diff --git a/alib2graph_data/test-src/graph/GraphTest.cpp b/alib2graph_data/test-src/graph/GraphTest.cpp
index 4b5c163ff6e9d74bd09a4cf93edf2715a3064bd0..42b018188c4259f029cb493b592c36d04b967405 100644
--- a/alib2graph_data/test-src/graph/GraphTest.cpp
+++ b/alib2graph_data/test-src/graph/GraphTest.cpp
@@ -7,146 +7,129 @@
 // Copyright (c) 2017 Czech Technical University in Prague | Faculty of Information Technology. All rights reserved.
 // Git repository: https://gitlab.fit.cvut.cz/algorithms-library-toolkit/automata-library
-#include "GraphTest.hpp"
+#include <catch2/catch.hpp>
 #include <graph/GraphClasses.hpp>
 using namespace graph;
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void GraphTest::setUp() {
-  TestFixture::setUp();
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void GraphTest::tearDown() {
-  TestFixture::tearDown();
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void GraphTest::testUndirectedGraph() {
-  graph::UndirectedGraph<int, ext::pair<int, int> > graph;
-  graph.addNode(1);
-  graph.addNode(2);
-  graph.addNode(3);
-  graph.addNode(4);
-  graph.addNode(5);
-  graph.addNode(6);
-  graph.addEdge(ext::make_pair(1, 2));
-  graph.addEdge(2, 3);
-  graph.addEdge(3, 4);
-  graph.addEdge(5, 1);
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(graph.nodeCount() == 6);
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(graph.edgeCount() == 4);
-  ext::set<int> ref1 = {2, 5};
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(graph.successors(1) == ref1);
-  ext::vector<ext::pair<int, int>> ref2 = {ext::make_pair(1, 2), ext::make_pair(5, 1)};
-  ext::vector<ext::pair<int, int>> res2 = graph.successorEdges(1);
-  std::sort(ref2.begin(), ref2.end());
-  std::sort(res2.begin(), res2.end());
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(res2.size() == ref2.size());
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(res2 == ref2);
-  ext::set<int> ref3 = {1, 3};
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(graph.predecessors(2) == ref3);
-  ext::vector<ext::pair<int, int>> ref4 = {ext::make_pair(1, 2), ext::make_pair(2, 3)};
-  ext::vector<ext::pair<int, int>> res4 = graph.predecessorEdges(2);
-  std::sort(ref4.begin(), ref4.end());
-  std::sort(res4.begin(), res4.end());
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(res4.size() == ref4.size());
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(res4 == ref4);
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void GraphTest::testDirectedGraph() {
-  graph::DirectedGraph<int, ext::pair<int, int> > graph;
-  graph.addNode(1);
-  graph.addNode(2);
-  graph.addNode(3);
-  graph.addNode(4);
-  graph.addNode(5);
-  graph.addNode(6);
-  graph.addEdge(ext::make_pair(1, 2));
-  graph.addEdge(2, 3);
-  graph.addEdge(3, 4);
-  graph.addEdge(5, 1);
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(graph.nodeCount() == 6);
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(graph.edgeCount() == 4);
-  ext::set<int> ref1 = {2};
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(graph.successors(1) == ref1);
-  ext::vector<ext::pair<int, int>> ref2 = {ext::make_pair(1, 2)};
-  ext::vector<ext::pair<int, int>> res2 = graph.successorEdges(1);
-  std::sort(ref2.begin(), ref2.end());
-  std::sort(res2.begin(), res2.end());
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(res2.size() == ref2.size());
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(res2 == ref2);
-  ext::set<int> ref3 = {1};
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(graph.predecessors(2) == ref3);
-  ext::vector<ext::pair<int, int>> ref4 = {ext::make_pair(1, 2)};
-  ext::vector<ext::pair<int, int>> res4 = graph.predecessorEdges(2);
-  std::sort(ref4.begin(), ref4.end());
-  std::sort(res4.begin(), res4.end());
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(res4.size() == ref4.size());
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(res4 == ref4);
+TEST_CASE ( "Graph", "[unit][graph][graph]" ) {
+	SECTION ( "Undirected Graphs" ) {
+		graph::UndirectedGraph<int, ext::pair<int, int> > graph;
+		graph.addNode(1);
+		graph.addNode(2);
+		graph.addNode(3);
+		graph.addNode(4);
+		graph.addNode(5);
+		graph.addNode(6);
+		graph.addEdge(ext::make_pair(1, 2));
+		graph.addEdge(2, 3);
+		graph.addEdge(3, 4);
+		graph.addEdge(5, 1);
+		CHECK(graph.nodeCount() == 6);
+		CHECK(graph.edgeCount() == 4);
+		ext::set<int> ref1 = {2, 5};
+		CHECK(graph.successors(1) == ref1);
+		ext::vector<ext::pair<int, int>> ref2 = {ext::make_pair(1, 2), ext::make_pair(5, 1)};
+		ext::vector<ext::pair<int, int>> res2 = graph.successorEdges(1);
+		std::sort(ref2.begin(), ref2.end());
+		std::sort(res2.begin(), res2.end());
+		CHECK(res2.size() == ref2.size());
+		CHECK(res2 == ref2);
+		ext::set<int> ref3 = {1, 3};
+		CHECK(graph.predecessors(2) == ref3);
+		ext::vector<ext::pair<int, int>> ref4 = {ext::make_pair(1, 2), ext::make_pair(2, 3)};
+		ext::vector<ext::pair<int, int>> res4 = graph.predecessorEdges(2);
+		std::sort(ref4.begin(), ref4.end());
+		std::sort(res4.begin(), res4.end());
+		CHECK(res4.size() == ref4.size());
+		CHECK(res4 == ref4);
+	}
+	// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	SECTION ( "Directed Graph" ) {
+		graph::DirectedGraph<int, ext::pair<int, int> > graph;
+		graph.addNode(1);
+		graph.addNode(2);
+		graph.addNode(3);
+		graph.addNode(4);
+		graph.addNode(5);
+		graph.addNode(6);
+		graph.addEdge(ext::make_pair(1, 2));
+		graph.addEdge(2, 3);
+		graph.addEdge(3, 4);
+		graph.addEdge(5, 1);
+		CHECK(graph.nodeCount() == 6);
+		CHECK(graph.edgeCount() == 4);
+		ext::set<int> ref1 = {2};
+		CHECK(graph.successors(1) == ref1);
+		ext::vector<ext::pair<int, int>> ref2 = {ext::make_pair(1, 2)};
+		ext::vector<ext::pair<int, int>> res2 = graph.successorEdges(1);
+		std::sort(ref2.begin(), ref2.end());
+		std::sort(res2.begin(), res2.end());
+		CHECK(res2.size() == ref2.size());
+		CHECK(res2 == ref2);
+		ext::set<int> ref3 = {1};
+		CHECK(graph.predecessors(2) == ref3);
+		ext::vector<ext::pair<int, int>> ref4 = {ext::make_pair(1, 2)};
+		ext::vector<ext::pair<int, int>> res4 = graph.predecessorEdges(2);
+		std::sort(ref4.begin(), ref4.end());
+		std::sort(res4.begin(), res4.end());
+		CHECK(res4.size() == ref4.size());
+		CHECK(res4 == ref4);
+	}
+	// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	SECTION ( "Mixed Graph" ) {
+		graph::MixedGraph<int, ext::pair<int, int>> graph;
+		graph.addNode(1);
+		graph.addNode(2);
+		graph.addNode(3);
+		graph.addNode(4);
+		graph.addNode(5);
+		graph.addNode(6);
+		graph.addEdge(ext::make_pair(1, 2));
+		graph.addEdge(2, 3);
+		graph.addEdge(3, 4);
+		graph.addArc(5, 1);
+		CHECK(graph.nodeCount() == 6);
+		CHECK(graph.edgeCount() == 4);
+		ext::set<int> ref1 = {1};
+		CHECK(graph.successors(5) == ref1);
+		ext::vector<ext::pair<int, int>> ref2 = {ext::make_pair(1, 2)};
+		ext::vector<ext::pair<int, int>> res2 = graph.successorEdges(1);
+		std::sort(ref2.begin(), ref2.end());
+		std::sort(res2.begin(), res2.end());
+		CHECK(res2.size() == ref2.size());
+		CHECK(res2 == ref2);
+		ext::set<int> ref3 = {1, 3};
+		CHECK(graph.predecessors(2) == ref3);
+		ext::vector<ext::pair<int, int>> ref4 = {ext::make_pair(1, 2), ext::make_pair(2, 3)};
+		ext::vector<ext::pair<int, int>> res4 = graph.predecessorEdges(2);
+		std::sort(ref4.begin(), ref4.end());
+		std::sort(res4.begin(), res4.end());
+		CHECK(res4.size() == ref4.size());
+		CHECK(res4 == ref4);
+	}
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void GraphTest::testMixedGraph() {
-  graph::MixedGraph<int, ext::pair<int, int>> graph;
-  graph.addNode(1);
-  graph.addNode(2);
-  graph.addNode(3);
-  graph.addNode(4);
-  graph.addNode(5);
-  graph.addNode(6);
-  graph.addEdge(ext::make_pair(1, 2));
-  graph.addEdge(2, 3);
-  graph.addEdge(3, 4);
-  graph.addArc(5, 1);
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(graph.nodeCount() == 6);
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(graph.edgeCount() == 4);
-  ext::set<int> ref1 = {1};
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(graph.successors(5) == ref1);
-  ext::vector<ext::pair<int, int>> ref2 = {ext::make_pair(1, 2)};
-  ext::vector<ext::pair<int, int>> res2 = graph.successorEdges(1);
-  std::sort(ref2.begin(), ref2.end());
-  std::sort(res2.begin(), res2.end());
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(res2.size() == ref2.size());
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(res2 == ref2);
-  ext::set<int> ref3 = {1, 3};
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(graph.predecessors(2) == ref3);
-  ext::vector<ext::pair<int, int>> ref4 = {ext::make_pair(1, 2), ext::make_pair(2, 3)};
-  ext::vector<ext::pair<int, int>> res4 = graph.predecessorEdges(2);
-  std::sort(ref4.begin(), ref4.end());
-  std::sort(res4.begin(), res4.end());
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(res4.size() == ref4.size());
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(res4 == ref4);
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/alib2graph_data/test-src/graph/GraphTest.hpp b/alib2graph_data/test-src/graph/GraphTest.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index fc1cfe8cce1d4c65335bda812792e73a38df2c39..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/alib2graph_data/test-src/graph/GraphTest.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-// GraphTest.hpp
-//     Created on: 21. 01. 2018
-//         Author: Jan Uhlik
-//    Modified by:
-// Copyright (c) 2017 Czech Technical University in Prague | Faculty of Information Technology. All rights reserved.
-// Git repository: https://gitlab.fit.cvut.cz/algorithms-library-toolkit/automata-library
-#include <cppunit/TestFixture.h>
-#include <cppunit/extensions/HelperMacros.h>
-class GraphTest : public CppUnit::TestFixture {
-    CPPUNIT_TEST(testUndirectedGraph);
-    CPPUNIT_TEST(testDirectedGraph);
-      CPPUNIT_TEST(testMixedGraph);
- public:
-  void setUp() override;
-  void tearDown() override;
-  void testUndirectedGraph();
-  void testDirectedGraph();
-  void testMixedGraph();
diff --git a/alib2graph_data/test-src/grid/GridTest.cpp b/alib2graph_data/test-src/grid/GridTest.cpp
index d4cce67861e3e46e93e0588c0273db5f984f8a41..9e7739a4171d6839d4655338a84169edcdd73fe6 100644
--- a/alib2graph_data/test-src/grid/GridTest.cpp
+++ b/alib2graph_data/test-src/grid/GridTest.cpp
@@ -7,240 +7,226 @@
 // Copyright (c) 2017 Czech Technical University in Prague | Faculty of Information Technology. All rights reserved.
 // Git repository: https://gitlab.fit.cvut.cz/algorithms-library-toolkit/automata-library
-#include "GridTest.hpp"
+#include <catch2/catch.hpp>
 #include <grid/GridClasses.hpp>
 using namespace grid;
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void GridTest::setUp() {
-  TestFixture::setUp();
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void GridTest::tearDown() {
-  TestFixture::tearDown();
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void GridTest::testGrid4() {
-  grid::SquareGrid4<> grid4(10, 10);
-  using node_type = decltype(grid4)::node_type;
-  using edge_type = decltype(grid4)::edge_type;
-  ext::set<node_type> ref1 = {node_type(5, 4), node_type(5, 6), node_type(4, 5), node_type(6, 5)};
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(ref1 == grid4.successors(node_type(5, 5)));
-  ext::vector<edge_type> ref1e = {edge_type(node_type(5, 5), node_type(5, 4)),
-                                  edge_type(node_type(5, 5), node_type(5, 6)),
-                                  edge_type(node_type(5, 5), node_type(4, 5)),
-                                  edge_type(node_type(5, 5), node_type(6, 5))};
-  ext::vector<edge_type> res1e = grid4.successorEdges(node_type(5, 5));
-  std::sort(ref1e.begin(), ref1e.end());
-  std::sort(res1e.begin(), res1e.end());
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(ref1e == res1e);
-  grid4.addObstacle(node_type(5, 5));
-  ext::set<node_type> ref2 = {};
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(ref2 == grid4.successors(node_type(5, 5)));
-  ext::vector<edge_type> ref2e = {};
-  ext::vector<edge_type> res2e = grid4.successorEdges(node_type(5, 5));
-  std::sort(ref2e.begin(), ref2e.end());
-  std::sort(res2e.begin(), res2e.end());
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(ref2e == res2e);
-  ext::set<node_type> ref3 = {node_type(4, 6), node_type(4, 4), node_type(3, 5)};
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(ref3 == grid4.successors(node_type(4, 5)));
-  ext::vector<edge_type> ref3e = {edge_type(node_type(4, 5), node_type(4, 6)),
-                                  edge_type(node_type(4, 5), node_type(4, 4)),
-                                  edge_type(node_type(4, 5), node_type(3, 5))};
-  ext::vector<edge_type> res3e = grid4.successorEdges(node_type(4, 5));
-  std::sort(ref3e.begin(), ref3e.end());
-  std::sort(res3e.begin(), res3e.end());
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(ref3e == res3e);
-  ext::set<node_type> ref4 = {node_type(0, 1), node_type(1, 0)};
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(ref4 == grid4.successors(node_type(0, 0)));
-  ext::vector<edge_type> ref4e = {edge_type(node_type(0, 0), node_type(0, 1)),
-                                  edge_type(node_type(0, 0), node_type(1, 0))};
-  ext::vector<edge_type> res4e = grid4.successorEdges(node_type(0, 0));
-  std::sort(ref4e.begin(), ref4e.end());
-  std::sort(res4e.begin(), res4e.end());
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(ref4e == res4e);
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void GridTest::testGrid8() {
-  grid::SquareGrid8<> grid8(10, 10);
-  using node_type = decltype(grid8)::node_type;
-  using edge_type = decltype(grid8)::edge_type;
-  ext::set<node_type> ref1 =
-      {node_type(5, 4), node_type(5, 6), node_type(4, 5), node_type(6, 5), node_type(4, 6), node_type(6, 6),
-       node_type(6, 4), node_type(4, 4)};
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(ref1 == grid8.successors(node_type(5, 5)));
-  ext::vector<edge_type> ref1e = {edge_type(node_type(5, 5), node_type(5, 4)),
-                                  edge_type(node_type(5, 5), node_type(5, 6)),
-                                  edge_type(node_type(5, 5), node_type(4, 5)),
-                                  edge_type(node_type(5, 5), node_type(4, 6)),
-                                  edge_type(node_type(5, 5), node_type(6, 6)),
-                                  edge_type(node_type(5, 5), node_type(6, 4)),
-                                  edge_type(node_type(5, 5), node_type(4, 4)),
-                                  edge_type(node_type(5, 5), node_type(6, 5))};
-  ext::vector<edge_type> res1e = grid8.successorEdges(node_type(5, 5));
-  std::sort(ref1e.begin(), ref1e.end());
-  std::sort(res1e.begin(), res1e.end());
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(ref1e == res1e);
-  grid8.addObstacle(node_type(4, 4));
-  ext::set<node_type> ref2 = {};
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(ref2 == grid8.successors(node_type(4, 4)));
-  ext::vector<edge_type> ref2e = {};
-  ext::vector<edge_type> res2e = grid8.successorEdges(node_type(4, 4));
-  std::sort(ref2e.begin(), ref2e.end());
-  std::sort(res2e.begin(), res2e.end());
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(ref2e == res2e);
-  ext::set<node_type>
-      ref3 = {node_type(5, 4), node_type(5, 6), node_type(4, 5), node_type(6, 5), node_type(4, 6), node_type(6, 6),
-              node_type(6, 4)};
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(ref3 == grid8.successors(node_type(5, 5)));
-  ext::vector<edge_type> ref3e = {edge_type(node_type(5, 5), node_type(5, 4)),
-                                  edge_type(node_type(5, 5), node_type(5, 6)),
-                                  edge_type(node_type(5, 5), node_type(4, 5)),
-                                  edge_type(node_type(5, 5), node_type(4, 6)),
-                                  edge_type(node_type(5, 5), node_type(6, 6)),
-                                  edge_type(node_type(5, 5), node_type(6, 4)),
-                                  edge_type(node_type(5, 5), node_type(6, 5))};
-  ext::vector<edge_type> res3e = grid8.successorEdges(node_type(5, 5));
-  std::sort(ref3e.begin(), ref3e.end());
-  std::sort(res3e.begin(), res3e.end());
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(ref3e == res3e);
-  ext::set<node_type> ref4 = {node_type(0, 1), node_type(1, 0), node_type(1, 1)};
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(ref4 == grid8.successors(node_type(0, 0)));
-  ext::vector<edge_type> ref4e = {edge_type(node_type(0, 0), node_type(0, 1)),
-                                  edge_type(node_type(0, 0), node_type(1, 1)),
-                                  edge_type(node_type(0, 0), node_type(1, 0))};
-  ext::vector<edge_type> res4e = grid8.successorEdges(node_type(0, 0));
-  std::sort(ref4e.begin(), ref4e.end());
-  std::sort(res4e.begin(), res4e.end());
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(ref4e == res4e);
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void GridTest::testGrid4Weighted() {
-  grid::WeightedSquareGrid4<> grid4(10, 10);
-  using node_type = decltype(grid4)::node_type;
-  using edge_type = decltype(grid4)::edge_type;
-  ext::set<node_type> ref1 = {node_type(5, 4), node_type(5, 6), node_type(4, 5), node_type(6, 5)};
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(ref1 == grid4.successors(node_type(5, 5)));
-  ext::vector<edge_type> ref1e = {edge_type(node_type(5, 5), node_type(5, 4), 1),
-                                  edge_type(node_type(5, 5), node_type(5, 6), 1),
-                                  edge_type(node_type(5, 5), node_type(4, 5), 1),
-                                  edge_type(node_type(5, 5), node_type(6, 5), 1)};
-  ext::vector<edge_type> res1e = grid4.successorEdges(node_type(5, 5));
-  std::sort(ref1e.begin(), ref1e.end());
-  std::sort(res1e.begin(), res1e.end());
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(ref1e == res1e);
-  grid4.addObstacle(node_type(5, 5));
-  ext::set<node_type> ref2 = {};
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(ref2 == grid4.successors(node_type(5, 5)));
-  ext::vector<edge_type> ref2e = {};
-  ext::vector<edge_type> res2e = grid4.successorEdges(node_type(5, 5));
-  std::sort(ref2e.begin(), ref2e.end());
-  std::sort(res2e.begin(), res2e.end());
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(ref2e == res2e);
-  ext::set<node_type> ref3 = {node_type(4, 6), node_type(4, 4), node_type(3, 5)};
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(ref3 == grid4.successors(node_type(4, 5)));
-  ext::vector<edge_type> ref3e = {edge_type(node_type(4, 5), node_type(4, 6), 1),
-                                  edge_type(node_type(4, 5), node_type(4, 4), 1),
-                                  edge_type(node_type(4, 5), node_type(3, 5), 1)};
-  ext::vector<edge_type> res3e = grid4.successorEdges(node_type(4, 5));
-  std::sort(ref3e.begin(), ref3e.end());
-  std::sort(res3e.begin(), res3e.end());
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(ref3e == res3e);
-  ext::set<node_type> ref4 = {node_type(0, 1), node_type(1, 0)};
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(ref4 == grid4.successors(node_type(0, 0)));
-  ext::vector<edge_type> ref4e = {edge_type(node_type(0, 0), node_type(0, 1), 1),
-                                  edge_type(node_type(0, 0), node_type(1, 0), 1)};
-  ext::vector<edge_type> res4e = grid4.successorEdges(node_type(0, 0));
-  std::sort(ref4e.begin(), ref4e.end());
-  std::sort(res4e.begin(), res4e.end());
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(ref4e == res4e);
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void GridTest::testGrid8Weighted() {
-  grid::WeightedSquareGrid8<> grid8(10, 10);
-  using node_type = decltype(grid8)::node_type;
-  using edge_type = decltype(grid8)::edge_type;
-  ext::set<node_type> ref1 =
-      {node_type(5, 4), node_type(5, 6), node_type(4, 5), node_type(6, 5), node_type(4, 6), node_type(6, 6),
-       node_type(6, 4), node_type(4, 4)};
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(ref1 == grid8.successors(node_type(5, 5)));
-  ext::vector<edge_type> ref1e = {edge_type(node_type(5, 5), node_type(5, 4), 1),
-                                  edge_type(node_type(5, 5), node_type(5, 6), 1),
-                                  edge_type(node_type(5, 5), node_type(4, 5), 1),
-                                  edge_type(node_type(5, 5), node_type(4, 6), M_SQRT2),
-                                  edge_type(node_type(5, 5), node_type(6, 6), M_SQRT2),
-                                  edge_type(node_type(5, 5), node_type(6, 4), M_SQRT2),
-                                  edge_type(node_type(5, 5), node_type(4, 4), M_SQRT2),
-                                  edge_type(node_type(5, 5), node_type(6, 5), 1)};
-  ext::vector<edge_type> res1e = grid8.successorEdges(node_type(5, 5));
-  std::sort(ref1e.begin(), ref1e.end());
-  std::sort(res1e.begin(), res1e.end());
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(ref1e == res1e);
-  grid8.addObstacle(node_type(4, 4));
-  ext::set<node_type> ref2 = {};
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(ref2 == grid8.successors(node_type(4, 4)));
-  ext::vector<edge_type> ref2e = {};
-  ext::vector<edge_type> res2e = grid8.successorEdges(node_type(4, 4));
-  std::sort(ref2e.begin(), ref2e.end());
-  std::sort(res2e.begin(), res2e.end());
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(ref2e == res2e);
-  ext::set<node_type>
-      ref3 = {node_type(5, 4), node_type(5, 6), node_type(4, 5), node_type(6, 5), node_type(4, 6), node_type(6, 6),
-              node_type(6, 4)};
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(ref3 == grid8.successors(node_type(5, 5)));
-  ext::vector<edge_type> ref3e = {edge_type(node_type(5, 5), node_type(5, 4), 1),
-                                  edge_type(node_type(5, 5), node_type(5, 6), 1),
-                                  edge_type(node_type(5, 5), node_type(4, 5), 1),
-                                  edge_type(node_type(5, 5), node_type(4, 6), M_SQRT2),
-                                  edge_type(node_type(5, 5), node_type(6, 6), M_SQRT2),
-                                  edge_type(node_type(5, 5), node_type(6, 4), M_SQRT2),
-                                  edge_type(node_type(5, 5), node_type(6, 5), 1)};
-  ext::vector<edge_type> res3e = grid8.successorEdges(node_type(5, 5));
-  std::sort(ref3e.begin(), ref3e.end());
-  std::sort(res3e.begin(), res3e.end());
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(ref3e == res3e);
-  ext::set<node_type> ref4 = {node_type(0, 1), node_type(1, 0), node_type(1, 1)};
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(ref4 == grid8.successors(node_type(0, 0)));
-  ext::vector<edge_type> ref4e = {edge_type(node_type(0, 0), node_type(0, 1), 1),
-                                  edge_type(node_type(0, 0), node_type(1, 1), M_SQRT2),
-                                  edge_type(node_type(0, 0), node_type(1, 0), 1)};
-  ext::vector<edge_type> res4e = grid8.successorEdges(node_type(0, 0));
-  std::sort(ref4e.begin(), ref4e.end());
-  std::sort(res4e.begin(), res4e.end());
-  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(ref4e == res4e);
+TEST_CASE ( "GridTest", "[unit][graph][grid]" ) {
+	SECTION ( "Grid4" ) {
+		grid::SquareGrid4<> grid4(10, 10);
+		using node_type = decltype(grid4)::node_type;
+		using edge_type = decltype(grid4)::edge_type;
+		ext::set<node_type> ref1 = {node_type(5, 4), node_type(5, 6), node_type(4, 5), node_type(6, 5)};
+		CHECK(ref1 == grid4.successors(node_type(5, 5)));
+		ext::vector<edge_type> ref1e = {edge_type(node_type(5, 5), node_type(5, 4)),
+			edge_type(node_type(5, 5), node_type(5, 6)),
+			edge_type(node_type(5, 5), node_type(4, 5)),
+			edge_type(node_type(5, 5), node_type(6, 5))};
+		ext::vector<edge_type> res1e = grid4.successorEdges(node_type(5, 5));
+		std::sort(ref1e.begin(), ref1e.end());
+		std::sort(res1e.begin(), res1e.end());
+		CHECK(ref1e == res1e);
+		grid4.addObstacle(node_type(5, 5));
+		ext::set<node_type> ref2 = {};
+		CHECK(ref2 == grid4.successors(node_type(5, 5)));
+		ext::vector<edge_type> ref2e = {};
+		ext::vector<edge_type> res2e = grid4.successorEdges(node_type(5, 5));
+		std::sort(ref2e.begin(), ref2e.end());
+		std::sort(res2e.begin(), res2e.end());
+		CHECK(ref2e == res2e);
+		ext::set<node_type> ref3 = {node_type(4, 6), node_type(4, 4), node_type(3, 5)};
+		CHECK(ref3 == grid4.successors(node_type(4, 5)));
+		ext::vector<edge_type> ref3e = {edge_type(node_type(4, 5), node_type(4, 6)),
+			edge_type(node_type(4, 5), node_type(4, 4)),
+			edge_type(node_type(4, 5), node_type(3, 5))};
+		ext::vector<edge_type> res3e = grid4.successorEdges(node_type(4, 5));
+		std::sort(ref3e.begin(), ref3e.end());
+		std::sort(res3e.begin(), res3e.end());
+		CHECK(ref3e == res3e);
+		ext::set<node_type> ref4 = {node_type(0, 1), node_type(1, 0)};
+		CHECK(ref4 == grid4.successors(node_type(0, 0)));
+		ext::vector<edge_type> ref4e = {edge_type(node_type(0, 0), node_type(0, 1)),
+			edge_type(node_type(0, 0), node_type(1, 0))};
+		ext::vector<edge_type> res4e = grid4.successorEdges(node_type(0, 0));
+		std::sort(ref4e.begin(), ref4e.end());
+		std::sort(res4e.begin(), res4e.end());
+		CHECK(ref4e == res4e);
+	}
+	// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	SECTION ( "Grid8" ) {
+		grid::SquareGrid8<> grid8(10, 10);
+		using node_type = decltype(grid8)::node_type;
+		using edge_type = decltype(grid8)::edge_type;
+		ext::set<node_type> ref1 =
+		{node_type(5, 4), node_type(5, 6), node_type(4, 5), node_type(6, 5), node_type(4, 6), node_type(6, 6),
+			node_type(6, 4), node_type(4, 4)};
+		CHECK(ref1 == grid8.successors(node_type(5, 5)));
+		ext::vector<edge_type> ref1e = {edge_type(node_type(5, 5), node_type(5, 4)),
+			edge_type(node_type(5, 5), node_type(5, 6)),
+			edge_type(node_type(5, 5), node_type(4, 5)),
+			edge_type(node_type(5, 5), node_type(4, 6)),
+			edge_type(node_type(5, 5), node_type(6, 6)),
+			edge_type(node_type(5, 5), node_type(6, 4)),
+			edge_type(node_type(5, 5), node_type(4, 4)),
+			edge_type(node_type(5, 5), node_type(6, 5))};
+		ext::vector<edge_type> res1e = grid8.successorEdges(node_type(5, 5));
+		std::sort(ref1e.begin(), ref1e.end());
+		std::sort(res1e.begin(), res1e.end());
+		CHECK(ref1e == res1e);
+		grid8.addObstacle(node_type(4, 4));
+		ext::set<node_type> ref2 = {};
+		CHECK(ref2 == grid8.successors(node_type(4, 4)));
+		ext::vector<edge_type> ref2e = {};
+		ext::vector<edge_type> res2e = grid8.successorEdges(node_type(4, 4));
+		std::sort(ref2e.begin(), ref2e.end());
+		std::sort(res2e.begin(), res2e.end());
+		CHECK(ref2e == res2e);
+		ext::set<node_type>
+			ref3 = {node_type(5, 4), node_type(5, 6), node_type(4, 5), node_type(6, 5), node_type(4, 6), node_type(6, 6),
+				node_type(6, 4)};
+		CHECK(ref3 == grid8.successors(node_type(5, 5)));
+		ext::vector<edge_type> ref3e = {edge_type(node_type(5, 5), node_type(5, 4)),
+			edge_type(node_type(5, 5), node_type(5, 6)),
+			edge_type(node_type(5, 5), node_type(4, 5)),
+			edge_type(node_type(5, 5), node_type(4, 6)),
+			edge_type(node_type(5, 5), node_type(6, 6)),
+			edge_type(node_type(5, 5), node_type(6, 4)),
+			edge_type(node_type(5, 5), node_type(6, 5))};
+		ext::vector<edge_type> res3e = grid8.successorEdges(node_type(5, 5));
+		std::sort(ref3e.begin(), ref3e.end());
+		std::sort(res3e.begin(), res3e.end());
+		CHECK(ref3e == res3e);
+		ext::set<node_type> ref4 = {node_type(0, 1), node_type(1, 0), node_type(1, 1)};
+		CHECK(ref4 == grid8.successors(node_type(0, 0)));
+		ext::vector<edge_type> ref4e = {edge_type(node_type(0, 0), node_type(0, 1)),
+			edge_type(node_type(0, 0), node_type(1, 1)),
+			edge_type(node_type(0, 0), node_type(1, 0))};
+		ext::vector<edge_type> res4e = grid8.successorEdges(node_type(0, 0));
+		std::sort(ref4e.begin(), ref4e.end());
+		std::sort(res4e.begin(), res4e.end());
+		CHECK(ref4e == res4e);
+	}
+	// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	SECTION ( "Grid4 Weighted" ) {
+		grid::WeightedSquareGrid4<> grid4(10, 10);
+		using node_type = decltype(grid4)::node_type;
+		using edge_type = decltype(grid4)::edge_type;
+		ext::set<node_type> ref1 = {node_type(5, 4), node_type(5, 6), node_type(4, 5), node_type(6, 5)};
+		CHECK(ref1 == grid4.successors(node_type(5, 5)));
+		ext::vector<edge_type> ref1e = {edge_type(node_type(5, 5), node_type(5, 4), 1),
+			edge_type(node_type(5, 5), node_type(5, 6), 1),
+			edge_type(node_type(5, 5), node_type(4, 5), 1),
+			edge_type(node_type(5, 5), node_type(6, 5), 1)};
+		ext::vector<edge_type> res1e = grid4.successorEdges(node_type(5, 5));
+		std::sort(ref1e.begin(), ref1e.end());
+		std::sort(res1e.begin(), res1e.end());
+		CHECK(ref1e == res1e);
+		grid4.addObstacle(node_type(5, 5));
+		ext::set<node_type> ref2 = {};
+		CHECK(ref2 == grid4.successors(node_type(5, 5)));
+		ext::vector<edge_type> ref2e = {};
+		ext::vector<edge_type> res2e = grid4.successorEdges(node_type(5, 5));
+		std::sort(ref2e.begin(), ref2e.end());
+		std::sort(res2e.begin(), res2e.end());
+		CHECK(ref2e == res2e);
+		ext::set<node_type> ref3 = {node_type(4, 6), node_type(4, 4), node_type(3, 5)};
+		CHECK(ref3 == grid4.successors(node_type(4, 5)));
+		ext::vector<edge_type> ref3e = {edge_type(node_type(4, 5), node_type(4, 6), 1),
+			edge_type(node_type(4, 5), node_type(4, 4), 1),
+			edge_type(node_type(4, 5), node_type(3, 5), 1)};
+		ext::vector<edge_type> res3e = grid4.successorEdges(node_type(4, 5));
+		std::sort(ref3e.begin(), ref3e.end());
+		std::sort(res3e.begin(), res3e.end());
+		CHECK(ref3e == res3e);
+		ext::set<node_type> ref4 = {node_type(0, 1), node_type(1, 0)};
+		CHECK(ref4 == grid4.successors(node_type(0, 0)));
+		ext::vector<edge_type> ref4e = {edge_type(node_type(0, 0), node_type(0, 1), 1),
+			edge_type(node_type(0, 0), node_type(1, 0), 1)};
+		ext::vector<edge_type> res4e = grid4.successorEdges(node_type(0, 0));
+		std::sort(ref4e.begin(), ref4e.end());
+		std::sort(res4e.begin(), res4e.end());
+		CHECK(ref4e == res4e);
+	}
+	// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	SECTION ( "Grid8 Weighted" ) {
+		grid::WeightedSquareGrid8<> grid8(10, 10);
+		using node_type = decltype(grid8)::node_type;
+		using edge_type = decltype(grid8)::edge_type;
+		ext::set<node_type> ref1 =
+		{node_type(5, 4), node_type(5, 6), node_type(4, 5), node_type(6, 5), node_type(4, 6), node_type(6, 6),
+			node_type(6, 4), node_type(4, 4)};
+		CHECK(ref1 == grid8.successors(node_type(5, 5)));
+		ext::vector<edge_type> ref1e = {edge_type(node_type(5, 5), node_type(5, 4), 1),
+			edge_type(node_type(5, 5), node_type(5, 6), 1),
+			edge_type(node_type(5, 5), node_type(4, 5), 1),
+			edge_type(node_type(5, 5), node_type(4, 6), M_SQRT2),
+			edge_type(node_type(5, 5), node_type(6, 6), M_SQRT2),
+			edge_type(node_type(5, 5), node_type(6, 4), M_SQRT2),
+			edge_type(node_type(5, 5), node_type(4, 4), M_SQRT2),
+			edge_type(node_type(5, 5), node_type(6, 5), 1)};
+		ext::vector<edge_type> res1e = grid8.successorEdges(node_type(5, 5));
+		std::sort(ref1e.begin(), ref1e.end());
+		std::sort(res1e.begin(), res1e.end());
+		CHECK(ref1e == res1e);
+		grid8.addObstacle(node_type(4, 4));
+		ext::set<node_type> ref2 = {};
+		CHECK(ref2 == grid8.successors(node_type(4, 4)));
+		ext::vector<edge_type> ref2e = {};
+		ext::vector<edge_type> res2e = grid8.successorEdges(node_type(4, 4));
+		std::sort(ref2e.begin(), ref2e.end());
+		std::sort(res2e.begin(), res2e.end());
+		CHECK(ref2e == res2e);
+		ext::set<node_type>
+			ref3 = {node_type(5, 4), node_type(5, 6), node_type(4, 5), node_type(6, 5), node_type(4, 6), node_type(6, 6),
+				node_type(6, 4)};
+		CHECK(ref3 == grid8.successors(node_type(5, 5)));
+		ext::vector<edge_type> ref3e = {edge_type(node_type(5, 5), node_type(5, 4), 1),
+			edge_type(node_type(5, 5), node_type(5, 6), 1),
+			edge_type(node_type(5, 5), node_type(4, 5), 1),
+			edge_type(node_type(5, 5), node_type(4, 6), M_SQRT2),
+			edge_type(node_type(5, 5), node_type(6, 6), M_SQRT2),
+			edge_type(node_type(5, 5), node_type(6, 4), M_SQRT2),
+			edge_type(node_type(5, 5), node_type(6, 5), 1)};
+		ext::vector<edge_type> res3e = grid8.successorEdges(node_type(5, 5));
+		std::sort(ref3e.begin(), ref3e.end());
+		std::sort(res3e.begin(), res3e.end());
+		CHECK(ref3e == res3e);
+		ext::set<node_type> ref4 = {node_type(0, 1), node_type(1, 0), node_type(1, 1)};
+		CHECK(ref4 == grid8.successors(node_type(0, 0)));
+		ext::vector<edge_type> ref4e = {edge_type(node_type(0, 0), node_type(0, 1), 1),
+			edge_type(node_type(0, 0), node_type(1, 1), M_SQRT2),
+			edge_type(node_type(0, 0), node_type(1, 0), 1)};
+		ext::vector<edge_type> res4e = grid8.successorEdges(node_type(0, 0));
+		std::sort(ref4e.begin(), ref4e.end());
+		std::sort(res4e.begin(), res4e.end());
+		CHECK(ref4e == res4e);
+	}
diff --git a/alib2graph_data/test-src/grid/GridTest.hpp b/alib2graph_data/test-src/grid/GridTest.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index d7392587f25a97cab38e283d28c1b4c7ed753986..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/alib2graph_data/test-src/grid/GridTest.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-// GridTest.hpp
-//     Created on: 29. 03. 2018
-//         Author: Jan Uhlik
-//    Modified by:
-// Copyright (c) 2017 Czech Technical University in Prague | Faculty of Information Technology. All rights reserved.
-// Git repository: https://gitlab.fit.cvut.cz/algorithms-library-toolkit/automata-library
-#include <cppunit/TestFixture.h>
-#include <cppunit/extensions/HelperMacros.h>
-class GridTest : public CppUnit::TestFixture {
-    CPPUNIT_TEST(testGrid4);
-    CPPUNIT_TEST(testGrid8);
-    CPPUNIT_TEST(testGrid4Weighted);
-    CPPUNIT_TEST(testGrid8Weighted);
- public:
-  void setUp() override;
-  void tearDown() override;
-  void testGrid4();
-  void testGrid8();
-  void testGrid4Weighted();
-  void testGrid8Weighted();
diff --git a/alib2graph_data/test-src/main.cpp b/alib2graph_data/test-src/main.cpp
index f98d8b477ee8676118c924d19411bf35bd858170..4ed06df1f7bea8cc18ee161389b9c3e2741b08a0 100644
--- a/alib2graph_data/test-src/main.cpp
+++ b/alib2graph_data/test-src/main.cpp
@@ -1,159 +1,2 @@
-#include <version.hpp>
-#include <tclap/CmdLine.h>
-#include <cppunit/CompilerOutputter.h>
-#include <cppunit/extensions/TestFactoryRegistry.h>
-#include <cppunit/ui/text/TestRunner.h>
-#include <cppunit/TestResultCollector.h>
-#include <cppunit/TestResult.h>
-#include <cppunit/XmlOutputter.h>
-#include <cppunit/TestFailure.h>
-#include <cppunit/SourceLine.h>
-#include <cppunit/Exception.h>
-#include <exception/CommonException.h>
-class CPPUNIT_API TestProgressListener : public TestListener {
- public:
-  TestProgressListener();
-  virtual ~TestProgressListener();
-  void startTest(Test *test);
-  void addFailure(const TestFailure &failure);
-  void endTest(Test *test);
-  int getResult() const;
-  void printResults() const;
- private:
-  TestProgressListener(const TestProgressListener &copy);
-  void operator=(const TestProgressListener &copy);
- private:
-  int m_Failures;
-  int m_Tests;
-  int m_Assertions;
-  bool m_lastTestFailed;
-TestProgressListener::TestProgressListener() : m_Failures(0), m_Tests(0), m_Assertions(0), m_lastTestFailed(false) {
-TestProgressListener::~TestProgressListener() {
-void TestProgressListener::startTest(Test *test) {
-  stdCOut() << test->getName() << ":" << "\n";
-  stdCOut().flush();
-  m_lastTestFailed = false;
-  m_Tests++;
-void TestProgressListener::addFailure(const TestFailure &failure) {
-  stdCOut() << (failure.isError() ? "error" : "assertion") << " : " << failure.failedTestName() << " : "
-            << failure.sourceLine().lineNumber() << "\n";
-  stdCOut() << "Exception " << failure.thrownException()->message().details();
-  m_lastTestFailed = true;
-  if (failure.isError()) m_Failures++; else m_Assertions++;
-void TestProgressListener::endTest(Test *test) {
-  stdCOut() << "Result (" << test->getName() << ")";
-  stdCOut().flush();
-  if (!m_lastTestFailed)
-    stdCOut() << " : OK";
-  else
-    stdCOut() << " : Fail";
-  stdCOut() << "\n\n";
-int TestProgressListener::getResult() const {
-  return m_Failures + m_Assertions;
-void TestProgressListener::printResults() const {
-  stdCOut() << "Overal result: Tests: " << m_Tests << " Assertions: " << m_Assertions << " Failures: " << m_Failures
-            << "\n";
-int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
-  try {
-    TCLAP::CmdLine cmd("Main test binary.", ' ', ALIB_VERSION_INFO);
-    TCLAP::MultiArg<std::string> testPathSegments("p", "path", "test path", false, "string");
-    cmd.add(testPathSegments);
-    cmd.parse(argc, argv);
-    CppUnit::TestResult controller;
-    CppUnit::TestResultCollector result;
-    controller.addListener(&result);
-    CppUnit::TestProgressListener progressListener;
-    controller.addListener(&progressListener);
-    CppUnit::Test *suite = NULL;
-    std::string testPath = "";
-    if (testPathSegments.getValue().size() == 0) {
-      // Get the top level suite from the registry
-      suite = CppUnit::TestFactoryRegistry::getRegistry().makeTest();
-    } else if (testPathSegments.getValue().size() == 1) {
-      suite = CppUnit::TestFactoryRegistry::getRegistry(testPathSegments.getValue()[0]).makeTest();
-    } else {
-      suite = CppUnit::TestFactoryRegistry::getRegistry(testPathSegments.getValue()[0]).makeTest();
-      bool first = true;
-      for (const std::string &path : testPathSegments.getValue()) {
-        if (first) {
-          first = false;
-          continue;
-        }
-        testPath += path + "/";
-      }
-      testPath.pop_back();
-    }
-    // Adds the test to the list of test to run
-    CppUnit::TextUi::TestRunner runner;
-    runner.addTest(suite);
-    // Change the default outputter to a compiler error format outputter
-    runner.setOutputter(new CppUnit::CompilerOutputter(&runner.result(), std::cerr));
-    // Run the tests.
-    runner.run(controller, testPath);
-    progressListener.printResults();
-    std::ofstream xmlFileResults("CppUnitTestResults.xml");
-    CppUnit::XmlOutputter xmlOut(&result, xmlFileResults);
-    xmlOut.write();
-    return progressListener.getResult();
-  } catch (const exception::CommonException &exception) {
-    std::cerr << exception.getCause() << std::endl;
-    return 1;
-  } catch (const TCLAP::ArgException &exception) {
-    std::cerr << exception.error() << std::endl;
-    return 2;
-  } catch (const std::exception &exception) {
-    std::cerr << "Exception caught: " << exception.what() << std::endl;
-    return 3;
-  } catch (...) {
-    std::cerr << "Unknown exception caught." << std::endl;
-    return 127;
-  }
+#include <catch2/catch.hpp>