[Versioning] ; Promote version with release major = 0 minor = 0 patch = 1 [General] ProjectConfFile: project.conf PathToSources: .. PathToTemplates: ./templates/ [Groups] cli gui [CMake:Categories] ; projects and their templates ; project must belong in one of these categories root: CMakeLists_root.txt executable: CMakeLists_bin.txt library: CMakeLists_lib.txt testing: CMakeLists_itest.txt [CMake:Sources] ; where to find sources, relative to {PROJECT_DIR} ExcludeSources: .txx .cxx .hxx InstallSources: .hpp .h .hxx EMPTY SourcesDir: src TestSourcesDir: test-src ; ---------------------------------------------------------- ; system dependencies: ; if projects depends on one of these probably want to specify what should be passed inside target_* in cmake [CMake:Deps:xml2] include: PUBLIC ${LIBXML2_INCLUDE_DIR} link: ${LIBXML2_LIBRARIES} find: LibXml2 REQUIRED [CMake:Deps:threads] link: ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT} find: Threads REQUIRED [CMake:Deps:Qt5Widgets] link: Qt5::Widgets include: ${Qt5Widgets_INCLUDE_DIRS} find: Qt5 5.7 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Core Widgets [CMake:Deps:Qt5Xml] link: Qt5::Xml include:${Qt5Xml_INCLUDE_DIRS} find: Qt5 5.7 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Core Xml [CMake:Deps:graphviz] link: ${GRAPHVIZ_GVC_LIBRARY} ${GRAPHVIZ_CGRAPH_LIBRARY} include: ${GRAPHVIZ_INCLUDE_DIR} find: Graphviz [CMake:Deps:json] link: ${JSONCPP_LIBRARIES} include: ${JSONCPP_INCLUDE_DIR} find: jsoncpp REQUIRED [CMake:Deps:readline] link: ${Readline_LIBRARY} include: ${Readline_INCLUDE_DIR} find: readline REQUIRED