image: stages: - build - test - packaging - notify .template:only:default: &only-default only: - merge_requests - branches - tags .template:only:merge-and-master: &only-merge-and-master only: - merge_requests - master - tags .template:only:master: &only-master only: refs: - master .template:only:tag: &only-tag only: - /^v.*$/ except: - branches ####################################################################################################################### # build + test .template:build: <<: *only-default dependencies: [] stage: build tags: - altbuilder script: - mkdir -p build && cd build - cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=ON -GNinja .. - ninja - DESTDIR="." ninja install artifacts: paths: - build/ expire_in: 1 day .template:test: <<: *only-default dependencies: [] stage: test tags: - altbuilder script: - cd build - ctest . --output-on-failure -j $(grep -c processor /proc/cpuinfo) .config:builder: &distro_builder image: .build:builder: <<: *distro_builder extends: .template:build .test:builder: <<: *distro_builder extends: .template:test build:builder:gcc: extends: .build:builder build:builder:clang-sanitizers: extends: .build:builder variables: CXX: clang++ CXXFLAGS: "-fsanitize=address -fsanitize=undefined -fno-sanitize-recover=all" # -stdlib=libc++ test:builder:gcc: extends: .test:builder dependencies: - build:builder:gcc test:builder:clang-sanitizers: extends: .test:builder dependencies: - build:builder:clang-sanitizers ####################################################################################################################### # doc build:doc: <<: *only-default image: stage: build before_script: - apt-get update && apt-get install -y doxygen graphviz script: - mkdir -p build && cd build - cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=ON -DWITH_DOCS=1 -GNinja .. - ninja doxygen artifacts: paths: - build/apidoc/ expire_in: 2 days ####################################################################################################################### # package .template:package: <<: *only-merge-and-master stage: build script: - apkg build-dep - apkg build artifacts: paths: - pkg/pkgs - images.tar expire_in: 2 days .template:docker: &docker cache: {} # disable services: - name: alias: docker variables: # DOCKER_TLS_CERTDIR: "/certs" DOCKER_DRIVER: overlay2 DOCKER_HOST: docker before_script: - apk add docker bash git - docker login -u gitlab-ci-token -p $CI_JOB_TOKEN $CI_REGISTRY - docker info package:docker: <<: *docker image: extends: .template:package script: - docker build --target=deploy -f extra/docker/Dockerfile -t alt . - docker run alt /usr/bin/aql2 --version - docker tag alt "$CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:snapshot" - docker save -o images.tar "$CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:snapshot" package:arch:rolling: extends: .template:package image: before_script: - pacman -Suy --noconfirm python-pip git sudo binutils fakeroot - pacman -Sy --noconfirm cmake gcc make # - echo "MAKEFLAGS=\"\$MAKEFLAGS -j$(nproc)\"" >> /etc/makepkg.conf - pip install apkg script: # A little dance with apkg because build step must be done as non-root (makepkg) and we need everything to be writable by nobody - apkg build-dep - chown -R nobody:nobody . - sudo -u nobody apkg build .package:deb: extends: .template:package before_script: - apt-get update && apt-get install -y python3-pip git - ${PIP_EXECUTABLE} install apkg variables: PIP_EXECUTABLE: pip DEBIAN_FRONTEND: noninteractive package:debian:bullseye: # deb-11 extends: .package:deb image: package:debian:bookworm: # deb-testing extends: .package:deb image: script: - apkg build-dep --distro debian-98 # otherwise identifies as "debian" - apkg build --distro debian-98 package:debian:sid: # deb-unstable extends: .package:deb image: script: - apkg build-dep --distro debian-99 # otherwise identifies as "debian" - apkg build --distro debian-99 package:ubuntu:20.04: extends: .package:deb image: variables: CXX: g++-10 package:ubuntu:21.04: extends: .package:deb image: package:ubuntu:21.10: extends: .package:deb image: .package:opensuse: extends: .template:package before_script: - zypper install --no-confirm python3-pip git rpm-build - pip3 install apkg package:opensuse:tumbleweed: extends: .package:opensuse image: variables: CXX: g++-11 package:opensuse:leap:15.3: extends: .package:opensuse image: variables: CXX: g++-11 package:opensuse:leap:15.4: extends: .package:opensuse image: variables: CXX: g++-11 .package:fedora: extends: .template:package before_script: - dnf install -y python3-pip git rpm-build - pip3 install apkg package:fedora:34: extends: .package:fedora image: package:fedora:35: extends: .package:fedora image: package:fedora:36: extends: .package:fedora image: packages: stage: packaging <<: *only-merge-and-master dependencies: - package:arch:rolling - package:ubuntu:20.04 - package:ubuntu:21.04 - package:ubuntu:21.10 - package:debian:bullseye - package:debian:bookworm - package:debian:sid - package:opensuse:tumbleweed - package:opensuse:leap:15.3 - package:opensuse:leap:15.4 - package:fedora:34 - package:fedora:35 - package:fedora:36 - package:docker script: - echo "Hi, I can't be empty" artifacts: paths: - pkg/pkgs expire_in: 10 weeks packages:docker: stage: packaging <<: *docker <<: *only-master dependencies: - package:docker script: - docker load -i images.tar - docker push "$CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE":snapshot ####################################################################################################################### # static analysis .template:static-analysis: <<: *only-default stage: build image: before_script: - mkdir -p build && pushd build - cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=ON .. -GNinja - popd allow_failure: true # TODO: Remove dependencies: [] # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # static-analysis:cppcheck: # extends: .template:static-analysis # script: # - cppcheck --version # - cppcheck -q --enable=all --project=build/compile_commands.json --suppress="*:*/lib/*" --error-exitcode=1 static-analysis:clang-tidy: extends: .template:static-analysis variables: CXX: clang++ script: - clang-tidy --version - jq ".[].file" build/compile_commands.json | tr -d "\"" | grep -v "test-src" | xargs -n1 -P$(grep -c processor /proc/cpuinfo) clang-tidy -quiet -p build/ 2>&1 | grep -v "warnings generated" # static-analysis:sources-check: # extends: .template:static-analysis # script: # - python3 extra/scripts/ . ####################################################################################################################### # notify .template:notify: stage: notify before_script: - apk add --no-cache curl dependencies: [] script: - curl -X POST -F token="$TOKEN" -F ref=master $PARAMS$PROJECT_ID/trigger/pipeline # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- notify:pyalib: <<: *only-master extends: .template:notify variables: TOKEN: "$TOKEN_TRIGGER_PYALIB" PROJECT_ID: "11497" notify:release:stable: <<: *only-tag extends: .template:notify variables: TOKEN: "$TOKEN_TRIGGER_RELEASE" PROJECT_ID: "17683" PARAMS: "-F variables[RELEASE_REF]=$CI_COMMIT_TAG -F variables[RELEASE_MODE]=stable" notify:release:snapshot: <<: *only-master extends: .template:notify variables: TOKEN: "$TOKEN_TRIGGER_RELEASE" PROJECT_ID: "17683" PARAMS: "-F variables[RELEASE_REF]=$CI_COMMIT_SHA -F variables[RELEASE_MODE]=snapshot"