/* * CompactSuffixAutomatonTerminatingSymbol.h * * Created on: Jan 8, 2017 * Author: Jan Travnicek */ #ifndef COMPACT_SUFFIX_AUTOMATON_TERMINATING_SYMBOL_H_ #define COMPACT_SUFFIX_AUTOMATON_TERMINATING_SYMBOL_H_ #include <alib/string> #include <alib/map> #include <alib/iostream> #include <sstream> #include <common/DefaultSymbolType.h> #include <sax/FromXMLParserHelper.h> #include <core/xmlApi.hpp> #include <primitive/xml/Unsigned.h> #include <primitive/xml/UnsignedLong.h> #include <container/xml/ObjectsVector.h> #include <container/xml/ObjectsMap.h> #include <alphabet/common/SymbolNormalize.h> #include <automaton/FSM/CompactDFA.h> namespace indexes { namespace stringology { class GeneralAlphabet; template < class SymbolType = DefaultSymbolType > class CompactSuffixAutomatonTerminatingSymbol { ext::vector < SymbolType > m_string; ext::vector < ext::map < ext::pair < size_t, size_t >, unsigned > > m_delta; public: void setString(const ext::vector < SymbolType > & str) { m_string = str; } const ext::vector < SymbolType > & getString ( ) const & { return m_string; } ext::vector < SymbolType > && getString ( ) && { return std::move ( m_string ); } void setNumberOfVertices(int n) { m_delta.resize(n); } void insertVertex(unsigned vertexNumber, const ext::map<ext::pair< int,int>,int> & edges) { for(const auto & edge : edges ) { m_delta[vertexNumber].insert({{edge.first.first - 1, edge.first.second - 1}, edge.second}); // to match indexing the string from 0 } } const ext::vector < ext::map < ext::pair < size_t, size_t >, unsigned > > & getTransitions ( ) const & { return m_delta; } ext::vector < ext::map < ext::pair < size_t, size_t >, unsigned > > && getTransitions ( ) && { return std::move ( m_delta ); } bool addTransition ( unsigned from, size_t startIndex, size_t endIndex, unsigned to ) { return m_delta [ from ].insert ( ext::make_pair ( ext::make_pair ( startIndex, endIndex ), to ) ).second; } void setTransitions ( ext::vector < ext::map < ext::pair < size_t, size_t >, unsigned > > delta ) { m_delta = std::move ( delta ); } /* void print() { cout << "PRINT" << endl; cout << m_delta.size() << endl; for(int i = 0;i<m_delta.size();i++) { cout << "Vrchol " << i << endl; for(auto it = m_delta[i].begin(); it != m_delta[i].end(); ++it) { cout << it->first.first << " " << it->first.second << endl; cout << " -- "; for(int j = it->first.first;j<=it->first.second;j++) { cout << m_string[j]; } cout << " --> " << it->second << endl; } } }*/ void GetAllPathsLen(unsigned state, unsigned curLen, ext::set < unsigned > & res) const { if(m_delta[state].empty ( )) res.insert(m_string.size ( ) - curLen); for(auto it = m_delta[state].begin();it!=m_delta[state].end();++it) { GetAllPathsLen(it->second,curLen+it->first.second-it->first.first+1,res); } } unsigned GetNextState(unsigned state,const ext::vector <SymbolType > & pattern, unsigned & index) const { for(auto it = m_delta[state].begin();it!=m_delta[state].end();++it) { if( m_string[it->first.first] != pattern[index])//hledám hranu, která má první znak stejný continue; for(unsigned i = it->first.first;i<=it->first.second;i++) { //chci projít všechny znaky, jestli se shodují se vzorem if(index == pattern.size()) { index += (it->first.second-i+1); return it->second; } if(m_string[i] != pattern[index++]) { //pokud se neshodují - konec throw "notfound"; } } return it->second; } throw "notfound"; } friend std::ostream & operator << ( std::ostream & out, const CompactSuffixAutomatonTerminatingSymbol & instance ) { return out << "(CompactSuffixAutomatonTerminatingSymbol " << instance.m_string << ", " << instance.m_delta << ")"; } auto operator <=> ( const CompactSuffixAutomatonTerminatingSymbol & other ) const { return std::tie ( getString ( ), getTransitions ( ) ) <=> std::tie ( other.getString ( ), other.getTransitions ( ) ); } bool operator == ( const CompactSuffixAutomatonTerminatingSymbol & other ) const { return std::tie ( getString ( ), getTransitions ( ) ) == std::tie ( other.getString ( ), other.getTransitions ( ) ); } explicit operator std::string ( ) const; explicit operator automaton::CompactDFA < SymbolType, unsigned > ( ) const; }; template < class SymbolType > CompactSuffixAutomatonTerminatingSymbol < SymbolType >::operator std::string ( ) const { std::stringstream ss; ss << * this; return ss.str ( ); } template < class SymbolType > CompactSuffixAutomatonTerminatingSymbol < SymbolType >::operator automaton::CompactDFA < SymbolType, unsigned > ( ) const { automaton::CompactDFA < SymbolType, unsigned > res ( 0 ); res.setInputAlphabet ( ext::set < SymbolType > ( getString ( ).begin ( ), getString ( ).end ( ) ) ); ext::set < unsigned > states; for ( size_t state = 0; state < getTransitions ( ).size ( ); ++ state ) states.insert ( state ); res.setStates ( std::move ( states ) ); res.addFinalState ( 1 ); for ( size_t state = 0; state < getTransitions ( ).size ( ); ++ state ) for ( const std::pair < const ext::pair < size_t, size_t >, unsigned > & transition : getTransitions ( ) [ state ] ) res.addTransition ( state, ext::vector < SymbolType > ( getString ( ).begin ( ) + transition.first.first, getString ( ).begin ( ) + transition.first.second + 1 ), transition.second ); return res; } } /* namespace stringology */ } /* namespace indexes */ namespace core { template < class SymbolType > struct normalize < indexes::stringology::CompactSuffixAutomatonTerminatingSymbol < SymbolType > > { static indexes::stringology::CompactSuffixAutomatonTerminatingSymbol < > eval ( indexes::stringology::CompactSuffixAutomatonTerminatingSymbol < SymbolType > && value ) { indexes::stringology::CompactSuffixAutomatonTerminatingSymbol < DefaultStateType > res; res.setString ( alphabet::SymbolNormalize::normalizeSymbols ( std::move ( value ).getString ( ) ) ); res.setTransitions ( std::move ( value ).getTransitions ( ) ); return res; } }; template < class SymbolType > struct xmlApi < indexes::stringology::CompactSuffixAutomatonTerminatingSymbol < SymbolType > > { static indexes::stringology::CompactSuffixAutomatonTerminatingSymbol < SymbolType > parse ( ext::deque < sax::Token >::iterator & input ); static bool first ( const ext::deque < sax::Token >::const_iterator & input ); static std::string xmlTagName ( ); static void compose ( ext::deque < sax::Token > & output, const indexes::stringology::CompactSuffixAutomatonTerminatingSymbol < SymbolType > & index ); }; template < class SymbolType > indexes::stringology::CompactSuffixAutomatonTerminatingSymbol < SymbolType > xmlApi < indexes::stringology::CompactSuffixAutomatonTerminatingSymbol < SymbolType > >::parse ( ext::deque < sax::Token >::iterator & input ) { sax::FromXMLParserHelper::popToken ( input, sax::Token::TokenType::START_ELEMENT, xmlTagName ( ) ); ext::vector < SymbolType > string = core::xmlApi < ext::vector < SymbolType > >::parse ( input ); ext::vector < ext::map < ext::pair < size_t, size_t >, unsigned > > delta = core::xmlApi < ext::vector < ext::map < ext::pair < size_t, size_t >, unsigned > > >::parse ( input ); indexes::stringology::CompactSuffixAutomatonTerminatingSymbol < SymbolType > res; res.setString ( std::move ( string ) ); res.setTransitions ( std::move ( delta ) ); sax::FromXMLParserHelper::popToken ( input, sax::Token::TokenType::END_ELEMENT, xmlTagName ( ) ); return res; } template < class SymbolType > bool xmlApi < indexes::stringology::CompactSuffixAutomatonTerminatingSymbol < SymbolType > >::first ( const ext::deque < sax::Token >::const_iterator & input ) { return sax::FromXMLParserHelper::isToken ( input, sax::Token::TokenType::START_ELEMENT, xmlTagName ( ) ); } template < class SymbolType > std::string xmlApi < indexes::stringology::CompactSuffixAutomatonTerminatingSymbol < SymbolType > >::xmlTagName ( ) { return "CompactSuffixAutomatonTerminatingSymbol"; } template < class SymbolType > void xmlApi < indexes::stringology::CompactSuffixAutomatonTerminatingSymbol < SymbolType > >::compose ( ext::deque < sax::Token > & output, const indexes::stringology::CompactSuffixAutomatonTerminatingSymbol < SymbolType > & index ) { output.emplace_back ( xmlTagName ( ), sax::Token::TokenType::START_ELEMENT ); core::xmlApi < ext::vector < SymbolType > >::compose ( output, index.getString ( ) ); core::xmlApi < ext::vector < ext::map < ext::pair < size_t, size_t >, unsigned > > >::compose ( output, index.getTransitions ( ) ); output.emplace_back ( xmlTagName ( ), sax::Token::TokenType::END_ELEMENT ); } } /* namespace core */ #endif /* COMPACT_SUFFIX_AUTOMATON_H_ */