Feature alib2dummy as sample library extension
Separate the alib2dummy project from sources and make it a base for datastructure/algorithm extension library.
From 1. 4., DockerHub introduces new very strict rate limitations on docker image pulls.
Consider changing FROM tags in dockerfiles to use altenative providers or add login step at the beginning of CI/CD job as authenticated requests aren't affected.
Separate the alib2dummy project from sources and make it a base for datastructure/algorithm extension library.
added T-feature label
Are the DataType algorithms in alib2dummy
useful or can we discard them?
I'd like this to be done for the next year students.
They are present as examples so that newcomers can start development easily. Do whatever you like with the whole alib2dummy.
OK, I modified it only a bit.
Blocked by:
mentioned in commit b3e26793
mentioned in commit 3a2990f9
mentioned in commit 13b50b06