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Commit f81e77a2 authored by Jan Trávníček's avatar Jan Trávníček
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enable A9 and some move semantics improvements

parent 14d6dd76
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1 merge request!73Dev jt
......@@ -307,14 +307,14 @@ bool RegExpOptimize::Unbounded < SymbolType >::A8( UnboundedRegExpAlternation <
innerAlt.appendElement ( UnboundedRegExpEpsilon < SymbolType > ( ) );
innerConcat.appendElement ( std::move ( innerAlt ) );
innerConcat.insert ( innerConcat.end ( ), std::move ( innerAlt ) );
res.appendElement ( Unbounded < SymbolType >::visit ( std::move ( innerConcat ), true ) );
node = res;
node = std::move ( res );
return false;
return true;
......@@ -323,48 +323,51 @@ bool RegExpOptimize::Unbounded < SymbolType >::A8( UnboundedRegExpAlternation <
* @return bool true if optimization applied else false
template < class SymbolType >
bool RegExpOptimize::Unbounded < SymbolType >::A9( UnboundedRegExpAlternation < SymbolType > & /* node */) {
bool optimized = false;
bool RegExpOptimize::Unbounded < SymbolType >::A9( UnboundedRegExpAlternation < SymbolType > & node ) {
std::map < ext::reference_wrapper < UnboundedRegExpElement < SymbolType > >, ext::vector < ext::reference_wrapper < UnboundedRegExpElement < SymbolType > > > > data;
for( auto it = node->elements.begin( ); it != std::prev( node->elements.end( ) ); )
UnboundedRegExpAlternation < SymbolType > * alt = dynamic_cast<UnboundedRegExpAlternation < SymbolType >*>( * it );
if( ! alt )
it ++;
for ( UnboundedRegExpElement < SymbolType > & element : node ) {
UnboundedRegExpConcatenation < SymbolType > * childConcat = dynamic_cast < UnboundedRegExpConcatenation < SymbolType > * > ( & element );
if ( childConcat ) {
data [ ext::reference_wrapper < UnboundedRegExpElement < SymbolType > > ( childConcat->getChild ( childConcat->getElements ( ).size ( ) - 1 ) ) ].push_back ( ext::reference_wrapper < UnboundedRegExpElement < SymbolType > > ( element ) );
} else {
data [ ext::reference_wrapper < UnboundedRegExpElement < SymbolType > > ( element ) ].push_back ( ext::reference_wrapper < UnboundedRegExpElement < SymbolType > > ( element ) );
// take everything to the right and copy it as suffix of every element in alternation.
UnboundedRegExpConcatenation < SymbolType > rest;
rest.elements.insert( rest.elements.end( ), std::next( it ), node->elements.end( ) );
for( auto altIt = alt->elements.begin( ); altIt != alt->elements.end( ); altIt ++ )
UnboundedRegExpConcatenation < SymbolType > * altElem = new UnboundedRegExpConcatenation < SymbolType >( );
altElem->elements.push_back( * altIt );
altElem->elements.push_back( rest );
if ( data.size ( ) == node.getChildren ( ).size ( ) )
return false;
* altIt = altElem;
UnboundedRegExpAlternation < SymbolType > res;
for ( std::pair < ext::reference_wrapper < UnboundedRegExpElement < SymbolType > >, ext::vector < ext::reference_wrapper < UnboundedRegExpElement < SymbolType > > > > && entry : ext::make_mover ( data ) ) {
if ( entry.second.size ( ) == 1 ) {
res.appendElement ( std::move ( entry.second.front ( ).get ( ) ) );
} else {
UnboundedRegExpConcatenation < SymbolType > innerConcat;
innerConcat.appendElement ( std::move ( entry.first.get ( ) ) );
UnboundedRegExpAlternation < SymbolType > innerAlt;
for ( ext::reference_wrapper < UnboundedRegExpElement < SymbolType > > & innerEntry : entry.second ) {
UnboundedRegExpElement < SymbolType > & innerEntryElement = innerEntry.get ( );
UnboundedRegExpConcatenation < SymbolType > * innerEntryConcat = dynamic_cast < UnboundedRegExpConcatenation < SymbolType > * > ( & innerEntryElement );
if ( innerEntryConcat ) {
if ( innerEntryConcat->getElements ( ).size ( ) == 1 ) {
innerAlt.appendElement ( UnboundedRegExpEpsilon < SymbolType > ( ) );
} else {
innerEntryConcat->erase ( innerEntryConcat->rbegin ( ) );
innerAlt.appendElement ( std::move ( * innerEntryConcat ) );
} else {
innerAlt.appendElement ( UnboundedRegExpEpsilon < SymbolType > ( ) );
innerConcat.insert ( innerConcat.begin ( ), std::move ( innerAlt ) );
res.appendElement ( Unbounded < SymbolType >::visit ( std::move ( innerConcat ), true ) );
UnboundedRegExpElement < SymbolType > * optIt = optimize( * it );
delete *it;
*it = optIt;
it = node->elements.erase( std::next( it ), node->elements.end( ) );
optimized = true;
// as we move (delete) the rest of this expression, it surely wont do another round. More optimizations to be performerd are in subtree now.
// we do not care about this here as method optimize(UnboundedRegExpAlternation < SymbolType >) will take care of this in next iteration
// it ++;
return optimized;
return false; //TODO
node = std::move ( res );
return true;
......@@ -531,7 +534,7 @@ bool RegExpOptimize::Unbounded < SymbolType >::V4( UnboundedRegExpIteration < Sy
UnboundedRegExpAlternation < SymbolType > newAlt;
for ( UnboundedRegExpElement < SymbolType > && n : ext::make_mover ( std::move ( * cont ).getChildren ( ) ) )
for ( UnboundedRegExpElement < SymbolType > & n : * cont )
newAlt.pushBackChild ( std::move ( static_cast < UnboundedRegExpIteration < SymbolType > & > ( n ).getChild ( ) ) );
node.setChild ( Unbounded < SymbolType >::visit ( std::move ( newAlt ), true ) );
......@@ -546,95 +549,9 @@ bool RegExpOptimize::Unbounded < SymbolType >::V4( UnboundedRegExpIteration < Sy
template < class SymbolType >
bool RegExpOptimize::Unbounded < SymbolType >::V5( UnboundedRegExpAlternation < SymbolType > & /* node */ ) {
bool optimized = false;
// reinterpretation: ax*y = ay+ax*xy
// so, if we find iter,
// a = everything that is before it (prefix)
// x = iter's content behind iter must be exactly iter's content
// y = rest (suffix)
// prefix.x*x.suffix + prefix.suffix = prefix.x*.suffix
/* for( auto itA = node.getChildren().begin( ); itA != node.getChildren().end( ); ) {
UnboundedRegExpConcatenation < SymbolType > * concat = dynamic_cast < UnboundedRegExpConcatenation < SymbolType > * > ( & * itA );
if( ! concat ) {
++ itA;
// implemented by combination of A9 and A10
for( auto itC = concat->getChildren().begin( ); itC != std::prev( concat->getChildren().end( ) ); ) {
UnboundedRegExpIteration < SymbolType > * iter = dynamic_cast < UnboundedRegExpIteration < SymbolType > * > ( & * itC );
if( ! iter ) {
++ itC;
// iteration's element must follow the iteration (x*x)
auto itStartY = std::next( itC ); //itStartY points to y in expression x*xy
// if iter's element is concat
if( dynamic_cast < UnboundedRegExpConcatenation < SymbolType > * > ( & iter->getChild ( ) ) ) {
UnboundedRegExpConcatenation < SymbolType > * iterConcat = dynamic_cast < UnboundedRegExpConcatenation < SymbolType > * > ( & iter->getChild ( ) );
if( iterConcat->getChildren().size( ) != ( size_t ) distance ( std::next ( itC ), concat->getChildren ( ).end ( ) )
|| ! equal ( iterConcat->getChildren ( ).begin ( ), iterConcat->getChildren ( ).end ( ), std::next ( itC ),
[ ] ( const UnboundedRegExpElement < SymbolType > & a, const UnboundedRegExpElement < SymbolType > & b ) -> bool { return a == b; } ) ) {
++ itC;
std::advance( itStartY, iterConcat->getChildren().size( ) );
} else {
if( iter->getChild() != * std::next( itC ) ) {
++ itC;
std::advance( itStartY, 1 );
// store everything before iteration as "a"
UnboundedRegExpConcatenation < SymbolType > tmpAY;
if( concat->getChildren().begin( ) == itC ) {
tmpAY.pushBackChild ( UnboundedRegExpEpsilon < SymbolType > ( ) );
} else {
UnboundedRegExpConcatenation < SymbolType > tmpA;
tmpA.insert( tmpA.getChildren().end( ), concat->getChildren().begin( ), itC );
tmpAY.pushBackChild ( optimizeInner( tmpA ) );
// store everything behind iteration's followup element as "y"
if( itStartY == concat->getChildren().end( ) ) {
tmpAY.pushBackChild ( UnboundedRegExpEpsilon < SymbolType > ( ) );
} else {
UnboundedRegExpConcatenation < SymbolType > tmpY;
tmpY.insert( tmpY.getChildren().end( ), itStartY, concat->getChildren().end( ) );
tmpAY.pushBackChild ( optimizeInner ( tmpY ) );
// concatenate "a" and "y" and see if they exist somewhere in parent alternation ( node.getChildren() )
ext::ptr_value < UnboundedRegExpElement < SymbolType > > regexpAY = optimizeInner( tmpAY );
auto iterAY = find_if ( node.getChildren().begin( ), node.getChildren().end( ), [ & ] ( const UnboundedRegExpElement < SymbolType > & a ) -> bool { return a == regexpAY.get ( ); } );
if( iterAY == node.getChildren().end( ) ) {
++ itC;
tmpAY.insert ( tmpAY.getChildren ( ).begin ( ) + 1, * itC );
node.setChild ( optimizeInner( tmpAY ), itA );
itA = node.getChildren().erase( iterAY );
optimized = true;
++ itA;
return optimized;
return false;
......@@ -644,100 +561,9 @@ bool RegExpOptimize::Unbounded < SymbolType >::V5( UnboundedRegExpAlternation <
template < class SymbolType >
bool RegExpOptimize::Unbounded < SymbolType >::V6( UnboundedRegExpAlternation < SymbolType > & /* node */ ) {
bool optimized = false;
// implemented by combination of A9 and A10R
// reinterpretation: ax*y = ay+axx*y
// so, if we find iter
// a = everything that is before it (prefix)
// x = iter's content before iter must be exactly iter's content
// y = rest (suffix)
// prefix.xx*.suffix + prefix.suffix = prefix.x*.suffix
/* for( auto itA = node.getChildren ( ).begin( ); itA != node.getChildren ( ).end( ); ) {
UnboundedRegExpConcatenation < SymbolType > * concat = dynamic_cast < UnboundedRegExpConcatenation < SymbolType > * > ( & * itA );
if( ! concat ) {
++ itA;
for( auto itC = std::next( concat->getChildren ( ).begin( ) ); itC != concat->getChildren ( ).end( ); ) {
UnboundedRegExpIteration < SymbolType > * iter = dynamic_cast < UnboundedRegExpIteration < SymbolType > * > ( & * itC );
if( ! iter ) {
++ itC;
// iteration's element must preceed the iteration (xx*)
auto itStartX = itC; //itStartX points to first x in expression xx*, everything before is therefore prefix - regexp "a"
// if iter's element is concat
UnboundedRegExpConcatenation < SymbolType > * iterConcat = dynamic_cast < UnboundedRegExpConcatenation < SymbolType > * > ( & iter->getChild ( ) );
if( iterConcat ) {
if( distance( concat->getChildren ( ).begin( ), itC ) < (int) iterConcat->getChildren ( ).size( ) ) {
++ itC;
ext::retract ( itStartX, iterConcat->getChildren().size( ) );
if( iterConcat->getChildren ( ).size( ) != ( size_t ) distance( itStartX, concat->getChildren ( ).end( ) )
|| ! equal ( iterConcat->getChildren ( ).begin ( ), iterConcat->getChildren ( ).end ( ), itStartX,
[ ] ( const UnboundedRegExpElement < SymbolType > & a, const UnboundedRegExpElement < SymbolType > & b ) -> bool { return a == b; } ) ) {
++ itC;
} else {
if( iter->getChild ( ) != * std::prev( itC ) ) {
++ itC;
std::advance( itStartX, -1 );
// concatenate "a" and "y" and see if they exist somewhere in parent alternation ( node->getChildren() )
UnboundedRegExpConcatenation < SymbolType > tmpAY;
if( concat->getChildren ( ).begin ( ) == itStartX ) {
tmpAY.pushBackChild ( UnboundedRegExpEpsilon < SymbolType > ( ) );
} else {
UnboundedRegExpConcatenation < SymbolType > tmpA;
tmpA.insert ( tmpA.getChildren ( ).end ( ), concat->getChildren().begin ( ), itStartX );
tmpAY.pushBackChild ( optimizeInner ( tmpA ) );
if( std::next ( itC ) == concat->getChildren().end( ) ) {
tmpAY.pushBackChild ( UnboundedRegExpEpsilon < SymbolType >( ) );
} else {
UnboundedRegExpConcatenation < SymbolType > tmpY;
tmpY.insert ( tmpY.getChildren().end( ), std::next( itC ), concat->getChildren ( ).end( ) );
tmpAY.pushBackChild ( optimizeInner( tmpY ) );
ext::ptr_value < UnboundedRegExpElement < SymbolType > > regexpAY = optimizeInner ( tmpAY );
auto iterAY = find_if( node.getChildren().begin( ), node.getChildren().end( ), [ & ] ( const UnboundedRegExpElement < SymbolType > & a ) -> bool { return a == regexpAY.get ( ); } );
if( iterAY == node.getChildren().end( ) ) {
++ itC;
// if so make a x* y and replace a x x* y
tmpAY.insert( tmpAY.getChildren ( ).begin ( ) + 1, * itC );
node.setChild ( optimizeInner( tmpAY ), itA );
// remove a y
itA = node.getChildren().erase( iterAY );
optimized = true;
++ itA;
} */
return optimized;
return false;
......@@ -892,7 +718,7 @@ bool RegExpOptimize::Unbounded < SymbolType >::V9( UnboundedRegExpConcatenation
it = node.insert ( it, * std::next ( it ) );
it = node.insert ( it, std::move ( * std::next ( it ) ) );
it = std::next ( it );
it = node.erase ( std::next ( it ) );
it = std::prev ( it );
......@@ -916,18 +742,18 @@ bool RegExpOptimize::Unbounded < SymbolType >::V9( UnboundedRegExpConcatenation
// copy the range <it;sth>, delete it and go back to the iter node
ext::ptr_vector < UnboundedRegExpElement < SymbolType > > copyRange;
copyRange.insert ( copyRange.end(), std::next( it ), c1Iter );
copyRange.insert ( copyRange.end(), std::make_move_iterator ( std::next( it ) ), std::make_move_iterator ( c1Iter ) );
it = node.erase ( std::next ( it ), c1Iter );
it = std::prev( it );
// insert that range before it position
it = node.insert( it, copyRange.begin( ), copyRange.end( ) );
it = node.insert( it, std::make_move_iterator ( copyRange.begin( ) ), std::make_move_iterator ( copyRange.end( ) ) );
// alter the iteration's concat node
copyRange.clear( );
copyRange.insert ( copyRange.end(), concat->begin( ), c2Iter );
copyRange.insert ( copyRange.end(), std::make_move_iterator ( concat->begin( ) ), std::make_move_iterator ( c2Iter ) );
concat->erase ( concat->begin( ), c2Iter );
concat->insert ( concat->end(), copyRange.begin( ), copyRange.end( ) );
concat->insert ( concat->end(), std::make_move_iterator ( copyRange.begin( ) ), std::make_move_iterator ( copyRange.end( ) ) );
......@@ -1514,6 +1514,26 @@ public:
return m_children.begin ( );
* \brief
* Getter of an iterator to the begining of children vector
* \return begin iterator
typename ext::ptr_vector < Data >::reverse_iterator rbegin ( ) {
return m_children.rbegin ( );
* \brief
* Getter of an iterator to the begining of children vector
* \return begin iterator
typename ext::ptr_vector < Data >::const_reverse_iterator rbegin ( ) const {
return m_children.rbegin ( );
* \brief
* Getter of an iterator to the end of children vector
......@@ -1534,6 +1554,26 @@ public:
return m_children.end ( );
* \brief
* Getter of an iterator to the end of children vector
* \return end iterator
typename ext::ptr_vector < Data >::reverse_iterator rend ( ) {
return m_children.rend ( );
* \brief
* Getter of an iterator to the end of children vector
* \return end iterator
typename ext::ptr_vector < Data >::const_reverse_iterator rend ( ) const {
return m_children.rend ( );
} /* namespace ext */
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