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  • vlasami6/ni-run-template
  • chybijan/ni-run
  • ruzict16/FML
  • rozhovoj/ni-run-template
  • skrabmir/cfml
  • plodeada/ni-run-plodeada
  • stepam38/ni-run
  • hrncikar/ni-run
  • balikvo1/ni-run
9 results
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Commits on Source (19)
......@@ -2,8 +2,25 @@ image: $CI_REGISTRY/vlasami6/fmltest:master
- meson setup build
- meson compile -C build
- cppcheck --error-exitcode=1 *.c
- env FML="$(readlink -f ./build/fml)" FML_REF_BC_INT=/cfml/fml /FMLtest/suite ast_interpret
- make
#- cppcheck --error-exitcode=1 *.c
- env FML="$(readlink -f ./fml)" FML_REF_BC_INT=/cfml/fml /FMLtest/suite ast_interpret
$(/FMLtest/suite show fml)
CFLAGS=-Wall -pedantic -Wextra -g #-fsanitize=address,undefined
.PHONY: init fml
all: init fml
fml: $(BUILD_DIR)/arena.o $(BUILD_DIR)/parser.o $(BUILD_DIR)/ast_interpreter.o $(SRC_DIR)/fml.c #$(BUILD_DIR)/%.o
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LFLAGS) $? -o $(OUTPUT)
%.o: $(SRC_DIR)/%.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@
$(BUILD_DIR)/ast_interpreter.o: $(SRC_DIR)/parser.o $(SRC_DIR)/ast_interpreter.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $? -o $@
$(BUILD_DIR)/parser.o: $(SRC_DIR)/parser.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@
$(BUILD_DIR)/arena.o: $(SRC_DIR)/arena.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@
mkdir -p build
File moved
File moved
This diff is collapsed.
#include "parser.h"
typedef enum {
} ValueType;
typedef struct Heap {
u8 * begin;
u8 * next;
u8 * end;
} Heap;
typedef struct Value {
ValueType kind;
} Value;
typedef struct SimpleEntry {
Str name;
Value * value;
} SimpleEntry;
typedef struct Object {
struct Value * extends;
size_t member_cnt;
SimpleEntry members [];
} Object;
typedef struct Array {
i32 length;
Value * members [];
} Array;
typedef struct NullValue {
Value kind;
} NullValue;
typedef struct IntValue {
Value kind;
i32 integer;
} IntValue;
typedef struct BoolValue {
Value kind;
bool boolean;
} BoolValue;
typedef struct FunctionValue {
Value kind;
AstFunction * function;
} FunctionValue;
typedef struct ObjectValue {
Value kind;
Value * extends;
size_t member_cnt;
SimpleEntry members [];
} ObjectValue;
typedef struct ArrayValue {
Value kind;
i32 length;
Value * elements [];
} ArrayValue;
typedef struct EnvironmentEntry {
struct EnvironmentEntry * next;
Str name;
Value * value;
} EnvironmentEntry;
typedef struct Environment {
struct Environment * prev;
EnvironmentEntry * start;
} Environment;
typedef struct ASTInterpreterState {
Heap * heap;
Environment global_env;
Environment * current_env;
} ASTInterpreterState;
bool value_to_bool ( Value * value );
void env_push ( ASTInterpreterState * state );
void env_pop ( ASTInterpreterState * state );
Value * env_get ( ASTInterpreterState * state, Str name );
void env_put ( ASTInterpreterState * state, Str name, Value * value );
void env_def ( ASTInterpreterState * state, Str name, Value * value );
void * heap_alloc_alligned ( Heap * heap, size_t len, size_t align );
void * heap_alloc ( Heap * heap, size_t len );
void heap_init ( Heap * heap, size_t heap_size );
void heap_destroy ( Heap * heap );
void state_init ( ASTInterpreterState * state, Heap * heap );
void state_destroy ( ASTInterpreterState * state );
Value * make_null ( ASTInterpreterState * state );
Value * make_int ( ASTInterpreterState * state, i32 val );
Value * make_bool ( ASTInterpreterState * state, bool val );
Value * make_function ( ASTInterpreterState * state, AstFunction * function );
Value * make_array ( ASTInterpreterState * state, size_t len );
Value * make_object ( ASTInterpreterState * state, size_t member_cnt );
Value * get_base ( Value * object );
Value ** get_object_field (Value * object, Str name );
Value * try_operator ( ASTInterpreterState * state, Value * object, Value ** arguments, size_t argc, Str * name );
Value * function_call ( ASTInterpreterState * state, Value * callee, bool is_function, Ast ** arguments, size_t argc, Str * name );
void print_value ( Value * value );
void fml_print ( Str format, Value ** args, size_t argc );
Value * evaluate ( ASTInterpreterState * state, Ast * ast );
int compare_entry ( const void * a, const void * b );
\ No newline at end of file
File moved
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "arena.h"
#include "parser.h"
#include "ast_interpreter.h"
#define AST_INTERPRETER_COMMAND "ast_interpret"
#define RUN "run"
#define HEAP_SIZE_COMMAND "--heap-size"
#define HEAP_LOG_COMMAND "--heap-log"
int main ( int argc, char **argv ) {
if ( argc < 2 ) {
fprintf( stderr, "Input error: expected at least one argument\n" );
return 1;
size_t heap_size = DEFAULT_HEAP_SIZE;
char * log_file = NULL;
u8 flag = 0;
u8 ast_interpret = 0;
size_t len;
int f = -1;
for ( int arg = 1; arg < argc; ++arg ) {
len = strlen ( argv [ arg ] );
for ( size_t j = 0; j < len; j++ )
argv [ arg ] [ j ] = tolower ( argv [ arg ] [ j ] );
if ( len == strlen ( AST_INTERPRETER_COMMAND ) && strncmp ( argv [ arg ], AST_INTERPRETER_COMMAND, len ) == 0 ) {
ast_interpret = 1;
f = ++arg;
} else if ( len == strlen ( RUN ) && strncmp ( argv [ arg ], RUN, len ) == 0 ) {
ast_interpret = 1;
for ( size_t opt = 0; opt < 2; ++opt ) {
len = strlen ( argv [ ++arg ] );
if ( len == strlen ( HEAP_SIZE_COMMAND ) && strncmp ( argv [ arg ], HEAP_SIZE_COMMAND, len ) == 0 ) {
heap_size = atoi ( argv [ ++arg ] );
if ( heap_size == 0 ) {
fprintf( stderr, "Input error: invalid heap size %s.\n", argv [ arg ] );
flag = 2;
} else if ( len == strlen ( HEAP_LOG_COMMAND ) && strncmp ( argv [ arg ], HEAP_LOG_COMMAND, len ) == 0 ) {
log_file = argv [ ++arg ];
f = ++arg;
} else {
fprintf( stderr, "Input error: unknown argument %s.\n", argv [ arg ] );
flag = 1;
if ( flag || f <= 0 )
return 1;
FILE * fp = fopen ( argv [ f ], "r" );
(void) log_file;
if ( ! fp ) {
fprintf ( stderr, "Input error: file does not exists.\n" );
return 1;
if ( fseek ( fp, 0, SEEK_END ) ) {
fprintf ( stderr, "Input error: could not advance to the end of the file.\n" );
return 1;
int file_len = ftell ( fp );
if ( file_len < 0 ) {
fprintf ( stderr, "Input error: could not count the size of the file.\n" );
return 1;
size_t flen = file_len;
rewind ( fp );
u8 * buffer = malloc ( flen );
if ( fread ( buffer, 1, flen, fp ) != flen ) {
fprintf ( stderr, "Input error: could not read to the file.\n" );
return 1;
fclose ( fp );
Arena arena;
arena_init( &arena );
Ast *ast = parse_src ( &arena, (Str) { .str = buffer, .len = flen } );
if ( ast == NULL ) {
fprintf ( stderr, "Failed to parse source\n" );
arena_destroy ( &arena );
return 1;
if ( ast_interpret ) {
ASTInterpreterState state;
Heap heap;
heap_init ( &heap, heap_size * 1024 * 1024 );
state_init ( &state, &heap );
evaluate ( &state, ast );
state_destroy ( &state );
free ( buffer );
arena_destroy( &arena );
return 0;
File moved
File moved