diff --git a/airflow/dags/grades/log.txt b/airflow/dags/grades/log.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fe06eab86faa1baaa431d90eb06c0df32dd06e4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/airflow/dags/grades/log.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+[2023-03-10 14:43:22,911] {base.py:73} INFO - Using connection ID 'dv5' for task execution.
+[2023-03-10 14:43:22,938] {base.py:73} INFO - Using connection ID 'grades' for task execution.
+COPY "ps_grades"."student_classification_airflow_orig"     ("student_classification_id","note","classification_id","timestamp","classification_user_id","md5") FROM STDIN WITH (FORMAT csv, DELIMITER E'', NULL 'None')
diff --git a/airflow/dags/helpers/stage_functions_no_psc.py b/airflow/dags/helpers/stage_functions_no_psc.py
index f21bf61a5d72229ff84e88de845dfa42f300a980..5535ce5467dc52926e1decafc4ff6853a4cf26eb 100644
--- a/airflow/dags/helpers/stage_functions_no_psc.py
+++ b/airflow/dags/helpers/stage_functions_no_psc.py
@@ -1,9 +1,13 @@
 import pandas as pd
 import hashlib
 import numpy as np
+from sqlalchemy import text
+from psycopg2 import sql
+import io
+import csv
 from connections import *
 from stringiteratorio import StringIteratorIO
+from typing import Dict, Any, Iterator, Optional
 def md5_string(string):
@@ -28,10 +32,12 @@ def load_table_in_chunks(**kwargs):
     for source_chunk in pd.read_sql_query(source_stmt,
                             con=kwargs['src_conn'], chunksize=chunk_size):
         if is_loading:
+            print(2)
             con=kwargs['stg_conn'], index=False,
-            schema=kwargs['stg_schema'], if_exists='append')
+            schema=kwargs['stg_schema'], if_exists='append', method='multi')
+            print(1)
             con=kwargs['stg_conn'], index=False,
             schema=kwargs['stg_schema'], if_exists='replace', method='multi')
@@ -89,12 +95,29 @@ def load_table_in_chunks_fast(**kwargs): # TODO: add arg cols needed to stage +
     src_stmt = f"SELECT {', '.join(kwargs['src_columns'])} FROM \
-    copy_to_stage_stmt = f"COPY {kwargs['stg_schema']}.{kwargs['stg_table']} \
-    ({', '.join(kwargs['stg_columns'])}) \
+    # copy_to_stage_stmt1 = f"COPY {kwargs['stg_schema']}.{kwargs['stg_table']} \
+    # ({', '.join(kwargs['stg_columns'])}) \
+    # FROM STDIN WITH (FORMAT csv, DELIMITER E'\x1f', NULL 'None')"
+    # print(copy_to_stage_stmt1)
+    copy_to_stage_stmt = sql.SQL("""COPY {stg_schema}.{stg_table} \
+    ({columns}) FROM STDIN WITH (FORMAT csv, DELIMITER E'\x1f', NULL 'None')""").format(
+        stg_schema=sql.Identifier(kwargs['stg_schema']),
+        stg_table=sql.Identifier(kwargs['stg_table']),
+        columns=sql.SQL(',').join(map(sql.Identifier, kwargs['stg_columns']))
+    )
+    print(copy_to_stage_stmt.as_string(kwargs['stg_cursor']))
     for src_chunk in pd.read_sql_query(src_stmt,
                             con=kwargs['src_conn'], chunksize=chunk_size):
+        src_chunk = src_chunk.replace(r'\n', ' ', regex=True)
+        src_chunk.replace(to_replace=r'\r', value='1', regex=True, inplace=True)
+        src_chunk.replace({np.nan: None}, inplace=True)
+        # print(src_chunk.loc['364057'])
         if is_loading:
@@ -111,9 +134,13 @@ def load_table_in_chunks_fast(**kwargs): # TODO: add arg cols needed to stage +
+# def clean_csv_value(value: Optional[Any]) -> str:
+#     return repr(str(value).replace('\n', '\\n'))
 def get_data_iterator(data):
-    data = [tuple(row) for row in data.itertuples(index=False)]
+    data = [tuple(row) for row in data.itertuples(index=False)] #todo try replace here
     return StringIteratorIO((
-            '\\x1f'.join(map(str, row)) + '\n'
+            "\x1f".join(map(str, row)) + '\n')
             for row in data
-        ))
+        )
diff --git a/airflow/dags/helpers/stringiteratorio.py b/airflow/dags/helpers/stringiteratorio.py
index 3094297d30a105c63bb4788fd38e3412c589f8ee..48fcbc242ded6ec2124f4eccb993640e74604319 100644
--- a/airflow/dags/helpers/stringiteratorio.py
+++ b/airflow/dags/helpers/stringiteratorio.py
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ class StringIteratorIO(io.TextIOBase):
                 n -= len(m)
-        return ''.join(line)
+        return ''.join(line).replace('"', '""""').replace('"', '\"')
     def __enter__(self):
         return self
diff --git a/airflow/dags/helpers/target_functions.py b/airflow/dags/helpers/target_functions.py
index 67bc92eb99ef020965abd3dbf6a33f63c7c60437..6954a6892919ac39579680b0c3df749648e00d4c 100644
--- a/airflow/dags/helpers/target_functions.py
+++ b/airflow/dags/helpers/target_functions.py
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ def load_new(new_data, tg_conn, tg_columns, tg_dtypes, tg_schema, tg_table, fk_c
 def get_data_iterator(data):
     data = [tuple(row) for row in data.itertuples(index=False)]
     return StringIteratorIO((
-            "\x1f".join(map(str, row)) + '\n'
+            "\x1f".join(map(str, row)) + '\r\n'
             for row in data
diff --git a/airflow/dags/test_examples/uvozovka.py b/airflow/dags/test_examples/uvozovka.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4541a4b599d13773e457bfc6c5afa4c1c7a827b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/airflow/dags/test_examples/uvozovka.py
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+# row = (23562, 'helooo  erger', 2342)
+# x = "\x1f".join(map(str, row))
+# print(x)
+import pandas as pd
+from typing import Dict, Any, Iterator, Optional
+import io
+class StringIteratorIO(io.TextIOBase):
+    def __init__(self, iter: Iterator[str]):
+        self._iter = iter
+        self._buff = ''
+    def readable(self) -> bool:
+        return True
+    def _read1(self, n: Optional[int] = None) -> str:
+        while not self._buff:
+            try:
+                self._buff = next(self._iter)
+            except StopIteration:
+                break
+        ret = self._buff[:n]
+        self._buff = self._buff[len(ret):]
+        print(ret + "je to z fce _read1")
+        return ret
+    def read(self, n: Optional[int] = None) -> str:
+        line = []
+        print(f"zacatek n je {n}")
+        if n is None or n < 0:
+            print("ass")
+            while True:
+                m = self._read1()
+                if not m:
+                    break
+                line.append(m)
+        else:
+            while n > 0:
+                m = self._read1(n)
+                if not m:
+                    break
+                print(f"n je {n}")
+                print(f"m je {m}")
+                n -= len(m)
+                print(n)
+                line.append(m)
+        print("line je ----")
+        print(repr(''.join(line)))
+        print('bez pepru ---------------------------')
+        print(''.join(line))
+        return ''.join(line)
+    def __enter__(self):
+        return self
+    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
+        self._iter = None
+data = [(232627, 'blabla "erge', 4057, pd.Timestamp('2019-05-14 10:47:59.794000'), 503, '159895abd119aa1cd6cbdedf14cd55f5'), (232627, 'blabla "erge', 4057, pd.Timestamp('2019-05-14 10:47:59.794000'), 503, '159895abd119aa1cd6cbdedf14cd55f5')]
+f = StringIteratorIO((
+        "\x1f".join(map(str, row)) + '\n')
+        for row in data
+    )
diff --git a/airflow/logs/scheduler/latest b/airflow/logs/scheduler/latest
index 7ed9629229c5c3fac0eb5ff9a715827b0dfda5a5..8bd04b87f9432f29b98acca29ede37438d80c9b6 120000
--- a/airflow/logs/scheduler/latest
+++ b/airflow/logs/scheduler/latest
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file