diff --git a/alib2algo/src/stringology/query/SuffixTrieFactors.cpp b/alib2algo/src/stringology/query/SuffixTrieFactors.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..51e67dba6b2a66c554f5cbedf539e627907445dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alib2algo/src/stringology/query/SuffixTrieFactors.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ * SuffixTrieFactors.cpp
+ *
+ *  Created on: 2. 1. 2017
+ *      Author: Jan Travnicek
+ */
+#include "SuffixTrieFactors.h"
+#include <string/LinearString.h>
+namespace stringology {
+namespace query {
+std::set < unsigned > SuffixTrieFactors::query ( const indexes::SuffixTrie < DefaultSymbolType, unsigned > & suffixTrie, const string::String & string ) {
+	return dispatch ( suffixTrie, string.getData ( ) );
+auto SuffixTrieFactorsLinearString = SuffixTrieFactors::RegistratorWrapper < std::set < unsigned >, string::LinearString < > > ( SuffixTrieFactors::query );
+} /* namespace query */
+} /* namespace stringology */
diff --git a/alib2algo/src/stringology/query/SuffixTrieFactors.h b/alib2algo/src/stringology/query/SuffixTrieFactors.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..45dc07edebd5cb9373a8e3ce298e646692aaf4de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alib2algo/src/stringology/query/SuffixTrieFactors.h
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+ * SuffixTrieFactors.h
+ *
+ *  Created on: 2. 1. 2017
+ *      Author: Jan Travnicek
+ */
+#include <indexes/SuffixTrie.h>
+#include <string/String.h>
+#include <string/LinearString.h>
+#include <core/multipleDispatch.hpp>
+namespace stringology {
+namespace query {
+ * Query suffix trie for given string.
+ *
+ * Source: ??
+ */
+class SuffixTrieFactors : public std::SingleDispatchFirstStaticParam < SuffixTrieFactors, std::set < unsigned >, const indexes::SuffixTrie < DefaultSymbolType, unsigned > &, const string::StringBase & > {
+	template < class SymbolType, class ValueType >
+	static void accumulateResult ( const std::trie < SymbolType, std::variant < void, ValueType > > & trie, std::set < ValueType > & res ) {
+		if ( trie.getData ( ).template is < ValueType > ( ) )
+			res.insert ( trie.getData ( ).template get < ValueType > ( ) );
+		for ( const std::pair < SymbolType, std::trie < SymbolType, std::variant < void, ValueType > > > & child : trie.getChildren ( ) ) {
+			accumulateResult ( child.second, res );
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Query a suffix trie
+	 * @param suffix trie to query
+	 * @param string string to query by
+	 * @return occurences of factors
+	 */
+	static std::set < unsigned > query ( const indexes::SuffixTrie < DefaultSymbolType, unsigned > & suffixTrie, const string::String & string );
+	template < class SymbolType, class ValueType >
+	static std::set < ValueType > query ( const indexes::SuffixTrie < SymbolType, ValueType > & suffixTrie, const string::LinearString < SymbolType > & string );
+template < class SymbolType, class ValueType >
+std::set < ValueType > SuffixTrieFactors::query ( const indexes::SuffixTrie < SymbolType, ValueType > & suffixTrie, const string::LinearString < SymbolType > & string ) {
+	const std::trie < SymbolType, std::variant < void, ValueType > > * node = & suffixTrie.getRoot ( );
+	for ( const SymbolType & symbol : string.getContent ( ) ) {
+		auto iter = node->getChildren ( ).find ( symbol );
+		if ( iter == node->getChildren ( ).end ( ) ) {
+			return {};
+		}
+		node = & iter->second;
+	}
+	std::set < ValueType > res;
+	accumulateResult ( * node, res );
+	return res;
+} /* namespace query */
+} /* namespace stringology */
+#endif /* SUFFIX_TRIE_FACTORS_H_ */
diff --git a/aquery2/makefile b/aquery2/makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a28dfa12ae91c8621d28bcbd5cb8c16573d8031d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aquery2/makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+-include makefile.conf
+define NEW_LINE
+export NEW_LINE
+CXX_FLAGS := -Wall -pedantic -Wextra -Werror -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-qual -Wdelete-non-virtual-dtor -Wredundant-decls
+LDFLAGS_DEBUG:=-Wl,-no-as-needed $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-debug, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) -Wl,-rpath,.
+LDFLAGS_RELEASE:=-Wl,-no-as-needed $(addprefix -L, $(addsuffix lib-release, $(LINK_PATHS))) -rdynamic $(addprefix -l, $(LINK_LIBRARIES)) -Wl,-rpath,.
+OBJECTS_DEBUG:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp, obj-debug/%.o, $(shell find src/ -name *cpp))
+OBJECTS_RELEASE:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp, obj-release/%.o, $(shell find src/ -name *cpp))
+.PHONY: all build-debug clean-debug doc
+	@echo "What to do master?"
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# make subdir makefile
+%/makefile: makefile makefile.conf
+	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
+		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /, , $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
+	fi;\
+	if [ -L $(subst /, , $(dir $@)) ]; then\
+		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /, , $(dir $@))`;\
+	else\
+		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
+	fi
+	echo "\
+	SHELL:=/bin/bash$${NEW_LINE}\
+	$${NEW_LINE}\
+	define NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
+	$${NEW_LINE}\
+	$${NEW_LINE}\
+	endef$${NEW_LINE}\
+	$${NEW_LINE}\
+	export NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
+	$${NEW_LINE}\
+	CXXFLAGS:= -pipe -std=c++11 \$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS) -c $(CXX_FLAGS) -fPIC \$$(addprefix -I, \$$(realpath $(INCLUDE_PATHS)))$${NEW_LINE}\
+	$${NEW_LINE}\
+	SOURCES:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -type f -name \"*.cpp\")$${NEW_LINE}\
+	DEPENDENCIES:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d, \$$(SOURCES))$${NEW_LINE}\
+	OBJECTS:= \$$(patsubst %.d, %.o, \$$(DEPENDENCIES))$${NEW_LINE}\
+	SOURCES_DIRS:= \$$(shell find \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d)$${NEW_LINE}\
+	OBJECTS_DIRS:= \$$(patsubst \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%, %/, \$$(SOURCES_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
+	OBJECTS_DIRS_MAKEFILES:= \$$(patsubst %, %makefile, \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
+	$${NEW_LINE}\
+	.PHONY: all$${NEW_LINE}\
+	$${NEW_LINE}\
+	all: \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS) \$$(OBJECTS)$${NEW_LINE}\
+	$${NEW_LINE}\
+	%.d: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
+		@echo \"\\$${NEW_LINE}\
+		\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\") = \\$$\$$(shell (\\$$\$$(CXX) -M \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) 2>/dev/null || echo \\\"\$$(patsubst \$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) FORCE\\\") | sed \\\"s/.*://g;s/\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\//g\\\")\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
+		\$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@): \\$$\$$(\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/  -//g\")) makefile\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
+			\\$$\$$(CXX) \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \\$$\$$< -o \$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@)\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
+		\" > \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
+	$${NEW_LINE}\
+	%/makefile: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
+		mkdir -p \$$(dir \$$@)$${NEW_LINE}\
+		cp makefile \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
+	$${NEW_LINE}\
+	%/: FORCE | %/makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
+		@accesstime=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
+		\$$(MAKE) -C \$$@ SRCDIR=\$$(SRCDIR)\$$(notdir \$$(patsubst %/, %, \$$@))/ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=\$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS=\"\$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS)\" && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
+		accesstime2=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
+		if [ "\$$\$$accesstime" -ne "\$$\$$accesstime2" ]; then \\$${NEW_LINE}\
+			touch .; \\$${NEW_LINE}\
+		fi$${NEW_LINE}\
+	$${NEW_LINE}\
+	$${NEW_LINE}\
+	-include \$$(DEPENDENCIES)" > $@
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# final lib/bin construction
+bin-debug/$(EXECUTABLE): obj-debug/ $(OBJECTS_DEBUG)
+	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
+		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /, , $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
+	fi;\
+	if [ -L $(subst /, , $(dir $@)) ]; then\
+		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /, , $(dir $@))`;\
+	else\
+		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
+	fi
+bin-release/$(EXECUTABLE): obj-release/ $(OBJECTS_RELEASE)
+	if [ ! -w $(dir $@) ] && [ $(USE_RAMDISK) -eq 1 ]; then\
+		ln -s /tmp/`date +'%s%N'`-$(dir $@) $(subst /, , $(dir $@)) 2>/dev/null;\
+	fi;\
+	if [ -L $(subst /, , $(dir $@)) ]; then\
+		mkdir -p `readlink $(subst /, , $(dir $@))`;\
+	else\
+		mkdir -p $(dir $@);\
+	fi
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# subdir make calls
+obj-debug/: FORCE | obj-debug/makefile
+	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-debug) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-g -O0 -DDEBUG"
+obj-release/: FORCE | obj-release/makefile
+	$(MAKE) -C $@ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=$(realpath obj-release) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=$(realpath src) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS="-O3 -DNDEBUG -DRELEASE"
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# objects dependencies
+$(OBJECTS_DEBUG): obj-debug/
+$(OBJECTS_RELEASE): obj-release/
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# main targets
+debug: bin-debug/$(EXECUTABLE)
+release: bin-release/$(EXECUTABLE)
+clean: clean-debug clean-release
+	$(RM) -r doc
+	if [ -L obj-debug ]; then\
+		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-debug`;\
+	fi
+	if [ -L bin-debug ]; then\
+		$(RM) -r `readlink bin-debug`;\
+	fi
+	$(RM) -r *.o *.d bin-debug obj-debug
+	if [ -L obj-release ]; then\
+		$(RM) -r `readlink obj-release`;\
+	fi
+	if [ -L lib-release ]; then\
+		$(RM) -r `readlink lib-release`;\
+	fi
+	$(RM) -r *.o *.d bin-release obj-release
+	doxygen
diff --git a/aquery2/makefile.conf b/aquery2/makefile.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e1369ed88f749c67a86efd451d5df6407bef4377
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aquery2/makefile.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+LINK_PATHS=../alib2elgo/ ../alib2algo_experimental/ ../alib2algo/ ../alib2data_experimental/ ../alib2data/ ../alib2common/ ../alib2std/
+LINK_LIBRARIES=alib2elgo alib2algo_experimental alib2algo alib2data_experimental alib2data alib2common alib2std xml2
+INCLUDE_PATHS=\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/../../alib2elgo/src/ \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/../../alib2algo_experimental/src/ \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/../../alib2algo/src/ \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/../../alib2data_experimental/src/  \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/../../alib2data/src/ \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/../../alib2common/src/ \$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/../../alib2std/src/ /usr/include/libxml2/
diff --git a/aquery2/src/aquery.cpp b/aquery2/src/aquery.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e2ab0ff683a28a63875e5fa72210de69f0f364b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aquery2/src/aquery.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+ * aquery.cpp
+ *
+ *  Created on: 26. 3. 2014
+ *	  Author: Jan Travnicek
+ */
+#include <tclap/CmdLine.h>
+#include <global/GlobalData.h>
+#include <measure>
+#include <vector>
+#include <sax/FromXMLParserHelper.h>
+#include <factory/XmlDataFactory.hpp>
+#include <exception/CommonException.h>
+#include <string/String.h>
+#include <stringology/query/SuffixTrieFactors.h>
+int main ( int argc, char * argv[] ) {
+	try {
+		common::GlobalData::argc = argc;
+		common::GlobalData::argv = argv;
+		TCLAP::CmdLine cmd ( "Stringology algorithm access binary", ' ', "0.01" );
+		std::vector < std::string > allowed;
+		allowed.push_back ( "suffixTrieFactors" );
+		TCLAP::ValuesConstraint < std::string > allowedVals ( allowed );
+		TCLAP::ValueArg < std::string > query ( "q", "query", "Query index", false, "exactFactorMatch", & allowedVals );
+		cmd.add ( query );
+		TCLAP::ValueArg <std::string > indexInput ( "i", "index", "Index to query", false, "-", "file");
+		cmd.add( indexInput );
+		TCLAP::MultiArg < std::string > patternInput ( "p", "pattern", "Pattern object from file", false, "file" );
+		cmd.add ( patternInput );
+		TCLAP::SwitchArg measure ( "m", "measure", "Measure times", false );
+		cmd.add ( measure );
+		TCLAP::SwitchArg verbose ( "v", "verbose", "Be verbose", false );
+		cmd.add ( verbose );
+		cmd.parse ( argc, argv );
+		if(verbose.isSet())
+			common::GlobalData::verbose = true;
+		if(measure.isSet())
+			common::GlobalData::measure = true;
+		measurements::start ( "Overal", measurements::Type::OVERALL );
+		measurements::start ( "Input read", measurements::Type::AUXILIARY );
+		if ( query.getValue ( ) == "suffixTrieFactors" ) {
+			indexes::SuffixTrie < DefaultSymbolType, unsigned > suffixTrie = alib::XmlDataFactory::fromTokens < indexes::SuffixTrie < DefaultSymbolType, unsigned > > ( sax::FromXMLParserHelper::parseInput ( indexInput ) );
+			string::String pattern = alib::XmlDataFactory::fromTokens < string::String > ( std::move ( sax::FromXMLParserHelper::parseInput(true, patternInput).front ( ) ) );
+			measurements::end ( );
+			measurements::start ( "Algorithm", measurements::Type::MAIN );
+			std::set < unsigned > res = stringology::query::SuffixTrieFactors::query ( suffixTrie, pattern );
+			measurements::end ( );
+			measurements::start ( "Output write", measurements::Type::AUXILIARY );
+			alib::XmlDataFactory::toStdout ( res );
+		} else {
+			throw exception::CommonException ( "Invalid algorithm" );
+		}
+		measurements::end ( );
+		measurements::end ( );
+		if ( measure.getValue ( ) ) std::cmeasure << measurements::results ( ) << std::endl;
+		return 0;
+	} catch ( const exception::CommonException & exception ) {
+		alib::XmlDataFactory::toStdout ( exception );
+		return 1;
+	} catch ( const TCLAP::ArgException & exception ) {
+		std::cout << exception.error ( ) << std::endl;
+		return 2;
+	} catch ( const std::exception & exception ) {
+		std::cerr << "Exception caught: " << exception.what ( ) << std::endl;
+		return 3;
+	} catch ( ... ) {
+		std::cerr << "Unknown exception caught." << std::endl;
+		return 127;
+	}
diff --git a/makefile b/makefile
index 4fef7f1c75406ad6d2d4d186ed8f0da98aec5bdc..49d901ddfa2cdea33f5821274e04ba1afbdf4fbe 100644
--- a/makefile
+++ b/makefile
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ SUBDIRS_BINS = aecho2 \
 		astat2 \
 		aaccess2 \
 		astringology2 \
+		aquery2 \
 		atrim2 \
 		tniceprint \