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Commit a713f488 authored by Jan Trávníček's avatar Jan Trávníček
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implement Automaton run

parent b273d647
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CCFLAGS= -std=c++11 -O2 -g -c -Wall -I../alib/src -I/usr/include/libxml2/
LDFLAGS= -L../alib/lib -lxml2 -lalib -Wl,-rpath,.
SOURCES=$(shell find src/ -name *cpp)
OBJECTS=$(patsubst src/%.cpp, obj/%.o, $(SOURCES))
mkdir -p bin
$(CC) $(OBJECTS) -o $@ $(LDFLAGS)
obj/%.o: src/%.cpp
mkdir -p $(dir $@)
$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $< -o $@
$(RM) -r *.o *.d bin obj
* NFARun.cpp
* Created on: 14. 2. 2014
* Author: tomas
#include "NFARun.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace alib;
using namespace automaton;
using namespace std;
NFARun::NFARun( const FSM & fsm ) : m_fsm( fsm )
bool NFARun::simulate( const list<Symbol> & string ) const
if( ! checkAlphabet( string ) )
throw AlibException( "String alphabet does not match automaton alphabet." );
for( const auto & state : m_fsm.getInitialStates( ) )
if( configuration( state, string ) )
return true;
return false;
bool NFARun::checkAlphabet( const list<Symbol> & string ) const
const auto & alphabet = m_fsm.getInputAlphabet( );
for( const auto & symbol : string )
if( alphabet.find( symbol ) == alphabet.end( ) )
return false;
return true;
bool NFARun::configuration( const State & state, const list<Symbol> & string ) const
if( string.empty( ) )
return m_fsm.getFinalStates( ).find( state ) != m_fsm.getFinalStates( ).end( );
const Symbol & inputSymbol = string.front( );
list<Symbol> newString = string;
newString.pop_front( );
for( const auto & transition : m_fsm.getTransitionsFromState( state ) )
if( transition.getInput( ) == inputSymbol && configuration( transition.getTo( ), newString ) )
return true;
return false;
State NFARun::createUniqueState( const string & desiredName ) const
//TODO: No need for this method after utils from aconversions project is merged into alib
State s( desiredName );
if( m_fsm.getStates( ).find( s ) == m_fsm.getStates( ).end( ) )
return s;
int i = 0;
while( true )
State s( desiredName + to_string( i ++ ) );
// state not present in totalFSM
if( m_fsm.getStates( ).find( s ) == m_fsm.getStates( ).end( ) )
return s;
throw AlibException( "WordAcceptance - Unable to create trash state" );
* NFARun.h
* Created on: 14. 2. 2014
* Author: tomas
#ifndef NFARUN_H_
#define NFARUN_H_
#include <automaton/FSM/FSM.h>
#include <alphabet/Symbol.h>
#include <AlibException.h>
#include <climits>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <stdexcept>
* @brief Simulates NFA run
class NFARun
NFARun( const automaton::FSM & fsm );
* Simulates run of FSM with input word
* @param word Input word
* @return bool boolean value whether word was accepted
bool simulate( const std::list<alphabet::Symbol> & string ) const;
* Create unique state in automaton. If state with desired name is
* already present, tries to create state with same name and integer suffix
* @param desiredName desired name of state
* @return new unique state
* @throws AutomatonException if was unable to create unique state (counter
* reached INT_MAX)
automaton::State createUniqueState( const std::string & desiredName ) const;
* @return true if all symbols are in the automata's input alphabet
bool checkAlphabet( const std::list<alphabet::Symbol> & string ) const;
* Puts automaton into configuration Q x T* and checks if
* @param state state of automata
* @param string unreaded substring
* @return true if in configuration ( q, \eps ), q is accepting state
bool configuration( const automaton::State & state, const std::list<alphabet::Symbol> & string ) const;
automaton::FSM m_fsm;
#endif /* NFARUN_H_ */
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <list>
#include <AlibException.h>
#include <automaton/AutomatonParser.h>
#include <automaton/UnknownAutomaton.h>
#include <AutomatonFactory.h>
#include <sax/SaxInterface.h>
#include "NFARun.h"
using namespace alib;
using namespace automaton;
using namespace alphabet;
using namespace std;
using namespace sax;
* Usage:
* aacept.fsm "a" "b" "cc" < fsm.xml (accepts FSM.xml word <a><b><cc> ?)
int main(int argc, char** argv)
list<Token> tokens;
string input(istreambuf_iterator<char>(cin), (istreambuf_iterator<char>()));
SaxInterface::parseMemory(input, tokens);
UnknownAutomaton unknownAutomaton = AutomatonParser::parse(tokens);
FSM fsm = AutomatonFactory::buildFSM( unknownAutomaton );
NFARun nfa( fsm );
list<Symbol> word;
for( int i = 1; i < argc ; i++ )
word.push_back( Symbol ( argv[ i ] ) );
if( nfa.simulate( word ) )
cout << "Automaton accepted word." << endl;
return 0;
cout << "Automaton did not accept word" << endl;
return 1;
catch( AlibException & e )
cout << e.what() << endl;
return 255;
return 0;
define NEW_LINE
export NEW_LINE
LDFLAGS_DEBUG:=-L../alib2data/lib-debug -L../alib2algo/lib-debug -rdynamic -lxml2 -lalib2data -lalib2algo -Wl,-rpath,.
LDFLAGS_RELEASE:=-L../alib2data/lib-release -L../alib2algo/lib-release -rdynamic -lxml2 -lalib2data -lalib2algo -Wl,-rpath,.
OBJECTS_DEBUG:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp, obj-debug/%.o, $(shell find src/ -name *cpp))
OBJECTS_RELEASE:=$(patsubst src/%.cpp, obj-release/%.o, $(shell find src/ -name *cpp))
.PHONY: all build-debug clean-debug doc
@echo "What to do master?"
obj%/makefile: makefile
mkdir -p $(dir $@)
echo "\
define NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
export NEW_LINE$${NEW_LINE}\
CXXFLAGS:= -std=c++11 \$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS) -c -Wall -pedantic -Wextra -fPIC -I/usr/include/libxml2/ -I../../\$$(DEPTH)alib2data/src/ -I../../\$$(DEPTH)alib2algo/src/$${NEW_LINE}\
SOURCES:= \$$(shell find ../\$$(DEPTH)\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -type f -name \"*.cpp\")$${NEW_LINE}\
DEPENDENCIES:= \$$(patsubst ../\$$(DEPTH)\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, ../\$$(DEPTH)\$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d, \$$(SOURCES))$${NEW_LINE}\
OBJECTS:= \$$(patsubst %.d, %.o, \$$(DEPENDENCIES))$${NEW_LINE}\
SOURCES_DIRS:= \$$(shell find ../\$$(DEPTH)\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR) -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d)$${NEW_LINE}\
OBJECTS_DIRS:= \$$(patsubst ../\$$(DEPTH)\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%, %/, \$$(SOURCES_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
OBJECTS_DIRS_MAKEFILES:= \$$(patsubst %, %makefile, \$$(OBJECTS_DIRS))$${NEW_LINE}\
.PHONY: all$${NEW_LINE}\
%.d: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
@echo \"\\$${NEW_LINE}\
\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/ -//g\") = \\$$\$$(shell (\\$$\$$(CXX) -MM \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \$$(patsubst ../\$$(DEPTH)\$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,../\$$(DEPTH)\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) 2>/dev/null || echo \\\"\$$(patsubst ../\$$(DEPTH)\$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.d,../\$$(DEPTH)\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR)/\$$(SRCDIR)%.cpp, \$$@) FORCE\\\") | sed \\\"s/.*://g;s/\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\//g\\\")\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
\$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@): \\$$\$$(\$$(shell sha1sum <<< \"\$$@\" | sed \"s/ -//g\")) makefile\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
\\$$\$$(CXX) \\$$\$$(CXXFLAGS) \\$$\$$< -o \$$(patsubst %.d,%.o, \$$@)\$$\$${NEW_LINE}\\$${NEW_LINE}\
\" > \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
%/makefile: makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
mkdir -p \$$(dir \$$@)$${NEW_LINE}\
cp makefile \$$@$${NEW_LINE}\
%/: FORCE | %/makefile$${NEW_LINE}\
@accesstime=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
\$$(MAKE) -C \$$@ SRCDIR=\$$(SRCDIR)\$$(notdir \$$(patsubst %/, %, \$$@))/ DEPTH=\$$(DEPTH)../ OBJECTS_BASE_DIR=\$$(OBJECTS_BASE_DIR) SOURCES_BASE_DIR=\$$(SOURCES_BASE_DIR) CXX_OTHER_FLAGS=\"\$$(CXX_OTHER_FLAGS)\" && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
accesstime2=\`stat -c %Y \$$@\` && \\$${NEW_LINE}\
if [ "\$$\$$accesstime" -ne "\$$\$$accesstime2" ]; then \\$${NEW_LINE}\
touch .; \\$${NEW_LINE}\
-include \$$(DEPENDENCIES)" > $@
debug: build-debug
release: build-release
clean: clean-debug clean-release
$(RM) -r doc
bin-debug/$(EXECUTABLE): obj-debug/ $(OBJECTS_DEBUG)
mkdir -p $(dir $@)
bin-release/$(EXECUTABLE): obj-release/ $(OBJECTS_RELEASE)
mkdir -p $(dir $@)
obj-debug/: FORCE | obj-debug/makefile
obj-release/: FORCE | obj-release/makefile
$(OBJECTS_DEBUG): obj-debug/
$(OBJECTS_RELEASE): obj-release/
build-debug: bin-debug/$(EXECUTABLE)
build-release: bin-release/$(EXECUTABLE)
$(RM) -r *.o *.d bin-debug obj-debug
$(RM) -r *.o *.d bin-release obj-release
// Name : aminimize.cpp
// Author : Jan Travnicek
#include <iostream>
#include <exception/AlibException.h>
#include <factory/DataFactory.hpp>
#include "automaton/accept/Accept.h"
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
try {
if (argc == 2 && std::string("-h").compare(argv[1]) == 0) {
std::cout << "Automaton run." << std::endl << "Usage: aaccept string.xml < automaton.xml" << std::endl;
return -1;
} else if (argc == 2) {
automaton::Automaton automaton = alib::DataFactory::fromStdin<automaton::Automaton>();
string::LinearString string = alib::DataFactory::fromFile<string::LinearString>(argv[1]);
if(automaton::accept::Accept::accept(automaton, string)) {
std::cout << "Accept" << std::endl;
return 0;
} else {
std::cout << "Reject" << std::endl;
return 1;
} else {
std::cout << "Automaton accept require automaton on stdin and string as argument" << std::endl;
return 2;
return 0;
} catch (const exception::AlibException& exception) {
return 2;
} catch(...) {
return 127;
* AcceptLeftRG.h
* Created on: 9. 2. 2014
* Author: Jan Travnicek
#include "Accept.h"
#include <exception/AlibException.h>
#include <automaton/FSM/DFA.h>
#include <automaton/FSM/NFA.h>
#include <automaton/PDA/DPDA.h>
#include <deque>
namespace automaton {
namespace accept {
bool Accept::accept(const automaton::Automaton& automaton, const string::LinearString& string) {
std::pair<const string::LinearString*, bool> data(&string, false);
automaton.getData().Accept((void*) &data, Accept::ACCEPT);
return data.second;
bool Accept::accept(const automaton::DFA& automaton, const string::LinearString& string) {
automaton::State state = automaton.getInitialState();
for(const alphabet::Symbol& symbol : string.getContent()) {
auto transitions = automaton.getTransitionsFromState(state);
auto next = transitions.find(std::make_pair(state, symbol));
if(next == transitions.end()) return false;
state = next->second;
return automaton.getFinalStates().count(state);
bool recursiveAccept(const automaton::NFA& automaton, const automaton::State& state, const string::LinearString& string) {
if( string.getContent().empty( ) )
return automaton.getFinalStates().count( state );
const alphabet::Symbol & inputSymbol = string.getContent().front( );
string::LinearString newString(std::vector<alphabet::Symbol>{ string.getContent().begin() + 1, string.getContent().end()});
for( const auto & transition : automaton.getTransitionsFromState( state ) )
for(const auto& to : transition.second)
if( transition.first.second == inputSymbol && recursiveAccept( automaton, to, newString ) )
return true;
return false;
bool Accept::accept( const automaton::NFA& automaton, const string::LinearString & string ) {
return recursiveAccept(automaton, automaton.getInitialState(), string);
bool Accept::accept(const automaton::DPDA& automaton, const string::LinearString& string) {
automaton::State state = automaton.getInitialState();
std::deque<alphabet::Symbol> pushdownStore;
for(const alphabet::Symbol& symbol : string.getContent()) {
auto transitions = automaton.getTransitionsFromState(state);
auto transition = transitions.begin();
int pushdownStoreSize = pushdownStore.size();
for(auto transition = transitions.begin(); transition != transitions.end(); transition++) {
if(std::get<1>(transition->first) != symbol) continue;
const std::vector<alphabet::Symbol> & pop = std::get<2>(transition->first);
int popSize = pop.size();
if(pushdownStoreSize < popSize) continue;
bool sign = true;
for(int i = 1; i <= popSize; i++) {
if(pop[popSize - i] != pushdownStore[pushdownStoreSize - i]) {
sign = false;
if(!sign) continue;
if(transition == transitions.end()) return false;
for(auto pop : std::get<2>(transition->first)) pushdownStore.pop_back();
state = transition->second.first;
for(const alphabet::Symbol& push : transition->second.second) pushdownStore.push_back(push);
if(automaton.getFinalStates().empty()) {
return pushdownStore.empty();
} else {
return automaton.getFinalStates().count(state);
void Accept::Visit(void*, const automaton::EpsilonNFA& ) const {
throw exception::AlibException("Unsupported automaton type EpsilonNFA");
void Accept::Visit(void*, const automaton::MultiInitialStateNFA& ) const {
throw exception::AlibException("Unsupported automaton type MultiInitialStateNFA");
void Accept::Visit(void* data, const automaton::NFA& automaton) const {
std::pair<const string::LinearString*, bool> & res = *((std::pair<const string::LinearString*, bool>*) data);
res.second = this->accept(automaton, *res.first);
void Accept::Visit(void* data, const automaton::DFA& automaton) const {
std::pair<const string::LinearString*, bool> & res = *((std::pair<const string::LinearString*, bool>*) data);
res.second = this->accept(automaton, *res.first);
void Accept::Visit(void*, const automaton::ExtendedNFA& ) const {
throw exception::AlibException("Unsupported automaton type ExtendedNFA");
void Accept::Visit(void*, const automaton::CompactNFA& ) const {
throw exception::AlibException("Unsupported automaton type CompactNFA");
void Accept::Visit(void* data, const DPDA& automaton) const {
std::pair<const string::LinearString*, bool> & res = *((std::pair<const string::LinearString*, bool>*) data);
res.second = this->accept(automaton, *res.first);
void Accept::Visit(void*, const SinglePopDPDA&) const {
throw exception::AlibException("Unsupported automaton type SinglePopDPDA");
void Accept::Visit(void*, const InputDrivenNPDA&) const {
throw exception::AlibException("Unsupported automaton type InputDrivenNPDA");
void Accept::Visit(void*, const VisiblyPushdownDPDA&) const {
throw exception::AlibException("Unsupported automaton type VisiblyPushdownDPDA");
void Accept::Visit(void*, const VisiblyPushdownNPDA&) const {
throw exception::AlibException("Unsupported automaton type VisiblyPushdownNPDA");
void Accept::Visit(void*, const RealTimeHeightDeterministicDPDA&) const {
throw exception::AlibException("Unsupported automaton type RealTimeHeightDeterministicDPDA");
void Accept::Visit(void*, const RealTimeHeightDeterministicNPDA&) const {
throw exception::AlibException("Unsupported automaton type RealTimeHeightDeterministicNPDA");
void Accept::Visit(void*, const NPDA&) const {
throw exception::AlibException("Unsupported automaton type NPDA");
void Accept::Visit(void*, const SinglePopNPDA&) const {
throw exception::AlibException("Unsupported automaton type SinglePopNPDA");
void Accept::Visit(void*, const OneTapeDTM&) const {
throw exception::AlibException("Unsupported automaton type OneTapeDTM");
const Accept Accept::ACCEPT;
} /* namespace accept */
} /* namespace automaton */
* Accept.h
* Created on: 9. 2. 2014
* Author: Jan Travnicek
#include <automaton/Automaton.h>
#include <string/LinearString.h>
namespace automaton {
namespace accept {
class Accept : public automaton::VisitableAutomatonBase::const_visitor_type {
* Performs conversion.
* @return left regular grammar equivalent to source automaton.
static bool accept(const automaton::Automaton& automaton, const string::LinearString& string);
static bool accept(const automaton::DFA& automaton, const string::LinearString& string);
static bool accept(const automaton::NFA& automaton, const string::LinearString& string);
static bool accept(const automaton::DPDA& automaton, const string::LinearString& string);
void Visit(void*, const EpsilonNFA& automaton) const;
void Visit(void*, const MultiInitialStateNFA& automaton) const;
void Visit(void*, const NFA& automaton) const;
void Visit(void*, const DFA& automaton) const;
void Visit(void*, const ExtendedNFA& automaton) const;
void Visit(void*, const CompactNFA& automaton) const;
void Visit(void*, const DPDA& automaton) const;
void Visit(void*, const SinglePopDPDA& automaton) const;
void Visit(void*, const InputDrivenNPDA& automaton) const;
void Visit(void*, const VisiblyPushdownDPDA& automaton) const;
void Visit(void*, const VisiblyPushdownNPDA& automaton) const;
void Visit(void*, const RealTimeHeightDeterministicDPDA& automaton) const;
void Visit(void*, const RealTimeHeightDeterministicNPDA& automaton) const;
void Visit(void*, const NPDA& automaton) const;
void Visit(void*, const SinglePopNPDA& automaton) const;
void Visit(void*, const OneTapeDTM& automaton) const;
static const Accept ACCEPT;
} /* namespace accept */
} /* namespace automaton */
#endif /* _AUTOMATON_ACCEPT_H__ */
...@@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ BINFOLDER = bin ...@@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ BINFOLDER = bin
CORE_LIB = alib2data CORE_LIB = alib2data
SUBDIRS_LIBS = alib2algo SUBDIRS_LIBS = alib2algo
SUBDIRS_BINS = acat2 \ SUBDIRS_BINS = aaccept2 \
acat2 \
aconversions2 \ aconversions2 \
aconvert2 \ aconvert2 \
aderivation2 \ aderivation2 \
0% Loading or .
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