Michal Vlasák authoredMichal Vlasák authored
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demo1.c 49.37 KiB
// Michal Vlasák, FIT CTU, 2023
// An example of a practical use of DynASM, the dynamic assembler from the
// LuaJIT project by Mike Pall:
// https://luajit.org/dynasm.html
// An indespensable resource for use of DynASM, except for the official sources
// is the unofficial documentation by Peter Cawley and includes a tutorial and
// a reference for the DynASM API and the x86/x86-64 instructions:
// https://corsix.github.io/dynasm-doc/
// A great blog post introducing JITs and featuring DynASM has been written by
// Josh Haberman:
// https://blog.reverberate.org/2012/12/hello-jit-world-joy-of-simple-jits.html
// This example demonstrates a template JIT compilation of a program for a very
// simple stack machine. The bytecode design, an example program and the
// original interpreter implemenation is due to Martin Dørum:
// https://mort.coffee/home/fast-interpreters/
// Because of glibc versions before 2.37 by mistake didn't expose
// `MAP_ANONYMOUS` by default, and needed at least _BSD_SOURCE. But since 2.20,
// _BSD_SOURCE is deprecated and _DEFAULT_SOURCE should be used instead. Not
// ideal. See also feature_test_macros(7).
#define _BSD_SOURCE
// First, some generic includes.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <assert.h>
// These defines are very not not portable. But the rest of our program depends
// on bigger details of the x86-64 architecture anyways, so assuming that int is
// 32 bit signed integer (which dynasm also assumes) is least of our concerns.
typedef unsigned char u8;
typedef int i32;
typedef unsigned int u32;
// We need mmap and mprotect (on POSIX systems) or VirtualAlloc and
// VirtualProtect (on Windows). See their later use in this file.
#if _WIN32
#include <windows.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#if !defined(MAP_ANONYMOUS) && defined(MAP_ANON)
// For Macs we need to use MAP_JIT, we wrap it in `MAP_JIT_VALUE`, so we can be
// platform independent in the rest of the code. Also on Macs we have to
// explicitly invalidate the instruction cache for the processor to see the new
// executable code. This is a noop on x86-64 (otherwise we would also need to
// consider the issue on other operating systems), but let's hope that just this
// is enough to work on ARM64 based Macs with Rosetta 2.
#if defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__)
void sys_icache_invalidate(void *start, size_t len);
#define MAP_JIT_VALUE 0
// Before we include dynasm includes, we need to (or rather want to) define a
// few macros that these headers use. Skip ahead until you need to / want to
// understand this. They allow us to customize the signatures and bodies of all
// dynasm functions. Dynasm will translate assembly snippets in our C source by
// replacing them with calls to `dasm_put`, with `Dst` as the first argument,
// and then some other arguments we don't care about now.
// dasm_put(Dst, index, varargs...)
// Dynasm functions have signatures and bodies which look something like this:
// void
// dasm_X(Dst_DECL, ...)
// {
// Dst_REF = ...;
// ...
// dasm_State *D = Dst_REF;
// ...
// dasm_Y(Dst);
// ...
// }
// I.e. two more macros (`Dst_DECL` and `Dst_REF`) are used. The macro
// `Dst_DECL` will become part of the function signature and `Dst_REF` needs to
// be able to evaluate to an lvalue of `dasm_State *`, since dynasm function may
// assign to it.
// 1) Our dynasm state will be local to only one function, so a local variable
// holding the `dasm_State *` is sufficient there.
// 2) Because the dynasm functions need lvalue of `dasm_State *` we will need a
// level of indirection. For convenience we will have another local variable
// which will hold `dasm_State **`, i.e. a double pointer, whose dereference
// evaluates to an lvalue of `dasm_State *`.
// 3) Since dasm functions also use `Dst` internally, `Dst`, `Dst_DECL` and
// `Dst_REF` will necessarily have to use the same variable name. We pick the
// name `ds` to snad for "DynASM state".
// 4) To ensure consistent use, all our functions needing `dasm_State` will also
// use `Dst_DECL` in their signature and `Dst` to refer to the state, i.e. for
// example to call other dynasm functions which expect the same parameter. The
// canonical DynASM functions will then be able to extract `dasm_State *` and
// operate on that structure.
// This seemingly complicated scheme introduced by DynASM has a nice property -
// the state passed to DynASM functions is controlled by us. Other macros allow
// more customization of e.g. allocation in DynASM and by providing our state,
// we can customize how DynASM allocates memory. Also in real system, we would
// have more state than `dasm_State *` anyways, so our use could look like this
// instead:
// typedef struct {
// Heap heap;
// Program program;
// dasm_State *ds;
// } State;
// #define Dst state
// #define Dst_DECL State *state
// #define Dst_REF (sate->ds)
#define Dst ds
#define Dst_DECL dasm_State **ds
#define Dst_REF (*ds)
// Also last chance before we include the DynASM headers is to optionally enable
// some checks from DynASM. We'll have them enabled unconditionally, in practice
// we wouldn't have them enabled in a (sufficiently tested) release build.
// Now we can finally include the DynASM headers. The first one contains just
// the declarations of functions we can use or fallback definitions of macros,
// some of which we chose to override above. This header file is generic and
// applies to all dynasm backends regardless of architecture.
#include "dasm_proto.h"
// The second header file we include is specific for our architecture. Since we
// aim the x86-64 we need to include that. While the preprocessor has a separate
// file for the 64 bit version of x86, there is only one header common to both.
#include "dasm_x86.h"
// The `.arch` line tells the dynasm.lua prepreprocessor to load dasm_x64.lua,
// which knows the details of the x64 (x86-64) architecture. For this reason it
// has has to one of the first thing the preprocessor sees. But, this directive
// will also translate directly to some output: a check that the version of the
// preprocessor (dynasm.lua) is consistent with the header file (dasm_proto.h).
// So it can't be before the includes above.
//|.arch x64
// The above directive translates to something like this:
// #if DASM_VERSION != 10500
// #error "Version mismatch between DynASM and included encoding engine"
// #endif
// Dynasm allows us to write snippets of assembly after `|` ("pipe"), or in our
// version after `//|`. These snippets are preprocessed into calls to the
// `dasm_put` function which appends the code to an internal dasm buffer, which
// after several passess (done by functions which will be introduced in due
// time), we can extract and have an executable series of bytes, i.e. code
// generated at runtime. The biggest devises of dynasm are:
// 1) We write the assembly snippets directly into our C source, which makes it
// quite readable.
// 2) We can mix the assembly with regular C expressions. These expressions are
// written statically in the source (i.e. `4 * offset`), but their values
// can be different at different times `dynasm_put` is called (that is, when
// the C execution gets to our code between `//|`). This is nice when we
// have things with static _shapes_, but that can take advantage of having
// different constants being embedded in the assembly. For an example a
// bytecode `OP_GET_LOCAL index` instruction that sets the local at index
// `index` to the value at the top of the stack, probably has an index
// following it in the instruction stream. From the perspective of the
// interpreter, the index has to be loaded everytime any `OP_GET_LOCAL`
// instruction is executed, since different `GET_LOCAL` instructions can
// have different indices. But if we were to translate that instruction into
// assembly, we are always translating a concrete `GET_LOCAL` with a
// concrete index, so what we want to generate generally will be the same
// code, but with a different constant.
// Suppose that locals are 8 bytes and that base pointer to locals is in
// the register rbx, and that we want to push the value to the stack:
// if (op == OP_GET_LOCAL) {
// int index = READ_INDEX(ip + 1);
// | mov rax, [rbx + (index * 8)]
// | push rax
// }
// // Here `(index * 8)` is a regular C expression which will become the
// argument to `dasm_put`, i.e. `dasm_put(..., (index * 8))`, other arguments
// to `dasm_put` need to somehow encode the rest of the snippet, i.e. the
// instruction bytes:
// mov REG, [REG + CONST]
// push REG
// `.actionlist` results in static array of unsigned chars (i.e. bytes), which
// constitute a bytecode for the runtime portion of dynasm which performs the
// puts, links and encodes at runtime. Different `dasm_put` calls use different
// portions of this buffer. There can be only one `.actionlist` per file.
// The bytecode contains bytes that are translated literally into the output,
// these are bytes that directly correspond to encodings of instructions.
// The "encoding time constants", i.e. the C expressions are not put into the
// action list. First of all, these are C expressions, that dynasm doesn't know
// much about (it is a simple text based preprocessor), but also naturally these
// expressions evaluate to different values at runtime. Instead, the bytecode
// contains also dynasm instructions, which tell dynasm that for example, now it
// should take the next expression (passed to `dasm_put` as argument) or that it
// is now encoding a forward jump with a 4 byte offset, which should be reserved
// in the first pass, but resolved in a subsequent pass.
//|.actionlist our_dasm_actions
// The above directive translates to something like this:
// static const unsigned char our_dasm_actions[85] = {
// 83,85,72,137,229,72,187,237,237,255,249,204,255,104,237,255,
// 89,88,72,1,200, 80,255,72,184,237,237,72,191,237,237,94,252,
// ...
// };
// Generally most bytes correspond to instruction bytes directly, while the
// high bytes (233+ at the moment) are DASM instructions.
// Labels are a well known to anybody who has seen any assembly code. They allow
// us to refer to positions in the code (or data, ...) by human readable names,
// instead of the relative offsets or absolute positions the machine code needs.
// DynASM allows us to have a fixed set of global labels, and give us an array
// of pointers (`void *`) to them. So not only can we refer to these labels in
// DynASM snippets and DynASM will translate the use of those labels to
// probably relative offsets of jumps / calls, but we will also have absolute
// addresses of these labels and can e.g. call them directly, by casting these
// pointers to function pointers and calling them.
// For example we can define an "identity" function that just returns its first
// (and only argument). According to the AMD 64 System V ABI, the first
// arguments is passed in register rdi and the return value is supposed to be in
// the register rax, so our function marked with the global "MY_IDENTITY" label
// looks like this:
// |
// | mov rax, rdi
// | ret
// We can refer this function from any other snippet and DynASM will translate
// the relative call offset as appropriate:
// | mov rdi, 5
// | call ->MY_IDENTITY
// The situation with offsets is not that easy though (they are only 32 bit,
// even on x86-64 where the address space is 64 bit), but we'll come back to
// that later.
// Or after processing it, we can access take the address of the function
// (`void *`), cast it appropriately and call it. The addresses of all globals
// are stored in a single globals array, which we need to allocate ourselves.
// The global functions are referred to by the means of their symbolic names
// through a C enum, with a prefix. We set this prefix by use of the `.globals`
// dynasm preprocessor directive, which will translate to the enum with all
// global label names (with the prefix).
// void *our_dasm_labels[DASM_LBL__MAX];
// dasm_setupglobal(Dst, our_dasm_labels, DASM_LBL__MAX);
// // processing the snippet with the global label, as well as linking
// // and encoding of the code are omitted, but after that we could do:
// long (*identity)(long argument) = (long (*)(long)) dasm_labels[DASM_LBL_MY_IDENTITY];
// long five = identity(5);
// Above, `identity` is a pointer to function taking one argument of the type
// `long` and returning a `long`. This is the type of the identity function we
// defined above (since `long` is 64 bit on x86-64). We cast the `void *` from
// the globals array and store it in `identity` so that we can then call it.
// (In standard C casting between data pointers and function pointers is not
// allowed, and indeed it doesn't work on some architectures, but we are fine
// on x86-64.)
// Here we tell the dynasm preprocessor what prefix we want to use for the enum,
// and it will also translate to that enum:
//|.globals DASM_LBL_
// The above translates to something like:
// enum {
// };
// DynASM support multiple sectinons, though they are all currently limited to
// executable code, and "data" or "bss" sections are not supported. We will do
// with just one section for "code" we declare it here, which causes the
// preprocessor to define a couple of section related macros -- one for each
// section to give it an index, and one for the total number of sections that
// will came handy later, when we call `dasm_init` which needs to know the
// maximal number of sections we want to use.
//|.section code
// The above translates to something like:
// #define DASM_SECTION_CODE 0
// #define DASM_MAXSECTION 1
// In these days of virtual memory, most of the memory we can allocate won't be
// executable. So we need to allocate our own pages of memory, where we will put
// our code and make them executable. However, security-wise, having memory
// which is both writable and executable is far from ideal, so it is better to
// allocate writable pages, put our code into them and then make them
// executable, but not writable. That way the pages are never both writable and
// executable at the same time (this is known as W^X and even strictly enforced
// by some operating systems).
// Apart from the checks the below function is mostly a copy of the one from
// Peter Cawley's DynASM tutorial, we just do more checking with asserts and try
// to support Macs.
// What the function does, is that it receives a dynasm state, with some
// snippets already put into it with `dasm_put` which is essentially a first
// pass over the code, where we are just pasting together snippets and DynASM is
// interpolating them with the evaluations of the used expressions. `dasm_link`
// is the second pass we need to do on the pending code. The call to the
// function essentially tells dynasm that here our assembly pasting ends. It
// will do a pass over the code determining the relative offsets of labels, etc.
// and most importantly it will already figure out the final length of the
// code and return it to use through an output parameter. We use that size to
// allocate enough writable pages from the operating system and tell DynASM to
// encode the code there. This will not only allow us to mark those pages
// executable and have the code in an executable area, but also allows DynASM to
// know the final destination of the code, so it can finalize relative offsets
// to e.g. global labels, which (in general) are not in the pending piece of
// code. After we have the code in our buffer, we ask the operating to change
// the protection of the pages there to make the area non-writable, but
// executable. Finally we return a pointer (`void *`) to the start of the
// buffer. This leaves our function generic and we don't have to limit our
// linking and encoding to a single function signature -- the caller can cast in
// any way they like.
static void *
size_t size;
void* code;
assert(dasm_checkstep(Dst, 0) == DASM_S_OK);
assert(dasm_link(Dst, &size) == DASM_S_OK);
#ifdef _WIN32
code = VirtualAlloc(0, size, MEM_RESERVE | MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE);
assert(dasm_encode(Dst, code) == DASM_S_OK);
#ifdef _WIN32
DWORD original;
VirtualProtect(code, size, PAGE_EXECUTE_READ, &original);
mprotect(code, size, PROT_READ | PROT_EXEC);
#if defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__)
sys_icache_invalidate(code, size);
return code;
// All instructions implicitly bump the instruction pointer by their length
// after they are executed, unless stated otherwise.
enum op {
// Take 4 bytes from the instruction stream, interpret them as little
// endian two's complement signed integer and push them on to the stack.
// Pop `b` and `a` respectively from the stack, push `a + b` on to the
// stack.
// Pop a value from top of the stack and print it.
// Take a value from the input stream and advance the input position.
// Pop a value from top of the stack and don't use it for anything.
// Take 4 bytes from the instruction stream, interpret them as little
// endian two's complement signed integer to be used as an offset
// relative to the top of the stack (i.e. offset 0 corresponds to the
// 32 bit value on top of the stack, offset 1 corresponds to the 32 bit
// value 1 below the top of the stack). Push the value found on that
// offset (relative to the top of the stack) on top of the stack.
// Take 4 bytes from the instruction stream, interpret them as little
// endian two's complement signed integer to be used as an offset
// relative to the top of the stack (i.e. offset 0 corresponds to the
// 32 bit value on top of the stack, offset 1 corresponds to the 32 bit
// value 1 below the top of the stack). Pop a value from top of the
// stack. Assign the value to the slot at the offset (relative to the
// top of the stack).
// Pop `b` and `a` respectively from top of the stack. Compare them and
// push a positive value to the top of the stack if `a` is bigger then
// `b`, negative value if `b` is bigger than `a` and 0 if `a` is equal
// to `b`.
// Take 4 bytes from the instruction stream, interpret them as little
// endian two's complement signed integer to be used as an offset in the
// instruction stream. Pop a value from top of the stack. If the value
// is positive, then apply the offset (in bytes) to the current
// instruction pointer. Note that the offset is relative to the start
// of the `OP_JGT` instruction, i.e. the instruction pointer is only
// bumped by the length of the instruction in case the conditional
// jump isn't executed.
// Halt the execution of the program.
static void *
compile(u8 *program, size_t program_len)
// Here is the promised local variable holding the `dasm_State *`
// itself. Though as defined with the macros above, we and other
// functions will generally use it with the name `ds` and expect a
// double pointer.
dasm_State *dasm_state;
dasm_State **ds = &dasm_state;
// Each state has to be initialized with a call to `dasm_init`. As
// promised, we use the macro `Dst`, instead of referring to `ds`
// directly. This gives us more consistency with rest of the functions
// and calls and is flexible. In any case the name `Dst` is referred to
// by the `dasm_put` calls generated by the preprocessor. The second
// argument tells DynASM the number of sections we will be using. We
// only need 1, the section for all our code, but we also diligently used
// the `.section` directive above and told DynASM what names we wanted
// to give to our sections (we chose "code" for our single one) and thus
// now have available the macro DASM_MAXSECTION generated by the
// preprocessor.
dasm_init(Dst, DASM_MAXSECTION);
// We are not using global labels and in a simple template JIT likely
// won't find the need, but we sill need to setup the globals, because
// local labels can only be used when global labels are setup. And local
// labels come handy pretty quickly (our snippets may need to contain
// loops for example).
void *our_dasm_labels[DASM_LBL__MAX];
dasm_setupglobal(Dst, our_dasm_labels, DASM_LBL__MAX);
// Now that we have our dynasm state initialized, we potentially want to
// reuse it to assemble multiple pastings of templates and not just one.
// Calling `dasm_init` and `dasm_free` everytime is an option, but we
// can just reuse the same state. We just have to initialize each
// "trace" with a call to `dasm_setup`, which we have to do even if we
// want to process a single "trace" like we are doing in this example.
// So here it is. We have to provide the byte array prepared by the
// preprocessor. There can only be one `.actions` directive per file,
// which means that all `dasm_put` calls in one file are based on that
// single actions array (called `our_dasm_actions` in this case), so we
// really don't want to pass anything other here. (One could
// probably have different files with different `.actions`, but
// "templates" from different files couldn't be mixed since DASM stores
// the current actions in its internal state and it can't be changed in
// any other way than `dasm_setup`, which resets the state.)
dasm_setup(Dst, our_dasm_actions);
// We want to translate jumps from the bytecode to jumps in the assembly
// code and want dynasm to figure out the (relative) offsets as needed
// by the instructions. For example our `OP_JGT` instruction has an
// immediate operand which is the (byte) offset to apply in case a jump
// should be taken. The machine code encodes similarly a relative offset
// for a (conditional) jump, but it will be a different one than the one
// in the bytecode. Since there is a potentially arbitrary number of
// instructions in the bytecode we want to compile, we can't possibly
// use local labels (1:, ..., 9:), because there are only 9 of them and
// already want to be able to use them for local control flow (in one or
// possible more templates pasted together) such as conditional
// execution or loops. Global labels are also not suitable, because
// these have symbolic names and we would have a hard time encoding
// things like "instruction 5 needs to jump 8 bytes back, which is a
// beginning of another instruction".
// DynASM has us covered and offers "pc labels", also called "dynamic
// labels", which are just positive integers (internally used as
// indices). These labels are dynamic, because the integers are
// determined at the time of `dasm_put`, i.e. they can be arbitrary C
// expressions that can evaluate to different values at different times
// the snippet is pasted (also called "encoding-time constants"). So
// again same shape (snippet), but with different values. We will be
// using these labels in a really straightforward way - we'll want to
// have a dynamic label for each instruction. When we encounter a jump
// instruction, we can just point the jump to the dynamic label of the
// destination. This works fine for backward as well as forward jumps,
// as with all labels, DynASM is able to resolve relative offsets,
// because it does multiple passes on the code. This is even simpler
// than our compiler, which had to "fixup" forward jumps!
// Because the dynamic labels are indices to a DynASM internal array, we
// need to "preallocate" the ones we'll need, and if we ever need more,
// we'll have to allocate more. This is done with call to `dasm_growpc`.
// After call to `dasm_growpc(Dst, N)`, dynamic labels 0 through at
// least N - 1 will be available to us.
// Our bytecode is a compact serialization - instructions have different
// lengths and jumps are based on byte offsets. We will go for a simple
// route and instead of somehow numbering the instructions from 0 to
// the number of instructions (and then figuring out the forward jump
// destinations in a second pass), we'll just have a dynamic label for
// each _byte_. Then even for forward jumps we are able to calculate
// their byte offset in the instruction stream, where we will be put an
// appropriate dynamic label later, and DynASM will resolve it in its
// second pass. Having a label for each _byte_ is potentially
// really wasteful as a lot of instructions have lengthy immediates, but
// it's really simple. (The dynamic labels and the backing array are
// also reused for multiple runs, if we don't `dasm_free` immediately,
// but just `dasm_setup` before each run).
dasm_growpc(Dst, program_len);
// Now we have a fully initialized DynASM state for this round of
// pasting together some assembly snippets. Remember that the lines with
// assembly preceded with `//|` will be translated to calls to
// `dasm_put(...)`. So indeed what we are just doing is by controlling
// the C execution we determine which assembly snippets we want to paste
// together. With DynASM we can form arbitrary pieces of code, but we
// somehow need to execute the code. We of course know how to execute
// some other code in assembly - jump to it or call it. Both essentially
// do a similar thing - through a relative offset or absolute address
// stored in a register they change the instruction pointer (and call
// additionally pushes to the stack the previous instruction pointer
// which pointed to the _next_ instruction, so after we return from the
// call, we can just resume the execution).
// But we want to also somehow jump to our code from C. Unlike the
// popular belief, the semantics of "goto statements" in C are not such
// low level as a jumps in assembly, so we'll have to do with function
// calls. All functions in C respect something that is called the ABI
// of the platform, the "Application Binary Interface". The set of rules
// for low level code, so that e.g. functions compiled with one compiler
// can call functions compiled with another compiler. The ABI is usually
// specific to both the current processor architecture (e.g. x86-64),
// because the instruction set is really constraining us in what our
// "binaries" may look like, as well as the operating system (e.g.
// Linux), because not only we somehow need to communicate with the
// operating system, but they historically evolved differently and e.g.
// have different needs, so the ABI differs. Importantly for us, the ABI
// defines sizes of C integer types (e.g. `long` is 64-bit on x86-64
// Linux, but 32-bit on x86-64 Windows) as well as how parameters and
// return values are passed. For simplicity we will care only about
// the System V x86-64 ABI, used notably by Linux and other operating
// systems.
// https://gitlab.com/x86-psABIs/x86-64-ABI
// https://gitlab.com/x86-psABIs/x86-64-ABI/-/jobs/artifacts/master/raw/x86-64-ABI/abi.pdf?job=build
// Notably, Windows has a custom x86-64 ABI:
// https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/build/x64-calling-convention?view=msvc-170
// See also a blog post by Eli Bendersky:
// https://eli.thegreenplace.net/2011/09/06/stack-frame-layout-on-x86-64
// Here is the System V ABI 101 (imprecise, but enough to get going):
// First 6 arguments are passed in registers (left-to-right):
// 1. rdi
// 2. rsi
// 3. rdx
// 4. rcx
// 5. r8
// 6. r9
// The return value is expected to be in the register rax. If there are
// more than 6 arguments they pushed on to the stack right-to-left. Even
// arguments that are smaller than 64 bits use the full registers to be
// passed. Small-ish structs are passed as if all the struct members
// were passed as arguments separately.
// These registers are _callee_ saved (i.!e. the function that called us
// expects the values in these registers to be preserved, so we, the
// callee, need to preserve the registers by not using them or restoring
// them to their original values):
// rbp ("base pointer")
// rsp ("stack pointer")
// rbx
// r12
// r13
// r14
// r15
// These registers are _caller_ saved (i.e. we as the callee can use
// them freely, since if the caller needs the their values they need to
// save the values anyway, on the other hand if we call some other
// function, we are the caller and the function can possibly change any
// of the registers, so we have to save the values if we need them):
// rdi
// rsi
// rdx
// rcx
// r8
// r9
// rax
// r10
// r11
// Notably all registers used for parameter passing are caller saved.
// Obviously the return value register is also caller saved, but note
// that the callee is free to change it also in the case there is no
// return value ("the functions returns void").
// Now is a good time to decide on how and where to store the data we
// need. We won't need the program at runtime, since it will be
// hardcoded into the code (including the immediates, etc.), but we will
// need the stack (since we will just translate the bytecode for stack
// machine into assembly, not change its workings substantially) and
// also a pointer to the current input position.
// The pointer to inputs will be passed to us as an argument - this is
// the runtime data that our program will process. The `OP_INPUT`
// instructions take one 32 bit number from the input and advance the
// input pointer (by 4 bytes). We assume that the caller provided
// sufficient number of inputs for the program at hand, so we don't
// necessarily need the length of the input nor check it at runtime.
// Since it is our only argument it will be in rdi, but that is a caller
// saved register and when we later execute `OP_PRINT`, we are the
// caller, so we need to save the register. We could either `push` and
// `pop` rdi around each call, or move the argument to a callee saved
// register, which we can save once in the entry to the function and
// restore once at the end of the function. This makes for a much
// simpler book keeping, though as always, if we save multiple callee
// saved registers with `push`, we have to restore them with `pop` in
// the _reverse_ order.
// For stack, we'll just use the x86-64 (call) stack. `OP_PUSH` will
// translate directly to `push` and `OP_POP` directly to `pop`. These
// instructions change the value of `rsp`, which though a "general
// purpose register" is usually used as the stack pointer exactly
// because some instructions can manipulate it compactly (`call` is
// another example of an instruction that implicitly changes the stack
// pointer by pushing the return address). So for us `rsp` will
// represent pointer to the top of the stack, and we will have to
// embrace its constraints. In particular `rsp` points to the position
// where the current top of the stack _is_, not one past it like other
// schemes do, and the stack grows downwards. So top of the stack is at
// offset zero from top of the stack, and if we want to push a value to
// the stack, we first need to decrement the stack pointer and then put
// the value at the stack pointer position, while to pop we need to
// read the value from the current stack pointer and then increment it.
// I.e. pre-decrement push and post-increment pop (we would get another
// combination if the stack pointer pointed one past the top of the
// stack, or the stack grew upwards). While we have to keep that in
// mind, this is what the `push` / `pop` instructions will do for us,
// and we won't have to do it manually). See also another blog post by
// Eli Bendersky, which has illustrations:
// https://eli.thegreenplace.net/2011/02/04/where-the-top-of-the-stack-is-on-x86/
// (Note that the blog post concerns x86 whose stack operations are 32
// bit, while on x86-64 stack operations are 64 bit, e.g. push
// instructions decrement the stack by 8).
// Here comes the entry to our function, the "prologue". Here we usually
// want to save all the callee saved registers that we intend to use.
// Usually prologue starts with "push rbp" and "mov rbp, rsp", which
// establish the "stack frame" (also called "call frame"), see the
// linked blog posts by Eli Bendersky for details. Instead we start by
// pushing rbx. We will use this callee save register to store the input
// pointer -- while the caller passes us the input pointer as the first
// argument in rdi, it would get clobbered once we call other function
// ourselves. Storing it in a callee saved register and
// storing/restoring the register on entry/exit keeps the management
// simple. Callee The thing is that the execution of the program may
// leave some values on the stack. By resetting the rbp we could get
// easily rid of them, though it would need for us to address
// relatively to the rsp to restore rbx if it were pushed after rbp.
// So we simply push it before (and this restore it with pop after we
// restore the base pointer).
//| push rbx
//| push rbp
//| mov rbp, rsp
//| mov rbx, rdi
// Now we will go through all instructions and translate them one by
// one. For each instruction we have a snippet of assembly, that will be
// interpolated with value computed from embedded C expressions
// ("encoding-time constants").
u8 *instrptr = program;
u8 *end = program + program_len;
// This macro is a helper, which reads a 4 byte immediate operand from
// a position one byte behind the instruction pointer (which skips the
// opcode).
#define OPERAND() ((i32) ( \
((u32)instrptr[1] << 0) | \
((u32)instrptr[2] << 8) | \
((u32)instrptr[3] << 16) | \
((u32)instrptr[4] << 24)))
while (instrptr < end) {
// Read the current opcode, which distinguishes the current
// instruction.
enum op op = (enum op)*instrptr;
// Put here a label corresponding to this instructions byte
// offset. Any preceding or following jumps to this instruction
// will find this label. Note that we cast the offset to an
// `int`. This is because DynASM expects all arguments to
// `dasm_put` to `int`s. As mentioned above, in this ABI `int`
// is 32 bit, so all values passed to DynASM are limited to the
// 32 bit range. This is mostly OK, since in the x86-64 most
// immediates encoded in the instruction stream are also limited
// to 4 bytes. This 32 bit limitation is thus a limitation of
// our target architecture, not necessarily of DynASM, and we
// have to somehow deal with that.
// Note that in this case, it's unlikely that we would have
// programs larger than 4 gigabytes, i.e. offset would not fit
// into 32 bits. But even shorter programs could produce x86-64
// executable code larger than 4 gigabytes, and there 32 bit
// relative offsets for jumps and calls would also not be
// enough.
// Also at the start of the instruction, there is a (commented
// out) `int3` instruction. Comment with `//!` (i.e. two forward
// slashes and exclamation mark) is not a special syntax
// understood by DynASM, just something different than `//|`,
// but still a C comment. The `int3` instruction is a "trap to
// the debugger". So if you were to uncomment it and run this
// program in debugger, the debugger would stop before each
// executed (jitted) bytecode instruction. This can be very
// useful for debugging, also if paired with a print of some
// debug information before/after each trap.
int offset = (int) (instrptr - program);
//|=> offset:
//! int3
// The above will be translated to roughly:
// dasm_put(..., offset);
// We could have also said:
// |=> (int) (instrptr - program)
// Which would translate to:
// dasm_put(..., (int) (instrptr - program));
// There is nothing much more magic about the embedded C
// expressions - DynASM handles them textually, and they are
// evaluated at runtime like ordinary C expressions and passed
// as arguments to `dasm_put`. Note that officially the
// evaluation order of arguments is undefined in C, so it might
// a good idea to explicitly evaluate the expressions before
// using them in assembly snippets, if they can have side
// effects, and even if they don't.
switch (op) {
// If the next instruction is `OP_CONSTANT` we need to
// append the code for it, we do it by having an
// assembly snippet here, which translates to
// `dasm_put`. The instruction has an immediate operand
// which we read with a macro and store it in a variable
// before passing it to the snippet. While the
// `OP_CONSTANT` instruction is generic and an
// interpreter has to load the constant from bytecode
// everytime, this particular `OP_CONSTANT` will always
// have this one same operand, so we can just
// embed it in the code. The below translates to `push 4`
// if the operand in the instruction stream is
// the number 4. This will be pattern matched by DynASM
// to be a push of 32 bit immediate (see the unofficial
// DynASM instruction reference or other x86-64
// instruction references). This is perfect for us,
// since we want to push a 32 bit value. If we wanted
// to push 64 bit value, we would first have to somehow
// get the value to a register (see later) and then use
// `push REG`, because there just isn't an instruction
// that is able to push 64 bit immediates. DynASM won't
// do that for us automatically. What's worse the
// argument (passed as vararg) is expected to be an int,
// so passing larger values will only result in silent
// truncation. Beware!
i32 operand = OPERAND();
//| push operand
// This instruction is 5 bytes long, we have to advance
// the instruction pointer by 5 bytes and switch on the
// opcode to decide on what to compile next.
instrptr += 5; break;
case OP_ADD: {
// Pop the second argument, pop the first argument, add
// the second to the first and push their result. The
// operations here are 64 bit. Since stacks work with 64
// bit values, the `pop`s and `push`es have to be 64 bit,
// but the arithmetic doesn't -- we could just as well
// have written `add eax, ecx` to operate on 32 bit
// parts of the registers (which will zero out the
// upper 32 bits). It would have save us a byte in the
// encoding of the instructions and be slightly faster
// in runtime (adding 32 bits is faster than adding 64),
// but we don't care about such small improvements.
//| pop rcx
//| pop rax
//| add rax, rcx
//| push rax
instrptr += 1; break;
case OP_PRINT: {
// Printing is a little tricky. Barring system calls, we
// have to call an external function to do the print.
// This could be either our own function, or
// even one from external library, like `printf`.
// There is one problem though normal calls are based on
// signed 32 bit relative offsets, while the x86-64
// space is 64 bit, so call targets can be much further
// than +-2 GiB. Here we find ourselves at runtime,
// where both the static and dynamic loader/linker
// have already figured out where everything in the
// memory is, after all, our program is already
// running. So for example the (64 bit) address of the
// `printf` function is already known. But since we have
// not yet mmaped pages for our code, we don't know
// whether it will be close to `printf`!. DynASM has the
// capability to handle external names through a
// callback which will let us handle that in the
// encoding stage where we already know the
// destination of our code, but let's not go that far
// right now. What we can do is use an _indirect_
// through a register - we will store the 64 bit address
// of `printf` in a register, and then call it
// with `call REG`. Most instructions don't allow 64 bit
// immediate operands, but one does, DynASM calls it
// fittingly `mov64`, but other assemblers call it
// `movabs`. It can store a 64 bit immediate in a
// register. Perfect for us. Though there is another
// problem, since the parameters to `dasm_put` are all
// 32 bit integers (`int`), how are we going to pass it
// to DynASM? Well, DynASM preprocessor knows that the
// instruction operand is special and handles it by
// passing the lower 32 bits and upper 32 bits
// separately. Since the argument to `dasm_put` is
// determined by a simple text substitution, and here
// the argument will be evaluated twice, we should be
// even more careful about complex expressions and side
// effects.
// To printf, we also have to pass the format string as
// a second argument, we also take its address and move
// it into a register as 64 bit immediate. The second
// argument should be the number to print -- we pop that
// from the stack into a register. Finally we call the
// function with an indirect call instruction.
// Note that we cast the addresses to integers to avoid
// compiler warnings (because dynasm follows it with
// truncation to 32 bits or extraction of upper 32 bits
// respectively.
// It is important to note, that printf respects the
// ABI, so we have to presume it destroys the
// values in caller saved registers, we only store our
// state in rbx, so we our fine.
//| mov64 rax, ((uintptr_t) printf)
//| mov64 rdi, ((uintptr_t) "%zd\n")
//| pop rsi
//| call rax
// The above is translated to roughly the following:
// dasm_put(...,
// (unsigned int)(((uintptr_t) printf)),
// (unsigned int)((((uintptr_t) printf))>>32),
// (unsigned int)(((uintptr_t) "%zd\n")),
// (unsigned int)((((uintptr_t) "%zd\n"))>>32)
// )
instrptr += 1; break;
case OP_INPUT: {
// We have to read 32 bits from the place where rbx (the
// input pointer) points to and advance it by
// those 32 bits so next time we read the next input
// value.
// For reading a 32 bit value (aka dword) from memory,
// we could just issue a read into some 32 bit
// register, like `eax`, i.e. `mov eax, [rbx]`, which
// says "read a 32 bit value from a 64 bit address
// stored in the rbx register. The size of the read is
// determined implicitly from the (in this case
// destination) register size. In cases involving
// immediates, we usually have to specify whether we are
// storing an 8/16/32/64 bit immediate by including the
// right keyword for the size (`byte`, `word`, `dword`,
// `qword` respectively). But we can also include these
// keywords when they are not necessary, if we prefer
// that, as we do below by specifying "dword read", even
// though it would have been implicit from the use of
// `eax` as the destination.
//| mov eax, dword [rbx]
//| push rax
//| add rbx, 4
instrptr += 1; break;
case OP_DISCARD: {
// We just `pop` into a register and don't use the
// value. That is what `OP_DISCARD` really is. Okay,
// since we don't do anything interesting with the
// value, we could just increment the stack pointer with
// `add rsp, 8`, which would have saved a load to `rax`,
// but since we don't care about preserving `rax`, and
// use `push` and `pop` instructions in other places, so
// we do it for consistency.
//| pop rax
instrptr += 1; break;
case OP_GET: {
// For `OP_GET` we have a 32 bit immediate operand which
// we will have to use as an offset to the top of the
// stack. The offset is in number of elements, and in
// our case each elements is 8 bytes. Since we load the
// both the constant 8 and the operand as well as the
// result of their multiplication are runtime known
// values, but constants from the point of view of the
// instruction - the multiplication is performed now and
// the instruction will only contain the offset
// as an immediate, for example if operand is 5, the
// instruction will have the immediate value 40 encoded
// in it. The way we do that below is slightly risky, we
// put the multiplication and read of the operand in the
// assembly snippet. The syntax may seem similar to the
// well known complex addressing modes of x86-64, where
// for example `[rsp + 8 * rax]` would mean of the
// possible addressings. The trick here is that DynASM
// expects to see `[rsp + rax * 8]`, so it isn't
// confused by the leading `8 *`. Since `8 * OPERAND()`
// is an encoding time constant, an entirely different
// addressing mode will be used `[REG + IMMEDIATE]`.
// Evaluating the "constant" before the assembly snippet
// and storing it in a variable would have probably made
// it much clearer.
//| mov rax, [rsp + 8 * OPERAND()]
//| push rax
// The above translates roughly to:
// dasm_put(..., 8 * OPERAND());
instrptr += 5; break;
case OP_SET: {
// There isn't anything interesting to `OP_SET`, we
// pop a value from top of the stack and then store it
// to an offset from (the new) top of the stack.
//| pop rax
//| mov [rsp + 8 * OPERAND()], rax
instrptr += 5; break;
case OP_CMP: {
// Here we need to compare two numbers and push a
// positive number / negative number / zero as
// appropriate. Let's not use setcc, and instead
// showcase some local control flow using local labels.
// Remember, the "arrows" (`<`, `>`) of local labels
// point in the direction where the label is defined,
// here we refer to forward labels only. The labels are
// also purely based on the order of the instructions,
// i.e. the order dasm receives them in, lexical order
// in the C source doesn't matter at all.
//| pop rcx
//| pop rax
//| cmp rax, rcx
//| jg >1
//| je >2
//| push -1
//| jmp >3
//| push 1
//| jmp >3
//| push 0
instrptr += 1; break;
case OP_JGT:
// Conditional branch based on whether the top of the
// stack is a positive number. We set the flags based on
// the top of the stack by popping it into a register
// and then testing the register with itself. This
// effectively compares the register to zero, so we can
// use the "greater than" conditional jump. The relative
// byte offset to the destination is encoded in
// the instruction stream, so we figure out the
// (absolute) byte offset from the beginning, which also
// is the index of dynamic label we either already put
// there, or will later.
int offset = (int) (instrptr - program + OPERAND());
//| pop rax
//| test rax, rax
//| jg => offset
instrptr += 5; break;
case OP_HALT:
// When the code compiled by us encounters this
// instruction, it should halt the execution, since we
// structure the code as a function, here is the right
// place for return -- an epilogue including a `ret`
// instruction.
// In our scheme we decided to first save rbx and then
// rbp/rsp, so here we do the reverse - restore the base
// and stack pointers and then restore rbx to the
// caller's value.
//| mov rsp, rbp
//| pop rbp
//| pop rbx
//| ret
instrptr += 1; break;
// We `dasm_put` all snippets. Now we need to link and encode them. See
// the description of the function for more details.
void *code = link_and_encode(Dst);
// Here we could keep the same DASM state, call `dasm_setup` and
// continue with compilation of other programs, we just needed this
// single one. (Also in the case we wanted to compile more programs, we
// would probably split the dasm state initialization and
// deinitialization into separate functions called just once, which
// would have made it possible to use the same state with the `compile`
// function multiple times.
return code;
main(int argc, char **argv)
// Here we have a program to multiply two numbers, the entire program,
// just like the bytecode is due to Martin Dørum, be sure to check his
// blog post for details:
// https://mort.coffee/home/fast-interpreters/
u8 program[] = {
OP_CONSTANT, 0, 0, 0, 0,
OP_GET, 0, 0, 0, 0,
OP_GET, 3, 0, 0, 0,
OP_SET, 0, 0, 0, 0,
OP_GET, 1, 0, 0, 0,
OP_CONSTANT, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, // -1 32-bit little-endian (two's complement)
OP_SET, 1, 0, 0, 0,
OP_GET, 1, 0, 0, 0,
OP_CONSTANT, 0, 0, 0, 0,
OP_JGT, 0xd5, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, // -43 in 32-bit little-endian (two's complement)
OP_GET, 0, 0, 0, 0,
// The input for us are just two command line arguments.
if (argc != 3) {
fprintf(stderr, "Expected exactly 2 arguments\n");
return 1;
i32 input[] = { atoi(argv[1]), atoi(argv[2]) };
// Compile the program by calling the compile function with the program
// and its size.
void(*fun)(i32 *input) = compile(program, sizeof(program));
// And run the function passing it pointer to the input array. We don't
// pass the length, the compiled program doesn't need it -- it expects
// the input array to be of sufficient length.
return 0;