diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index f911c9d2722b5a99950e0e365ebf17364a88a4f1..010bdd07ade23313f8bc6f3b06c85f87380c51e2 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -11,15 +11,15 @@ Because it's unprecedented accuracy:
 This tool helps with building DiskSim v4.0 in these ways:
 * base sources or these with [DIXtrac] ) tool were downloaded from: http://www.pdl.cmu.edu/Dixtrac/index.shtml
-* optionally patch sources by Microsoft [SSD extension] were downloaded from: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=52332
-* optionally patch sources by Oliver Liu [64bit patch] were downloaded from: https://github.com/myidpt/PFSsim/tree/master/disksim/64bit-ssd-patch-files
+* patch sources by Microsoft [SSD extension] were downloaded from: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=52332
+* patch sources by Oliver Liu [64bit patch] were downloaded from: https://github.com/myidpt/PFSsim/tree/master/disksim/64bit-ssd-patch-files
 * use additional patches in `patches/`
-* optionally enforce C standard and optimization, so `disksim` can be compiled by f.e. `gcc` v5.4.0 and can run faster
+* enforce C standard and optimization, so `disksim` can be compiled by f.e. `gcc` v5.4.0 and can run faster
 * run validation tests coming with sources
 Folder `scripts/` holds other useful tools including a generator of **JBOD|RAID{0|1|3|4|5}** _parv_ files.
-## Download, patch and build DiskSim
+## Build DiskSim
 ### Clone this repo
@@ -43,26 +43,14 @@ $ make help
 Make patched DiskSim
-  make [options] [target ...]
-          DIXTRAC=yes|no ... use DiskSim with DIXtrac        (by default: yes)
-              SSD=yes|no ... use Microsoft SSD extension     (by default: yes)
-           ARCH64=yes|no ... use Oliver Liu 64bit patch      (by default: yes)
-    PATCHSYTHDEVS=yes|no ... patch loadsynthdevs()           (by default: yes)
-  PRINTMAPREQUEST=yes|no ... print map requests              (by default: yes)
-            STD=<string> ... enforce C standard thru -std=   (by default: gnu90)
-       OPTIMIZE=<string> ... enforce C optimization thru -O  (by default: 2)
-         TOLERANT=yes|no ... ignore patch failures           (by default: yes)
-        INSTALLDIR=<dir> ... dir to install binaries         (by default: bin)
+  make [target ...]
-          all ......... make sources, compile and install
-          sources ..... prepare sources to src/
+          all ......... make compile, install and test
           compile ..... compile disksim in build/disksim-4.0/
           install ..... install binaries to bin/
           test ........ run valadation tests
-          clean ....... delete build/
+          clean ....... delete bin/
           help ........ print this help screen
@@ -71,17 +59,20 @@ Targets:
 $ make
-Build configuration:
-  * Use DiskSim with DIXtrac:    yes
-  * Use Microsoft SSD extension: yes
-  * Use Oliver Liu 64bit patch:  yes
-  * Patch loadsynthdevs():       yes
-  * Print map requests:          yes
-  * Enforce C standard:          gnu90
-  * Enforce C optimization:      2
-  * Ignore patch failures:       yes
-  * Install dir for binaries:    bin
+[DISKSIM] Compile ...
+chmod +x 'build/disksim-4.0/libparam/'*.pl
+make -C 'build/disksim-4.0'
+make[1]: Vstupuje se do adresáře „/home/oem/BP/My_BP/patches_all/patched/build/disksim-4.0“
+make -C libddbg
+make[2]: Vstupuje se do adresáře „/home/oem/BP/My_BP/patches_all/patched/build/disksim-4.0/libddbg“
+cc -O2 -std=gnu90  -g -I../libparam   -c -o ddbg_assert.o ddbg_assert.c
+cc -O2 -std=gnu90  -g -I../libparam   -c -o ddbg_trace.o ddbg_trace.c
+ar cru libddbg.a ddbg_assert.o ddbg_trace.o
+ar: `u' modifier ignored since `D' is the default (see `U')
+mkdir -p include/libddbg lib
+cp -p libddbg.h include/libddbg
+cp -p libddbg.a lib 
+make[2]: Opouští se adresář „/home/oem/BP/My_BP/patches_all/patched/build/disksim-4.0/libddbg“
 OK, installed binaries:
@@ -99,6 +90,12 @@ OK, installed binaries:
 -rwxrwxr-x 1 jake jake  22792 pro  7 03:18 bin/mems_seektest
 -rwxrwxr-x 1 jake jake 610552 pro  7 03:18 bin/physim
 -rwxrwxr-x 1 jake jake  10480 pro  7 03:18 bin/rms
+[DISKSIM] Run validation test build/disksim-4.0/valid/runvalid ...
+cd 'build/disksim-4.0/valid/' && sh 'runvalid'
+These results represent actual drive validation experiments
 ### Run validation tests