* Author: Radovan Cerveny
#pragma once
#include <indexes/stringology/FactorOracleAutomaton.h>
#include <string/LinearString.h>
namespace stringology {
namespace indexing {
static constexpr unsigned infinity = std::numeric_limits < unsigned >::max ( );
template < class SymbolType >
static void oracleAddLetter ( automaton::DFA < SymbolType, unsigned > & oracle, const SymbolType & symbol, ext::map < unsigned, unsigned > & supplyFunction );
* Constructs factor oracle automaton for given pattern.
* @return factor oracle automaton for given pattern
template < class SymbolType >
static indexes::stringology::FactorOracleAutomaton < SymbolType > construct ( const string::LinearString < SymbolType > & pattern );
template < class SymbolType >
indexes::stringology::FactorOracleAutomaton < SymbolType > ExactFactorOracleAutomaton::construct ( const string::LinearString < SymbolType > & pattern ) {
automaton::DFA < SymbolType, unsigned > oracleAutomaton ( 0u );
oracleAutomaton.addFinalState ( oracleAutomaton.getInitialState ( ) );
ext::vector < unsigned > supplyFunction { infinity }; //vector is fine, the state number is exactly the index to the vector
oracleAutomaton.setInputAlphabet ( pattern.getAlphabet ( ) );
for ( const SymbolType & symbol : pattern.getContent ( ) )
oracleAddLetter ( oracleAutomaton, symbol, supplyFunction );
return indexes::stringology::FactorOracleAutomaton < SymbolType > ( std::move ( oracleAutomaton ) );
template < class SymbolType >
void ExactFactorOracleAutomaton::oracleAddLetter ( automaton::DFA < SymbolType, unsigned > & oracle, const SymbolType & symbol, ext::map < unsigned, unsigned > & supplyFunction ) {
unsigned lastState = oracle.getStates ( ).size ( ) - 1;
unsigned newState = lastState + 1;
oracle.addState ( newState );
oracle.addFinalState ( newState );
oracle.addTransition ( lastState, symbol, newState );
unsigned kState = supplyFunction.find( lastState )->second;
while ( kState != infinity && oracle.getTransitions ( ).find ( { kState, symbol } ) == oracle.getTransitions ( ).end ( ) ) {
oracle.addTransition ( kState, symbol, newState );
kState = supplyFunction.find( kState )->second;
unsigned supplyState = 0;
supplyState = oracle.getTransitions ( ).find( { kState, symbol } )->second;
supplyFunction.insert( { newState, supplyState } );
} /* namespace indexing */
} /* namespace stringology */