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general / subjects / BI-BEZ / lab3
MIT LicenseOpenSSL: block ciphers and operation modes and implementation in OpenSSL
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general / subjects / BI-PA2 / Homework_5
MIT LicenseHomework is to realize classes which implement management of VAT.
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general / subjects / BI-PA2 / Homework_6
MIT LicenseHomework is to realize template of the class which can put together the score list depending on the input - results of the matches between two opponents.
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Semestrální práce z předmětu Programování a algoritmizace 2
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general / subjects / BI-PA2 / Semestral-project
MIT LicenseSemestral project implementing planning calendar in pure C++. Specification and documentation will be written in attached readme in some time.
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Peter Matta / dusk-lang
MIT LicenseSimple language inspired by Swift, Rust and Kotlin programming languages
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C++ Lambda calculus interpreter (BI-PPA)
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Semestral work for subject MI-MVI - colorization of black and white movies using convolutional neural networks.
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Jakub Drahoš / AutoGram
MIT LicenseA project aiming for supporting the BI-AAG course at FIT CTU.
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