%% This is the ctufit-thesis document class. It is used to produce theses
%% for submission to Czech Technical University, Faculty of Information Technology.
%% Get the newest version from
%% https://gitlab.fit.cvut.cz/theses-templates/FITthesis-LaTeX
%% Copyright 2021, Eliska Sestakova and Ondrej Guth
%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public Licenese, either version 1.3
%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
%% The latest version of this license is in
%%  https://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
%% version 2005/12/01 or later.
%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
%% The current maintainer of this work is Ondrej Guth.
%% Contact ondrej.guth@fit.cvut.cz for bug reports.
%% Alternatively, submit bug reports into the tracker at
%% https://gitlab.fit.cvut.cz/theses-templates/FITthesis-LaTeX/issues

% identification

\ProvidesClass{ctufit-thesis}[2021/08/06 CTU FIT thesis template]

% preliminary declarations

% options

% main declarations, loading files

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% colors end

	\if\@ctufitthesistype B{%
		\if\@ctufitlang C{Bakal{\' a}{\v r}sk{\' a} pr{\' a}ce}\else\if\@ctufitlang S{Bakal{\' a}rska pr{\' a}ca}\else{Bachelor's thesis}\fi\fi
	}\else\if\@ctufitthesistype M{%
		\if\@ctufitlang C{Diplomov{\' a} pr{\' a}ce}\else\if\@ctufitlang S{Diplomov{\' a} pr{\' a}ca}\else{Master's thesis}\fi\fi
	}\else\if\@ctufitthesistype D{Dissertation thesis}\else{\ClassError{ctufit-thesis}{Thesis type not specified}{Add either `bachelor', `master', or `dissertation' option to this document class}}\fi\fi\fi

\DeclareRobustCommand{\thectufituniversity}{\if\@ctufitlang C{{\v C}esk{\' e} vysok{\' e} u{\v c}en{\' i} technick{\' e} v~Praze}\else\if\@ctufitlang S{{\v C}esk{\' e} vysok{\' e} u{\v c}en{\' i} technick{\' e} v~Praze}\else{Czech Technical University in Prague}\fi\fi}

\DeclareRobustCommand{\thectufitfaculty}{\if\@ctufitlang C{Fakulta informa{\v c}n{\' i}ch technologi{\' i}}\else\if\@ctufitlang S{Fakulta informa{\v c}n{\' i}ch technologi{\' i}}\else{Faculty of Information Technology}\fi\fi}

\DeclareRobustCommand{\thectufitsupervisorlabelcapital}{\if\@ctufitlang C{Vedouc{\' i}}\else\if\@ctufitlang S{Ved\'uci}\else{Supervisor}\fi\fi}

\DeclareRobustCommand{\thectufitcitationlabel}{\if\@ctufitlang C{Odkaz na tuto pr{\' a}ci}\else\if\@ctufitlang S{Odkaz na t\'uto pr{\' a}cu}\else{Citation of this thesis}\fi\fi}

\DeclareRobustCommand{\thectufitallrightsreservedlabel}{\if\@ctufitlang C{Odkaz na tuto pr{\' a}ci}\else\if\@ctufitlang S{Odkaz na t\'uto pr{\' a}cu}\else{Citation of this thesis}\fi\fi}

\DeclareRobustCommand{\thectufitlistinglabel}{\if\@ctufitlang C{V{\'y}pis k{\'o}du}\else\if\@ctufitlang S{V{\'y}pis k{\'o}du}\else{Code listing}\fi\fi}

\DeclareRobustCommand{\thectufitlollabel}{\if\@ctufitlang C{Seznam v{\'y}pis{\r u} k{\'o}du}\else\if\@ctufitlang S{Zoznam v{\'y}pisov k{\'o}du}\else{List of code listings}\fi\fi}

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\DeclareRobustCommand{\thectufitcopyrighttext}{\if\@ctufitlang C{Tato pr{\' a}ce vznikla jako {\v s}koln{\' i} d{\' i}lo na {\v C}esk{\' e}m vysok{\' e}m u{\v c}en{\' i} technick{\' e}m v~Praze, Fakult{\v e} informa{\v c}n{\' i}ch technologi{\' i}. Pr{\' a}ce je chr{\' a}n{\v e}na pr{\' a}vn{\' i}mi p{\v r}edpisy a mezin{\' a}rodn{\' i}mi {\' u}mluvami o~pr{\' a}vu autorsk{\' e}m a pr{\' a}vech souvisej{\' i}c{\' i}ch s~pr{\' a}vem autorsk{\' y}m. K~jej\'\i{}mu u\v zit\'\i{}, s~v\'yjimkou bez\'uplatn\'ych z\'akonn\'ych licenc\'\i{} a nad r\'amec opr\'avn\v en\'\i{} uveden\'ych v~Prohl\'a\v sen\'\i{} na p\v redchoz\'\i{} stran\v e, je nezbytn\'y souhlas autora.}\else\if\@ctufitlang S{T\'ato pr\'aca vznikla ako \v skolsk\'e dielo na  FIT \v CVUT v Prahe. Pr\'aca je chr\'anen\'a medzin\'arodn\'ymi predpismi a zmluvami o autorskom pr\'ave a pr\'avach s\'uvisiacich s autorsk\'ym pr\'avom. Na jej vyu\v zitie, s~v\'ynimkou bezplatn\'ych z\'akonn\'ych licenci\'\i, je nutn\'y s\'uhlas autora.}\else{This thesis is school work as defined by Copyright Act of the Czech Republic. It has been submitted at Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Information Technology. The thesis is protected by the Copyright Act and its usage without author's permission is prohibited (with exceptions defined by the Copyright Act).}\fi\fi}

% title page
\vskip 3mm
\vskip 35mm
\noindent{\large  \bfseries \thectufitauthorfull}


\thectufitsupervisorlabelcapital: \thectufitsupervisor\\
%title page end


			\noindent \thectufituniversity \\
		\noindent \thectufitfaculty \\
	\noindent \textcopyright{} \thectufityear{} \thectufitauthorfull. \thectufitallrightsreservedlabel.\\
		\noindent \textit{\thectufitcopyrighttext}
	\noindent \thectufitcitationlabel: \thectufitauthorsurnames{} \thectufitauthorgivennames. \textit{\thectufittitle}. \thectufitthesistype. \thectufituniversity, \thectufitfaculty, \thectufityear.

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% \titleformat{\subsubsection}
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% \makeatother
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% acknowledgment page END

% declaration page

}{\vskip 1cm
\if\@ctufitlang E{In}\else{V}\fi~\thectufitdeclarationplace{} \if\@ctufitlang C{dne}\else\if\@ctufitlang S{dne}\else{on}\fi\fi~\thectufitdeclarationdate{} \hspace{.3\textwidth} \dotfill}
% declaration page END

% abstract page
% abstract page END

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% no need to modify this part
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\begin{abstrakt}% Enter abstract in CZECH.

\vskip 0.5cm

{\noindent\color{heading}\bfseries Klíčová slova\hspace{1em}}{\thectufitklicovaslova}

\vskip 1cm

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\vskip 0.5cm

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