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Michal Vlasák / ni-run-template
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Michal Štěpánek authoredMichal Štěpánek authored
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bc_interpreter.c 17.11 KiB
#include <stdio.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "bc_interpreter.h"
void ostack_init ( OperandStack * stack ) {
stack -> elements = (Value**) malloc ( OPERAND_STACK_INIT_CAPACITY * sizeof (Value*) );
stack -> size = 0;
stack -> capacity = OPERAND_STACK_INIT_CAPACITY;
Value * ostack_pop ( OperandStack * stack ) {
assert ( stack -> size );
stack -> size--;
return stack -> elements [ stack -> size ];
Value * ostack_top ( OperandStack * stack ) {
return stack -> elements [ stack -> size - 1 ];
void ostack_push ( OperandStack * stack , Value * value ) {
if ( stack -> size == stack -> capacity ) {
Value ** tmp = (Value**) malloc ( 2 * stack -> capacity * sizeof (Value*) );
memcpy ( tmp, stack -> elements, stack -> size * sizeof (Value*) );
free ( stack -> elements );
stack -> elements = tmp;
stack -> elements [ stack -> size++ ] = value;
void ostack_destroy ( OperandStack * stack ) {
free ( stack -> elements );
void vm_init ( VM * vm, size_t heap_size ) {
heap_init ( & vm -> heap, heap_size );
make_null ( & vm -> heap );
ostack_init ( & vm -> stack );
vm -> local_frame = NULL;
vm -> instruction_pointer = 0;
void vm_destroy ( VM * vm ) {
heap_destroy ( & vm -> heap );
ostack_destroy ( & vm -> stack );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < vm -> program . constant_count; ++i ) {
Constant constant = vm -> program . constant_pool [ i ];
if ( constant . kind == CONSTANT_CLASS )
free ( constant . class . members );
free ( vm -> program . globals . members );
free ( vm -> program . constant_pool );
Value * alloc_constant ( VM * vm, u16 index ) {
assert ( vm -> program . constant_count > index );
Constant constant = vm -> program . constant_pool [ index ];
switch ( constant . kind ) {
return make_int ( & vm -> heap, constant . integer );
return make_null ( & vm -> heap );
return make_bool ( & vm -> heap, constant . boolean );
return make_cfunction ( & vm -> heap, constant . function );
assert ( false );
return NULL;
ObjectValue * create_object ( VM * vm, Class * class ) {
ObjectValue * object = (ObjectValue*) make_object ( & vm -> heap, class -> member_count );
Constant * pool = vm -> program . constant_pool;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < class -> member_count; ++i ) {
Constant constant = pool [ class -> members [ i ] ];
assert ( constant . kind == CONSTANT_STRING );
object -> members [ i ] = (SimpleEntry) { .name = constant . string, .value = NULL };
return object;
void print_operand_value ( Value * value ) {
switch ( value -> kind ) {
printf ( "%" PRIi32, ((IntValue*) value ) -> integer );
if ( ((BoolValue*) value ) -> boolean )
printf ( "true" );
printf ( "false" );
printf ( "null" );
printf ( "function" );
putchar ( '[' );
ArrayValue * arr = (ArrayValue*) value;
for ( i32 i = 0; i < arr -> length; ++i ) {
if ( i != 0 )
printf ( ", " );
print_operand_value ( arr -> elements [ i ] );
putchar ( ']' );
printf ( "object(");
ObjectValue * obj = (ObjectValue*) value;
bool parent = false;
if ( obj -> extends -> kind != VALUE_NULL ) {
parent = true;
printf ( "..=" );
print_operand_value ( obj -> extends );
if ( obj -> member_cnt )
qsort ( obj -> members, obj -> member_cnt, sizeof (SimpleEntry), compare_entry );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < obj -> member_cnt; ++i ) {
if ( i != 0 || parent )
printf ( ", " );
printf ( "%.*s=", (int) obj -> members [ i ] . name . len, obj -> members [ i ] . name . str );
print_operand_value ( obj -> members [ i ] . value );
putchar ( ')' );
assert ( false );
void print_call ( VM * vm, u16 index, u8 arguments ) {
assert ( vm -> program . constant_count > index );
Constant constant = vm -> program . constant_pool [ index ];
assert ( constant . kind == CONSTANT_STRING );
assert ( arguments <= vm -> stack . size );
Value ** args = (Value**) malloc ( arguments * sizeof (Value*) );
for ( size_t i = arguments; i != 0; --i )
args [ i - 1 ] = ostack_pop ( & vm -> stack );
size_t arg = 0;
Str format = constant . string;
u8 c;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < format . len; ++i ) {
c = format . str [ i ];
if ( c == '\\' ) {
c = format . str [ i ];
switch ( c ) {
case '~':
putchar ( '~' );
case 'n':
putchar ( '\n' );
case '"':
putchar ( '"' );
case 'r':
putchar ( '\r' );
case 't':
putchar ( '\t' );
case '\\':
putchar ( '\\' );
assert ( false );
} else if ( c == '~' ) {
assert ( arg != arguments );
print_operand_value ( args [ arg++ ] );
} else
putchar ( c );
free ( args );
assert ( arg == arguments );
static inline u8 read_byte ( const u8 * data, size_t * pos ) {
return data [ (*pos)++ ];
static inline u16 read_u16 ( const u8 * data, size_t * pos ) {
u8 bytes [ 2 ] = { read_byte ( data, pos ), read_byte ( data, pos ) };
return (uint16_t) (255 & bytes [ 1 ]) << 8 | (255 & bytes [ 0 ]);
static inline i32 read_i32 ( const u8 * data, size_t * pos ) {
u8 bytes [4];
for ( size_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i )
bytes [ i ] = read_byte ( data, pos );
return (255 & bytes [ 3 ]) << 24 | (255 & bytes [ 2 ]) << 16 | (255 & bytes [ 1 ]) << 8 | (255 & bytes [ 0 ]);
static inline Class read_class ( const u8 * data, size_t * pos ) {
Class class;
u16 elements = read_u16 ( data, pos );
class . member_count = elements;
class . members = (u16*) malloc ( elements * sizeof (u16) );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < elements; ++i )
class . members [ i ] = read_u16 ( data, pos );
return class;
void read_header ( Str input, size_t * pos ) {
u8 bytes [4];
for ( size_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i )
bytes [ i ] = read_byte ( input . str, pos );
Str header;
header . str = bytes;
header . len = 4;
assert ( str_eq ( header, STR ( "FML\n" ) ) );
void read_constant_pool ( Program * program, Str input, size_t * pos ) {
program -> constant_count = read_u16 ( input . str, pos );
u8 tag;
Constant * constant_pool = (Constant*) malloc ( program -> constant_count * sizeof (Constant) );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < program -> constant_count; ++i ) {
tag = read_byte ( input . str, pos );
switch ( tag ) {
case 0x00:
constant_pool [ i ] = (Constant) { .kind = CONSTANT_INTEGER, .integer = read_i32 ( input . str, pos ) };
case 0x01:
constant_pool [ i ] = (Constant) { .kind = CONSTANT_NULL };
case 0x02: {
u32 len = (u32) read_i32 ( input . str, pos );
const u8 * start = input . str + *pos;
*pos += len;
constant_pool [ i ] = (Constant) { .kind = CONSTANT_STRING, .string = (Str) { .len = len, .str = start } };
case 0x03: {
u8 parameters = read_byte ( input . str, pos );
u16 locals = read_u16 ( input . str, pos );
u32 len = (u32) read_i32 ( input . str, pos );
const u8 * start = input . str + *pos;
*pos += len;
constant_pool [ i ] = (Constant) { .kind = CONSTANT_FUNCTION, .function = (ConstantFunction) { .parameters = parameters, .locals = locals, .len = len, .start = start } };
case 0x04:
constant_pool [ i ] = (Constant) { .kind = CONSTANT_BOOLEAN, .boolean = read_byte ( input . str, pos ) };
case 0x05: {
constant_pool [ i ] = (Constant) { .kind = CONSTANT_CLASS, .class = read_class ( input . str, pos ) };
program -> constant_pool = constant_pool;
void parse_program ( Program * program, Str input ) {
// read + check header
size_t pos = 0;
read_header ( input, &pos );
// read constant pool
read_constant_pool ( program, input, &pos );
// read globals
program -> globals = read_class ( input . str, &pos );
// read EP
program -> entry_point = read_u16 ( input . str, &pos );
void bc_function_call ( VM * vm, u8 arguments, bool is_function, Str * name ) {
Value * tmp [256];
arguments = is_function ? arguments : arguments - 1;
for ( size_t i = arguments; i > 0; --i )
tmp [ i - 1 ] = ostack_pop ( & vm -> stack );
Value * callee = ostack_pop ( & vm -> stack );
ConstantFunction function;
if ( is_function ) {
assert ( callee -> kind == VALUE_FUNCTION );
function = ((CFunctionValue*) callee ) -> function;
} else {
Value * field = NULL;
while ( callee -> kind == VALUE_OBJECT ) {
field = find_current_object_field ( callee, *name );
if ( field )
callee = ((ObjectValue*) callee ) -> extends;
if ( ! field ) {
Value * result = try_operator ( & vm -> heap, callee, tmp, arguments, name );
assert ( result );
ostack_push ( & vm -> stack, result );
assert ( field -> kind == VALUE_FUNCTION );
function = ((CFunctionValue*) field) -> function;
size_t local_count = function . parameters + function . locals;
Frame * new_frame = (Frame *) malloc ( sizeof (Frame) + local_count * sizeof (Value*) );
new_frame -> prev = vm -> local_frame;
new_frame -> return_ip = vm -> instruction_pointer;
vm -> local_frame = new_frame;
assert ( arguments + 1 == function . parameters );
if ( is_function )
new_frame -> locals [ 0 ] = make_null ( & vm -> heap );
new_frame -> locals [ 0 ] = callee;
for ( size_t i = 1; i <= arguments; ++i )
new_frame -> locals [ i ] = tmp [ i - 1 ];
for ( size_t i = arguments + 1; i < local_count; ++i )
new_frame -> locals [ i ] = make_null ( & vm -> heap );
u8 opcode;
for ( vm -> instruction_pointer = 0; vm -> instruction_pointer < function . len; ) {
opcode = read_byte ( function . start, & vm -> instruction_pointer );
switch ( opcode ) {
case 0x00:
// printf ("drop\n");
ostack_pop ( & vm -> stack );
case 0x01: {
u16 index = read_u16 ( function . start, & vm -> instruction_pointer );
// printf ("constant %u\n", index);
ostack_push ( & vm -> stack, alloc_constant ( vm, index ) );
case 0x02: {
// printf ("print\n");
u16 index = read_u16 ( function . start, & vm -> instruction_pointer );
u8 arguments = read_byte ( function . start, & vm -> instruction_pointer );
print_call ( vm, index, arguments );
ostack_push ( & vm -> stack, make_null ( & vm -> heap) );
case 0x03: {
// printf ("array\n");
Value * init = ostack_pop ( & vm -> stack );
Value * size = ostack_pop ( & vm -> stack );
assert ( size -> kind == VALUE_INTEGER );
size_t len = ((IntValue*) size) -> integer;
ArrayValue * array = (ArrayValue*) make_array ( & vm -> heap, len );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i )
array -> elements [ i ] = init;
ostack_push ( & vm -> stack, (Value*) array );
case 0x04: {
// printf ("object\n");
u16 index = read_u16 ( function . start, & vm -> instruction_pointer );
Constant constant = vm -> program . constant_pool [ index ];
assert ( constant . kind == CONSTANT_CLASS );
assert ( constant . class . member_count < vm -> stack . size );
ObjectValue * obj = create_object ( vm, & constant . class );
for ( size_t i = obj -> member_cnt; i > 0; --i )
obj -> members [ i - 1 ] . value = ostack_pop ( & vm -> stack );
obj -> extends = ostack_pop ( & vm -> stack );
ostack_push ( & vm -> stack, (Value*) obj );
case 0x05: {
// printf ("get field\n");
u16 index = read_u16 ( function . start, & vm -> instruction_pointer );
assert ( index < vm -> program . constant_count );
Constant name = vm -> program . constant_pool [ index ];
assert ( name . kind == CONSTANT_STRING );
Value * object = ostack_pop ( & vm -> stack );
assert ( object -> kind == VALUE_OBJECT );
Value ** field = get_object_field ( object, name . string );
assert ( field );
ostack_push ( & vm -> stack, *field );
case 0x06: {
// printf ("set field\n");
u16 index = read_u16 ( function . start, & vm -> instruction_pointer );
assert ( index < vm -> program . constant_count );
Constant name = vm -> program . constant_pool [ index ];
assert ( name . kind == CONSTANT_STRING );
Value * value = ostack_pop ( & vm -> stack );
Value * object = ostack_pop ( & vm -> stack );
assert ( object -> kind == VALUE_OBJECT );
Value ** field = get_object_field ( object, name . string );
assert ( field );
*field = value;
ostack_push ( & vm -> stack, value );
case 0x07: {
// printf ("method call\n");
u16 index = read_u16 ( function . start, & vm -> instruction_pointer );
u8 arguments = read_byte ( function . start, & vm -> instruction_pointer );
assert ( index < vm -> program . constant_count );
Constant name = vm -> program . constant_pool [ index ];
assert ( name . kind == CONSTANT_STRING );
bc_function_call ( vm, arguments, false, & name . string );
case 0x08: {
// printf ("function call\n");
u8 arguments = read_byte ( function . start, & vm -> instruction_pointer );
bc_function_call ( vm, arguments, true, NULL );
case 0x09: {
// printf ("set local\n");
u16 index = read_u16 ( function . start, & vm -> instruction_pointer );
assert ( index < local_count );
assert ( vm -> stack . size );
new_frame -> locals [ index ] = ostack_top ( & vm -> stack );
case 0x0A: {
// printf ("get local\n");
u16 index = read_u16 ( function . start, & vm -> instruction_pointer );
assert ( index < local_count );
ostack_push ( & vm -> stack, new_frame -> locals [ index ] );
case 0x0B: {
// printf ("set global\n");
u16 index = read_u16 ( function . start, & vm -> instruction_pointer );
assert ( index < vm -> program . constant_count );
Constant name = vm -> program . constant_pool [ index ];
assert ( name . kind == CONSTANT_STRING );
Value ** field = get_object_field ( vm -> globals, name . string );
assert ( field );
*field = ostack_top ( & vm -> stack );
case 0x0C: {
// printf ("get global\n");
u16 index = read_u16 ( function . start, & vm -> instruction_pointer );
assert ( index < vm -> program . constant_count );
Constant name = vm -> program . constant_pool [ index ];
assert ( name . kind == CONSTANT_STRING );
Value ** field = get_object_field ( vm -> globals, name . string );
assert ( field );
ostack_push ( & vm -> stack, *field );
case 0x0D: {
// printf ("cond");
i16 offset = (i16) read_u16 ( function . start, & vm -> instruction_pointer );
assert ( (i32) vm -> instruction_pointer >= offset && vm -> instruction_pointer + offset < function . len );
Value * cond = ostack_pop ( & vm -> stack );
if ( value_to_bool ( cond ) )
vm -> instruction_pointer += offset;
// printf (" %c\n", value_to_bool ( cond ) ? 'T' : 'F');
case 0x0E: {
i16 offset = (i16) read_u16 ( function . start, & vm -> instruction_pointer );
// printf ("jump %d from %lu\n", offset, vm -> instruction_pointer);
assert ( (i32) vm -> instruction_pointer >= - offset && vm -> instruction_pointer + offset < function . len );
vm -> instruction_pointer += offset;
case 0x0F: {
// printf ("ret\n");
Frame * tmp = vm -> local_frame;
vm -> local_frame = tmp -> prev;
vm -> instruction_pointer = tmp -> return_ip;
free ( tmp );
assert ( false );
free ( new_frame );
int vm_interpret ( VM * vm, Str input ) {
parse_program ( & vm -> program, input );
ostack_push ( & vm -> stack, alloc_constant ( vm, vm -> program . entry_point ) );
ObjectValue * obj = create_object ( vm, & vm -> program . globals );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < obj -> member_cnt; ++i )
obj -> members [ i ] . value = make_null ( & vm -> heap );
vm -> globals = (Value*) obj;
bc_function_call ( vm, 0, true, NULL );
return 0;