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Commit e8977ccd authored by Jan Trávníček's avatar Jan Trávníček
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user documentation of regexp conversion algos

parent 9f611dd2
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with 117 additions and 34 deletions
......@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ public:
* \param regexp the regular expression
* \return finite automaotn equivalent to original regular expression.
* \return finite automaotn equivalent to original regular expression
template < class SymbolType >
static automaton::NFA < SymbolType, ext::pair < SymbolType, unsigned > > convert ( const regexp::FormalRegExp < SymbolType > & regexp );
......@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ public:
* \param regexp the regular expression
* \return finite automaotn equivalent to original regular expression.
* \return finite automaotn equivalent to original regular expression
template < class SymbolType >
static automaton::NFA < SymbolType, ext::pair < SymbolType, unsigned > > convert ( const regexp::UnboundedRegExp < SymbolType > & regexp );
......@@ -12,8 +12,17 @@ namespace regexp {
namespace convert {
auto ToAutomatonDerivationFormalRegExp = registration::AbstractRegister < ToAutomatonDerivation, automaton::DFA < DefaultSymbolType, unsigned >, const regexp::FormalRegExp < > & > ( ToAutomatonDerivation::convert );
auto ToAutomatonDerivationUnboundedRegExp = registration::AbstractRegister < ToAutomatonDerivation, automaton::DFA < DefaultSymbolType, unsigned >, const regexp::UnboundedRegExp < > & > ( ToAutomatonDerivation::convert );
auto ToAutomatonDerivationFormalRegExp = registration::AbstractRegister < ToAutomatonDerivation, automaton::DFA < DefaultSymbolType, unsigned >, const regexp::FormalRegExp < > & > ( ToAutomatonDerivation::convert ).setDocumentation (
"Implements conversion of regular expressions to finite automata usign Brzozowski's derivation algorithm.\n\
@param regexp the regexp to convert\n\
@return finite automaton accepting the language described by the original regular expression" );
auto ToAutomatonDerivationUnboundedRegExp = registration::AbstractRegister < ToAutomatonDerivation, automaton::DFA < DefaultSymbolType, unsigned >, const regexp::UnboundedRegExp < > & > ( ToAutomatonDerivation::convert, "regexp" ).setDocumentation (
"Implements conversion of regular expressions to finite automata usign Brzozowski's derivation algorithm.\n\
@param regexp the regexp to convert\n\
@return finite automaton accepting the language described by the original regular expression" );
} /* namespace convert */
......@@ -34,8 +34,14 @@ namespace convert {
class ToAutomatonDerivation {
* Performs conversion.
* @return FSM equivalent to original regular expression.
* Implements conversion of regular expressions to finite automata usign Brzozowski's derivation algorithm.
* \tparam T the type of regular expression to convert
* \tparam SymbolType the type of symbols in the regular expression
* \param regexp the regexp to convert
* \return finite automaton accepting the language described by the original regular expression
template < class T, class SymbolType = typename T::symbol_type >
static automaton::DFA < SymbolType, unsigned > convert ( const T & regexp );
......@@ -12,8 +12,17 @@ namespace regexp {
namespace convert {
auto ToAutomatonGlushkovUnboundedRegExp = registration::AbstractRegister < ToAutomatonGlushkov, automaton::NFA < DefaultSymbolType, ext::pair < DefaultSymbolType, unsigned > >, const regexp::UnboundedRegExp < > & > ( ToAutomatonGlushkov::convert );
auto ToAutomatonGlushkovFormalRegExp = registration::AbstractRegister < ToAutomatonGlushkov, automaton::NFA < DefaultSymbolType, ext::pair < DefaultSymbolType, unsigned > >, const regexp::FormalRegExp < > & > ( ToAutomatonGlushkov::convert );
auto ToAutomatonGlushkovUnboundedRegExp = registration::AbstractRegister < ToAutomatonGlushkov, automaton::NFA < DefaultSymbolType, ext::pair < DefaultSymbolType, unsigned > >, const regexp::UnboundedRegExp < > & > ( ToAutomatonGlushkov::convert, "regexp" ).setDocumentation (
"Implements conversion of regular expressions to finite automata usign Glushkov's method of neighbours.\n\
@param regexp the regexp to convert\n\
@return finite automaton accepting the language described by the original regular expression" );
auto ToAutomatonGlushkovFormalRegExp = registration::AbstractRegister < ToAutomatonGlushkov, automaton::NFA < DefaultSymbolType, ext::pair < DefaultSymbolType, unsigned > >, const regexp::FormalRegExp < > & > ( ToAutomatonGlushkov::convert, "regexp" ).setDocumentation (
"Implements conversion of regular expressions to finite automata usign Glushkov's method of neighbours.\n\
@param regexp the regexp to convert\n\
@return finite automaton accepting the language described by the original regular expression" );
} /* namespace convert */
......@@ -38,9 +38,13 @@ namespace convert {
class ToAutomatonGlushkov {
* Performs conversion.
* @param re Original regular expression.
* @return NFA equivalent to original regular expression.
* Implements conversion of regular expressions to finite automata usign Glushkov's method of neighbours.
* \tparam SymbolType the type of symbols in the regular expression
* \param regexp the regexp to convert
* \return finite automaton accepting the language described by the original regular expression
template < class SymbolType >
static automaton::NFA < SymbolType, ext::pair < SymbolType, unsigned > > convert ( const regexp::UnboundedRegExp < SymbolType > & regexp );
......@@ -51,8 +51,17 @@ automaton::EpsilonNFA < > ToAutomatonThompson::convert(const regexp::UnboundedRe
return automaton;
auto ToAutomatonThompsonFormalRegExp = registration::AbstractRegister < ToAutomatonThompson, automaton::EpsilonNFA < >, const regexp::FormalRegExp < > & > ( ToAutomatonThompson::convert );
auto ToAutomatonThompsonUnboundedRegExp = registration::AbstractRegister < ToAutomatonThompson, automaton::EpsilonNFA < >, const regexp::UnboundedRegExp < > & > ( ToAutomatonThompson::convert );
auto ToAutomatonThompsonFormalRegExp = registration::AbstractRegister < ToAutomatonThompson, automaton::EpsilonNFA < >, const regexp::FormalRegExp < > & > ( ToAutomatonThompson::convert, "regexp" ).setDocumentation (
"Implements conversion of regular expressions to finite automata usign Thompson's method of incremental construction.\n\
@param regexp the regexp to convert\n\
@return finite automaton accepting the language described by the original regular expression" );
auto ToAutomatonThompsonUnboundedRegExp = registration::AbstractRegister < ToAutomatonThompson, automaton::EpsilonNFA < >, const regexp::UnboundedRegExp < > & > ( ToAutomatonThompson::convert, "regexp" ).setDocumentation (
"Implements conversion of regular expressions to finite automata usign Thompson's method of incremental construction.\n\
@param regexp the regexp to convert\n\
@return finite automaton accepting the language described by the original regular expression" );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -29,11 +29,19 @@ namespace convert {
class ToAutomatonThompson {
* Performs conversion.
* @param regexp regexp to convert
* @return nondeterministic finite automaton with epsilon transitions accepting language described by the regexp
* Implements conversion of regular expressions to finite automata usign Thompson's method of incremental construction.
* \tparam SymbolType the type of symbols in the regular expression
* \param regexp the regexp to convert
* \return finite automaton accepting the language described by the original regular expression
static automaton::EpsilonNFA < > convert(const regexp::FormalRegExp < > & regexp);
* \overload
static automaton::EpsilonNFA < > convert(const regexp::UnboundedRegExp < > & regexp);
class Unbounded {
......@@ -12,8 +12,17 @@ namespace regexp {
namespace convert {
auto ToGrammarFormalRegExp = registration::AbstractRegister < ToGrammar, grammar::RightRG < DefaultSymbolType, ext::pair < DefaultSymbolType, unsigned > >, const regexp::FormalRegExp < > & > ( ToGrammar::convert );
auto ToGrammarUnboundedRegExp = registration::AbstractRegister < ToGrammar, grammar::RightRG < DefaultSymbolType, ext::pair < DefaultSymbolType, unsigned > >, const regexp::UnboundedRegExp < > & > ( ToGrammar::convert );
auto ToGrammarFormalRegExp = registration::AbstractRegister < ToGrammar, grammar::RightRG < DefaultSymbolType, ext::pair < DefaultSymbolType, unsigned > >, const regexp::FormalRegExp < > & > ( ToGrammar::convert, "regexp" ).setDocumentation (
"Converts the regular expression into a grammar (@sa regexp::convert::ToGrammarRightRGGlushkov::convert).\n\
@param regexp the regular expression\n\
@return right regular grammar equivalent to original regular expression" );
auto ToGrammarUnboundedRegExp = registration::AbstractRegister < ToGrammar, grammar::RightRG < DefaultSymbolType, ext::pair < DefaultSymbolType, unsigned > >, const regexp::UnboundedRegExp < > & > ( ToGrammar::convert, "regexp" ).setDocumentation (
"Converts the regular expression into a grammar (@sa regexp::convert::ToGrammarRightRGGlushkov::convert).\n\
@param regexp the regular expression\n\
@return right regular grammar equivalent to original regular expression" );
} /* namespace convert */
......@@ -14,16 +14,21 @@ namespace regexp {
namespace convert {
* Conversion of regular expression to regular grammar.
* This class serves as a "default wrapper" over the conversion of RE to RG. It delegates to the glushkov conversion algorithm.
* @sa regexp::convert::ToGrammarRightRGGlushkov
class ToGrammar {
* Performs conversion.
* Converts the regular expression into a grammar (@sa regexp::convert::ToGrammarRightRGGlushkov::convert).
* \tparam SymbolType type of symbols in the regexp
* \tparam SymbolType the type of regular expression
* \param regexp the converted regexp
* \param regexp the regular expression
* \return right regular grammar equivalent to source regexp.
* \return right regular grammar equivalent to original regular expression.
template < class SymbolType >
static grammar::RightRG < SymbolType, ext::pair < SymbolType, unsigned > > convert(const regexp::FormalRegExp < SymbolType > & regexp);
......@@ -12,8 +12,17 @@ namespace regexp {
namespace convert {
auto ToGrammarRightRGDerivationUnboundedRegExp = registration::AbstractRegister < ToGrammarRightRGDerivation, grammar::RightRG < DefaultSymbolType, unsigned >, const regexp::UnboundedRegExp < > & > ( ToGrammarRightRGDerivation::convert );
auto ToGrammarRightRGDerivationFormalRegExp = registration::AbstractRegister < ToGrammarRightRGDerivation, grammar::RightRG < DefaultSymbolType, unsigned >, const regexp::FormalRegExp < > & > ( ToGrammarRightRGDerivation::convert );
auto ToGrammarRightRGDerivationUnboundedRegExp = registration::AbstractRegister < ToGrammarRightRGDerivation, grammar::RightRG < DefaultSymbolType, unsigned >, const regexp::UnboundedRegExp < > & > ( ToGrammarRightRGDerivation::convert, "regexp" ).setDocumentation (
"Implements conversion of regular expressions to regular grammars usign Brzozowski's derivation algorithm.\n\
@param regexp the regexp to convert\n\
@return right regular grammar generating the language described by the original regular expression" );
auto ToGrammarRightRGDerivationFormalRegExp = registration::AbstractRegister < ToGrammarRightRGDerivation, grammar::RightRG < DefaultSymbolType, unsigned >, const regexp::FormalRegExp < > & > ( ToGrammarRightRGDerivation::convert, "regexp" ).setDocumentation (
"Implements conversion of regular expressions to regular grammars usign Brzozowski's derivation algorithm.\n\
@param regexp the regexp to convert\n\
@return right regular grammar generating the language described by the original regular expression" );
} /* namespace convert */
......@@ -29,14 +29,20 @@ namespace regexp {
namespace convert {
* Converts reg. expression to right regular grammar using brzozowski derivation algorithm.
* Converts regular expression to right regular grammar using Brzozowski's derivation algorithm.
* Source: Melichar 2.137
class ToGrammarRightRGDerivation {
* Performs conversion.
* @return right regular grammar equivalent to source regexp.
* Implements conversion of regular expressions to regular grammars usign Brzozowski's derivation algorithm.
* \tparam T the type of regular expression to convert
* \tparam SymbolType the type of symbols in the regular expression
* \param regexp the regexp to convert
* \return right regular grammar generating the language described by the original regular expression
template < class T, class SymbolType = typename regexp::SymbolTypeOfRegexp < T > >
static grammar::RightRG < SymbolType, unsigned > convert ( const T & regexp );
......@@ -12,8 +12,17 @@ namespace regexp {
namespace convert {
auto ToGrammarRightRGGlushkovUnboundedRegExp = registration::AbstractRegister < ToGrammarRightRGGlushkov, grammar::RightRG < DefaultSymbolType, ext::pair < DefaultSymbolType, unsigned > >, const regexp::UnboundedRegExp < > & > ( ToGrammarRightRGGlushkov::convert );
auto ToGrammarRightRGGlushkovFormalRegExp = registration::AbstractRegister < ToGrammarRightRGGlushkov, grammar::RightRG < DefaultSymbolType, ext::pair < DefaultSymbolType, unsigned > >, const regexp::FormalRegExp < > & > ( ToGrammarRightRGGlushkov::convert );
auto ToGrammarRightRGGlushkovUnboundedRegExp = registration::AbstractRegister < ToGrammarRightRGGlushkov, grammar::RightRG < DefaultSymbolType, ext::pair < DefaultSymbolType, unsigned > >, const regexp::UnboundedRegExp < > & > ( ToGrammarRightRGGlushkov::convert, "regexp" ).setDocumentation (
"Implements conversion of regular expressions to finite automata usign Glushkov's method of neighbours.\n\
@param regexp the regexp to convert\n\
@return right regular grammar generating the language described by the original regular expression" );
auto ToGrammarRightRGGlushkovFormalRegExp = registration::AbstractRegister < ToGrammarRightRGGlushkov, grammar::RightRG < DefaultSymbolType, ext::pair < DefaultSymbolType, unsigned > >, const regexp::FormalRegExp < > & > ( ToGrammarRightRGGlushkov::convert, "regexp" ).setDocumentation (
"Implements conversion of regular expressions to finite automata usign Glushkov's method of neighbours.\n\
@param regexp the regexp to convert\n\
@return right regular grammar generating the language described by the original regular expression" );
} /* namespace convert */
......@@ -28,19 +28,19 @@ namespace regexp {
namespace convert {
* Converts regular expression to right regular grammar using Glushkov algorithm.
* Converts regular expression to right regular grammar using Glushkov algorithm of neighbours.
* Source: None yet.
class ToGrammarRightRGGlushkov {
* Performs conversion.
* Implements conversion of regular expressions to finite automata usign Glushkov's method of neighbours.
* \tparam SymbolType tye of symbols in the regular expression
* \tparam SymbolType the type of symbols in the regular expression
* \param regexp original regular expression
* \param regexp the regexp to convert
* \return right regular grammar equivalent to source regexp.
* \return right regular grammar generating the language described by the original regular expression
template < class SymbolType >
static grammar::RightRG < SymbolType, ext::pair < SymbolType, unsigned > > convert(const regexp::FormalRegExp < SymbolType > & regexp);
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