXFLAGS:= -pipe -std=c++11 \$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS) -c $(CXX_FLAGS) -fPIC \$$(addprefix -I, \$$(realpath $(INCLUDE_PATHS)))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	SOURCES:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -type f -name \"*.cpp\")$${NEW_LINE}\
-	DEPENDENCIES:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d, \$$(SOURCES))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS:= \$$(patsubst %.d, %.o, \$$(DEPENDENCIES))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	SOURCES_DIRS:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS_DIRS:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%, %/, \$$(SOURCES_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS_DIRS_MAKEFILES:= \$$(patsubst %, %makefile, \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	.PHONY: all$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	all: \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS) \$$(OBJECTS)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%.d: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		@echo \"\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\") = \\$$\$$(shell (\\$$\$$(CXX) -M \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) 2>/dev/null || echo \\\"\$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) FORCE\\\") | sed \\\"s/.*://g;s/\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\//g\\\")\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@): \\$$\$$(\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\")) makefile\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-			\\$$\$$(CXX) \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \\$$\$$< -o \$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@)\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\" > \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%/makefile: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		mkdir -p \$$(dir \$$@)$${NEW_LINE}\
-		cp makefile \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%/: FORCE | %/makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		@accesstime=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(MAKE) -C \$$@ SRCDIR=\$$(SRCDIR)\$$(notdir \$$(patsubst %/, %, \$$@))/ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=\$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS=\"\$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS)\" && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		accesstime2=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		if [ "\$$\$$accesstime" -ne "\$$\$$accesstime2" ]; then \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-			touch .; \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		fi$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	-include \$$(DEPENDENCIES)" > $@
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# final lib/bin construction
-bin-debug/$(EXECUTABLE): obj-debug/ $(OBJECTS_DEBUG)
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-bin-release/$(EXECUTABLE): obj-release/ $(OBJECTS_RELEASE)
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# subdir make calls
-obj-debug/: FORCE | obj-debug/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-debug) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-g -Og -DDEBUG"
-obj-release/: FORCE | obj-release/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-release) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-O3 -DNDEBUG -DRELEASE $(LTO_PARAM)"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# objects dependencies
-$(OBJECTS_DEBUG): obj-debug/
-$(OBJECTS_RELEASE): obj-release/
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# standalone main targets
-build-code-debug: bin-debug/$(EXECUTABLE)
-build-code-release: bin-release/$(EXECUTABLE)
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# do all main targets
-	$(MAKE) build-code-debug
-	$(MAKE) build-code-release
-clean: clean-debug clean-release
-	$(RM) -r doc
-	if [ -L obj-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-debug`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L bin-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink bin-debug`;\
-	fi
-	$(RM) -r *.o *.d bin-debug obj-debug
-	if [ -L obj-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-release`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L lib-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink lib-release`;\
-	fi
-	$(RM) -r *.o *.d bin-release obj-release
-	doxygen
+-include ../build.conf
+-include ../makefile-binary
diff --git a/anormalize2/makefile b/anormalize2/makefile
index 4064fd013121e849e47c80f3733b1e5231d5ad38..bd9fb6f7bcf2fc7fa9d20ce5fc983aa693391c1b 100644
--- a/anormalize2/makefile
+++ b/anormalize2/makefile
@@ -1,174 +1,3 @@
--include ../build.conf
 -include makefile.conf
-ifeq ($(USE_LTO),1)
-LTO_PARAM:= -flto
-define NEW_LINE
-export NEW_LINE
-CXX_FLAGS := -Wall -pedantic -Wextra -Werror -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-qual -Wdelete-non-virtual-dtor -Wredundant-decls
-LDFLAGS_DEBUG:=-Wl,--no-as-needed $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-debug, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) -Wl,-rpath,.
-LDFLAGS_RELEASE:=-Wl,--no-as-needed $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-release, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) $(LTO_PARAM) -Wl,-rpath,.
-OBJECTS_DEBUG:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-debug/%.o, $(shell find src/ -name *cpp))
-OBJECTS_RELEASE:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-release/%.o, $(shell find src/ -name *cpp))
-.PHONY: all build-debug clean-debug doc
-	@echo "What to do master?"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# make subdir makefile
-%/makefile: makefile makefile.conf
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-	echo "\
-	SHELL:=/bin/bash$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	define NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	endef$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	export NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	CXXFLAGS:= -pipe -std=c++11 \$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS) -c $(CXX_FLAGS) -fPIC \$$(addprefix -I, \$$(realpath $(INCLUDE_PATHS)))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	SOURCES:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -type f -name \"*.cpp\")$${NEW_LINE}\
-	DEPENDENCIES:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d, \$$(SOURCES))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS:= \$$(patsubst %.d, %.o, \$$(DEPENDENCIES))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	SOURCES_DIRS:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS_DIRS:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%, %/, \$$(SOURCES_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS_DIRS_MAKEFILES:= \$$(patsubst %, %makefile, \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	.PHONY: all$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	all: \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS) \$$(OBJECTS)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%.d: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		@echo \"\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\") = \\$$\$$(shell (\\$$\$$(CXX) -M \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) 2>/dev/null || echo \\\"\$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) FORCE\\\") | sed \\\"s/.*://g;s/\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\//g\\\")\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@): \\$$\$$(\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\")) makefile\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-			\\$$\$$(CXX) \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \\$$\$$< -o \$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@)\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\" > \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%/makefile: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		mkdir -p \$$(dir \$$@)$${NEW_LINE}\
-		cp makefile \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%/: FORCE | %/makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		@accesstime=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(MAKE) -C \$$@ SRCDIR=\$$(SRCDIR)\$$(notdir \$$(patsubst %/, %, \$$@))/ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=\$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS=\"\$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS)\" && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		accesstime2=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		if [ "\$$\$$accesstime" -ne "\$$\$$accesstime2" ]; then \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-			touch .; \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		fi$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	-include \$$(DEPENDENCIES)" > $@
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# final lib/bin construction
-bin-debug/$(EXECUTABLE): obj-debug/ $(OBJECTS_DEBUG)
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-bin-release/$(EXECUTABLE): obj-release/ $(OBJECTS_RELEASE)
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# subdir make calls
-obj-debug/: FORCE | obj-debug/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-debug) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-g -Og -DDEBUG"
-obj-release/: FORCE | obj-release/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-release) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-O3 -DNDEBUG -DRELEASE $(LTO_PARAM)"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# objects dependencies
-$(OBJECTS_DEBUG): obj-debug/
-$(OBJECTS_RELEASE): obj-release/
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# standalone main targets
-build-code-debug: bin-debug/$(EXECUTABLE)
-build-code-release: bin-release/$(EXECUTABLE)
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# do all main targets
-	$(MAKE) build-code-debug
-	$(MAKE) build-code-release
-clean: clean-debug clean-release
-	$(RM) -r doc
-	if [ -L obj-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-debug`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L bin-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink bin-debug`;\
-	fi
-	$(RM) -r *.o *.d bin-debug obj-debug
-	if [ -L obj-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-release`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L lib-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink lib-release`;\
-	fi
-	$(RM) -r *.o *.d bin-release obj-release
-	doxygen
+-include ../build.conf
+-include ../makefile-binary
diff --git a/aquery2/makefile b/aquery2/makefile
index 4064fd013121e849e47c80f3733b1e5231d5ad38..bd9fb6f7bcf2fc7fa9d20ce5fc983aa693391c1b 100644
--- a/aquery2/makefile
+++ b/aquery2/makefile
@@ -1,174 +1,3 @@
--include ../build.conf
 -include makefile.conf
-ifeq ($(USE_LTO),1)
-LTO_PARAM:= -flto
-define NEW_LINE
-export NEW_LINE
-CXX_FLAGS := -Wall -pedantic -Wextra -Werror -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-qual -Wdelete-non-virtual-dtor -Wredundant-decls
-LDFLAGS_DEBUG:=-Wl,--no-as-needed $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-debug, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) -Wl,-rpath,.
-LDFLAGS_RELEASE:=-Wl,--no-as-needed $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-release, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) $(LTO_PARAM) -Wl,-rpath,.
-OBJECTS_DEBUG:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-debug/%.o, $(shell find src/ -name *cpp))
-OBJECTS_RELEASE:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-release/%.o, $(shell find src/ -name *cpp))
-.PHONY: all build-debug clean-debug doc
-	@echo "What to do master?"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# make subdir makefile
-%/makefile: makefile makefile.conf
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-	echo "\
-	SHELL:=/bin/bash$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	define NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	endef$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	export NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	CXXFLAGS:= -pipe -std=c++11 \$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS) -c $(CXX_FLAGS) -fPIC \$$(addprefix -I, \$$(realpath $(INCLUDE_PATHS)))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	SOURCES:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -type f -name \"*.cpp\")$${NEW_LINE}\
-	DEPENDENCIES:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d, \$$(SOURCES))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS:= \$$(patsubst %.d, %.o, \$$(DEPENDENCIES))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	SOURCES_DIRS:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS_DIRS:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%, %/, \$$(SOURCES_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS_DIRS_MAKEFILES:= \$$(patsubst %, %makefile, \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	.PHONY: all$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	all: \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS) \$$(OBJECTS)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%.d: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		@echo \"\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\") = \\$$\$$(shell (\\$$\$$(CXX) -M \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) 2>/dev/null || echo \\\"\$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) FORCE\\\") | sed \\\"s/.*://g;s/\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\//g\\\")\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@): \\$$\$$(\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\")) makefile\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-			\\$$\$$(CXX) \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \\$$\$$< -o \$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@)\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\" > \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%/makefile: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		mkdir -p \$$(dir \$$@)$${NEW_LINE}\
-		cp makefile \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%/: FORCE | %/makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		@accesstime=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(MAKE) -C \$$@ SRCDIR=\$$(SRCDIR)\$$(notdir \$$(patsubst %/, %, \$$@))/ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=\$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS=\"\$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS)\" && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		accesstime2=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		if [ "\$$\$$accesstime" -ne "\$$\$$accesstime2" ]; then \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-			touch .; \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		fi$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	-include \$$(DEPENDENCIES)" > $@
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# final lib/bin construction
-bin-debug/$(EXECUTABLE): obj-debug/ $(OBJECTS_DEBUG)
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-bin-release/$(EXECUTABLE): obj-release/ $(OBJECTS_RELEASE)
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# subdir make calls
-obj-debug/: FORCE | obj-debug/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-debug) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-g -Og -DDEBUG"
-obj-release/: FORCE | obj-release/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-release) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-O3 -DNDEBUG -DRELEASE $(LTO_PARAM)"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# objects dependencies
-$(OBJECTS_DEBUG): obj-debug/
-$(OBJECTS_RELEASE): obj-release/
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# standalone main targets
-build-code-debug: bin-debug/$(EXECUTABLE)
-build-code-release: bin-release/$(EXECUTABLE)
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# do all main targets
-	$(MAKE) build-code-debug
-	$(MAKE) build-code-release
-clean: clean-debug clean-release
-	$(RM) -r doc
-	if [ -L obj-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-debug`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L bin-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink bin-debug`;\
-	fi
-	$(RM) -r *.o *.d bin-debug obj-debug
-	if [ -L obj-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-release`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L lib-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink lib-release`;\
-	fi
-	$(RM) -r *.o *.d bin-release obj-release
-	doxygen
+-include ../build.conf
+-include ../makefile-binary
diff --git a/arand2/makefile b/arand2/makefile
index 4064fd013121e849e47c80f3733b1e5231d5ad38..bd9fb6f7bcf2fc7fa9d20ce5fc983aa693391c1b 100644
--- a/arand2/makefile
+++ b/arand2/makefile
@@ -1,174 +1,3 @@
--include ../build.conf
 -include makefile.conf
-ifeq ($(USE_LTO),1)
-LTO_PARAM:= -flto
-define NEW_LINE
-export NEW_LINE
-CXX_FLAGS := -Wall -pedantic -Wextra -Werror -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-qual -Wdelete-non-virtual-dtor -Wredundant-decls
-LDFLAGS_DEBUG:=-Wl,--no-as-needed $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-debug, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) -Wl,-rpath,.
-LDFLAGS_RELEASE:=-Wl,--no-as-needed $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-release, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) $(LTO_PARAM) -Wl,-rpath,.
-OBJECTS_DEBUG:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-debug/%.o, $(shell find src/ -name *cpp))
-OBJECTS_RELEASE:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-release/%.o, $(shell find src/ -name *cpp))
-.PHONY: all build-debug clean-debug doc
-	@echo "What to do master?"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# make subdir makefile
-%/makefile: makefile makefile.conf
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-	echo "\
-	SHELL:=/bin/bash$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	define NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	endef$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	export NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	CXXFLAGS:= -pipe -std=c++11 \$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS) -c $(CXX_FLAGS) -fPIC \$$(addprefix -I, \$$(realpath $(INCLUDE_PATHS)))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	SOURCES:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -type f -name \"*.cpp\")$${NEW_LINE}\
-	DEPENDENCIES:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d, \$$(SOURCES))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS:= \$$(patsubst %.d, %.o, \$$(DEPENDENCIES))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	SOURCES_DIRS:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS_DIRS:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%, %/, \$$(SOURCES_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS_DIRS_MAKEFILES:= \$$(patsubst %, %makefile, \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	.PHONY: all$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	all: \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS) \$$(OBJECTS)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%.d: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		@echo \"\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\") = \\$$\$$(shell (\\$$\$$(CXX) -M \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) 2>/dev/null || echo \\\"\$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) FORCE\\\") | sed \\\"s/.*://g;s/\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\//g\\\")\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@): \\$$\$$(\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\")) makefile\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-			\\$$\$$(CXX) \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \\$$\$$< -o \$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@)\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\" > \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%/makefile: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		mkdir -p \$$(dir \$$@)$${NEW_LINE}\
-		cp makefile \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%/: FORCE | %/makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		@accesstime=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(MAKE) -C \$$@ SRCDIR=\$$(SRCDIR)\$$(notdir \$$(patsubst %/, %, \$$@))/ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=\$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS=\"\$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS)\" && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		accesstime2=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		if [ "\$$\$$accesstime" -ne "\$$\$$accesstime2" ]; then \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-			touch .; \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		fi$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	-include \$$(DEPENDENCIES)" > $@
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# final lib/bin construction
-bin-debug/$(EXECUTABLE): obj-debug/ $(OBJECTS_DEBUG)
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-bin-release/$(EXECUTABLE): obj-release/ $(OBJECTS_RELEASE)
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# subdir make calls
-obj-debug/: FORCE | obj-debug/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-debug) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-g -Og -DDEBUG"
-obj-release/: FORCE | obj-release/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-release) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-O3 -DNDEBUG -DRELEASE $(LTO_PARAM)"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# objects dependencies
-$(OBJECTS_DEBUG): obj-debug/
-$(OBJECTS_RELEASE): obj-release/
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# standalone main targets
-build-code-debug: bin-debug/$(EXECUTABLE)
-build-code-release: bin-release/$(EXECUTABLE)
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# do all main targets
-	$(MAKE) build-code-debug
-	$(MAKE) build-code-release
-clean: clean-debug clean-release
-	$(RM) -r doc
-	if [ -L obj-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-debug`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L bin-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink bin-debug`;\
-	fi
-	$(RM) -r *.o *.d bin-debug obj-debug
-	if [ -L obj-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-release`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L lib-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink lib-release`;\
-	fi
-	$(RM) -r *.o *.d bin-release obj-release
-	doxygen
+-include ../build.conf
+-include ../makefile-binary
diff --git a/araw2/makefile b/araw2/makefile
index 4064fd013121e849e47c80f3733b1e5231d5ad38..bd9fb6f7bcf2fc7fa9d20ce5fc983aa693391c1b 100644
--- a/araw2/makefile
+++ b/araw2/makefile
@@ -1,174 +1,3 @@
--include ../build.conf
 -include makefile.conf
-ifeq ($(USE_LTO),1)
-LTO_PARAM:= -flto
-define NEW_LINE
-export NEW_LINE
-CXX_FLAGS := -Wall -pedantic -Wextra -Werror -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-qual -Wdelete-non-virtual-dtor -Wredundant-decls
-LDFLAGS_DEBUG:=-Wl,--no-as-needed $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-debug, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) -Wl,-rpath,.
-LDFLAGS_RELEASE:=-Wl,--no-as-needed $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-release, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) $(LTO_PARAM) -Wl,-rpath,.
-OBJECTS_DEBUG:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-debug/%.o, $(shell find src/ -name *cpp))
-OBJECTS_RELEASE:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-release/%.o, $(shell find src/ -name *cpp))
-.PHONY: all build-debug clean-debug doc
-	@echo "What to do master?"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# make subdir makefile
-%/makefile: makefile makefile.conf
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-	echo "\
-	SHELL:=/bin/bash$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	define NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	endef$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	export NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	CXXFLAGS:= -pipe -std=c++11 \$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS) -c $(CXX_FLAGS) -fPIC \$$(addprefix -I, \$$(realpath $(INCLUDE_PATHS)))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	SOURCES:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -type f -name \"*.cpp\")$${NEW_LINE}\
-	DEPENDENCIES:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d, \$$(SOURCES))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS:= \$$(patsubst %.d, %.o, \$$(DEPENDENCIES))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	SOURCES_DIRS:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS_DIRS:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%, %/, \$$(SOURCES_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS_DIRS_MAKEFILES:= \$$(patsubst %, %makefile, \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	.PHONY: all$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	all: \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS) \$$(OBJECTS)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%.d: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		@echo \"\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\") = \\$$\$$(shell (\\$$\$$(CXX) -M \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) 2>/dev/null || echo \\\"\$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) FORCE\\\") | sed \\\"s/.*://g;s/\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\//g\\\")\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@): \\$$\$$(\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\")) makefile\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-			\\$$\$$(CXX) \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \\$$\$$< -o \$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@)\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\" > \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%/makefile: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		mkdir -p \$$(dir \$$@)$${NEW_LINE}\
-		cp makefile \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%/: FORCE | %/makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		@accesstime=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(MAKE) -C \$$@ SRCDIR=\$$(SRCDIR)\$$(notdir \$$(patsubst %/, %, \$$@))/ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=\$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS=\"\$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS)\" && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		accesstime2=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		if [ "\$$\$$accesstime" -ne "\$$\$$accesstime2" ]; then \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-			touch .; \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		fi$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	-include \$$(DEPENDENCIES)" > $@
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# final lib/bin construction
-bin-debug/$(EXECUTABLE): obj-debug/ $(OBJECTS_DEBUG)
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-bin-release/$(EXECUTABLE): obj-release/ $(OBJECTS_RELEASE)
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# subdir make calls
-obj-debug/: FORCE | obj-debug/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-debug) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-g -Og -DDEBUG"
-obj-release/: FORCE | obj-release/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-release) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-O3 -DNDEBUG -DRELEASE $(LTO_PARAM)"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# objects dependencies
-$(OBJECTS_DEBUG): obj-debug/
-$(OBJECTS_RELEASE): obj-release/
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# standalone main targets
-build-code-debug: bin-debug/$(EXECUTABLE)
-build-code-release: bin-release/$(EXECUTABLE)
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# do all main targets
-	$(MAKE) build-code-debug
-	$(MAKE) build-code-release
-clean: clean-debug clean-release
-	$(RM) -r doc
-	if [ -L obj-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-debug`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L bin-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink bin-debug`;\
-	fi
-	$(RM) -r *.o *.d bin-debug obj-debug
-	if [ -L obj-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-release`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L lib-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink lib-release`;\
-	fi
-	$(RM) -r *.o *.d bin-release obj-release
-	doxygen
+-include ../build.conf
+-include ../makefile-binary
diff --git a/arename2/makefile b/arename2/makefile
index 4064fd013121e849e47c80f3733b1e5231d5ad38..bd9fb6f7bcf2fc7fa9d20ce5fc983aa693391c1b 100644
--- a/arename2/makefile
+++ b/arename2/makefile
@@ -1,174 +1,3 @@
--include ../build.conf
 -include makefile.conf
-ifeq ($(USE_LTO),1)
-LTO_PARAM:= -flto
-define NEW_LINE
-export NEW_LINE
-CXX_FLAGS := -Wall -pedantic -Wextra -Werror -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-qual -Wdelete-non-virtual-dtor -Wredundant-decls
-LDFLAGS_DEBUG:=-Wl,--no-as-needed $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-debug, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) -Wl,-rpath,.
-LDFLAGS_RELEASE:=-Wl,--no-as-needed $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-release, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) $(LTO_PARAM) -Wl,-rpath,.
-OBJECTS_DEBUG:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-debug/%.o, $(shell find src/ -name *cpp))
-OBJECTS_RELEASE:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-release/%.o, $(shell find src/ -name *cpp))
-.PHONY: all build-debug clean-debug doc
-	@echo "What to do master?"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# make subdir makefile
-%/makefile: makefile makefile.conf
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-	echo "\
-	SHELL:=/bin/bash$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	define NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	endef$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	export NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	CXXFLAGS:= -pipe -std=c++11 \$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS) -c $(CXX_FLAGS) -fPIC \$$(addprefix -I, \$$(realpath $(INCLUDE_PATHS)))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	SOURCES:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -type f -name \"*.cpp\")$${NEW_LINE}\
-	DEPENDENCIES:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d, \$$(SOURCES))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS:= \$$(patsubst %.d, %.o, \$$(DEPENDENCIES))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	SOURCES_DIRS:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS_DIRS:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%, %/, \$$(SOURCES_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS_DIRS_MAKEFILES:= \$$(patsubst %, %makefile, \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	.PHONY: all$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	all: \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS) \$$(OBJECTS)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%.d: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		@echo \"\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\") = \\$$\$$(shell (\\$$\$$(CXX) -M \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) 2>/dev/null || echo \\\"\$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) FORCE\\\") | sed \\\"s/.*://g;s/\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\//g\\\")\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@): \\$$\$$(\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\")) makefile\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-			\\$$\$$(CXX) \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \\$$\$$< -o \$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@)\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\" > \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%/makefile: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		mkdir -p \$$(dir \$$@)$${NEW_LINE}\
-		cp makefile \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%/: FORCE | %/makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		@accesstime=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(MAKE) -C \$$@ SRCDIR=\$$(SRCDIR)\$$(notdir \$$(patsubst %/, %, \$$@))/ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=\$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS=\"\$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS)\" && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		accesstime2=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		if [ "\$$\$$accesstime" -ne "\$$\$$accesstime2" ]; then \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-			touch .; \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		fi$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	-include \$$(DEPENDENCIES)" > $@
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# final lib/bin construction
-bin-debug/$(EXECUTABLE): obj-debug/ $(OBJECTS_DEBUG)
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-bin-release/$(EXECUTABLE): obj-release/ $(OBJECTS_RELEASE)
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# subdir make calls
-obj-debug/: FORCE | obj-debug/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-debug) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-g -Og -DDEBUG"
-obj-release/: FORCE | obj-release/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-release) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-O3 -DNDEBUG -DRELEASE $(LTO_PARAM)"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# objects dependencies
-$(OBJECTS_DEBUG): obj-debug/
-$(OBJECTS_RELEASE): obj-release/
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# standalone main targets
-build-code-debug: bin-debug/$(EXECUTABLE)
-build-code-release: bin-release/$(EXECUTABLE)
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# do all main targets
-	$(MAKE) build-code-debug
-	$(MAKE) build-code-release
-clean: clean-debug clean-release
-	$(RM) -r doc
-	if [ -L obj-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-debug`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L bin-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink bin-debug`;\
-	fi
-	$(RM) -r *.o *.d bin-debug obj-debug
-	if [ -L obj-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-release`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L lib-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink lib-release`;\
-	fi
-	$(RM) -r *.o *.d bin-release obj-release
-	doxygen
+-include ../build.conf
+-include ../makefile-binary
diff --git a/areverse2/makefile b/areverse2/makefile
index 4064fd013121e849e47c80f3733b1e5231d5ad38..bd9fb6f7bcf2fc7fa9d20ce5fc983aa693391c1b 100644
--- a/areverse2/makefile
+++ b/areverse2/makefile
@@ -1,174 +1,3 @@
--include ../build.conf
 -include makefile.conf
-ifeq ($(USE_LTO),1)
-LTO_PARAM:= -flto
-define NEW_LINE
-export NEW_LINE
-CXX_FLAGS := -Wall -pedantic -Wextra -Werror -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-qual -Wdelete-non-virtual-dtor -Wredundant-decls
-LDFLAGS_DEBUG:=-Wl,--no-as-needed $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-debug, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) -Wl,-rpath,.
-LDFLAGS_RELEASE:=-Wl,--no-as-needed $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-release, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) $(LTO_PARAM) -Wl,-rpath,.
-OBJECTS_DEBUG:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-debug/%.o, $(shell find src/ -name *cpp))
-OBJECTS_RELEASE:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-release/%.o, $(shell find src/ -name *cpp))
-.PHONY: all build-debug clean-debug doc
-	@echo "What to do master?"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# make subdir makefile
-%/makefile: makefile makefile.conf
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-	echo "\
-	SHELL:=/bin/bash$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	define NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	endef$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	export NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	CXXFLAGS:= -pipe -std=c++11 \$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS) -c $(CXX_FLAGS) -fPIC \$$(addprefix -I, \$$(realpath $(INCLUDE_PATHS)))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	SOURCES:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -type f -name \"*.cpp\")$${NEW_LINE}\
-	DEPENDENCIES:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d, \$$(SOURCES))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS:= \$$(patsubst %.d, %.o, \$$(DEPENDENCIES))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	SOURCES_DIRS:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS_DIRS:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%, %/, \$$(SOURCES_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS_DIRS_MAKEFILES:= \$$(patsubst %, %makefile, \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	.PHONY: all$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	all: \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS) \$$(OBJECTS)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%.d: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		@echo \"\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\") = \\$$\$$(shell (\\$$\$$(CXX) -M \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) 2>/dev/null || echo \\\"\$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) FORCE\\\") | sed \\\"s/.*://g;s/\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\//g\\\")\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@): \\$$\$$(\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\")) makefile\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-			\\$$\$$(CXX) \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \\$$\$$< -o \$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@)\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\" > \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%/makefile: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		mkdir -p \$$(dir \$$@)$${NEW_LINE}\
-		cp makefile \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%/: FORCE | %/makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		@accesstime=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(MAKE) -C \$$@ SRCDIR=\$$(SRCDIR)\$$(notdir \$$(patsubst %/, %, \$$@))/ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=\$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS=\"\$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS)\" && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		accesstime2=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		if [ "\$$\$$accesstime" -ne "\$$\$$accesstime2" ]; then \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-			touch .; \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		fi$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	-include \$$(DEPENDENCIES)" > $@
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# final lib/bin construction
-bin-debug/$(EXECUTABLE): obj-debug/ $(OBJECTS_DEBUG)
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-bin-release/$(EXECUTABLE): obj-release/ $(OBJECTS_RELEASE)
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# subdir make calls
-obj-debug/: FORCE | obj-debug/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-debug) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-g -Og -DDEBUG"
-obj-release/: FORCE | obj-release/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-release) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-O3 -DNDEBUG -DRELEASE $(LTO_PARAM)"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# objects dependencies
-$(OBJECTS_DEBUG): obj-debug/
-$(OBJECTS_RELEASE): obj-release/
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# standalone main targets
-build-code-debug: bin-debug/$(EXECUTABLE)
-build-code-release: bin-release/$(EXECUTABLE)
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# do all main targets
-	$(MAKE) build-code-debug
-	$(MAKE) build-code-release
-clean: clean-debug clean-release
-	$(RM) -r doc
-	if [ -L obj-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-debug`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L bin-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink bin-debug`;\
-	fi
-	$(RM) -r *.o *.d bin-debug obj-debug
-	if [ -L obj-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-release`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L lib-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink lib-release`;\
-	fi
-	$(RM) -r *.o *.d bin-release obj-release
-	doxygen
+-include ../build.conf
+-include ../makefile-binary
diff --git a/arun2/makefile b/arun2/makefile
index 4064fd013121e849e47c80f3733b1e5231d5ad38..bd9fb6f7bcf2fc7fa9d20ce5fc983aa693391c1b 100644
--- a/arun2/makefile
+++ b/arun2/makefile
@@ -1,174 +1,3 @@
--include ../build.conf
 -include makefile.conf
-ifeq ($(USE_LTO),1)
-LTO_PARAM:= -flto
-define NEW_LINE
-export NEW_LINE
-CXX_FLAGS := -Wall -pedantic -Wextra -Werror -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-qual -Wdelete-non-virtual-dtor -Wredundant-decls
-LDFLAGS_DEBUG:=-Wl,--no-as-needed $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-debug, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) -Wl,-rpath,.
-LDFLAGS_RELEASE:=-Wl,--no-as-needed $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-release, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) $(LTO_PARAM) -Wl,-rpath,.
-OBJECTS_DEBUG:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-debug/%.o, $(shell find src/ -name *cpp))
-OBJECTS_RELEASE:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-release/%.o, $(shell find src/ -name *cpp))
-.PHONY: all build-debug clean-debug doc
-	@echo "What to do master?"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# make subdir makefile
-%/makefile: makefile makefile.conf
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-	echo "\
-	SHELL:=/bin/bash$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	define NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	endef$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	export NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	CXXFLAGS:= -pipe -std=c++11 \$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS) -c $(CXX_FLAGS) -fPIC \$$(addprefix -I, \$$(realpath $(INCLUDE_PATHS)))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	SOURCES:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -type f -name \"*.cpp\")$${NEW_LINE}\
-	DEPENDENCIES:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d, \$$(SOURCES))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS:= \$$(patsubst %.d, %.o, \$$(DEPENDENCIES))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	SOURCES_DIRS:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS_DIRS:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%, %/, \$$(SOURCES_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS_DIRS_MAKEFILES:= \$$(patsubst %, %makefile, \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	.PHONY: all$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	all: \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS) \$$(OBJECTS)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%.d: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		@echo \"\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\") = \\$$\$$(shell (\\$$\$$(CXX) -M \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) 2>/dev/null || echo \\\"\$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) FORCE\\\") | sed \\\"s/.*://g;s/\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\//g\\\")\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@): \\$$\$$(\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\")) makefile\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-			\\$$\$$(CXX) \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \\$$\$$< -o \$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@)\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\" > \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%/makefile: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		mkdir -p \$$(dir \$$@)$${NEW_LINE}\
-		cp makefile \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%/: FORCE | %/makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		@accesstime=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(MAKE) -C \$$@ SRCDIR=\$$(SRCDIR)\$$(notdir \$$(patsubst %/, %, \$$@))/ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=\$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS=\"\$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS)\" && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		accesstime2=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		if [ "\$$\$$accesstime" -ne "\$$\$$accesstime2" ]; then \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-			touch .; \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		fi$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	-include \$$(DEPENDENCIES)" > $@
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# final lib/bin construction
-bin-debug/$(EXECUTABLE): obj-debug/ $(OBJECTS_DEBUG)
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-bin-release/$(EXECUTABLE): obj-release/ $(OBJECTS_RELEASE)
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# subdir make calls
-obj-debug/: FORCE | obj-debug/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-debug) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-g -Og -DDEBUG"
-obj-release/: FORCE | obj-release/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-release) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-O3 -DNDEBUG -DRELEASE $(LTO_PARAM)"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# objects dependencies
-$(OBJECTS_DEBUG): obj-debug/
-$(OBJECTS_RELEASE): obj-release/
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# standalone main targets
-build-code-debug: bin-debug/$(EXECUTABLE)
-build-code-release: bin-release/$(EXECUTABLE)
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# do all main targets
-	$(MAKE) build-code-debug
-	$(MAKE) build-code-release
-clean: clean-debug clean-release
-	$(RM) -r doc
-	if [ -L obj-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-debug`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L bin-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink bin-debug`;\
-	fi
-	$(RM) -r *.o *.d bin-debug obj-debug
-	if [ -L obj-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-release`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L lib-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink lib-release`;\
-	fi
-	$(RM) -r *.o *.d bin-release obj-release
-	doxygen
+-include ../build.conf
+-include ../makefile-binary
diff --git a/astat2/makefile b/astat2/makefile
index 4064fd013121e849e47c80f3733b1e5231d5ad38..bd9fb6f7bcf2fc7fa9d20ce5fc983aa693391c1b 100644
--- a/astat2/makefile
+++ b/astat2/makefile
@@ -1,174 +1,3 @@
--include ../build.conf
 -include makefile.conf
-ifeq ($(USE_LTO),1)
-LTO_PARAM:= -flto
-define NEW_LINE
-export NEW_LINE
-CXX_FLAGS := -Wall -pedantic -Wextra -Werror -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-qual -Wdelete-non-virtual-dtor -Wredundant-decls
-LDFLAGS_DEBUG:=-Wl,--no-as-needed $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-debug, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) -Wl,-rpath,.
-LDFLAGS_RELEASE:=-Wl,--no-as-needed $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-release, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) $(LTO_PARAM) -Wl,-rpath,.
-OBJECTS_DEBUG:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-debug/%.o, $(shell find src/ -name *cpp))
-OBJECTS_RELEASE:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-release/%.o, $(shell find src/ -name *cpp))
-.PHONY: all build-debug clean-debug doc
-	@echo "What to do master?"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# make subdir makefile
-%/makefile: makefile makefile.conf
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-	echo "\
-	SHELL:=/bin/bash$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	define NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	endef$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	export NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	CXXFLAGS:= -pipe -std=c++11 \$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS) -c $(CXX_FLAGS) -fPIC \$$(addprefix -I, \$$(realpath $(INCLUDE_PATHS)))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	SOURCES:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -type f -name \"*.cpp\")$${NEW_LINE}\
-	DEPENDENCIES:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d, \$$(SOURCES))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS:= \$$(patsubst %.d, %.o, \$$(DEPENDENCIES))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	SOURCES_DIRS:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS_DIRS:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%, %/, \$$(SOURCES_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS_DIRS_MAKEFILES:= \$$(patsubst %, %makefile, \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	.PHONY: all$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	all: \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS) \$$(OBJECTS)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%.d: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		@echo \"\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\") = \\$$\$$(shell (\\$$\$$(CXX) -M \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) 2>/dev/null || echo \\\"\$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) FORCE\\\") | sed \\\"s/.*://g;s/\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\//g\\\")\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@): \\$$\$$(\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\")) makefile\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-			\\$$\$$(CXX) \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \\$$\$$< -o \$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@)\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\" > \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%/makefile: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		mkdir -p \$$(dir \$$@)$${NEW_LINE}\
-		cp makefile \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%/: FORCE | %/makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		@accesstime=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(MAKE) -C \$$@ SRCDIR=\$$(SRCDIR)\$$(notdir \$$(patsubst %/, %, \$$@))/ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=\$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS=\"\$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS)\" && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		accesstime2=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		if [ "\$$\$$accesstime" -ne "\$$\$$accesstime2" ]; then \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-			touch .; \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		fi$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	-include \$$(DEPENDENCIES)" > $@
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# final lib/bin construction
-bin-debug/$(EXECUTABLE): obj-debug/ $(OBJECTS_DEBUG)
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-bin-release/$(EXECUTABLE): obj-release/ $(OBJECTS_RELEASE)
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# subdir make calls
-obj-debug/: FORCE | obj-debug/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-debug) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-g -Og -DDEBUG"
-obj-release/: FORCE | obj-release/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-release) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-O3 -DNDEBUG -DRELEASE $(LTO_PARAM)"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# objects dependencies
-$(OBJECTS_DEBUG): obj-debug/
-$(OBJECTS_RELEASE): obj-release/
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# standalone main targets
-build-code-debug: bin-debug/$(EXECUTABLE)
-build-code-release: bin-release/$(EXECUTABLE)
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# do all main targets
-	$(MAKE) build-code-debug
-	$(MAKE) build-code-release
-clean: clean-debug clean-release
-	$(RM) -r doc
-	if [ -L obj-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-debug`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L bin-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink bin-debug`;\
-	fi
-	$(RM) -r *.o *.d bin-debug obj-debug
-	if [ -L obj-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-release`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L lib-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink lib-release`;\
-	fi
-	$(RM) -r *.o *.d bin-release obj-release
-	doxygen
+-include ../build.conf
+-include ../makefile-binary
diff --git a/astringology2/makefile b/astringology2/makefile
index 4064fd013121e849e47c80f3733b1e5231d5ad38..bd9fb6f7bcf2fc7fa9d20ce5fc983aa693391c1b 100644
--- a/astringology2/makefile
+++ b/astringology2/makefile
@@ -1,174 +1,3 @@
--include ../build.conf
 -include makefile.conf
-ifeq ($(USE_LTO),1)
-LTO_PARAM:= -flto
-define NEW_LINE
-export NEW_LINE
-CXX_FLAGS := -Wall -pedantic -Wextra -Werror -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-qual -Wdelete-non-virtual-dtor -Wredundant-decls
-LDFLAGS_DEBUG:=-Wl,--no-as-needed $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-debug, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) -Wl,-rpath,.
-LDFLAGS_RELEASE:=-Wl,--no-as-needed $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-release, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) $(LTO_PARAM) -Wl,-rpath,.
-OBJECTS_DEBUG:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-debug/%.o, $(shell find src/ -name *cpp))
-OBJECTS_RELEASE:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-release/%.o, $(shell find src/ -name *cpp))
-.PHONY: all build-debug clean-debug doc
-	@echo "What to do master?"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# make subdir makefile
-%/makefile: makefile makefile.conf
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-	echo "\
-	SHELL:=/bin/bash$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	define NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	endef$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	export NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	CXXFLAGS:= -pipe -std=c++11 \$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS) -c $(CXX_FLAGS) -fPIC \$$(addprefix -I, \$$(realpath $(INCLUDE_PATHS)))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	SOURCES:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -type f -name \"*.cpp\")$${NEW_LINE}\
-	DEPENDENCIES:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d, \$$(SOURCES))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS:= \$$(patsubst %.d, %.o, \$$(DEPENDENCIES))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	SOURCES_DIRS:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS_DIRS:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%, %/, \$$(SOURCES_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS_DIRS_MAKEFILES:= \$$(patsubst %, %makefile, \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	.PHONY: all$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	all: \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS) \$$(OBJECTS)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%.d: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		@echo \"\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\") = \\$$\$$(shell (\\$$\$$(CXX) -M \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) 2>/dev/null || echo \\\"\$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) FORCE\\\") | sed \\\"s/.*://g;s/\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\//g\\\")\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@): \\$$\$$(\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\")) makefile\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-			\\$$\$$(CXX) \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \\$$\$$< -o \$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@)\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\" > \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%/makefile: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		mkdir -p \$$(dir \$$@)$${NEW_LINE}\
-		cp makefile \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%/: FORCE | %/makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		@accesstime=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(MAKE) -C \$$@ SRCDIR=\$$(SRCDIR)\$$(notdir \$$(patsubst %/, %, \$$@))/ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=\$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS=\"\$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS)\" && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		accesstime2=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		if [ "\$$\$$accesstime" -ne "\$$\$$accesstime2" ]; then \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-			touch .; \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		fi$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	-include \$$(DEPENDENCIES)" > $@
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# final lib/bin construction
-bin-debug/$(EXECUTABLE): obj-debug/ $(OBJECTS_DEBUG)
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-bin-release/$(EXECUTABLE): obj-release/ $(OBJECTS_RELEASE)
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# subdir make calls
-obj-debug/: FORCE | obj-debug/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-debug) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-g -Og -DDEBUG"
-obj-release/: FORCE | obj-release/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-release) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-O3 -DNDEBUG -DRELEASE $(LTO_PARAM)"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# objects dependencies
-$(OBJECTS_DEBUG): obj-debug/
-$(OBJECTS_RELEASE): obj-release/
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# standalone main targets
-build-code-debug: bin-debug/$(EXECUTABLE)
-build-code-release: bin-release/$(EXECUTABLE)
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# do all main targets
-	$(MAKE) build-code-debug
-	$(MAKE) build-code-release
-clean: clean-debug clean-release
-	$(RM) -r doc
-	if [ -L obj-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-debug`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L bin-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink bin-debug`;\
-	fi
-	$(RM) -r *.o *.d bin-debug obj-debug
-	if [ -L obj-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-release`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L lib-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink lib-release`;\
-	fi
-	$(RM) -r *.o *.d bin-release obj-release
-	doxygen
+-include ../build.conf
+-include ../makefile-binary
diff --git a/atrim2/makefile b/atrim2/makefile
index 4064fd013121e849e47c80f3733b1e5231d5ad38..bd9fb6f7bcf2fc7fa9d20ce5fc983aa693391c1b 100644
--- a/atrim2/makefile
+++ b/atrim2/makefile
@@ -1,174 +1,3 @@
--include ../build.conf
 -include makefile.conf
-ifeq ($(USE_LTO),1)
-LTO_PARAM:= -flto
-define NEW_LINE
-export NEW_LINE
-CXX_FLAGS := -Wall -pedantic -Wextra -Werror -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-qual -Wdelete-non-virtual-dtor -Wredundant-decls
-LDFLAGS_DEBUG:=-Wl,--no-as-needed $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-debug, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) -Wl,-rpath,.
-LDFLAGS_RELEASE:=-Wl,--no-as-needed $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-release, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) $(LTO_PARAM) -Wl,-rpath,.
-OBJECTS_DEBUG:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-debug/%.o, $(shell find src/ -name *cpp))
-OBJECTS_RELEASE:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-release/%.o, $(shell find src/ -name *cpp))
-.PHONY: all build-debug clean-debug doc
-	@echo "What to do master?"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# make subdir makefile
-%/makefile: makefile makefile.conf
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-	echo "\
-	SHELL:=/bin/bash$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	define NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	endef$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	export NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	CXXFLAGS:= -pipe -std=c++11 \$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS) -c $(CXX_FLAGS) -fPIC \$$(addprefix -I, \$$(realpath $(INCLUDE_PATHS)))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	SOURCES:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -type f -name \"*.cpp\")$${NEW_LINE}\
-	DEPENDENCIES:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d, \$$(SOURCES))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS:= \$$(patsubst %.d, %.o, \$$(DEPENDENCIES))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	SOURCES_DIRS:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS_DIRS:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%, %/, \$$(SOURCES_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS_DIRS_MAKEFILES:= \$$(patsubst %, %makefile, \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	.PHONY: all$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	all: \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS) \$$(OBJECTS)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%.d: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		@echo \"\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\") = \\$$\$$(shell (\\$$\$$(CXX) -M \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) 2>/dev/null || echo \\\"\$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) FORCE\\\") | sed \\\"s/.*://g;s/\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\//g\\\")\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@): \\$$\$$(\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\")) makefile\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-			\\$$\$$(CXX) \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \\$$\$$< -o \$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@)\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\" > \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%/makefile: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		mkdir -p \$$(dir \$$@)$${NEW_LINE}\
-		cp makefile \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%/: FORCE | %/makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		@accesstime=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(MAKE) -C \$$@ SRCDIR=\$$(SRCDIR)\$$(notdir \$$(patsubst %/, %, \$$@))/ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=\$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS=\"\$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS)\" && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		accesstime2=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		if [ "\$$\$$accesstime" -ne "\$$\$$accesstime2" ]; then \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-			touch .; \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		fi$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	-include \$$(DEPENDENCIES)" > $@
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# final lib/bin construction
-bin-debug/$(EXECUTABLE): obj-debug/ $(OBJECTS_DEBUG)
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-bin-release/$(EXECUTABLE): obj-release/ $(OBJECTS_RELEASE)
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# subdir make calls
-obj-debug/: FORCE | obj-debug/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-debug) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-g -Og -DDEBUG"
-obj-release/: FORCE | obj-release/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-release) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-O3 -DNDEBUG -DRELEASE $(LTO_PARAM)"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# objects dependencies
-$(OBJECTS_DEBUG): obj-debug/
-$(OBJECTS_RELEASE): obj-release/
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# standalone main targets
-build-code-debug: bin-debug/$(EXECUTABLE)
-build-code-release: bin-release/$(EXECUTABLE)
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# do all main targets
-	$(MAKE) build-code-debug
-	$(MAKE) build-code-release
-clean: clean-debug clean-release
-	$(RM) -r doc
-	if [ -L obj-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-debug`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L bin-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink bin-debug`;\
-	fi
-	$(RM) -r *.o *.d bin-debug obj-debug
-	if [ -L obj-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-release`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L lib-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink lib-release`;\
-	fi
-	$(RM) -r *.o *.d bin-release obj-release
-	doxygen
+-include ../build.conf
+-include ../makefile-binary
diff --git a/makefile-binary b/makefile-binary
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ed9ff501338175953c8de617512d8eaf23bc59c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/makefile-binary
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+ifeq ($(USE_LTO),1)
+define NEW_LINE
+export NEW_LINE
+CXX_FLAGS := -Wall -pedantic -Wextra -Werror -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-qual -Wdelete-non-virtual-dtor -Wredundant-decls
+LDFLAGS_DEBUG:=-Wl,--no-as-needed $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-debug, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) -Wl,-rpath,.
+LDFLAGS_RELEASE:=-Wl,--no-as-needed $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-release, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) $(LTO_PARAM) -Wl,-rpath,.
+OBJECTS_DEBUG:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-debug/%.o, $(shell find src/ -name *cpp))
+OBJECTS_RELEASE:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-release/%.o, $(shell find src/ -name *cpp))
+.PHONY: all build-debug clean-debug doc
+	@echo "What to do master?"
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# make subdir makefile
+%/makefile: makefile makefile.conf
+	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
+		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
+	fi;\
+	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
+		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
+	else\
+		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
+	fi
+	echo "\
+	SHELL:=/bin/bash$${NEW_LINE}\
+	$${NEW_LINE}\
+	define NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
+	$${NEW_LINE}\
+	$${NEW_LINE}\
+	endef$${NEW_LINE}\
+	$${NEW_LINE}\
+	export NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
+	$${NEW_LINE}\
+	CXXFLAGS:= -pipe -std=c++11 \$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS) -c $(CXX_FLAGS) -fPIC \$$(addprefix -I, \$$(realpath $(INCLUDE_PATHS)))$${NEW_LINE}\
+	$${NEW_LINE}\
+	SOURCES:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -type f -name \"*.cpp\")$${NEW_LINE}\
+	DEPENDENCIES:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d, \$$(SOURCES))$${NEW_LINE}\
+	OBJECTS:= \$$(patsubst %.d, %.o, \$$(DEPENDENCIES))$${NEW_LINE}\
+	SOURCES_DIRS:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d)$${NEW_LINE}\
+	OBJECTS_DIRS:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%, %/, \$$(SOURCES_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
+	OBJECTS_DIRS_MAKEFILES:= \$$(patsubst %, %makefile, \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
+	$${NEW_LINE}\
+	.PHONY: all$${NEW_LINE}\
+	$${NEW_LINE}\
+	all: \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS) \$$(OBJECTS)$${NEW_LINE}\
+	$${NEW_LINE}\
+	%.d: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
+		@echo \"\\$${NEW_LINE}\
+		\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\") = \\$$\$$(shell (\\$$\$$(CXX) -M \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) 2>/dev/null || echo \\\"\$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) FORCE\\\") | sed \\\"s/.*://g;s/\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\//g\\\")\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
+		\$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@): \\$$\$$(\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\")) makefile\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
+			\\$$\$$(CXX) \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \\$$\$$< -o \$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@)\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
+		\" > \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
+	$${NEW_LINE}\
+	%/makefile: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
+		mkdir -p \$$(dir \$$@)$${NEW_LINE}\
+		cp makefile \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
+	$${NEW_LINE}\
+	%/: FORCE | %/makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
+		@accesstime=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
+		\$$(MAKE) -C \$$@ SRCDIR=\$$(SRCDIR)\$$(notdir \$$(patsubst %/, %, \$$@))/ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=\$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS=\"\$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS)\" && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
+		accesstime2=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
+		if [ "\$$\$$accesstime" -ne "\$$\$$accesstime2" ]; then \\$${NEW_LINE}\
+			touch .; \\$${NEW_LINE}\
+		fi$${NEW_LINE}\
+	$${NEW_LINE}\
+	$${NEW_LINE}\
+	-include \$$(DEPENDENCIES)" > $@
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# final lib/bin construction
+bin-debug/$(EXECUTABLE): obj-debug/ $(OBJECTS_DEBUG)
+	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
+		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
+	fi;\
+	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
+		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
+	else\
+		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
+	fi
+bin-release/$(EXECUTABLE): obj-release/ $(OBJECTS_RELEASE)
+	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
+		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
+	fi;\
+	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
+		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
+	else\
+		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
+	fi
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# subdir make calls
+obj-debug/: FORCE | obj-debug/makefile
+	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-debug) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-g -Og -DDEBUG"
+obj-release/: FORCE | obj-release/makefile
+	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-release) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-O3 -DNDEBUG -DRELEASE $(LTO_PARAM)"
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# objects dependencies
+$(OBJECTS_DEBUG): obj-debug/
+$(OBJECTS_RELEASE): obj-release/
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# standalone main targets
+build-code-debug: bin-debug/$(EXECUTABLE)
+build-code-release: bin-release/$(EXECUTABLE)
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# do all main targets
+	$(MAKE) build-code-debug
+	$(MAKE) build-code-release
+clean: clean-debug clean-release
+	$(RM) -r doc
+	if [ -L obj-debug ]; then\
+		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-debug`;\
+	fi
+	if [ -L bin-debug ]; then\
+		$(RM) -r `readlink bin-debug`;\
+	fi
+	$(RM) -r *.o *.d bin-debug obj-debug
+	if [ -L obj-release ]; then\
+		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-release`;\
+	fi
+	if [ -L lib-release ]; then\
+		$(RM) -r `readlink lib-release`;\
+	fi
+	$(RM) -r *.o *.d bin-release obj-release
+	doxygen
diff --git a/makefile-library b/makefile-library
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f98e877b96fcf8fbfb552dca8d1e8ab925938aee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/makefile-library
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+ifeq ($(USE_LTO),1)
+define NEW_LINE
+export NEW_LINE
+CXX_FLAGS := -Wall -pedantic -Wextra -Werror -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-qual -Wdelete-non-virtual-dtor -Wredundant-decls
+space := $(eval) $(eval)
+LDFLAGS_DEBUG:=-rdynamic -shared
+TEST_LDFLAGS_DEBUG:=-Wl,--no-as-needed -Llib-debug $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-debug, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic -l$(LIBRARY) $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) -lcppunit -Wl,-rpath,.
+LDFLAGS_RELEASE:=-rdynamic -shared $(LTO_PARAM)
+TEST_LDFLAGS_RELEASE:=-Wl,--no-as-needed -Llib-release $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-release, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic -l$(LIBRARY) $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) -lcppunit $(LTO_PARAM) -Wl,-rpath,.
+OBJECTS_DEBUG:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-debug/%.o, $(shell find src/ -name *cpp))
+TEST_OBJECTS_DEBUG:=$(patsubst test-src/%.cpp,test-obj-debug/%.o, $(shell find test-src/ -name *cpp))
+OBJECTS_RELEASE:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-release/%.o, $(filter-out $(wildcard src/debug/*), $(shell find src/ -name *cpp)))
+TEST_OBJECTS_RELEASE:=$(patsubst test-src/%.cpp,test-obj-release/%.o, $(shell find test-src/ -name *cpp))
+.PHONY: all debug release clean build-debug build-release clean-debug clean-release doc
+	@echo "What to do master?"
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# make subdir makefile
+%/makefile: ../makefile-library ../build.conf makefile makefile.conf
+	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
+		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
+	fi;\
+	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
+		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
+	else\
+		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
+	fi
+	echo "\
+	SHELL:=/bin/bash$${NEW_LINE}\
+	$${NEW_LINE}\
+	define NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
+	$${NEW_LINE}\
+	$${NEW_LINE}\
+	endef$${NEW_LINE}\
+	$${NEW_LINE}\
+	export NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
+	$${NEW_LINE}\
+	CXXFLAGS:= -pipe -std=c++11 \$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS) -c $(CXX_FLAGS) -fPIC \$$(addprefix -I, \$$(realpath $(INCLUDE_PATHS))) -I\$$(realpath \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/../src/)$${NEW_LINE}\
+	$${NEW_LINE}\
+	SOURCES:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -type f -name \"*.cpp\")$${NEW_LINE}\
+	DEPENDENCIES:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d, \$$(SOURCES))$${NEW_LINE}\
+	OBJECTS:= \$$(patsubst %.d, %.o, \$$(DEPENDENCIES))$${NEW_LINE}\
+	SOURCES_DIRS:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d)$${NEW_LINE}\
+	OBJECTS_DIRS:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%, %/, \$$(SOURCES_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
+	OBJECTS_DIRS_MAKEFILES:= \$$(patsubst %, %makefile, \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
+	$${NEW_LINE}\
+	.PHONY: all$${NEW_LINE}\
+	$${NEW_LINE}\
+	all: \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS) \$$(OBJECTS)$${NEW_LINE}\
+	$${NEW_LINE}\
+	%.d: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
+		@echo \"\\$${NEW_LINE}\
+		\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\") = \\$$\$$(shell (\\$$\$$(CXX) -M \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) 2>/dev/null || echo \\\"\$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) FORCE\\\") | sed \\\"s/.*://g;s/\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\//g\\\")\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
+		\$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@): \\$$\$$(\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\")) makefile\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
+			\\$$\$$(CXX) \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \\$$\$$< -o \$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@)\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
+		\" > \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
+	$${NEW_LINE}\
+	%/makefile: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
+		mkdir -p \$$(dir \$$@)$${NEW_LINE}\
+		cp makefile \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
+	$${NEW_LINE}\
+	%/: FORCE | %/makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
+		@accesstime=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
+		\$$(MAKE) -C \$$@ SRCDIR=\$$(SRCDIR)\$$(notdir \$$(patsubst %/, %, \$$@))/ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=\$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS=\"\$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS)\" && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
+		accesstime2=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
+		if [ "\$$\$$accesstime" -ne "\$$\$$accesstime2" ]; then \\$${NEW_LINE}\
+			touch .; \\$${NEW_LINE}\
+		fi$${NEW_LINE}\
+	$${NEW_LINE}\
+	$${NEW_LINE}\
+	-include \$$(DEPENDENCIES)" > $@
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# final lib/bin construction
+lib-debug/$(FULL_LIBRARY): $(OBJECTS_DEBUG) obj-debug/
+	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
+		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
+	fi;\
+	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
+		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
+	else\
+		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
+	fi
+lib-release/$(FULL_LIBRARY): $(OBJECTS_RELEASE) obj-release/
+	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
+		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
+	fi;\
+	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
+		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
+	else\
+		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
+	fi
+test-bin-debug/$(TESTBIN): $(TEST_OBJECTS_DEBUG) test-obj-debug/
+	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
+		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
+	fi;\
+	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
+		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
+	else\
+		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
+	fi
+test-bin-release/$(TESTBIN): $(TEST_OBJECTS_RELEASE) test-obj-release/
+	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
+		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
+	fi;\
+	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
+		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
+	else\
+		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
+	fi
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# subdir make calls
+obj-debug/: FORCE obj-debug/makefile
+	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-debug) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-g -Og -DDEBUG"
+obj-release/: FORCE obj-release/makefile
+	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-release) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-O3 -DNDEBUG -DRELEASE $(LTO_PARAM)"
+test-obj-debug/: FORCE test-obj-debug/makefile
+	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath test-obj-debug) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath test-src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-g -Og -DDEBUG"
+test-obj-release/: FORCE test-obj-release/makefile
+	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath test-obj-release) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath test-src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-O3 -DNDEBUG -DRELEASE $(LTO_PARAM)"
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# objects dependencies
+$(OBJECTS_DEBUG): obj-debug/
+$(OBJECTS_RELEASE): obj-release/
+$(TEST_OBJECTS_DEBUG): test-obj-debug/
+$(TEST_OBJECTS_RELEASE): test-obj-release/
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# standalone main targets
+	LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$(subst $(space),,$(addsuffix lib-debug:,$(LINK_PATHS)))lib-debug" test-bin-debug/$(TESTBIN)
+	LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$(subst $(space),,$(addsuffix lib-release:,$(LINK_PATHS)))lib-release" test-bin-release/$(TESTBIN)
+build-test-debug: test-bin-debug/$(TESTBIN)
+build-test-release: test-bin-release/$(TESTBIN)
+build-code-debug: lib-debug/$(FULL_LIBRARY)
+build-code-release: lib-release/$(FULL_LIBRARY)
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# do all main targets
+	$(MAKE) build-code-debug
+	$(MAKE) build-test-debug
+	$(MAKE) test-unit-debug
+	$(MAKE) build-code-release
+	$(MAKE) build-test-release
+	$(MAKE) test-unit-release
+clean: clean-debug clean-release
+	$(RM) -r doc
+	if [ -L obj-debug ]; then\
+		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-debug`;\
+	fi
+	if [ -L lib-debug ]; then\
+		$(RM) -r `readlink lib-debug`;\
+	fi
+	if [ -L test-obj-debug ]; then\
+		$(RM) -r `readlink test-obj-debug`;\
+	fi
+	if [ -L test-bin-debug ]; then\
+		$(RM) -r `readlink test-bin-debug`;\
+	fi
+	$(RM) -r *.o *.d lib-debug obj-debug test-bin-debug test-obj-debug CppUnitTestResults.xml
+	if [ -L obj-release ]; then\
+		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-release`;\
+	fi
+	if [ -L lib-release ]; then\
+		$(RM) -r `readlink lib-release`;\
+	fi
+	if [ -L test-obj-release ]; then\
+		$(RM) -r `readlink test-obj-release`;\
+	fi
+	if [ -L test-bin-release ]; then\
+		$(RM) -r `readlink test-bin-release`;\
+	fi
+	$(RM) -r *.o *.d lib-release obj-release test-bin-release test-obj-release CppUnitTestResults.xml
+	doxygen
diff --git a/tniceprint/makefile b/tniceprint/makefile
index 4064fd013121e849e47c80f3733b1e5231d5ad38..bd9fb6f7bcf2fc7fa9d20ce5fc983aa693391c1b 100644
--- a/tniceprint/makefile
+++ b/tniceprint/makefile
@@ -1,174 +1,3 @@
--include ../build.conf
 -include makefile.conf
-ifeq ($(USE_LTO),1)
-LTO_PARAM:= -flto
-define NEW_LINE
-export NEW_LINE
-CXX_FLAGS := -Wall -pedantic -Wextra -Werror -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-qual -Wdelete-non-virtual-dtor -Wredundant-decls
-LDFLAGS_DEBUG:=-Wl,--no-as-needed $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-debug, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) -Wl,-rpath,.
-LDFLAGS_RELEASE:=-Wl,--no-as-needed $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-release, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) $(LTO_PARAM) -Wl,-rpath,.
-OBJECTS_DEBUG:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-debug/%.o, $(shell find src/ -name *cpp))
-OBJECTS_RELEASE:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp,obj-release/%.o, $(shell find src/ -name *cpp))
-.PHONY: all build-debug clean-debug doc
-	@echo "What to do master?"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# make subdir makefile
-%/makefile: makefile makefile.conf
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-	echo "\
-	SHELL:=/bin/bash$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	define NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	endef$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	export NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	CXXFLAGS:= -pipe -std=c++11 \$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS) -c $(CXX_FLAGS) -fPIC \$$(addprefix -I, \$$(realpath $(INCLUDE_PATHS)))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	SOURCES:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -type f -name \"*.cpp\")$${NEW_LINE}\
-	DEPENDENCIES:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d, \$$(SOURCES))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS:= \$$(patsubst %.d, %.o, \$$(DEPENDENCIES))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	SOURCES_DIRS:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS_DIRS:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%, %/, \$$(SOURCES_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	OBJECTS_DIRS_MAKEFILES:= \$$(patsubst %, %makefile, \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	.PHONY: all$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	all: \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS) \$$(OBJECTS)$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%.d: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		@echo \"\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\") = \\$$\$$(shell (\\$$\$$(CXX) -M \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) 2>/dev/null || echo \\\"\$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) FORCE\\\") | sed \\\"s/.*://g;s/\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\//g\\\")\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@): \\$$\$$(\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\")) makefile\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-			\\$$\$$(CXX) \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \\$$\$$< -o \$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@)\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\" > \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%/makefile: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		mkdir -p \$$(dir \$$@)$${NEW_LINE}\
-		cp makefile \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	%/: FORCE | %/makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
-		@accesstime=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		\$$(MAKE) -C \$$@ SRCDIR=\$$(SRCDIR)\$$(notdir \$$(patsubst %/, %, \$$@))/ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=\$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS=\"\$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS)\" && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		accesstime2=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		if [ "\$$\$$accesstime" -ne "\$$\$$accesstime2" ]; then \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-			touch .; \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-		fi$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	$${NEW_LINE}\
-	-include \$$(DEPENDENCIES)" > $@
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# final lib/bin construction
-bin-debug/$(EXECUTABLE): obj-debug/ $(OBJECTS_DEBUG)
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-bin-release/$(EXECUTABLE): obj-release/ $(OBJECTS_RELEASE)
-	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
-		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
-	fi;\
-	if [ -L $(subst /,, $(dir $@)) ]; then\
-		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /,, $(dir $@))`;\
-	else\
-		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
-	fi
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# subdir make calls
-obj-debug/: FORCE | obj-debug/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-debug) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-g -Og -DDEBUG"
-obj-release/: FORCE | obj-release/makefile
-	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-release) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-O3 -DNDEBUG -DRELEASE $(LTO_PARAM)"
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# objects dependencies
-$(OBJECTS_DEBUG): obj-debug/
-$(OBJECTS_RELEASE): obj-release/
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# standalone main targets
-build-code-debug: bin-debug/$(EXECUTABLE)
-build-code-release: bin-release/$(EXECUTABLE)
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# do all main targets
-	$(MAKE) build-code-debug
-	$(MAKE) build-code-release
-clean: clean-debug clean-release
-	$(RM) -r doc
-	if [ -L obj-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-debug`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L bin-debug ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink bin-debug`;\
-	fi
-	$(RM) -r *.o *.d bin-debug obj-debug
-	if [ -L obj-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-release`;\
-	fi
-	if [ -L lib-release ]; then\
-		$(RM) -r `readlink lib-release`;\
-	fi
-	$(RM) -r *.o *.d bin-release obj-release
-	doxygen
+-include ../build.conf
+-include ../makefile-binary