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Radek Puš committed
    title = "George {[online]}",
    organization = "Česká spořitelna a. s.",
    url = "",
    note = "[cit. 2019-23-04]"

    title = " {[online]}",
    organization = "Fincentrum a. s.",
    url = "",
    note = "[cit. 2019-11-10]"
    title = "Měš {[online]}",
    organization = "Internet Info, s.r.o.",
    url = "",
    note = "[cit. 2019-11-10]"
    title = "Medium {[online]}",
    organization = "A Medium Corporation",
    url = "",
    note = "[cit. 2019-11-10]"
    title = "Seznam všech IČO - VREO  (531MB) {[online]}",
    organization = "Ministerstvo financí České republiky",
    url = "",
    note = "[cit. 2019-13-11]"

    title = " VREO XML schéma {[online]}",
    organization = "Ministerstvo financí České republiky",
    url = "",
    note = "[cit. 2019-13-11]"

    title = " JSON Web Token {[online]}",
    organization = "Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.",
    url = "",
    note = "[cit. 2019-13-11]"

    title  = "Auth Headers vs JWT vs Sessions: Choosing Right Auth Technique for APIs",
	author = "Sripathi Krishnan",
    journal = "HashedIn Technologies Pvt. Ltd. {[online]}",
    howpublished = "[online]",
    month  = "18." # "leden",
    year   = "2018",
    note = "[cit. 2019-13-11]",
    url    = ""

@ARTICLE {JWTvsSessionPerformance,
    title  = "JSON Web Tokens vs. Session Cookies: What’s the Difference?",
	author = "Jenni McKinnon",
    journal = "WP Rocket {[online]}",
    howpublished = "[online]",
    month  = "21." # "květen",
    year   = "2019",
    note = "[cit. 2019-13-11]",
    url    = ""

@ARTICLE {minibatchVsFullBatch,
    title  = "Revisiting Small Batch Training for Deep Neural Networks",
	author = "Dominic Masters, Carlo Luschi",
    journal = " {[online]}",
    howpublished = "[online]",
    month  = "20. " # "dubna",
    year   = "2018",
    note = "[cit. 2019-16-11]",
    url    = ""

@MANUAL {csv_name,
    title = "Common Format and MIME Type for Comma-Separated Values (CSV) Files {[online]}",
	author = "Y. Shafranovich",
	organization = "SolidMatrix Technologies, Inc.",
    howpublished = "[online]",
    month  = "říjen",
    year   = "2005",
    url = "",
    note = "[cit. 2019-13-12]"

    title = "OpenNN",
	organization = "Artelnics",
    howpublished = "[online]",
    url = "",
    note = "[cit. 2019-13-12]"

@MANUAL {PyTorch,
    title = "PyTorch",
    author = "Adam Paszke and Sam Gross and Soumith Chintala and Gregory Chanan",
    howpublished = "[online]",
    url = "",
    note = "[cit. 2019-13-12]"

@MANUAL {Keras,
    title = "Keras",
    author = "François Chollet",
    howpublished = "[online]",
    url = "",
    note = "[cit. 2019-13-12]"

@MANUAL {TensorFlow,
    title = "TensorFlow",
    author = "Google Brain Team",
    howpublished = "[online]",
    url = "",
    note = "[cit. 2019-13-12]"

@MANUAL {AmazonML,
    title = "Amazon Machine Learning",
	organization = "Amazon Web Services, Inc.",
    howpublished = "[online]",
    url = "",
    note = "[cit. 2019-13-12]"

    title = "ML.NET",
	organization = "Microsoft Corporation",
    howpublished = "[online]",
    url = "",
    note = "[cit. 2019-13-12]"

    title = "The Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit",
	organization = "Microsoft Corporation",
    howpublished = "[online]",
    url = "",
    note = "[cit. 2019-13-12]"

    title = "ML.NET",
	organization = "Microsoft Corporation",
    howpublished = "[online]",
    url = "",
    note = "[cit. 2019-13-12]"

    title = "Tutorial: Categorize iris flowers using k-means clustering with ML.NET",
	organization = "Microsoft Corporation",
    howpublished = "[online]",
    url = "",
    note = "[cit. 2019-13-12]"

    title = "Custom ML made easy with AutoML",
	organization = "Microsoft Corporation",
    howpublished = "[online]",
    url = "\#automl",
    note = "[cit. 2019-13-12]"

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Radek Puš committed
@Article {MLNET_Preview,
    title = "Announcing ML.NET 1.4 Preview and Model Builder updates (Machine Learning for .NET)",
	author = "Cesar De la Torre",
    journal = ".NET Blog {[online]}",
    howpublished = "[online]",
    month  = "3." # "září",
    year   = "2019",
    url = "",
    note = "[cit. 2020-02-02]"

@MANUAL {CsvHelper,
    title = "CsvHelper",
	author = "Josh Close",
    howpublished = "[online]",
    url = "",
    note = "[cit. 2019-15-12]"

	author = "Grant Sanderson",
	title = "But what is a Neural Network?",
	howpublished = "[online]",
	url = {},
	month  = "5." # "říjen",
	year   = "2017",
	note = "[cit. 2019-14-11]",

	author = "The One",
	title = "Neural Network - Back-Propagation Tutorial In C\#",
	howpublished = "[online]",
	url = {},
	month  = "26." # "srpen",
	year   = "2017",
	note = "[cit. 2019-15-11]",

	author = "Dr. James McCaffrey",
	title = "2013 Build Conference - Developing Neural Networks using Visual Studio",
	publisher = "Microsoft Research",
	howpublished = "[online]",
	url = {},
	month  = "26." # "června",
	year   = "2013",
	note = "[cit. 2019-16-11]",

	author = "",
	title = "Artificial neural network",
	howpublished = "[online]",
	url = {},
	note = "[cit. 2019-14-11]",

	author = "",
	title = "Neural network single neuron",
	howpublished = "[online]",
	url = {},
	note = "[cit. 2019-14-11]",
    title  = "The XOR Problem in Neural Networks.",
	author = "Jayesh Bapu Ahire",
    journal = "A Medium Corporation {[online]}",
    howpublished = "[online]",
    month  = "26. " # "prosince",
    year   = "2017",
    note = "[cit. 2019-16-11]",
    url    = ""

@ARTICLE {ConstantSymbolList,
    title  = "Konstantní symboly: co který znamená a proč je už nepotřebujeme?",
	author = "",
    journal = " {[online]}",
    howpublished = "[online]",
    month  = "23. " # "června",
    year   = "2018",
    note   = "[cit. 2019-15-12]",
    url    = ""

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Radek Puš committed
@MANUAL {velikostSkody,
    title = "Majetkové trestné činy {[online]}",
	organization = "Policie České reubliky",
    howpublished = "[online]",
    url = "",
    note = "[cit. 2019-19-12]"

@MANUAL {wirelessLimit,
    title = "Nejčastější dotazy: Platební karty, platby na internetu a platební nálepky {[online]}",
	organization = "Československá obchodní banka, a. s.",
    howpublished = "[online]",
    url = "",
    note = "[cit. 2019-19-12]"

@ARTICLE {matrixMultiplication,
    title  = "Understanding the Efficiency of GPU Algorithms for Matrix-Matrix Multiplication",
    journal = "Graphics Hardware (2004) {[online]}",
    author = "Kayvon Fatahalian and Jeremy Sugerman and Pat Hanrahan",
    howpublished = "[online]",
    year   = "2004",
    note = "[cit. 2020-02-01]",
    url    = ""

%==================== Examples =================
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Radek Puš committed
@ARTICLE {YoutubeTechnet,
    title  = "Jak vám Google vnucuje videa? Nahlédněte pod pokličku YouTube",
	author = "Tomáš Hegedüš",
    journal = "Technet cz {[online]}",
    howpublished = "[online]",
    month  = "4. " # "květen",
    year   = "2018",
    note = "[cit. 2019-23-04]",
    url    = ""

@MANUAL {YoutubeRecommendations,
    title  = "Deep Neural Networks for YouTube Recommendations {[online]}",
	author = "Covington, Paul and Adams, Jay and Sargin, Emre",
	publisher = "Google, Inc.",
    howpublished = "[online]",
    note = "[cit. 2019-23-04]",
    url    = ""

Radek Puš's avatar
Radek Puš committed
    title = "Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.1 Specification {[online]}",
    organization = "WWW Consorcium",
    url = "",
    note = "[cit. 2011-07-07]",
    key = "svg"

	title = "Praktick{\' a} typografie",
	author = "Pavel Ko{\v c}i{\v c}ka and Filip Bla{\v z}ek",
	publisher = "Brno: Computer Press",
	year = "2004"

	title = "LaTeX pro za\v c\'ate\v cn\'\i{}ky",
	author = "Ji{\v r}{\' i} Rybi{\v c}ka",
	isbn = "80-7302-049-1",
	publisher = "Brno: Konvoj",
	edition = "3"

	organization = "\'U\v rad pro technickou normalizaci, metrologii a st\'atn\'\i{} zku\v sebnictv\'\i{}",
	title = "\v CSN ISO 690 Informace a dokumentace -- Pravidla pro bibliografick\'e odkazy a citace informa\v cn\'\i{}ch zdroj{\r u}",
	year = "2011"

@ARTICLE {sitova-karta-s-fpga-xilinx,
    title  = "Síťová karta s FPGA Xilinx pro 1 a 10GbE",
    journal = "V: Pandatron - elektrotechnický magazín {[online]}",
    howpublished = "[online]",
    month  = "červen",
    year   = "2013",
    note = "[cit. 2015-10-31]",
    url    = ""