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Commit cc4946e5 authored by Jan Trávníček's avatar Jan Trávníček
Browse files

add some regexp optimize tests

parent 2ef3d26c
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......@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ bool RegExpOptimize::A4( UnboundedRegExpAlternation & node ) {
auto cmp = [ ]( const std::smart_ptr < UnboundedRegExpElement > & a, const std::smart_ptr < UnboundedRegExpElement > & b ) -> bool { return *a == *b; };
size_t size = node.getChildren ( ).size ( );
std::unique ( node.getChildren ( ).begin ( ), node.getChildren ( ).end ( ), cmp);
node.getChildren ( ).erase ( std::unique ( node.getChildren ( ).begin ( ), node.getChildren ( ).end ( ), cmp), node.getChildren ( ).end( ) );
return size != node.getChildren ( ).size ( );
......@@ -556,31 +556,27 @@ bool RegExpOptimize::V4( UnboundedRegExpIteration & node ) {
* @param node UnboundedRegExpAlternation node
* @return bool true if optimization applied else false
bool RegExpOptimize::V5( UnboundedRegExpAlternation & /* node */ ) {
/* bool optimized = false; */
bool RegExpOptimize::V5( UnboundedRegExpAlternation & node ) {
bool optimized = false;
// reinterpretation: ax*y = ay+ax*xy
// so, if we find iter, a = everything that is before it (prefix)
// x = iter's content
// behind iter must be exactly iter's content
// y = rest (suffix)
// so, if we find iter,
// a = everything that is before it (prefix)
// x = iter's content behind iter must be exactly iter's content
// y = rest (suffix)
// prefix.x*x.suffix + prefix.suffix = prefix.x*.suffix
/* for( auto itA = node->elements.begin( ); itA != node->elements.end( ); )
for( auto itA = node.getChildren().begin( ); itA != node.getChildren().end( ); ) {
UnboundedRegExpConcatenation * concat = dynamic_cast<UnboundedRegExpConcatenation*>( itA->get() );
if( ! concat )
itA ++;
if( ! concat ) {
++ itA;
for( auto itC = concat->elements.begin( ); itC != std::prev( concat->elements.end( ) ); )
for( auto itC = concat->getChildren().begin( ); itC != std::prev( concat->getChildren().end( ) ); ) {
UnboundedRegExpIteration * iter = dynamic_cast<UnboundedRegExpIteration*>( itC->get() );
if( ! iter )
itC ++;
if( ! iter ) {
++ itC;
......@@ -588,32 +584,19 @@ bool RegExpOptimize::V5( UnboundedRegExpAlternation & /* node */ ) {
auto itStartY = std::next( itC ); //itStartY points to y in expression x*xy
// if iter's element is concat
if( dynamic_cast<UnboundedRegExpConcatenation*>( iter->element.get() ) )
UnboundedRegExpConcatenation * iterConcat = dynamic_cast<UnboundedRegExpConcatenation*>( iter->element.get() );
// std::cout << "....." << std::endl;
// std::cout << RegExp( concat ) << std::endl;
// std::cout << RegExp( iterConcat ) << std::endl;
// UnboundedRegExpConcatenation * tmp = new UnboundedRegExpConcatenation( );
// tmp->elements.insert( tmp->elements.end( ), std::next( itC ), concat->elements.end( ) );
// std::cout << RegExp( tmp) << std::endl;
if( distance( iterConcat->elements.begin( ), iterConcat->elements.end( ) ) != distance( std::next( itC ), concat->elements.end( ) )
|| ! equal( iterConcat->elements.begin( ), iterConcat->elements.end( ), std::next( itC ),
[ ]( const std::smart_ptr < UnboundedRegExpElement > & a, const std::smart_ptr < UnboundedRegExpElement > & b ) -> bool{ return *a == *b; } ) )
if( dynamic_cast<UnboundedRegExpConcatenation*>( iter->getChild().get() ) ) {
UnboundedRegExpConcatenation * iterConcat = dynamic_cast<UnboundedRegExpConcatenation*>( iter->getChild().get() );
if( iterConcat->getChildren().size( ) != ( unsigned ) distance( std::next( itC ), concat->getChildren().end( ) )
|| ! equal( iterConcat->getChildren().begin( ), iterConcat->getChildren().end( ), std::next( itC ),
[ ]( const std::smart_ptr < UnboundedRegExpElement > & a, const std::smart_ptr < UnboundedRegExpElement > & b ) -> bool{ return *a == *b; } ) ) {
advance( itStartY, (int)iterConcat->elements.size( ) );
// else
if( * iter->element != ** std::next( itC ) )
itC ++;
advance( itStartY, (int)iterConcat->getChildren().size( ) );
} else {
if( * iter->getChild() != ** std::next( itC ) ) {
++ itC;
......@@ -622,86 +605,60 @@ bool RegExpOptimize::V5( UnboundedRegExpAlternation & /* node */ ) {
// store everything before iteration as "a"
UnboundedRegExpElement * regexpA;
if( concat->elements.begin( ) == itC )
if( concat->getChildren().begin( ) == itC ) {
regexpA = new UnboundedRegExpEpsilon( );
UnboundedRegExpConcatenation * tmpA = new UnboundedRegExpConcatenation( );
tmpA->elements.insert( tmpA->elements.end( ), concat->elements.begin( ), itC );
regexpA = optimize( tmpA );
tmpA->elements.clear( );
delete tmpA;
} else {
UnboundedRegExpConcatenation tmpA;
tmpA.insert( tmpA.getChildren().end( ), concat->getChildren().begin( ), itC );
regexpA = optimizeInner( tmpA );
// store everything behind iteration's followup element as "y"
UnboundedRegExpElement * regexpY;
if( itStartY == concat->elements.end( ) )
if( itStartY == concat->getChildren().end( ) ) {
regexpY = new UnboundedRegExpEpsilon( );
UnboundedRegExpConcatenation* tmpY = new UnboundedRegExpConcatenation( );
tmpY->elements.insert( tmpY->elements.end( ), itStartY, concat->elements.end( ) );
regexpY = optimize( tmpY );
tmpY->elements.clear( );
delete tmpY;
} else {
UnboundedRegExpConcatenation tmpY;
tmpY.insert( tmpY.getChildren().end( ), itStartY, concat->getChildren().end( ) );
regexpY = optimizeInner( tmpY );
// concatenate "a" and "y" and see if they exist somewhere in parent alternation ( node->elements )
UnboundedRegExpConcatenation* tmpAY = new UnboundedRegExpConcatenation( );
tmpAY->elements.push_back( std::smart_ptr < UnboundedRegExpElement > ( regexpA ) );
tmpAY->elements.push_back( std::smart_ptr < UnboundedRegExpElement > ( regexpY ) );
UnboundedRegExpElement * regexpAY = optimize( tmpAY );
regexpA = tmpAY->elements[0].release();
regexpY = tmpAY->elements[1].release();
tmpAY->elements.clear( );
delete tmpAY;
auto iterAY = find_if( node->elements.begin( ), node->elements.end( ), [ regexpAY ] ( const std::smart_ptr < UnboundedRegExpElement > & a ) -> bool{ return *a == *regexpAY; } );
// concatenate "a" and "y" and see if they exist somewhere in parent alternation ( node.getChildren() )
UnboundedRegExpConcatenation tmpAY;
tmpAY.pushBackChild( std::smart_ptr < UnboundedRegExpElement > ( regexpA ) );
tmpAY.pushBackChild( std::smart_ptr < UnboundedRegExpElement > ( regexpY ) );
UnboundedRegExpElement * regexpAY = optimizeInner( tmpAY );
regexpA = tmpAY.getChildren()[0].release();
regexpY = tmpAY.getChildren()[1].release();
auto iterAY = find_if( node.getChildren().begin( ), node.getChildren().end( ), [ regexpAY ] ( const std::smart_ptr < UnboundedRegExpElement > & a ) -> bool{ return *a == *regexpAY; } );
delete regexpAY;
if( iterAY == node->elements.end( ) )
itC ++;
if( iterAY == node.getChildren().end( ) ) {
++ itC;
delete regexpA;
delete regexpY;
// if AY exists, then we can simply do this:
//iterator invalidated, need to backup concat node
UnboundedRegExpElement * tmpItA = itA->get();
node->elements.erase( iterAY );
// iterator invalidated, need to recall before erase
itA = find_if( node->elements.begin( ), node->elements.end( ), [ tmpItA ]( const std::smart_ptr < UnboundedRegExpElement > & a ) -> bool { return *a == *tmpItA; } );
UnboundedRegExpConcatenation * tmpAltered = new UnboundedRegExpConcatenation( );
tmpAltered->elements.push_back( std::smart_ptr < UnboundedRegExpElement > ( regexpA ) );
tmpAltered->elements.push_back( * itC );
tmpAltered->elements.push_back( std::smart_ptr < UnboundedRegExpElement > ( regexpY ) );
UnboundedRegExpElement * regexpAltered = optimize( tmpAltered );
tmpAltered->elements.clear( );
delete tmpAltered;
UnboundedRegExpConcatenation tmpAltered;
tmpAltered.pushBackChild( std::smart_ptr < UnboundedRegExpElement > ( regexpA ) );
tmpAltered.pushBackChild( * itC );
tmpAltered.pushBackChild( std::smart_ptr < UnboundedRegExpElement > ( regexpY ) );
UnboundedRegExpElement * regexpAltered = optimizeInner( tmpAltered );
itA = node->elements.erase( itA );
node.setChild( std::smart_ptr < UnboundedRegExpElement > ( regexpAltered ), itA );
node->elements.insert( itA, std::smart_ptr < UnboundedRegExpElement > ( regexpAltered ) );
itA = node.getChildren().erase( iterAY );
optimized = true;
itA ++;
++ itA;
return optimized; */
return false; // FIXME
return optimized;
......@@ -781,7 +738,7 @@ bool RegExpOptimize::V6( UnboundedRegExpAlternation & node ) {
regexpY = optimizeInner( tmpY );
// concatenate "a" and "y" and see if they exist somewhere in parent alternation ( node->getElements() )
// concatenate "a" and "y" and see if they exist somewhere in parent alternation ( node->getChildren() )
UnboundedRegExpConcatenation tmpAY;
tmpAY.pushBackChild( std::smart_ptr < UnboundedRegExpElement > ( regexpA ) );
tmpAY.pushBackChild( std::smart_ptr < UnboundedRegExpElement > ( regexpY ) );
......@@ -799,14 +756,6 @@ bool RegExpOptimize::V6( UnboundedRegExpAlternation & node ) {
// if AY exists, then we can simply do this:
// iterator invalidated, need to backup concat node
UnboundedRegExpElement * tmpItA = itA->get();
node.getChildren().erase( iterAY );
// iterator invalidated, need to recall before erase
itA = find_if( node.getChildren().begin( ), node.getChildren().end( ), [ tmpItA ]( const std::smart_ptr < UnboundedRegExpElement > & a ) -> bool { return *a == *tmpItA; } );
UnboundedRegExpConcatenation tmpAltered;
tmpAltered.pushBackChild( std::smart_ptr < UnboundedRegExpElement > ( regexpA ) );
tmpAltered.pushBackChild( * itC );
......@@ -814,6 +763,9 @@ bool RegExpOptimize::V6( UnboundedRegExpAlternation & node ) {
UnboundedRegExpElement * regexpAltered = optimizeInner( tmpAltered );
node.setChild( std::smart_ptr < UnboundedRegExpElement > ( regexpAltered ), itA );
itA = node.getChildren().erase( iterAY );
optimized = true;
......@@ -20,16 +20,47 @@ void RegExpOptimizeTest::tearDown() {
void RegExpOptimizeTest::testOptimize() {
std::string input = "a+a";
regexp::UnboundedRegExp regexp( static_cast<const regexp::UnboundedRegExp &>( alib::StringDataFactory::fromString<regexp::RegExp>(input).getData() ) );
regexp::UnboundedRegExp res = regexp::simplify::RegExpOptimize::optimize(regexp);
std::string inputRes = "a";
regexp::UnboundedRegExp regexpRes( static_cast<const regexp::UnboundedRegExp &>( alib::StringDataFactory::fromString<regexp::RegExp>(inputRes).getData() ) );
std::cout << res << std::endl;
std::cout << regexpRes << std::endl;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( regexpRes == res );
std::string input = "(a+a)b + (#0 b + (#0 a + (#0 b + a)))";
regexp::UnboundedRegExp regexp( static_cast<const regexp::UnboundedRegExp &>( alib::StringDataFactory::fromString<regexp::RegExp>(input).getData() ) );
regexp::UnboundedRegExp res = regexp::simplify::RegExpOptimize::optimize(regexp);
std::string inputRes = "a + ab";
regexp::UnboundedRegExp regexpRes( static_cast<const regexp::UnboundedRegExp &>( alib::StringDataFactory::fromString<regexp::RegExp>(inputRes).getData() ) );
std::cout << res << std::endl;
std::cout << regexpRes << std::endl;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( regexpRes == res );
std::string input = "a+a* (b+a)* c";
std::string input = "a z + a b* b z";
regexp::UnboundedRegExp regexp( static_cast<const regexp::UnboundedRegExp &>( alib::StringDataFactory::fromString<regexp::RegExp>(input).getData() ) );
regexp::UnboundedRegExp res = regexp::simplify::RegExpOptimize::optimize(regexp);
std::string inputRes = "a b* z";
regexp::UnboundedRegExp regexpRes( static_cast<const regexp::UnboundedRegExp &>( alib::StringDataFactory::fromString<regexp::RegExp>(inputRes).getData() ) );
std::cout << res << std::endl;
std::cout << regexpRes << std::endl;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT ( regexpRes == res );
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