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documentation for finite automata

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* CompactNFA.h
* This file is part of Algorithms library toolkit.
* Copyright (C) 2017 Jan Travnicek (
* Algorithms library toolkit is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Algorithms library toolkit is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Algorithms library toolkit. If not, see <>.
* Created on: Mar 25, 2013
* Author: Jan Travnicek
......@@ -30,162 +46,395 @@
namespace automaton {
* Represents Finite Automaton.
* Can store nondeterministic finite automaton without epsilon transitions.
class InputAlphabet;
class States;
class FinalStates;
class InitialState;
* \brief
* Compact nondeterministic finite automaton. Accepts regular languages. The automaton has a list of symbols on transitions.
* \details
* Definition is classical definition of finite automata.
* A = (Q, T, I, \delta),
* Q (States) = nonempty finite set of states,
* T (TerminalAlphabet) = finite set of terminal symbols - having this empty won't let automaton do much though,
* \delta = transition function of the form A \times a -> P(Q), where A \in Q, a \in T*, and P(Q) is a powerset of states,
* I (InitialState) = initial state,
* \tparam SymbolType used for the terminal alphabet
* \tparam StateType used to the states, and the initial state of the automaton.
template < class SymbolType, class StateType >
class CompactNFA final : public AutomatonBase, public alib::Components < CompactNFA < SymbolType, StateType >, SymbolType, ext::tuple < InputAlphabet >, ext::tuple < >, StateType, ext::tuple < States, FinalStates >, ext::tuple < InitialState > > {
* Transition function as mapping from a state times a list of input symbols on the left hand side to a set of states.
ext::map < ext::pair < StateType, ext::vector < SymbolType > >, ext::set < StateType > > transitions;
* \brief Creates a new instance of the automaton with a concrete initial state.
* \param initialState the initial state of the automaton
explicit CompactNFA ( StateType initialState );
* \brief Creates a new instance of the automaton with a concrete set of states, input alphabet, initial state, and a set of final states.
* \param states the initial set of states of the automaton
* \param inputAlphabet the initial input alphabet
* \param initialState the initial state of the automaton
* \param finalStates the initial set of final states of the automaton
explicit CompactNFA ( ext::set < StateType > states, ext::set < SymbolType > inputAlphabet, StateType initialState, ext::set < StateType > finalStates );
* \brief Creates a new instance of the automaton based on the Epsilon Nondeterministic finite automaton.
* \param other the Epsilon nondeterministic finite automaton
* \tparam EpsilonType used in the Epsilon nondeterministic finite automaton
template < class EpsilonType >
explicit CompactNFA ( const EpsilonNFA < SymbolType, EpsilonType, StateType > & other );
* \brief Creates a new instance of the automaton based on the Nondeterministic finite automaton with multiple initial states.
* \param other the Nondeterministic finite automaton with multiple initial states
explicit CompactNFA ( const MultiInitialStateNFA < SymbolType, StateType > & other );
* \brief Creates a new instance of the automaton based on the Nondeterministic finite automaton.
* \param other the Nondeterministic finite automaton
explicit CompactNFA ( const NFA < SymbolType, StateType > & other );
* \brief Creates a new instance of the automaton based on the Deterministic finite automaton.
* \param other the Deterministic finite automaton
explicit CompactNFA ( const DFA < SymbolType, StateType > & other );
virtual AutomatonBase * clone ( ) const;
* @copydoc automaton::AutomatonBase::clone()
virtual AutomatonBase * clone ( ) const override;
virtual AutomatonBase * plunder ( ) &&;
* @copydoc automaton::AutomatonBase::plunder()
virtual AutomatonBase * plunder ( ) && override;
* Getter of the initial state.
* \returns the initial state of the automaton
const StateType & getInitialState ( ) const {
return this->template accessElement < InitialState > ( ).get ( );
* Setter of the initial state.
* \param state new initial state of the automaton
* \returns true if the initial state was indeed changed
bool setInitialState ( StateType state ) {
return this->template accessElement < InitialState > ( ).set ( std::move ( state ) );
* Getter of states.
* \returns the states of the automaton
const ext::set < StateType > & getStates ( ) const {
return this->template accessComponent < States > ( ).get ( );
* Adder of a state.
* \param state the new state to be added to a set of states
* \returns true if the state was indeed added
bool addState ( StateType state ) {
return this->template accessComponent < States > ( ).add ( std::move ( state ) );
* Setter of states.
* \param states completely new set of states
void setStates ( ext::set < StateType > states ) {
this->template accessComponent < States > ( ).set ( std::move ( states ) );
* Remover of a state.
* \param state a state to be removed from a set of states
* \returns true if the state was indeed removed
void removeState ( const StateType & state ) {
this->template accessComponent < States > ( ).remove ( state );
* Getter of final states.
* \returns the final states of the automaton
const ext::set < StateType > & getFinalStates ( ) const {
return this->template accessComponent < FinalStates > ( ).get ( );
* Adder of a final state.
* \param state the new state to be added to a set of final states
* \returns true if the state was indeed added
bool addFinalState ( StateType state ) {
return this->template accessComponent < FinalStates > ( ).add ( std::move ( state ) );
* Setter of final states.
* \param states completely new set of final states
void setFinalStates ( ext::set < StateType > states ) {
this->template accessComponent < FinalStates > ( ).set ( std::move ( states ) );
* Remover of a final state.
* \param state a state to be removed from a set of final states
* \returns true if the state was indeed removed
void removeFinalState ( const StateType & state ) {
this->template accessComponent < FinalStates > ( ).remove ( state );
* Getter of the input alphabet.
* \returns the input alphabet of the automaton
const ext::set < SymbolType > & getInputAlphabet ( ) const {
return this->template accessComponent < InputAlphabet > ( ).get ( );
* Adder of a input symbol.
* \param symbol the new symbol to be added to an input alphabet
* \returns true if the symbol was indeed added
bool addInputSymbol ( SymbolType symbol ) {
return this->template accessComponent < InputAlphabet > ( ).add ( std::move ( symbol ) );
* Adder of input symbols.
* \param symbols new symbols to be added to an input alphabet
void addInputSymbols ( ext::set < SymbolType > symbols ) {
this->template accessComponent < InputAlphabet > ( ).add ( std::move ( symbols ) );
* Setter of input alphabet.
* \param symbols completely new input alphabet
void setInputAlphabet ( ext::set < SymbolType > symbols ) {
this->template accessComponent < InputAlphabet > ( ).set ( std::move ( symbols ) );
* Remover of an input symbol.
* \param symbol a symbol to be removed from an input alphabet
* \returns true if the symbol was indeed removed
void removeInputSymbol ( const SymbolType & symbol ) {
this->template accessComponent < InputAlphabet > ( ).remove ( symbol );
* Adds transition defined by parameters to the automaton.
* @param current current state
* @param input input symbol
* @param next next state
* @throws AutomatonException when transition already exists or when transition contains state or symbol not present in the automaton
* \brief Add a transition to the automaton.
* \details The transition is in a form A times a -> B, where A, B \in Q and a \in T*
* \param current the source state (A)
* \param input the list of input symbols (a)
* \param next the target state (B)
* \throws AutomatonException when transition contains state or symbol not present in the automaton components
* \returns true if the transition was indeed added
bool addTransition ( StateType current, ext::vector < SymbolType > input, StateType next );
* Adds transition defined by parameters to the automaton.
* @param current current state
* @param input input symbol
* @param next next state
* @throws AutomatonException when transition already exists or when transition contains state or symbol not present in the automaton
* \brief Add a transitions to the automaton.
* \details The transition is in a form A times a -> P(Q), where A \in Q, a \in T*, P(Q) is a powerset of states.
* \param current the source state (A)
* \param input the list of input symbols (a)
* \param next the target states (P(Q))
* \throws AutomatonException when transitions contain states or symbols not present in the automaton components
void addTransitions ( StateType current, ext::vector < SymbolType > input, ext::set < StateType > next );
* Removes transition from the automaton.
* @param transition transition to remove
* @throws AutomatonException when transition doesn't exists.
* \brief Removes a transition from the automaton.
* \details The transition is in a form A times a -> B, where A, B \in Q and a \in T*
* \param current the source state (A)
* \param input the list of input symbols (a)
* \param next the target state (B)
* \returns true if the transition was indeed removed
bool removeTransition ( const StateType & current, const ext::vector < SymbolType > & input, const StateType & next );
* @return automaton transitions
* Get the transition function of the automaton in its natural form.
* \returns transition function of the automaton
const ext::map < ext::pair < StateType, ext::vector < SymbolType > >, ext::set < StateType > > & getTransitions ( ) const;
* @return automaton transitions from state
* Get a subset of the transition function of the automaton, with the source state fixed in the transitions natural representation.
* \param from filter the transition function based on this state as a source state
* \returns a subset of the transition function of the automaton with the source state fixed
ext::map < ext::pair < StateType, ext::vector < SymbolType > >, ext::set < StateType > > getTransitionsFromState ( const StateType & from ) const;
* @return automaton transitions to state
* Get a subset of the transition function of the automaton, with the target state fixed in the transitions natural representation.
* \param to filter the transition function based on this state as a source state
* \returns a subset of the transition function of the automaton with the target state fixed
ext::map < ext::pair < StateType, ext::vector < SymbolType > >, ext::set < StateType > > getTransitionsToState ( const StateType & from ) const;
virtual int compare ( const ObjectBase & other ) const {
* @copydoc alib::CommonBase<ObjectBase>::compare ( const ObjectBase & )
virtual int compare ( const ObjectBase & other ) const override {
if ( ext::type_index ( typeid ( * this ) ) == ext::type_index ( typeid ( other ) ) ) return this->compare ( ( decltype ( * this ) )other );
return ext::type_index ( typeid ( * this ) ) - ext::type_index ( typeid ( other ) );
virtual int compare ( const CompactNFA & other ) const;
* The actual compare method
* \param other the other instance
* \returns the actual relation between two by type same automata instances
int compare ( const CompactNFA & other ) const;
virtual void operator >>( std::ostream & os ) const;
* @copydoc alib::CommonBase<ObjectBase>::operator >> ( std::ostream & )
virtual void operator >>( std::ostream & os ) const override;
virtual explicit operator std::string ( ) const;
* @copydoc alib::CommonBase<ObjectBase>::operator std::string ( )
virtual explicit operator std::string ( ) const override;
* \brief The XML tag name of class.
* \details Intentionaly a static member function to be safe in the initialisation before the main function starts.
* \returns string representing the XML tag name of the class
static const std::string & getXmlTagName() {
static std::string xmlTagName = "CompactNFA";
return xmlTagName;
* Parsing from a sequence of xml tokens helper.
* \params input the iterator to sequence of xml tokens to parse from
* \returns the new instance of the automaton
static CompactNFA parse ( ext::deque < sax::Token >::iterator & input );
* Helper for parsing of individual transitions of the automaton from a sequence of xml tokens.
* \params input the iterator to sequence of xml tokens to parse from
* \params automaton the automaton to add the rule to
static void parseTransition ( ext::deque < sax::Token >::iterator & input, CompactNFA & automaton );
void compose ( ext::deque < sax::Token > & out ) const;
* Composing to a sequence of xml tokens helper.
* \param out the sink for new xml tokens representing the automaton
virtual void compose ( ext::deque < sax::Token > & out ) const override;
* Helper for composing transitions of the automaton to a sequence of xml tokens.
* \param out the sink for xml tokens representing the rules of the automaton
void composeTransitions ( ext::deque < sax::Token > & out ) const;
virtual alib::ObjectBase * inc ( ) &&;
* @copydoc alib::GrammarBase::inc()
virtual alib::ObjectBase * inc ( ) && override;
* Type of normalized automaton.
typedef CompactNFA < > normalized_type;
virtual AutomatonBase * normalize ( ) && {
* Helper for normalisation of types specified by templates used as internal datatypes of symbols and states.
* \returns new instance of the automaton with default template parameters or unmodified instance if the template parameters were already the default ones
virtual AutomatonBase * normalize ( ) && override {
if ( typeid ( CompactNFA < > ) == typeid ( CompactNFA < SymbolType, StateType > ) )
return this;
......@@ -454,9 +703,23 @@ alib::ObjectBase* CompactNFA < SymbolType, StateType >::inc() && {
namespace alib {
* Helper class specifying constraints for the automaton's internal input alphabet component.
* \tparam SymbolType used for the terminal alphabet of the automaton.
* \tparam StateType used for the terminal alphabet of the automaton.
template < class SymbolType, class StateType >
class ComponentConstraint< automaton::CompactNFA < SymbolType, StateType >, SymbolType, automaton::InputAlphabet > {
* Returns true if the symbol is still used in some transition of the automaton.
* \param automaton the tested automaton
* \param symbol the tested symbol
* \returns true if the symbol is used, false othervise
static bool used ( const automaton::CompactNFA < SymbolType, StateType > & automaton, const SymbolType & symbol ) {
for ( const std::pair < const ext::pair < StateType, ext::vector < SymbolType > >, ext::set < StateType > > & transition : automaton.getTransitions ( ) ) {
ext::set < SymbolType > alphabet ( transition.first.second.begin ( ), transition.first.second.end ( ) );
......@@ -467,17 +730,45 @@ public:
return false;
* Returns true as all symbols are possibly available to be elements of the input alphabet.
* \param automaton the tested automaton
* \param state the tested state
* \returns true
static bool available ( const automaton::CompactNFA < SymbolType, StateType > &, const SymbolType & ) {
return true;
* All symbols are valid as input symbols.
* \param automaton the tested automaton
* \param state the tested state
static void valid ( const automaton::CompactNFA < SymbolType, StateType > &, const SymbolType & ) {
* Helper class specifying constraints for the automaton's internal states component.
* \tparam SymbolType used for the terminal alphabet of the automaton.
* \tparam StateType used for the terminal alphabet of the automaton.
template < class SymbolType, class StateType >
class ComponentConstraint< automaton::CompactNFA < SymbolType, StateType >, StateType, automaton::States > {
* Returns true if the state is still used in some transition of the automaton.
* \param automaton the tested automaton
* \param state the tested state
* \returns true if the state is used, false othervise
static bool used ( const automaton::CompactNFA < SymbolType, StateType > & automaton, const StateType & state ) {
if ( automaton.getInitialState ( ) == state )
return true;
......@@ -492,36 +783,98 @@ public:
return false;
* Returns true as all states are possibly available to be elements of the states.
* \param automaton the tested automaton
* \param state the tested state
* \returns true
static bool available ( const automaton::CompactNFA < SymbolType, StateType > &, const StateType & ) {
return true;
* All states are valid as a state of the automaton.
* \param automaton the tested automaton
* \param state the tested state
static void valid ( const automaton::CompactNFA < SymbolType, StateType > &, const StateType & ) {
* Helper class specifying constraints for the automaton's internal final states component.
* \tparam SymbolType used for the terminal alphabet of the automaton.
* \tparam StateType used for the terminal alphabet of the automaton.
template < class SymbolType, class StateType >
class ComponentConstraint< automaton::CompactNFA < SymbolType, StateType >, StateType, automaton::FinalStates > {
* Returns true if the state is still used in some transition of the automaton.
* \param automaton the tested automaton
* \param state the tested state
* \returns true if the state is used, false othervise
static bool used ( const automaton::CompactNFA < SymbolType, StateType > &, const StateType & ) {
return false;
* Determines whether the state is available in the automaton's states set.
* \param automaton the tested automaton
* \param state the tested state
* \returns true if the state is already in the set of states of the automaton
static bool available ( const automaton::CompactNFA < SymbolType, StateType > & automaton, const StateType & state ) {
return automaton.template accessComponent < automaton::States > ( ).get ( ).count ( state );
* All states are valid as a final state of the automaton.
* \param automaton the tested automaton
* \param state the tested state
static void valid ( const automaton::CompactNFA < SymbolType, StateType > &, const StateType & ) {
* Helper class specifying constraints for the automaton's internal initial state element.
* \tparam SymbolType used for the terminal alphabet of the automaton.
* \tparam StateType used for the terminal alphabet of the automaton.
template < class SymbolType, class StateType >
class ElementConstraint< automaton::CompactNFA < SymbolType, StateType >, StateType, automaton::InitialState > {
* Determines whether the state is available in the automaton's states set.
* \param automaton the tested automaton
* \param state the tested state
* \returns true if the state is already in the set of states of the automaton
static bool available ( const automaton::CompactNFA < SymbolType, StateType > & automaton, const StateType & state ) {
return automaton.template accessComponent < automaton::States > ( ).get ( ).count ( state );
* All states are valid as an initial state of the automaton.
* \param automaton the tested automaton
* \param state the tested state
static void valid ( const automaton::CompactNFA < SymbolType, StateType > &, const StateType & ) {
......@@ -75,14 +75,14 @@ class DFA final : public AutomatonBase, public alib::Components < DFA < SymbolTy
* \brief Creates a new instance of Deterministic finite automaton with a concrete initial state.
* \brief Creates a new instance of the automaton with a concrete initial state.
* \param initialState the initial state of the automaton
explicit DFA ( StateType initialState );
* \brief Creates a new instance of Deterministic finite automaton with a concrete set of states, input alphabet, initial state, and a set of final states.
* \brief Creates a new instance of the automaton with a concrete set of states, input alphabet, initial state, and a set of final states.
* \param states the initial set of states of the automaton
* \param inputAlphabet the initial input alphabet
......@@ -304,9 +304,9 @@ public:
ext::map < ext::pair < StateType, SymbolType >, StateType > getTransitionsToState ( const StateType & to ) const;
* \brief Determines whether Deterministic finite automaton is total
* \brief Determines whether the automaton is total
* Deterministic finite automaton is total if and only if:
* The automaton is total if and only if:
* \li \c size of transition function \forall states \times input symbols = 1
* \return true if the automaton is total, false otherwise
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -69,14 +69,14 @@ class NFA final : public AutomatonBase, public alib::Components < NFA < SymbolTy
* \brief Creates a new instance of Nondeterministic finite automaton with a concrete initial state.
* \brief Creates a new instance of the automaton with a concrete initial state.
* \param initialState the initial state of the automaton
explicit NFA ( StateType initialState );
* \brief Creates a new instance of Nondeterministic finite automaton with a concrete set of states, input alphabet, initial state, and a set of final states.
* \brief Creates a new instance of the automaton with a concrete set of states, input alphabet, initial state, and a set of final states.
* \param states the initial set of states of the automaton
* \param inputAlphabet the initial input alphabet
......@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ public:
explicit NFA ( ext::set < StateType > states, ext::set < SymbolType > inputAlphabet, StateType initialState, ext::set < StateType > finalStates );
* \brief Creates a new instance of Nondeterministic finite automaton based on the Deterministic finite automaton.
* \brief Creates a new instance of the automaton based on the Deterministic finite automaton.
* \param other the Deterministic finite automaton
......@@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ public:
const ext::map < ext::pair < StateType, SymbolType >, ext::set < StateType > > & getTransitions ( ) const;
* Get a subset of the transition function of the automaton, with the source state fixed as a view to the internal representation.
* Get a subset of the transition function of the automaton, with the source state fixed in the transitions natural representation.
* \param from filter the transition function based on this state as a source state
......@@ -318,23 +318,23 @@ public:
ext::map < ext::pair < StateType, SymbolType >, ext::set < StateType > > getTransitionsToState ( const StateType & from ) const;
* \brief Determines whether Nonterministic finite automaton is deterministic.
* \brief Determines whether the automaton is deterministic.
* Nonodeterministic finite automaton is deterministic if and only if:
* the automaton is deterministic if and only if:
* \li \c size of transition function \delta (from state, input symbol) \leq 1
* @return true if the automaton is deterministic, false otherwise
* \return true if the automaton is deterministic, false otherwise
bool isDeterministic ( ) const;
* \brief Determines whether Nondeterministic finite automaton is total deterministic
* \brief Determines whether the automaton is total deterministic
* Nondeterministic finite automaton is deterministic if and only if:
* The automaton is deterministic if and only if:
* \li \c it is deterministic
* \li \c size of transition function \forall states and \forall input symbols \delta (from state, input symbol) = 1
* @return true if the automaton is total deterministic, false otherwise
* \return true if the automaton is total deterministic, false otherwise
bool isTotal ( ) const;
......@@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ public:
* @copydoc alib::CommonBase<ObjectBase>::compare ( const ObjectBase & )
int compare ( const ObjectBase & other ) const override {
virtual int compare ( const ObjectBase & other ) const override {
if ( ext::type_index ( typeid ( * this ) ) == ext::type_index ( typeid ( other ) ) ) return this->compare ( ( decltype ( * this ) )other );
return ext::type_index ( typeid ( * this ) ) - ext::type_index ( typeid ( other ) );
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