# Semestrální práce - Server
## Requirements
- [Docker](
- [JDK 15](
## Setup
1. Download & Install requirements
2. Clone this repository
3. Start your docker application
4. Run this command: `docker volume create --name=postgres_data`
5. Run this command inside your directory with cloned repository: `docker-compose up`
6. Make sure you're running jar file with JDK 15!
## Database structure

## Requests
- All requests accept JSON content type
- All response returns content in JSON format
- `/api/v1/student` - creates row in student table
- Body Example:
"firstName": "Peter",
"lastName": "Parker",
"gpa": 1.2
- `/api/v1/teacher` - creates row in teacher table
- Body Example:
"firstName": "Peter",
"lastName": "Parker"
- `/api/v1/subject` - creates row in subject table
- Body Example:
"name": "Java",
"lang": "CZ",
"teacherId": 4,
"students": [1,2,3]
- `/api/v1/student/{id}` - updates row in student table with given `{id}`
- Body Example:
"firstName": "Peter",
"lastName": "Parker",
"gpa": 1.2
- `/api/v1/teacher/{id}` - updates row in teacher table with given `{id}`
- Body Example:
"firstName": "Peter",
"lastName": "Parker"
- `/api/v1/subject/{id}` - updates row in subject table with given `{id}`
- Body Example:
"name": "Java",
"lang": "CZ",
"teacherId": 4,
"students": [1,2,3]
- `/api/v1/student/{id}` - removes row in student table with given `{id}`
- `/api/v1/teacher/{id}` - removes row in teacher table with given `{id}`
- `/api/v1/subject/{id}` - removes row in subject table with given `{id}`
- `/api/v1/teacher/no-subject` - removes all teachers without subjects
- `/api/v1/student` - returns all rows from student table
- `/api/v1/student/{id}` - returns row with given `{id}`
- `/api/v1/student/gpa/{gpa}` - return all rows which contains given `{gpa}`
- `/api/v1/student/gpa/less?gpa={gpa}` - return all rows which are lesser given `{gpa}`
- `/api/v1/student/gpa/greater?gpa={gpa}` - return all rows which are greater given `{gpa}`
- `/api/v1/student?firstName={firstName}` - returns all rows which contains `{firstName}`
- `/api/v1/student?lastName={lastName}` - returns all rows which contains `{lastName}`
- `/api/v1/student?firstName={firstName}&lastName={lastName}` - returns all rows which contains `{firstName}` & `{lastName}`
- `/api/v1/teacher` - returns all rows from teacher table
- `/api/v1/teacher/{id}` - returns row with given `{id}`
- `/api/v1/teacher?firstName={firstName}` - returns all rows which contains `{firstName}`
- `/api/v1/teacher?lastName={lastName}` - returns all rows which contains `{lastName}`
- `/api/v1/teacher?firstName={firstName}&lastName={lastName}` - returns all rows which contains `{firstName}` & `{lastName}`
- `/api/v1/subject` - returns all rows from teacher table
- `/api/v1/subject/{id}` - returns row with given `{id}`
- `/api/v1/subject?teacherId={teacherId}` - returns all rows which contains `{teacherId}`